In convert and insert, is it's possible to have a field optional output to an object, if the data for the field is null? I don't know if there is a way to configure a schema for such a situation.
I tried looking at the documentation I had from 1.5 years ago.
I'm in really weird situations, I need to create indexes in elasticsearch that contain typeless fields. I have a rails application that sends any data per second to my elasticsearch. about my architecture, I have to say I use elastic-stack on docker in ubuntu server and use socket to send data's to elk and all of them are the latest version.
In my rails application user could choose datatype for each field but the issues happen when the user want to change the datatype of one field right after it's created, logstash return this error
error"=>{"type"=>"mapper_parsing_exception", "reason"=>"failed to parse field [field] of type [long] in document with id '5e760cac-cafc-4fd0-9e45-1c650967ccd4'. Preview of field's value: '2022-01-18T08:06:30'", "caused_by"=>{"type"=>"illegal_argument_exception", "reason"=>"For input string: \"2022-01-18T08:06:30\
I found deadly queue letter plugins to save wrong input in my server after that I think if I could index documents without any type the problem is solved so I start to googling and found Removal of mapping types in elasticsearch documents and I follow instructions which describe in tutorials I get the following error:
unknown setting [index.include_type_name] please check that any required plugins are installed, or check the breaking changes documentation for removed settings
even I put "include_type_name" in the request to send to the elastic noting change I have the latest version of elastic.
I think maybe it's helpful to edit the default elasticsearch template but noting the change. could you please help me with what should I do?
As already mentioned in the comments, Elasticsearch does not support changing the data type of a field without a reindex or creating a new index.
For example, if a field is mapped as a numeric field like integer and the user wants to index a string value in this field, elasticsearch will return an mapping error.
You would need to change the mapping of the index and reindex it or create a entirely new index using the new mapping.
None of this is done automatically by elastic, you would need to deal with this in your application, you could catch the error and implement some logic to create a new index with the new mapping, but this also could lead to other problems as having too many indices in the cluster and query errors when the range of the query include index with the same field with different mappings.
One feature that Elasticsearch has that could help you in some way is the runtime fields, with runtime fields you can query a field that has a specific mapping using a different mapping.
For example, if you have a field that has date values, but was wrongly mapped as a keyword or text field, you could use a runtime field to query it as it was a date field.
But again, this will need that you implement a logic to build those runtime fields and also can lead to other problems, not all the data types are available to runtime fields and runtime fields can impact in the performance.
Another feature that could help you is to use of multi-fields, this, I think, is the closest you got of having a field with multiple data types.
Using multi-fields you could have a field named date with the date type and also a field named date.keyword with the keyword type, you also could have a field name code with the keyword type and a field name with the integer type, you would also need to use the ignore_malformed setting in the mapping so elastic does not reject the entire document in case of mapping errors, just the field with the wrong mapping.
Just keep in mind that when use multi-fields, you will have a different field for each mapping, for example date is a field, date.keyword is another field, this will increase the storage usage.
But again, none of this is done automatically, it needs logic in your application, elasticsearch does not allows you to change the mapping of a field, if your application needs this, you will need to implement something in the application that can work with that limitations of elasticsearch.
We are having some issues updating elastic search documents because some of the fields have values the are incompatible with their type, even though does are not the fields we are trying to update.
To be more specific, the problem is with fields of type date that have float values.
Is there a way to bulk update/format all the fields that have values that are incompatible with their type? Or maybe a query to retrieve all the documents that have such values?
Please see attached reference error when trying to update a field that is not "updatedDate"
The update query
The original document values
The error
I want to use elasticsearch to build video information indices. there is a field "tagIds" that is a array like ["football", "basket ball"]
field properties defined as
.startObject(VideoRecDoc.Field.TAGID.getName()).field("type", "array").field("index", "not_analyzed").endObject()
and IDEA gives a exception
MapperParsingException[No handler for type [array] declared on field [tagIds]
My es version is 2.3.3, and i checked the es2.3.3 doc, it support array datatype.
when i chance tagIds field type from array to string, the index can be create successfully.
I google this exception, found nothing about that.
you do not need to configure array as an own datatype in Elasticsearch. Every type like string, integer, etc can just accept a single or multi values.
Side note: Please update your elasticsearch as soon as possible, your version is pretty outdated, you should go with 5 for a free performance and stability boost.
I am using Elasticsearch 1.5.2. I created many indexes, and every index has a type and different fields. I want to modify the name of a field that exists in many indexes. How can I do it? The same thing for a type.
Sadly no.
You cannot change the name or type of the field once an index is created.
They have added some support for renaming fields in Elasticsearch 5.2
The only option is to recreate the index from the old index. ES-reindex tool might help you.
I have a use case which is a bit similar to the ES example of dynamic_template where I want certain strings to be analyzed and certain not.
My document fields don't have such a convention and the decision is made based on an external schema. So currently my flow is:
I grab the inputs document from the DB
I grab the approrpiate schema (same database, currently using logstash for import)
I adjust the name in the document accordingly (using logstash's ruby mutator):
if not analyzed I don't change the name
if analyzed I change it to ORIGINALNAME_analyzed
This will handle the analyzed/not_analyzed problem thanks to dynamic_template I set but now the user doesn't know which fields are analyzed so there's no easy way for him to write queries because he doesn't know what's the name of the field.
I wanted to use field name aliases but apparently ES doesn't support them. Are there any other mechanisms I'm missing I could use here like field rename after indexation or something else?
For example this ancient thread mentions that can be queried as just name but I'm guessing this has changed when they disallowed . in the name some time ago since I cannot get it to work?
Let the user only create queries with the original name. I believe you have some code that converts this user query to Elasticsearch query. When converting to Elasticsearch query, instead of using the field name provided by the user alone use both the field names ORIGINALNAME as well as ORIGINALNAME_analyzed. If you are using a match query, convert it to multi_match. If you are using a term query, convert it to a bool should query. I guess you get where I am going with this.
Elasticsearch won't mind if a field does not exists. This can be a problem if there is already a field with _analyzed appended in its original name. But with some tricks that can be fixed too.