can TextWebSocketFrame be declared with static and final? - websocket

In Netty, send messages are like this:
channel.writeAndFlush(new TextWebSocketFrame("Operation Succeed"));
to run this code, nothing abnormal. so I think, argument from writeAndFlush can be extracted to a static and final variable like this:
public class LogicHandler extends SimpleUserEventChannelHandler<WebSocketServerProtocolHandler.HandshakeComplete> {
static final TextWebSocketFrame SUCCEED = new TextWebSocketFrame("Operation Succeed");
protected void eventReceived(ChannelHandlerContext context, WebSocketServerProtocolHandler.HandshakeComplete arg) {; // the client received empty content
to run this codes,
abnormal things happen:
the client(WebSocket from Chrome browser) received the message but empty content
Are there any ideas that i can do with it?
remove the method "retain" can not solve the problem, the only way is to remove static and final keyword.

Because the underlying ByteBuf's readerIndex is updated once used. You can reuse it by reset the readerIndex, like below. But this code is thread-unsafe, it can cause problems when there are multiple connections.
public static class LogicHandler extends SimpleUserEventChannelHandler<WebSocketServerProtocolHandler.HandshakeComplete> {
static final TextWebSocketFrame SUCCEED = new TextWebSocketFrame("Operation Succeed");
protected void eventReceived(ChannelHandlerContext context, WebSocketServerProtocolHandler.HandshakeComplete arg) {
This is thread-safe
public static class LogicHandler extends SimpleUserEventChannelHandler<WebSocketServerProtocolHandler.HandshakeComplete> {
static final TextWebSocketFrame SUCCEED = new TextWebSocketFrame("Operation Succeed");
protected void eventReceived(ChannelHandlerContext context, WebSocketServerProtocolHandler.HandshakeComplete arg) {;


How to handle Access Denied properly in Vaadin 14 LTS

I started implementing authentication and authorization for our applications written in Spring Boot (2.2.6.RELEASE) and Vaadin 14 LTS (14.6.1).
I have followed those resources:
Securing your app with Spring Security
Router Exception Handling
I have code for checking whether logged-in user has access rights to specified resources implemented in beforeEnter method. The problem is with invocation of event.rerouteToError(AccessDeniedException.class);. It tries to create an instance of the specified exception with reflection but fails because it does not contain public no-arg constructor.
private void beforeEnter(final BeforeEnterEvent event) {
if (!AuthView.class.equals(event.getNavigationTarget()) && !AuthUtils.isUserLoggedIn()) {
if (!AuthUtils.isAccessGranted(event.getNavigationTarget())) {
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Unable to create an instance of ''. Make sure the class has a public no-arg constructor.
at com.vaadin.flow.internal.ReflectTools.createProxyInstance(
at com.vaadin.flow.internal.ReflectTools.createInstance(
at com.vaadin.flow.router.BeforeEvent.rerouteToError(
at com.vaadin.flow.router.BeforeEvent.rerouteToError(
What can be the best solution for that case? I am thinking about two possible solutions:
First instantiate AccessDeniedException and then pass it to overloaded method in BeforeEvent: public void rerouteToError(Exception exception, String customMessage) which should skip creating exception object by reflection
Create dedicated ErrorView and use method public void rerouteTo(Class<? extends Component> routeTargetType, RouteParameters parameters) of BeforeEvent
I decided to follow Leif Åstrand's answer. I created custom AccessDeniedException and appropriate error handler. Here is my implementation. Maybe it will be helpful for someone.
public class AccessDeniedException extends RuntimeException {
private final int code;
public AccessDeniedException() {
this.code = HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN;
public int getCode() {
return code;
#CssImport(value = "./styles/access-denied-view.css")
#CssImport(value = "./styles/access-denied-box.css", themeFor = "vaadin-details")
public class AccessDeniedExceptionHandler extends VerticalLayout implements HasErrorParameter<AccessDeniedException> {
private final Details details;
public AccessDeniedExceptionHandler() {
this.details = new Details();
this.details.addThemeVariants(DetailsVariant.REVERSE, DetailsVariant.FILLED);
public final int setErrorParameter(final BeforeEnterEvent event, final ErrorParameter<AccessDeniedException> parameter) {
final int code = parameter.getException().getCode();
this.details.setSummaryText(getTranslation("common.error.403.header", code));
this.details.setContent(new Text(getTranslation(parameter.getException().getMessage())));
return code;
I would recommend creating a custom exception type instead of reusing AccessDeniedException from Spring. In that way, you don't have to deal with the required error message at all.
As you mentioned in your first solution, you could do:
event.rerouteToError(new AccessDeniedException("Navigation target not permitted"), "");
or maybe also specify the customMessage if you want. If you see the implementation of the rerouteToError(Class) method, it just passes empty customMessage and creates the Exception - which you could do manually and that's completely acceptable. I recommend this solution.
Another solution could be to subclass AccessDeniedException and use that with reflection:
public class RouteAccessDeniedException extends AccessDeniedException {
public RouteAccessDeniedException() {
super("Navigation target not permitted");
I don't recommend this solution.

