I am writing wrapper on top of nats client in golang, I want to take handler function which can be invoked from consumer once I get the message from nats server.
I want to hold custom subscribe method until it receives the message from nats.
func (busConfig BusConfig) Publish(service string, data []byte) error {
pubErr := conn.Publish(service, data)
if pubErr != nil {
return pubErr
return nil
func (busConfig BusConfig) Subscribe(subject string, handler func(msg []byte)) {
fmt.Println("Subscrbing on : ", subject)
//wg := sync.WaitGroup{}
subscription, err := conn.Subscribe(subject, func(msg *nats.Msg) {
go func() {
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Subscriber error : ", err)
defer subscription.Unsubscribe()
test case:
func TestLifeCycleEvent(t *testing.T) {
busClient := GetBusClient()
busClient.Subscribe(SUBJECT, func(input []byte) {
fmt.Println("Life cycle event received :", string(input))
busClient.Publish(SUBJECT, []byte("complete notification"))
I am seeing message is published but not subscribed, I tried to hold subscribe method using waitgroup but I think this is not the correct solution.
You don't see the message being delivered because Subscribe is an async method that spawns a goroutine to handle the incoming messages and call the callback.
Straight after calling busClient.Publish() your application exits. It does not wait for anything to happen inside Subscribe().
When you use nats.Subscribe(), you usually have a long-running application that exits in specific conditions (like receiving a shutdown signal). WaitGroup can work here, but probably not for real applications, just for tests.
You should also call Flush() method on NATS connection to ensure all buffered messages have been sent before exiting the program.
If you want a synchronous method, you can use nats.SubscribeSync()
Check out examples here: https://natsbyexample.com/examples/messaging/pub-sub/go
For my understanding, I think in NATs we need to respond to the message even if we are not providing the reply address, so it can respond to the message.
func (busConfig BusConfig) Subscribe(subject string, handler func(msg []byte)) {
subscription, err := conn.Subscribe(subject, func(msg *nats.Msg) {
go func() {
In go grpc service I have a receiver(publisher) event loop, and publisher can detect that it wants sender to stop. But channel principles says that we should not close channels on receiver side, only on sender side. How should it be threated?
Situation is like following. Imagine a chat. 1st client - subscriber - receives message, and its streaming cannot be done without goroutine due to grpc limitations. And 2nd client - publisher is sending a message to chat, so its another goroutine. You have to pass a message from publisher to subscriber receiving client, ONLY if subscriber not closed its connection (forces closing a channel from receiver side)
The problem in code:
//1st client goroutine - subscriber
func (s *GRPCServer) WatchMessageServer(req *WatchMessageRequest, stream ExampleService_WatchMessageServer) error {
ch := s.NewClientChannel()
// natively blocks goroutine with send to its stream, until send gets an error
for {
msg, ok := <-ch
if !ok {
return nil
err := stream.Send(msg) // if this fails - we need to close ch from receiver side to "propagate" closing signal
if err != nil {
return err
//2nd client goroutine - publisher
func (s *GRPCServer) SendMessage(ctx context.Context, req *SendMessageRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error) {
for i := range s.clientChannels {
s.clientChannels[i] <- req
// no way other than panic, to know when to remove channel from list. or need to make a wrapper with recover..
return nil
I've initially got a clue by searhing, and solution idea was provided in an answer here thanks to that answer.
Providing streaming solution sample code, i guess its an implementation for a generic pub-sub problem:
//1st client goroutine - subscriber
func (s *GRPCServer) WatchMessageServer(req *WatchMessageRequest, stream ExampleService_WatchMessageServer) error {
select {
case <-stream.Context().Done(): // stackoverflow promised that it would signal when client closes stream
return stream.Context().Err() // stream will be closed immediately after return
case <-s.ctx.Done(): // program shutdown
return s.ctx.Err()
//2nd client goroutine - publisher
func (s *GRPCServer) SendMessage(ctx context.Context, req *SendMessageRequest) (*emptypb.Empty, error) {
for i := range s.clientStreams {
err := s.clientStreams.Send(req)
if err != nil {
return nil
I want to create a realtime api. Github Link of current code
There will be two types of users A and B.
Users A can connect to the service using a websocket to see realtime Updates.
