Shiny for Python: Button Kwargs? - keyword-argument

Where is a documented list of kwargs I can pass to buttons (download, inputs, etc.) in Python shiny?
That's really all I need to get my first shiny app where I want it to be.
A "What's the Magic Words?" Situation
My app's workflow looks something like...
a user uploads a file
the user commands the app to do some work
the app enables a button for to download the results
I would like to do things like use icons for buttons and disable the download button until after the user commanded the app to do work. The issue is that I cannot figure out what the kwargs are (or if they are in the correct form: a dict, list of tuples, etc.)
What I Have Tried
From the documentation and this useful tutorial, I have gathered that I can use ui.update_select() to toggle the button's state, but I just don't know (and can't find) the magical keyword! The kwargs for the buttons do not show up in the documentation.
Normally I would resort to finding an example, but only the pure R Shiny shows up. Their attributes don't seem to work as kwargs in Python Shiny or I am phrasing these wrong. (A dict seems to make the most sense here...)


Asynchronously loading drop down menu - Flutter

I am trying to build a form with a phone input that includes country codes. Essentially, I am trying to make something a lot like this:
I already found and cleaned a list of flags, countries, and their codes, and built the method that creates a DropdownMenuItem for an arbitrary index. I then construct a list of them and pass it to the DropdownButton widget. It's all very simple, so I don't think the code is necessary. However, because I have so many countries, and therefore menu items, the menu lags significantly when opening. So, I was wondering if drop down menus are capable of loading large numbers of widgets in a smarter fashion than it seems they do.
Can a drop down menu could load the first 10 or so widgets around the selected index and display them, as that is all that will be in view initially, and then load the rest of the widgets asynchronously? I suspect that this will require a custom drop down menu, but I am not very well versed in the implementation of Flutter's drop down menu, so I am unsure of how to proceed with this.
Any help is appreciated.
I don't think that "loading" is the actual problem here, more likely it's the rendering/building of the widgets. You can improve the situation by using something like a ListView.builder that builds items on demand.
It seems like the default dropdown system is not based on a ListView.
You can create your own version of the dropdown (like a complete customized copy of the classes), which will require quite quite a lot of work and research.
Or alternatively, use something like a SimpleDialog with an embedded ListView to display the list. Like this one for Android.

Autocomplete/suggest functionality in an applescript input box

I am trying to build an applescript dialog that helps me keep track of the things I am working on. To make it really effective I'd like to have it look up items from my todo list and suggest them as I type a la google suggest or other javascript autocomplete functionality.
I was thinking it would be fairly simple if I just captured the input of the # key, which I wanted to use to denote project or the # key for tasks and at that point started matching the input to my list of tasks or projects. For example, lets say I type:
"Worked on feature for #"
At this point the input of the # would start capturing keyboard input and try to suggest one of the projects on my todo list. This is where I am stuck. It seems like I should be able to attach a listener or something to my input box but I can't seem to find any examples or reference to such functionality.
You can't do this with applescript. You need to build your own window in a cocoa application and then hook into the NSTextField's methods to do this. It's not too difficult but it requires a whole different set of skills than applescript.

Modifying Messagebox?

Heloo there? Is there any way to change the color [back and forecolor] of a Messagebox? Iam using VB6.0... Thanks in advance!
To the best of my knowledge, there is no way to do this. There is, however, a typical workaround.
The most common method for creating custom "message boxes" in VB6 is to create a new form in your project that acts specifically as a message box. You Show it when you need it, and then Hide or Unload it when the user clicks "OK" or "Cancel" or whatever. You can size the form the same as (or differently from) a MsgBox, create the buttons you want, make the colors as you choose, etc. Whenever you would have a message box pop up to tell the user something, you will instead call this form and change the text/color/other variables to whatever you need them to be.
This may seem annoying at first, but once you've done it once, it's very easy to see how useful a tool this new form template can become. It's code you might find yourself frequently reusing between various applications.
If you need any help with forms or form events, this is a pretty good basic tutorial which should tell you most of what you need to make this work:
Good luck!

