How does a JIT compiler compile a function that contains a call to another non-jitted function or virtual call - compilation

I understand what JIT compilers do, it uses counters to detect hot codes and compiles them, and stores them in the code cache, so that next time the function won't need to be interpreted. But this brings me to two questions:
How does a JIT compiler compile a function that contains calls to other non-jitted functions. Calls to other non-jitted functions need to let the jitted function, which is the native code, calls the outside function that is still supposed to be executed through the interpreter of the JIT compiler.
The second one is a variant of the first one. How does a JIT compiler compile a function that contains a virtual call? it seems that it has to hard-code the vtable lookup procedure into the native code, but what will happen if the vtable is living in the virtual machine, then there must be a way to access the vtable inside the generated native code, but how could this be done, if the virtual machine is implemented using a language like C or C++ maybe you can hard-code the memory address of the vtable into the native code, but how can I do the same if the virtual machine is implemented in some managed language that its users are not encouraged to, or simply cannot access the address of an object, and even if I can access the address the object might be moved during the compact phase of the garbage collector.


How can an ebpf program change kernel execution flow or call kernel functions?

I'm trying to figure out how an ebpf program can change the outcome of a function (not a syscall, in my case) in kernel space. I've found numerous articles and blog posts about how ebpf turns the kernel into a programmable kernel, but it seems like every example is just read-only tracing and collecting statistics.
I can think of a few ways of doing this: 1) make a kernel application read memory from an ebpf program, 2) make ebpf change the return value of a function, 3) allow an ebpf program to call kernel functions.
The first approach does not seem like a good idea.
The second would be enough, but as far as I understand it's not easy. This question says syscalls are read-only. This bcc document says it is possible but the function needs to be whitelisted in the kernel. This makes me think that the whitelist is fixed and can only be changed by recompiling the kernel, is this correct?
The third seems to be the most flexible one, and this blog post encouraged me to look into it. This is the one I'm going for.
I started with a brand new 5.15 kernel, which should have this functionality
As the blog post says, I did something no one should do (security is not an issue since I'm just toying with this) and opened every function to ebpf by adding this to net/core/filter.c (which I'm not sure is the correct place to do so):
static bool accept_the_world(int off, int size,
enum bpf_access_type type,
const struct bpf_prog *prog,
struct bpf_insn_access_aux *info)
return true;
bool export_the_world(u32 kfunc_id)
return true;
const struct bpf_verifier_ops all_verifier_ops = {
.check_kfunc_call = export_the_world,
.is_valid_access = accept_the_world,
How does the kernel know of the existence of this struct? I don't know. None of the other bpf_verifier_ops declared are used anywhere else, so it doesn't seem like there is a register_bpf_ops
Next I was able to install bcc (after a long fight due to many broken installation guides).
I had to checkout v0.24 of bcc. I read somewhere that pahole is required when compiling the kernel, so I updated mine to v1.19.
My python file is super simple, I just copied the vfs example from bcc and simplified it:
bpf_text_kfunc = """
extern void hello_test_kfunc(void) __attribute__((section(".ksyms")));
return 0;
b = BPF(text=bpf_text_kfunc)
Where hello_test_kfunc is just a function that does a printk, inserted as a module into the kernel (it is present in kallsyms).
When I try to run it, I get:
/virtual/main.c:25:5: error: cannot call non-static helper function
And this is where I'm stuck. It seems like it's the JIT that is not allowing this, but who exactly is causing this issue? BCC, libbpf or something else? Do I need to manually write bpf code to call kernel functions?
Does anyone have an example with code of what the lwn blog post I linked talks about actually working?
eBPF is fundamentally made to extend kernel functionality in very specific limited ways. Essentially a very advanced plugin system. One of the main design principles of the eBPF is that a program is not allowed to break the kernel. Therefor it is not possible to change to outcome of arbitrary kernel functions.
The kernel has facilities to call a eBPF program at any time the kernel wants and then use the return value or side effects from helper calls to effect something. The key here is that the kernel always knows it is doing this.
One sort of exception is the BPF_PROG_TYPE_STRUCT_OPS program type which can be used to replace function pointers in whitelisted structures.
But again, explicitly allowed by the kernel.
make a kernel application read memory from an ebpf program
This is not possible since the memory of an eBPF program is ephemaral, but you could define your own custom eBPF program type and pass in some memory to be modified to the eBPF program via a custom context type.
make ebpf change the return value of a function
Not possible unless you explicitly call a eBPF program from that function.
allow an ebpf program to call kernel functions.
While possible for a number for purposes, this typically doesn't give you the ability to change return values of arbitrary functions.
You are correct, certain program types are allowed to call some kernel functions. But these are again whitelisted as you discovered.
How does the kernel know of the existence of this struct?
Macro magic. The verifier builds a list of these structs. But only if the program type exists in the list of program types.
/virtual/main.c:25:5: error: cannot call non-static helper function
This seems to be a limitation of BCC, so if you want to play with this stuff you will likely have to manually compile your eBPF program and load it with libbpf or cilium/ebpf.