Users B can only make http request to push data to mongodb. I have been following this tutorial. In this tutorial sqlitedb and redis pub/sub is used but i don't want to use that.
func (server *WsServer) Run() {
gb := *models.GetInstanceGlobal()
for {
select {
case client := <-server.register:
case client := <-server.unregister:
case message := <-server.broadcast:
case message := <-gb.Channel:
func (server *WsServer) createRoom(name string) *Room {
room := NewRoom(name)
go room.RunRoom()
server.rooms[room] = true
return room
func (server *WsServer) createRoomAndBroadCast(name string) {
room := server.createRoom(name)
var roomList []string
for r := range server.rooms {
roomList = append(roomList, r.GetName())
addRoomReply := models.AddRoomReply{
RoomList: roomList,
AddedRoom: room.GetName(),
addReply := MessageAddRoom{
Data: addRoomReply,
Action: "room-add-success",
server.broadcast <- addReply.encode()
I am trying to a listen on channel global. If a string is pushed to it, a function createRoomAndBroadCast will be called.
type GlobalChannel struct {
Channel chan string
func GetInstanceGlobal() *GlobalChannel {
return &GlobalChannel{
Channel: make(chan string),
I am writing to this channel in POST message handler
//add room to mongo
if err := db.CreateRoom(&room); err != nil {
ctx.JSON(http.StatusBadGateway, gin.H{
"data": err,
//write it to channel
gb := models.GetInstanceGlobal()
gb.Channel <- *room.Name
// send reponse to user
ctx.JSON(http.StatusCreated, gin.H{
"data": "Room Created Successfully",
But my post request gets stuck at line gb := models.GetInstanceGlobal()
In the logs I see the following message
redirecting request 307: /api/v1/room/ --> /api/v1/room/
I don't understand whether I am doing something wrong or my logic is completely wrong.
I started reading about how channels work in golang and thanks to this post found that mentioning buffer limit in a channel is very important.
If ch is unbuffered, then ch <- msg will block until the message is consumed by a receiver
So I changed
//Channel: make(chan string),
Channel: make(chan string,100),
and it started transmitting the messages.
I'm only going to comment on the code you have shown here and not the overall design.
func GetInstanceGlobal() *GlobalChannel {
return &GlobalChannel{
Channel: make(chan string),
This is likely a misunderstanding of channels. While you have named it GetInstanceGlobal it is actually returning a brand new channel each time you call it. So if one side is calling it and then trying to receive messages and the other is calling it and pushing messages, the two sides will be different channels and never communicate. This explains why your push is blocking forever. And it also explains why when you add 100 to make it a buffered channel that appears to unblock it. But really all you have done is let it build up to 100 queued messages on the push side and eventually block again. The receiver is still on its own channel.
Likely what the code implies is that you wanted to create the global once, return it, and share it. I'm not going to get into the design issues with globals here. But it might look like this for your case:
var globalChannel *GlobalChannel
func GetInstanceGlobal() *GlobalChannel {
if globalChannel == nil {
globalChannel = &GlobalChannel{
Channel: make(chan string),
return globalChannel
I'm trying to stop all clients connected to a stream server from server side.
Actually I'm using GracefulStop method to handle it gracefully.
I am waiting for os.Interrupt signal on a channel to perform a graceful stop for gRPC. but it gets stuck on server.GracefulStop() when the client is connected.
func (s *Service) Subscribe(_ *empty.Empty, srv clientapi.ClientApi_SubscribeServer) error {
ctx := srv.Context()
updateCh := make(chan *clientapi.Update, 100)
stopCh := make(chan bool)
defer func() {
go func() {
ticker := time.NewTicker(1 * time.Second)
defer func() {
for {
select {
case <-stopCh:
case <-ticker.C:
updateCh<- &clientapi.Update{Name: "notification": Payload: "sample notification every 1 second"}
for {
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
return ctx.Err()
case notif := <-updateCh:
err := srv.Send(notif)
if err == io.EOF {
return nil
if err != nil {
s.logger.Named("Subscribe").Error("error", zap.Error(err))
I expected the context in method ctx.Done() could handle it and break the for loop.
How to close all response streams like this one?