Descriptive label names in a desktop application

I have an application that displays a dialog when the user needs to enter information. The reason for this, is to keep the main form readonly, and only when you need to add/edit data will a dialog appear.
The problem I'm wrestling with is what to display for the label names in the dialog. The application is a WPF desktop app and traditionally desktop apps are very short on label names (usually one or two words). I want to make the dialog user friendly and be more descriptive about the information that is required. Web developers seem to be catching on to this and are much more descriptive with their label names, but most of the forms I've looked at are forms that are only filled in once, whereas I will have data that can be edited.
An example: If I had a label that asked a user if an employee smoked, in most a destop apps the label would normally be something like 'Smokes?' with a checkbox, whereas I want something like 'Does the employee smoke?'. My issue with this is, that the first time you come across this dialog and enter the data, then it seems OK, but what about when you are editing data that is already there. Does this label now make any sense. Past tense and present tense seem to be getting in my way and I was interested in what people think or ways they have approached this. The application I'm writing is a WPF app and I feel that traditional label names are a bit old in the tooth now.
Another example would be entering contact details for a person. Do I just have labels that say Phone, Fax, Email or something more descriptive. i.e. a label that appears before the textboxes stating 'Enter the contact details below' and then the single word labels?
Maybe I'm just being pedantic about all this, but I would like to take a step forward so that my application contains more than single word labels that are sometimes unclear to the user about what is required.
Why not make use of the concise labels and use Tool tips for a longer explanation.
The longer explanation is only required when a user is unfamiliar with the application anyway.
Also, you could re-word a label to make it sound more like a question such as "Is a Smoker?"
Since you are using Stack Overflow, take note of their use of tooltips, I think Jeff Attwood has a blog post or comments in a podcast about the use of tooltips in SO. I can't remember where I heard / read it.
Have you thought about creating a "quickstart" flow or wizard for entering data for the first time? This would give you the opportunity to guide the user through the process, using labels with descriptions, so that they learn to associate the description with the label you've chosen (hopefully something succinct but intuitive). Then when they need to edit data, they have learned the application taxonomy.
If you are running into issues with tenses, steer clear of using verbs or only use the present tense. I would try using nouns - "smoker?" instead of "smokes?"
When you're asking for common data like phone numbers, email addresses, you can probably assume that the user will understand what you mean. Just be clear as to whose contact information you are asking for - using a title for the field set that is explicit is a good idea ("Employee Contact Details"), adding a short description above the field set will help too.
Of course, you should always do some level of usability testing on your application before you launch it to uncover any issues with the interface.

How to design a linear GUI program

I'm making a simple Qt application. It has 4 screens/pages:
Start import
Select folder to import images to
Accept or reject each image in folder, and when no images left:
"No images left" and an OK button.
I can't figure out the best way to implement this. I started off with a QWidget, but this quickly got unmanageable.
Is a QWizard too constrained?
EDIT: Part of the problem with QWizard is it seems to always have "Back" and "Next" buttons. I don't want those as options in this program, so this leads me to believe that a wizard isn't exactly what I'm after.
I'm going to disagree slightly on using a QWizard here. It would be fairly easy to do, but in this case I think it might be easier to just use a QStackedWidget and swap the widget shown based on what you want the user to be able to do. This is likely what is done inside QWizard anyway, without some of the complication for running the buttons and moving back and forth. You also might want to take a look at the state machine stuff they're looking at adding soon, since you're application could so easily be split into states.
I think a QWizardPage is your best bet.
You can disable the 'back' on a QWizardPage by using setCommitPage(True) on it.
You'll also have to override nextId for the 'variable' amount of QWizardPages you want in between step 2 and 4.
here (basic) and here are examples of QWizards.
You can make QWizardPages for your screens and add them to a QWizard. With registerField() you can register fields to communicate between pages.
I didn't test this, but i guess you can control the button layout of QWizard with
Create a dialog with a "Start Import" button on top. When the user clicks this:
Populate a QFormLayout :
The layout should have a checkbox and the label is the name of the picture to import. I'm not sure of your requirements, but you could also display a thumbnail of the image.
The user just checks the images he wants.
Then at the bottom have a "Save..." button. When the user clicks this, a Save As dialog appears. You save all the checked images, discard the others.
If there are no images, change the "Save..." button text to "OK", and display a QLabel with the "No images left" string. You can switch between the QLabel and QFormLayout using a QStackedWidget.
Checkout this article on QFormLayout:
Option: Get rid of the "Start Import" button. Have the app automatically populate the QFormLayout on startup (possibly in constructor if its fast enough).