Add camel route at runtime using end points configured in property file

I own a spring application and want to add camel routes dynamically during my application startup.End points are configured in property file and are loaded at run time.
Using Java DSL, i am using for loop to create all routes,
for(int i=0;i<allEndPoints;i++)
DynamcRouteBuilder route = new
private class DynamcRouteBuilder extends RouteBuilder {
private final String from;
private final String to;
private MyDynamcRouteBuilder(CamelContext context, String from, String to) {
this.from = from; = to;
public void configure() throws Exception {
but getting below exception while creating first route itself
Failed to create route file_routedirect: at: >>> OnException[[class org.apache.camel.component.file.GenericFileOperationFailedException] -> [Log[Exception trapped ${exception.class}], process[Processor#0x0]]] <<< in route: Route(file_routedirect:)[[From[direct:... because of ref must be specified on: process[Processor#0x0]\n\ta
Not sure about it- what is the issue ? Can someone has any suggestion or fix for this. Thanks
Well, to create routes in an iteration it is nice to have some object that holds the different values for one route. Let's call this RouteConfiguration, a simple POJO with String fields for from, to and routeId.
We are using YAML files to configure such things because you have a real List format instead of using "flat lists" in property files (route[0].from, route[0].to).
If you use Spring you can directly transform such a "list of object configurations" into a Collection of objects using #ConfigurationProperties
When you are able to create such a Collection of value objects, you can simply iterate over it. Here is a strongly simplified example.
public void configure() {
void createConfiguredRoutes() {
// Implement route that is added in an iteration
private void addRouteToContext(final RouteConfiguration routeConfiguration) throws Exception {
this.camelContext.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() {
public void configure() throws Exception {

Mockito: Verifying a method was called with a functional parameter

I have a simple scenario in which am trying to verify some behavior when a method is called (i.e. that a certain method was called with given parameter, a function pointer in this scenario). Below are my classes:
public class Application {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ConfigurableApplicationContext context =, args);
AppBootStrapper bootStrapper = context.getBean(AppBootStrapper.class);
public class AppBootStrapper {
private NetworkScanner networkScanner;
private PacketConsumer packetConsumer;
public AppBootStrapper(NetworkScanner networkScanner, PacketConsumer packetConsumer) {
this.networkScanner = networkScanner;
this.packetConsumer = packetConsumer;
public void start() {
public class NetworkScanner {
private List<Consumer<String>> consumers = new ArrayList<>();
public void startScan(){
Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor().submit(() -> {
while(true) {
// do some scanning and get/parse packets
consumers.forEach(consumer -> consumer.accept("Package Data"));
public void addConsumer(Consumer<String> consumer) {
public class PacketConsumer {
public void consumePacket(String packet) {
System.out.println("Packet received: " + packet);
public class AppBootStrapperTest {
public void start() throws Exception {
NetworkScanner networkScanner = mock(NetworkScanner.class);
PacketConsumer packetConsumer = mock(PacketConsumer.class);
AppBootStrapper appBootStrapper = new AppBootStrapper(networkScanner, packetConsumer);
verify(networkScanner, times(1)).startScan();
I want to verify that bootStrapper did in fact do proper setup by registering the packet consumer(there might be other consumers registered later on, but this one is mandatory) and then called startScan. I get the following error message when I execute the test case:
Argument(s) are different! Wanted:
networkScanner bean.addConsumer(
-> at com.spring.starter.AppBootStrapperTest.start(
Actual invocation has different arguments:
networkScanner bean.addConsumer(
-> at com.spring.starter.AppBootStrapper.start(
From the exception, clearly the function pointers aren't the same.
Am I approaching this the right way? Is there something basic I am missing? I played around and had a consumer injected into PacketConsumer just to see if it made a different and that was OK, but I know that's certainly not the right way to go.
Any help, perspectives on this would be greatly appreciated.
Java doesn't have any concept of "function pointers"; when you see:
What Java actually compiles is (the equivalent of):
networkScanner.addConsumer(new Consumer<String>() {
#Override void accept(String packet) {
This anonymous inner class happens to be called AppBootStrapper$$Lambda$7. Because it doesn't (and shouldn't) define an equals method, it will never be equal to the anonymous inner class that the compiler generates in your test, which happens to be called AppBootStrapperTest$$Lambda$8. This is regardless of the fact that the method bodies are the same, and are built in the same way from the same method reference.
If you generate the Consumer explicitly in your test and save it as a static final Consumer<String> field, then you can pass that reference in the test and compare it; at that point, reference equality should hold. This should work with a lambda expression or method reference just fine.
A more apt test would probably verify(packetConsumer, atLeastOnce()).consumePacket(...), as the contents of the lambda are an implementation detail and you're really more concerned about how your component collaborates with other components. The abstraction here should be at the consumePacket level, not at the addConsumer level.
See the comments and answer on this SO question.

