Laravel Autoclosing after clicking one request - laravel

I have a problem when declaring autoload in laravel,
i have been using laravel 8 and php 7.4.3 this is the problem
After i get another request, the laravel runner always closing and give me this error
To solve this error, i've always do the
php artisan key:generate
or do another thing like restarting the laravel after dump autoload
composer dump-autoload
php artisan serve
But the problem just solve for one time, and it will be error again until i dump the composer again
How can i solve this?

In your composer.json file you should have the following line
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/"
And in you artisan file you should have the following
require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/bootstrap/app.php';
The composer.json code should autoload any content coming from the App directory, while the require /vendor/autoloader will load vendor content into your project. Also you must have app.php inside of the bootstrap directory to allow the app to use the Kernal corrently. Hope this helps!


my error : Class 'Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel' not found

this errormy composer.json:
"maatwebsite/excel": "^3.1",
I can run my project on localhost but when I upload on server I got this error message:
Class 'Maatwebsite\Excel\Excel' not found
my laravel version:
Laravel Framework 8.80.0
Please make sure that you imported class in config/app.php
If not then please add below line in prividers array in config/app.php file.
then publish vendor by
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Maatwebsite\Excel\ExcelServiceProvider" --tag=config
Then after
composer dump-autoload

Class 'Tests\DuskTestCase' not found in ExampleTest.php

I am trying to run Laravel Dusk tests, but when I run the test, a new Chrome tab pops up with this message.
Fatal error: Class 'Tests\DuskTestCase' not found in path-to-project\tests\Browser\ExampleTest.php on line 9
All I have done so far is run composer require --dev laravel/dusk:^1.0 and php artisan dusk:install.
This is my ExampleTest.php (exactly how Laravel set it up)
namespace Tests\Browser;
use Laravel\Dusk\Chrome;
use Tests\DuskTestCase;
use Laravel\Dusk\DuskServiceProvider;
class ExampleTest extends DuskTestCase
* A basic browser test example.
* #return void
public function testBasicExample()
$this->browse(function ($browser) {
DuskTestCase.php is also just as Laravel set it up and has the namespace namespace Tests;.
I am using Laravel 5.4 and Dusk 1.0. I am running the test through PhpStorm, using the work around described here.
Anyone know why DuskTestCase can't seem to be found, even though it appears to be set up correctly? Thanks in advance.
In composer.json:
add "Tests\\": "tests/" in
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/",
"Tests\\": "tests/"
then, run composer dump-autoload to reload your packages.
I had this error due to using out-of-date docs that didn't include this line:
$ php artisan dusk:install
If composer dump-autoload does not solve problem, you can try these steps.
Visit homepage in your browser and check if it renders properly. If not, then you probably have a problem with your webserver configuration (Hint: isn't your project subdirectory of document root?).
You can try Laravel inbuilt server via php artisan serve. If homepage is accessible in your browser now, then you can try dusk again.
In that case, remember to update your .env file to match APP_URL=,
and run php artisan dusk from another cli window, cause php artisan serve needs to be running also.
if you test using a phpstrom then u have set path of phpunit ......
in settings/languages & framework/php/test frameworks and use composer autoloader path and then select a path of your laravel dusk project with autoload.php file.....
set file a vendor/autoload.php file in path to script...

Laravel5.5 after use php artisan app:name Class not found

I am new developer on Laravel, now I'm using Laravel version 5.5
I got the problem after used php artisan app:name on my project, I got the problem:
In ProviderRepository.php line 208: Class
'App\Providers\AppServiceProvider' not found
as the captured image below:
As this error, I can not use php artisan commands or composer commands anymore can you guys please help me to solve this problem I am really appreciated for time. Thanks you
Best Regards
Siripong Gaewmaneechot
I would suggest looking in your config files, and the main classes which were generated when you started your laravel project (User class, etc) because they are all set to App\User App..... etc.
So for example, in the image you have in the question, it says it can not find App\AppProviders... - This indicates that somewhere you still have a use statement pointed to App\AppProviders.. but you changed the app name, so it's no longer App. something I do if I made that mistake, is I do a global search in my project files for App\ (you may need to put App\\ in the search because \ is an escape character
So if you did not change the app name immediately after starting the project, some of the paths will not be pointing to the correct directories. Let me know if that makes sense.
The command changes the PSR-4 configuration in composer.json.
Assume it was App before, your composer.json looks like this:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/"
After running the command with php artisan app:name Foo, it will look like:
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"Foo\\": "app/"
Therefore the whole namespace has changed and your classes can't be found by the Autoloader. To fix this, you have to either go back to the old name or do a global search and replace to change the namespace from App to Foo.

Class App\Http\Controllers\Auth\AuthController does not exist

i followed these , laravel virsion 5.4.16
You need to regenerate namespaces autoload
composer dump-autoload
"php artisan make:auth" produces all the authentication scaffolding required for the authentication process.
Type "php artisan make:auth" in your terminal right in the directory of your project. You will need to tidy up your install by deleting the "layouts folder" folder within the "resources folder", and also change the "#extends('')" to "#extends('main')" in the login.blade.php and register.blade.php views within the "resources/views/auth" folder. Also you should then run "php artisan route:list" to see the names and locations of the auth routes.
I hope this helps

Laravel 5.1 PHPexcel install error

I want to add class PHPExcel to my project. I use composer to add PHPExcel. I tried some command line.
php composer.phar update
php composer.phar require phpexcel/phpexcel
But, i alway receive error look like image:
at here. And maatwebsite/excel, too.
What is wrong with my project? Please help me!
First open the file composer.json
and find require object/array and add line
"require": {
"maatwebsite/excel": "~2.1.0"
and composer update so composer update is completed
and open the file config/app.php
and find providers object/array and add line
'providers' => [
* Application Service Providers...
and find aliases object/array and add line
'aliases' => [
'Excel' => Maatwebsite\Excel\Facades\Excel::class
Remove this line:
"jrenton/laravel-scaffold": "dev-master"
and run composer update again.
jrenton/laravel-scaffold needs "fzaninotto/faker": "1.3.0", which I guess, was used in lower versions of Laravel
