NYC mocha resulting in 0 coverage - mocha.js

"test": "nyc --all --reporter=text-summary mocha --recursive './test/**/*.test.js' --exit",
`this results in no coverage
any ideas
enter image description here
I am expecting to show some code coverage points


Root Hooks in Mocha

I am just experimenting with Mocha and Mochapack and wanting to set up a Root Hook to fire before every test. According to the Mocha docs, I should place my hooks in a module and "require" them with the --require flag.
My NPM command is:
"test": "mochapack --colors --growl --webpack-config=node_modules/laravel-mix/setup/webpack.config.js --require jsdom-global/register --require assets/js/tests/roothooks.js --require assets/js/tests/setup.js assets/js/tests/Unit/**/*.spec.js"
My module where the root hook (roothooks.js) is defined is:
exports.mochaHooks = {
beforeEach(done) {
What am I misssing?
(I added the tag mocha-webpack for this question - just to be clear I am using mochapack)

How to stop running a suite if previously executed suite fails in protractor?

I am using protractor with jasmine framework. I need solution to stop the execution of running the suite if previous suite fails.
I have three set of test suites as below:
1. Health check - Tests all the web services are returning 200 response.
2. Smoke test - Checks the basic features of front end are looking good.
3. Regression test - Tests all the features.
My requirement is, If health check test case fails then do not run smoke test cases.
This can be achieved through following two ways:
1. Jenkins
2. Using process.exit(1) in the script
But, these two are not fit to my need.
Is there any way to achieve my need through protractor or jasmine way?
You could achieve it using several scripts in package.json. For example:
"scripts": {
"health": "launch here only health",
"smoke": "launch here only smoke",
"regression": "launch here only regression",
"test": "npm run health && npm run smoke && npm run regression",
You will launch all tests using npm run test. If in some command appears error the others will not be execute.

Bitbucket / I cannot see the artifacts in pipelines

I run e2e tests on CI environment, but I cannot see the artifacts in pipelines.
image: cypress/base:10
options: max-time: 20
- npm install
-npm run test
Maybe I typed in the wrong way path, but I am not sure.
Does anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong?
I don't think it's documented anywhere but artifacts only accepts a relative directory from $BITBUCKET_CLONE_DIR. When I run my pipeline it says: Cloning into '/opt/atlassian/pipelines/agent/build'..., so I think artifacts is relative to that path. My guess is that if you change it to something like this, it will work:
image: cypress/base:10
options: max-time: 20
- npm install
-npm run test
- cypress/screenshots/*.png
From your comment I now understand what the real problem is: BitBucket pipelines are configured to stop at any non-zero exit code. That means that the pipeline execution is stopped when cypress fails the tests. Because artifacts are stored after the last step of the pipeline, you won't have any artifacts.
To work around this behavior you have to make sure the pipeline doesn't stop until the images are saved. One way to do this is to prefix the npm run test part with set +e (for more details about this solution, look at this answer here: This will prevent the pipeline from stopping, but also makes sure that your pipeline always finishes! Which of course is not what you want. Therefore I recommend that you run cypress tests separately and create a second step in your pipeline to check the output of cypress. Something like this:
# package.json
"scripts": {
"test": "<your test command>",
"testcypress": "cypress run ..."
# bitbucket-pipelines.yml
image: cypress/base:10
options: max-time: 20
- step:
name: Run tests
- npm install
- npm run test
- set +e npm run testcypress
- cypress/screenshots/*.png
name: Evaluate Cypress
- chmod +x
- ./
# Check if the directory exists
if [ -d "./usertest" ]; then
# If it does, check if it's empty
if [ -z "$(ls -A ./usertest)" ]; then
# Return the "all good" signal to BitBucket if the directory is empty
exit 0
# Return a fault code to BitBucket if there are any images in the directory
exit 1
# Return the "all good" signal to BitBucket
exit 0
This script will check if cypress created any artifacts, and will fail the pipeline if it did. I'm not sure this is exactly what you need but it's probably a step in the direction.
Recursive search (/**) worked for me with Cypress 3.1.0, due to additional folder inside videos and screenshots
# [...]
- step:
name: Run tests
# [...]
- cypress/videos/** # Double star provides recursive search.
- cypress/screenshots/**
this is my working solution
'cypress:pipeline' is the custom pipeline in my bitbucket config file to run cypress.
please try cypress/screenshots/**/*.png in artifact section
"cypress:pipeline": "cypress run --env user=${E2E_USER_EMAIL},pass=${E2E_USER_PASSWORD} --browser chrome --spec cypress/integration/src/**/*.spec.ts"
- step:
name: Integration and E2E Test
- npm install
- npm run cypress:pipeline
# store any generated images as artifacts
- cypress/screenshots/**/*.png

chai-http not exiting after running tests

I ran into a problem where my mocha tests were not finishing after running with chai-http. Mocha just hangs after the tests and eventually runs into a timeout (at least on my CI).
Turns out, Mocha (4.0) changed their behavior regarding the termination of the tests. The best workaround I have found is to add the --exit flag to the npm script to revert to pre-4.0 behaviour.
"scripts": {
"start": "node server.js",
"test": "mocha --exit"

Coverage in WebStorm with Mocha doesn't work

I followed this guide to get coverage report integrated in WebStorm.
When I click "Run Mocha test with coverage" the coverage window shows up after running the test. But I don't see any coverage reported. It is not even showing 0%, it is not showing any numbers at all in the Statistics column.
Any help will be appreciated.
Some more background:
WebStorm 2017.2.3
I'm referring Mocha v3.2.0 in package.json
The code is written in ES2015.
The mocha Run configuration uses these environment variables
BABEL_ENV=test and these extra mocha options: --compilers
Thanks in advance
Further information: when I run with coverage in WebStorm I see this command being output to the console:
/Users/nikolaschou/.nvm/versions/node/v8.1.2/bin/node /Users/nikolaschou/Dev/dsg/bifrostshop/node_modules/nyc/bin/nyc.js --reporter=lcovonly --extension=.ts --extension=.js --exclude=test/unitmocha//.spec. --exclude=test/unitmocha//.test. --report-dir=/private/var/folders/q7/kn0zjzks5dz0q2bx0kpg2yhw0000gn/T/mocha-intellij-coverage- /Users/nikolaschou/Dev/dsg/bifrostshop/node_modules/mocha/bin/_mocha --compilers js:babel-core/register --ui bdd --reporter "/Applications/WebStorm" --recursive /Users/nikolaschou/Dev/dsg/bifrostshop/test/unitmocha
Add a file called .nycrc in the project root with these contents:
{ "exclude": [] }
This overrides nyc default config and win is restored.
In my case I had this problem because mocha did not exit properly. As the coverage reports seem to be generated on program exit, they are never generated.
Mocha 4 especially has changed behaviour from Mocha 3 as it does "no longer automatically kill itself via process.exit() when it thinks it should be done running".
However you can force that old behaviour with the --exit option.
The better option is probably to examine what keeps your program from terminating and perform a clean shut down. (Maybe with some help of wtfnode for example)
Mocha Won't Force Exit
mocha 4 doesn't exit unlike mocha 3