ApacheConnector does not process request headers that were set in a WriterInterceptor

I am experiencing problems when configurating my Jersey Client with the ApacheConnector. It seems to ignore all request headers that I define in a WriterInterceptor. I can tell that the WriterInterceptor is called when I set a break point within WriterInterceptor#aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext). Contrary to that, I can observe that the modification of an InputStream is preserved.
Here is a runnable example demonstrating my problem:
public class ApacheConnectorProblemDemonstration extends JerseyTest {
private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(JerseyTest.class.getName());
private static final String QUESTION = "baz", ANSWER = "qux";
private static final String REQUEST_HEADER_NAME_CLIENT = "foo-cl", REQUEST_HEADER_VALUE_CLIENT = "bar-cl";
private static final String REQUEST_HEADER_NAME_INTERCEPTOR = "foo-ic", REQUEST_HEADER_VALUE_INTERCEPTOR = "bar-ic";
private static final int MAX_CONNECTIONS = 100;
private static final String PATH = "/";
public static class TestResource {
public String handle(InputStream questionStream,
#HeaderParam(REQUEST_HEADER_NAME_CLIENT) String client,
#HeaderParam(REQUEST_HEADER_NAME_INTERCEPTOR) String interceptor)
throws IOException {
assertEquals(REQUEST_HEADER_VALUE_CLIENT, client);
// Here, the header that was set in the client's writer interceptor is lost.
assertEquals(REQUEST_HEADER_VALUE_INTERCEPTOR, interceptor);
// However, the input stream got gzipped so the WriterInterceptor has been partly applied.
assertEquals(QUESTION, new Scanner(new GZIPInputStream(questionStream)).nextLine());
return ANSWER;
public static class ClientInterceptor implements WriterInterceptor {
public void aroundWriteTo(WriterInterceptorContext context)
throws IOException, WebApplicationException {
context.setOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(context.getOutputStream()));
protected Application configure() {
return new ResourceConfig(TestResource.class);
protected Client getClient(TestContainer tc, ApplicationHandler applicationHandler) {
ClientConfig clientConfig = tc.getClientConfig() == null ? new ClientConfig() : tc.getClientConfig();, makeConnectionManager(MAX_CONNECTIONS));
// If I do not use the Apache connector, I avoid this problem.
clientConfig.connector(new ApacheConnector(clientConfig));
if (isEnabled(TestProperties.LOG_TRAFFIC)) {
clientConfig.register(new LoggingFilter(LOGGER, isEnabled(TestProperties.DUMP_ENTITY)));
return ClientBuilder.newClient(clientConfig);
private static ClientConnectionManager makeConnectionManager(int maxConnections) {
PoolingClientConnectionManager connectionManager = new PoolingClientConnectionManager();
return connectionManager;
public void testInterceptors() throws Exception {
Response response = target(PATH)
assertEquals(200, response.getStatus());
assertEquals(ANSWER, response.readEntity(String.class));
I want to use the ApacheConnector in order to optimize for concurrent requests via the PoolingClientConnectionManager. Did I mess up the configuration?
PS: The exact same problem occurs when using the GrizzlyConnector.
After further research, I assume that this is rather a misbehavior in the default Connector that uses a HttpURLConnection. As I explained in this other self-answered question of mine, the documentation states:
Whereas filters are primarily intended to manipulate request and
response parameters like HTTP headers, URIs and/or HTTP methods,
interceptors are intended to manipulate entities, via manipulating
entity input/output streams
A WriterInterceptor is not supposed to manipulate the header values while a {Client,Server}RequestFilter is not supposed to manipulate the entity stream. If you need to use both, both components should be bundled within a or within the same class that implements two interfaces. (This can be problematic if you need to set two different Prioritys though.)
All this is very unfortunate though, since JerseyTest uses the Connector that uses a HttpURLConnection such that all my unit tests succeeded while the real life application misbehaved since it was configured with an ApacheConnector. Also, rather than suppressing changes, I wished, Jersey would throw me some exceptions. (This is a general issue I have with Jersey. When I for example used a too new version of the ClientConnectionManager where the interface was renamed to HttpClientConnectionManager I simply was informed in a one line log statement that all my configuration efforts were ignored. I did not discover this log statement til very late in development.)

