SQL Server Migration- SSRS Reports don't match old server - visual-studio

I am looking for some direction on how to solve this SSRS problem. Basically, I am migrating a 2012 sql server to a 2016 server. I am on the last leg which was to ensure the SSRS reports being sent out match the old prod reports.
Two of the three reports being sent out are inaccurate. One report shows up completely missing all numerical data, aside from the layout of the report. The second report has all the data in the correct locations, however it is doubling the data in one of its 3 columns. They are connected to an internal data source.
I transferred these reports by downloading (rdl) them from the Old Prod SSRS and simply uploading them to the new Prod SSRS. I have tried tinkering with the report builder/visual studio but I'm not sure what to look for.
Can you please point me in the right direction of where to look or if there is an easier way to migrate said reports?


SSRS Report data looks different on reporting server vs local preview

I have created an SSRS Report which loads all the columns as expected in my local preview when viewed in Visual Studio. But after deploying to Report Server, it shows 0 in columns that have numeric data. These columns are of Varchar, Big Int data types. Columns that have DateTime, string type show correct data.
I tried below without any success.
Redeploying the report multiple times.
Removing and re-adding columns.
Removing .data files every time I change something.
My SSRS Version is 15.0.19049.0. Can someone please help me understand what might be causing this weird issue and how to resolve it?

SSRS report returning no data on report server but is working in visual studio

Something really strange is happening with SSRS. I have a report which is powered by a stored proc which uses a lot of TSQL and CTE's to set variables ect... I know that there's no problem with the procedure as it runs in SQL and also runs within Visual Studio and returns a full data set. The issue I'm having is on deployment, I can't seem to get the report to return data when running it from the reporting server. The headers of the table and parameter are displayed but just no data.
I've tried the following:
- Deleting the .DATA file
- Clearing cache
- Checking for data source errors
- Checked the report server error log
- Rebuilt RDL and created a different report with the code
I'm clueless on this one, it's something I've never seen before.
Please help.
Much appreciated,
Thank you

What is the best way for creating reports in MVC?

I've been reading online about either using RDLC or RDL reports however, I'm not sure if this is correct/best path for creating reports.
Any other recommendations are very much appreciated it.
MVC is a style of web development that doesn't really have anything to do with reporting. Your options are basically (1) create "reports" as web pages that dump data to the screen, or (2) use a report engine like SSRS (which uses .rdl) or BIRT. The first option is terrible if anyone ever wants to save or print the report. It's difficult to get it to page correctly or even group and sort things they way you want. Reporting engines handle all of that for you, so it knows how much data will fit onto a page given the paper size and margins you've set, and they have built-in methods for exporting the data to PDF/Word/Excel, etc. They also make it easy to add headers, footers, page x of y, etc.
For SSRS you'll need a SQL database with SSRS installed, and it serves reports up via its own version of IIS. This usually means that you'll need a hyperlink on your MVC app that points to the report's URL on the report server. You can either use ReportBuilder or Visual Studio with the appropriate settings (see SQL Server Data Tools). If the reports need to be served up to the public as opposed to within your company, you also need to be careful with both security settings and licensing on the SQL server.
BIRT is the best-known open source version of a reporting engine, but I've never used it so I have to leave that up to you to research. There are probably others.

Sub report is taking a lot of time for rendering

I am working on SSRS using SQL 2008 r2. I have created master report with sub reports using report viewer.
Issue: For each run .rdlc report is taking almost 5-10 min time to generate report in Win form. I am using VS 2010 and VB.Net. I believe the sub report is taking a lot of time rendering.
The main SP and sub report SP is getting executed in an instant.
The report however is running fine in BIDS environment but when loading in report viewer is taking a lot of time rendering
I have tried searching many options regarding this Issue but couldn't find enough help. I am sorry If my question is not enough clear to you all.
(P.S.= I am using embedded report for Winform for VS 2010 as .rdlc and not a Web report or .rdl (2008))
The standard "gotcha" in this scenario is that BIDS is using dataset cache files and not going back to SQL and re-running your query.
To avoid this you can either alter your parameters on each execution (invalidating the cache) or use this feature from the geniuses behind BIDS Helper:
If this is the case, the real issue is that your datasets queries are taking a long time to run. This is usually a SQL or database design issue, not SSRS.

Azure Reporting

I have Main SSRS report with few drill down reports calling same main report with parameters. It works fine in Regular SSRS. When I upload the same report on Azure the main report works fine without problem. When I click on the drill down links it keeps on giving error saying The Item "reportname" cannot be found. Tracing id is : (rsItemNotFound). What change I need to make in the SSRS to have the drill down report work in Azure environment.
There shouldn't be a need to change anything between between regular SSRS and Azure Reporting.
I had a simular problem once. In my case it happened since I renamed the report at one point, but the drill down action was still using the old report name. Maybe you have a simular problem?
Also, check out the Azure Reporting limitations over here (in case your report happens to use an unsupported feature like RDCE)