How does the kernel stop you using malloc?

I know that you can't use malloc inside a kernel module because all functions used in the kernel must be defined in the kernel, but how exactly does the kernel achieve this lock-down?
It's not so much that it's locked down. It's just that your kernel module has no idea where malloc() is. The malloc() function is part of the C standard library, which is loaded alongside programs in userspace. When a userland program is executed, the linker will load the shared libraries needed by the program and figure out where the needed functions are. SO it will load libc at an address, and malloc() will be at some offset of that. So when your program goes to call malloc() it actually calls into libc.
Your kernel module isn't linked against libc or any other userspace components. It's linked against the kernel, which doesn't include malloc. Your kernel driver can't depend on the address of anything in userspace, because it may have to run in the context of any userspace program or even in no context, like in an interrupt. So the code for malloc() may not even be in memory anywhere when your module runs. Now if you knew that you were running in the context of a process that had libc loaded, and knew the address that malloc() was located at, you could potentially call that address by storing it in a function pointer. Bad things would probably happen though, possibly including a kernel panic. You don't want to cross userspace and kernelspace boundaries except through sane, well defined interfaces.
When you write a module for the kernel you just don't have this functions in your header files. And you don't have it in the files you are linking with.
Also the malloc's implementation is a procedure calling system calls. System calls moves you to hypervisor and calls the kernel's code. There is no point doing it while in hypervisor mode.
You can see it here in more details.

How much of shared object is loaded to memory

If there is a shared object file say which is made up of two object files Component_1.o and Compononet_2.o.
And there is an application which links to but is only using Compononent_1.o functions.
Will the entire shared object i.e will be loaded into memory when application runs and uses shared object file or just the Component_1.o ?
Is there an option available in gcc compiler to toggle this behaviour of only loading the required symbols from a shared object ?
Well, it depends on what you mean by 'loaded'.
The dynamic linker will map all of the library into the process's virtual memory space and will fill in entries in the executable's import table for each library function used with the addresses of functions in the shared library. But filling in the import table doesn't actually load from those addresses, so they won't be loaded into physical memory.
From then on, the library code will be paged into physical memory on demand when the function is called, just like any other pageable memory in the process's virtual address space. If a function is never called (directly from the application or indirectly from another library function called by the application), it won't be paged in. (Well, paging occurs with page size granularity, so you might pull in a function the application doesn't call if it's next to a function it does call. Some compilers use profile-guided optimization to place functions commonly called together next to each other to minimize the number of pages used.)
(Aside: if your library wasn't compiled to use position-independent code and it's loaded at its non-default base address, the linker will need to fix up addresses in the code when it's loaded, which would cause the entire library to be paged in. This could be done lazily when each page is first loaded, though I'm not sure which linkers do this.)

When using CoTaskMemAlloc, should I always call CoTaskMemFree?