Create a global context for your gRPC service. So walking through the various pieces:
Each gRPC service request would use this context (along with the client context) to fulfill that request
os.Interrupt handler would cancel the global context; thus canceling any currently running requests
finally issue server.GracefulStop() - which should wait for all the active gRPC calls to finish up (if they haven't see the cancelation immediately)
So for example, when setting up the gRPC service:
pctx := context.Background()
globalCtx, globalCancel := context.WithCancel(pctx)
mysrv := MyService{
gctx: globalCtx
s := grpc.NewServer()
pb.RegisterMyService(s, mysrv)
os.Interrupt handler initiates and waits for shutdown:
gRPC methods:
func(s *MyService) SomeRpcMethod(ctx context.Context, req *pb.Request) error {
// merge client and server contexts into one `mctx`
// (client context will cancel if client disconnects)
// (server context will cancel if service Ctrl-C'ed)
mctx, mcancel := mergeContext(ctx, s.gctx)
defer mcancel() // so we don't leak, if neither client or server context cancels
// pass mctx to any blocking calls:
// - http REST calls
// - SQL queries etc.
// - or if running a long loop; status check the context occasionally like so:
// Example long request (10s)
for i:=0; i<10*1000; i++ {
// poll merged context
select {
case <-mctx.Done():
return fmt.Errorf("request canceled: %s", mctx.Err())
func mergeContext(a, b context.Context) (context.Context, context.CancelFunc) {
mctx, mcancel := context.WithCancel(a) // will cancel if `a` cancels
go func() {
select {
case <-mctx.Done(): // don't leak go-routine on clean gRPC run
case <-b.Done():
mcancel() // b canceled, so cancel mctx
return mctx, mcancel
Typically clients need to assume that RPCs can terminate (e.g. due to connection errors or server power failure) at any moment. So what we do is GracefulStop, sleep for a short time period to allow in-flight RPCs an opportunity to complete naturally, then hard-Stop the server. If you do need to use this termination signal to end your RPCs, then the answer by #colminator is probably the best choice. But this situation should be unusual, and you may want to spend some time analyzing your design if you do find it is necessary to manually end streaming RPCs at server shutdown.
I am writing a web application where I have a long running goroutine.
I want to delegate all HTTP requests to this goroutine via channels.
The pattern that I have come across is:
// Internal long running goroutine
case e := <-event: //web request
req := e.req
// do something
select {
case <-ctx.Done():
e.replyTo <- result
// Web handler
http.HandleFunc("/bar", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
//decode request etc
replyTo := make(chan interface{}, 1)
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.BackGround())
event <- Event{req: req, ctx: ctx, replyTo: replyTo}
case <-time.After(time.Second):
//return 500
case r := <-replyTo:
// return some response
I do see that there is one single go-routine at the end, so parallelism is lost but I am okay with it.
Is this pattern the right way of doing this?
What other approaches can be suggested?
Is this pattern the right way of doing this?
Assuming you are trying to manage where state in a single go routine, I would say no. I think it would be better to have some form of a state manager that is responsible for thread safety. Therefore the handler should take in something that can manage the state and simply expose a few methods to the handler.
type State interface{
Load() (string, error)
Save(something string) error
Decoupling the code will pay off for you later on. It will also allow unit tests for both the handler and the State that can be focused and readable.
A few months ago I was thinking how to implement a closable event loop in Go, for an RPC library. I managed to facilitate closing the server like so:
type Server struct {
listener net.Listener
closeChan chan bool
routines sync.WaitGroup
func (s *Server) Serve() {
defer s.routines.Done()
defer s.listener.Close()
for {
select {
case <-s.closeChan:
// close server etc.
s.listener.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(2 * time.Second))
conn, _ := s.listener.Accept()
// handle conn routine
func (s *Server) Close() {
s.closeChan <- true // signal to close serve routine
The problem that I've found with this implementation is it involves a timeout, which means minimum close time is 2 seconds more than it could be. Is there a more idiomatic method of creating an event loop?
I don't think that event loops in Go need to be loops.
It would seem simpler to handle closing and connections in separate goroutines:
go func() {
// close server, release resources, etc.
for {
conn, err := s.listener.Accept()
if err != nil {
// log, return
// handle conn routine
Note that you might also close the listener directly in your Close function without using a channel. What I have done here is used the error return value of Listener.Accept to facilitate inter-routine communication.
If at some point of the closing and connection handling implementations you need to protect some resources you're closing while you're answering, you may use a Mutex. But it's generally possible to avoid that.