Jasper Reports dynamic expression inside $R [duplicate] - internationalization

Is it possible to have something like the following?
The above throws a complilation error

That won't work, you'll have to do str($P{my_paramater}).


Pester 5.0 including ps1 file

In version 4 I was using pester and in the begging of the test script I have this:
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\Utilities.ps1"
Reading the Pester docs it is now saying to use everything before "Describe" into "BeforeAll" so I have done this:
BeforeAll {
. "$PSScriptRoot\..\Utilities.ps1"
My problem is that the functions declared in the Utilities.ps1 are not visible for the tests, so I assume I should call that in another way. How should be the correct way to import another ps1 from a pester ps1 test script?
The problem I had happened because I have code added in the "Describe" block. Moving the code to the "It" block worked for me.

Filename in a nested DO loop - Fortran

I'm trying to write a variable filename that uses two integers. Initially, I had following which worked perfectly.
write(my_uni,"(a,i4.4,a)") "test_data",nrevs,".csv"
But now I'm trying to do this which is giving me an error:
write(my_uni,"(a,i4.4,a)") "test",nrevs,"data",myrank,".csv"
Can someone please help? Thanks in advance!

I declare query at the method using the #Query annotation,but failed to run the test application ,the code as follows

I have this problem in the images:
the run result:
You simply need to replace field with match and that will work

how to get the test case name in selenium web driver in ruby?

I am newbie to Selenium and I have this doubt. Say I have a code like this
it "test_name" do
#test code enter code here
Is there any way I can get the "test_name" or is it possible to store that in a string and use it over there before it. Thanks ind advance
While running your tests, pass a command line argument -v.
The V stands for verbose.
So for example
ruby test.rb -v

programatically invoking Sass::Exec::SassConvert generates wrong syntax

Sass::Exec::SassConvert.new(["{path_to_scss_file}.scss", "{path_to_css_file_to_generate}.css"]).process_result
When I run following command from inside a ruby script, the generated file contains "sass"-syntax instead of valid css
When I try to add a set_opts command to specify "-F scss -T css", just to be sure the convertor knows what to do, it throws an error:
NoMethodError: undefined method `banner=' for ["-F scss -T css"]:Array
The goal is to compile scss files to css files from inside an ant build script.
Everything is working except for the wrong syntax issue.
Is there anything I'm missing here?
I rewrote the script to use Sass::Engine instead of SassConvert.
After looking through the code of the SassConvert class, the following fragment pointed me to the solution:
unless [:scss, :sass].include?(#options[:to])
raise "Unknown format for sass-convert --to: #{name}"
It appears the SassConvert class only converts CSS files to .scss or .sass, not the other way around.
Also, the correct way to add option flags when calling Sass::Exec::SassConvert, is by doing the following:
sassConvert = Sass::Exec::SassConvert.new(["-F scss", "-T sass", "{path_to_from_file}", "{path_to_file_to_generate}"]