I'm writing some COM and ATL code, and for some reason all the code uses CoTaskMemAlloc to allocate memory instead of new or malloc. So I followed along this coding style and I also use CoTaskMemAlloc.
My teachers taught me to always delete or free when allocating memory. However I'm not sure if I should always be calling CoTaskMemFree if I use CoTaskMemAlloc?
Using the CRT's provided new/malloc and delete/free is a problem in COM interop. To make them work, it is very important that the same copy of the CRT both allocates and releases the memory. That's impossible to enforce in a COM interop scenario, your COM server and the client are practically guaranteed to use different versions of the CRT. Each using their own heap to allocate from. This causes undiagnosable memory leaks on Windows XP, a hard exception on Vista and up.
Which is why the COM heap exists, a single predefined heap in a process that's used both by the server and the client. IMalloc is the generic interface to access that shared heap, CoTaskMemAlloc() and CoTaskMemFree() are the system provided helper functions to use that interface.
That said, this is only necessary in a case where the server allocates memory and the client has to release it. Or the other way around. Which should always be rare in an interop scenario, the odds for accidents are just too large. In COM Automation there are just two such cases, a BSTR and a SAFEARRAY, types that are already wrapped. You avoid it in other cases by having the method caller provide the memory and the callee fill it in. Which also allows a strong optimization, the memory could come from the caller's stack.
Review the code and check who allocates the memory and who needs to release it. If both exist in the same module then using new/malloc is fine because there's now a hard guarantee that the same CRT instance takes care of it. If that's not the case then consider fixing it so the caller provides the memory and releases it.
The allocation and freeing of memory must always come from the same source. If you use CoTaskMemAlloc then you must use CoTaskMemFree to free the memory.
Note in C++ though the act of managing memory and object construction / destruction (new / delete) are independent actions. It's possible to customize specific objects to use a different memory allocator and still allow for the standard new / delete syntax which is preferred. For example
class MyClass {
void* operator new(size_t size) {
return ::CoTaskMemAlloc(size);
void* operator new[](size_t size) {
return ::CoTaskMemAlloc(size);
void operator delete(void* pMemory) {
void operator delete[](void* pMemory) {
Now I can use this type just like any other C++ type and yet the memory will come from the COM heap
// Normal object construction but memory comes from CoTaskMemAlloc
MyClass *pClass = new MyClass();
// Normal object destruction and memory freed from CoTaskMemFree
delete pClass;
The answer to the question is: Yes, you should use CoTaskMemFree to free memory allocated with CoTaskMemAlloc.
The other answers do a good job explaining why CoTaskMemAlloc and CoTaskMemFree are necessary for memory passed between COM servers and COM clients, but they didn't directly answer your question.
Your teacher was right: You should always use the corresponding release function for any resource. If you use new, use delete. If you use malloc, use free. If you use CreateFile, use CloseHandle. Etc.
Better yet, in C++, use RAII objects that allocate the resource in the constructor and release the resource in the destructor, and then use those RAII wrappers instead of the bare functions. This makes it easier and cleaner to write code that doesn't leak, even if you get something like an exception.
The standard template library provides containers that implement RAII, which is why you should learn to use a std::vector or std::string rather than allocating bare memory and trying to manage it yourself. There are also smart pointers like std::shared_ptr and std::unique_ptr that can be used to make sure the right release call is always made at the right time.
ATL provides some classes like ATL::CComPtr which are wrapper objects that handle the reference counting of COM objects for you. They are not foolproof to use correctly, and, in fact, have a few more gotchas than most of the modern STL classes, so read the documentation carefully. When used correctly, it's relatively easy to make sure the AddRef and Release calls all match up.

using LoadLibrary, effect performance?

when you dynamically load a library at runtime using LoadLibrary in windows (C++), does it load into memory the same as the rest of your program, or might there be some overhead associated with calling functions referenced from that library?
In other words, if you plan on making frequent calls to a function, will it be just as fast from the library as it would if you linked it into you program at compile-time, or do you lose some performance?
(This is not related to libraries that link to or against a program during compile-time via .lib/.a files.)
Once dll is loaded and function pointer variable is initialized by GetProcAddress, there isn't any overhead in function call.