Can you think of a better way to only load DBbUnit once per test class with Spring?

I realise that best practise may advise on loading test data on every #Test method, however this can be painfully slow for DBUnit so I have come up with the following solution to load it only once per class:
Only load a data set once per test class
Support multiple data sources and those not named "dataSource" from the ApplicationContext
Roll back of the inserted DBUnit data set not strictly required
While the code below works, what is bugging me is that my Test class has the static method beforeClassWithApplicationContext() but it cannot belong to an Interface because its static. Therefore my use of Reflection is being used in a non Type safe manner. Is there a more elegant solution?
* My Test class
#TestExecutionListeners({DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class, DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener.class, DbunitLoadOnceTestExecutionListener.class})
public class TestClass {
public static final String TEST_DATA_FILENAME = "Scenario-1.xml";
public static void beforeClassWithApplicationContext(ApplicationContext ctx) throws Exception {
DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.getBean("dataSourceXyz");
IDatabaseConnection conn = new DatabaseConnection(ds.getConnection());
IDataSet dataSet = DbUnitHelper.getDataSetFromFile(conn, TEST_DATA_FILENAME);
InsertIdentityOperation.CLEAN_INSERT.execute(conn, dataSet);
public void somethingToTest() {
// do stuff...
* My new custom TestExecutioner
public class DbunitLoadOnceTestExecutionListener extends AbstractTestExecutionListener {
final String methodName = "beforeClassWithApplicationContext";
public void beforeTestClass(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
Class<?> clazz = testContext.getTestClass();
Method m = null;
try {
m = clazz.getDeclaredMethod(methodName, ApplicationContext.class);
catch(Exception e) {
throw new Exception("Test class must implement " + methodName + "()", e);
m.invoke(null, testContext.getApplicationContext());
One other thought I had was possibly creating a static singleton class for holding a reference to the ApplicationContext and populating it from DbunitLoadOnceTestExecutionListener.beforeTestClass(). I could then retrieve that singleton reference from a standard #BeforeClass method defined on TestClass. My code above calling back into each TestClass just seems a little messy.
After the helpful feedback from Matt and JB this is a much simpler solution to achieve the desired result
* My Test class
#TestExecutionListeners({DependencyInjectionTestExecutionListener.class, DirtiesContextTestExecutionListener.class, DbunitLoadOnceTestExecutionListener.class})
public class TestClass {
private static final String TEST_DATA_FILENAME = "Scenario-1.xml";
// must be static
private static volatile boolean isDataSetLoaded = false;
// use the Qualifier to select a specific dataSource
private DataSource dataSource;
* For performance reasons, we only want to load the DBUnit data set once per test class
* rather than before every test method.
* #throws Exception
public void before() throws Exception {
if(!isDataSetLoaded) {
isDataSetLoaded = true;
IDatabaseConnection conn = new DatabaseConnection(dataSource.getConnection());
IDataSet dataSet = DbUnitHelper.getDataSetFromFile(conn, TEST_DATA_FILENAME);
InsertIdentityOperation.CLEAN_INSERT.execute(conn, dataSet);
public void somethingToTest() {
// do stuff...
The class DbunitLoadOnceTestExecutionListener is no longer requried and has been removed. It just goes to show that reading up on all the fancy techniques can sometimes cloud your own judgement :o)
Not a specialist, but couldn't you call an instance method of your test object in prepareTestInstance() after having verified it implements the appropriate interface, and call this method only if it's the first time prepareTestInstance is invoked with a test instance of this class. You would just have to keep a set of already seen classes:
public void prepareTestInstance(TestContext testContext) throws Exception {
MyDbUnitTest instance = (MyDbUnitTest) getTestInstance();
if (!this.alreadySeenClasses.contains(instance.getClass()) {
