Display Version in ESP32 Web-Tools - esp32

I am currently writing on an ESP32 project in PlatformIO.
To distribute my firmware to other users, I want to use ESP-web-tools.
Picture of demo firmware
So fare, it works as intended, but I want to display the version of my code that is on my ESP, like displayed in the demo. 
Do you know how to implement this? I guess that it might be connected to improv, but I can't verify that.
Do you have some example code for me?


Esp32 at command customization method

I want to use AT command with separate coding in esp32 at Arduino IDE. However, if you flash AT command firmware and upload another code from Arduinoide, the existing at command will not be available. Is there a way to use it together?
What you're asking doesn't make any sense. The ESP32 can run a single program that's stored in its flash memory. It's not capable of running two firmware images at the same time. If it's running the AT firmware, it's not running an Arduino program, and vice versa.
You also do not need to talk to the AT firmware from an Arduino program running on the ESP32; the Arduino program is capable of directly doing much more than the AT firmware offers.
You might possibly be able to build a single firmware image that included both the AT firmware and an Arduino program, but it would be a great deal of work and would likely never work well if at all. Most of the AT firmware is released as compiled binaries, not source, so you would have little chance of customizing it or making it work in a hybrid environment.
You'd be much better off to reconsider why you think you need to do this and find a better solution.

Does the Sparkfun ESP32 Thing is compatible with generic modules like DHT11 sensor?

First of all I am kind of a noob working with microcontrollers, by the way I am using Arduino IDE 1.8.13
I fallowed the hookup guide to set up Arduino IDE to work with Sparkfun ESP 32 Thing board, and actually I was able to run the Arduino examples "Blink" and "Wifi" with no problem.
But my problem is when I tried to use the DHT11 sensor, I did fallowed several tutorials like this one but for my bad fortune I did not succeed, instead I was getting NaN reading from the temperature and humidity sensor, at first I thought it might had something to do with the libraries version, which I installed and uninstalled several times, including the IDE, then using those same libraries I was able to do the exact same example on an Arduino Uno microcontroller.
Then I realized I did not find any example, tutorial or document using the Sparkfun ESP32 Thing with the DHT11 sensor, since most of the examples that I found are for the generic ESP32.
Which makes me wonder, how can I know if those two components are compatible at all?
Does any one has faced something similar using ESP32 Thing with DHT11 or any another sensor?, if yes, how did you make it work or what did you do instead?

Do I need to program BLEduino (arduino with BLE)?

I am doing an iOS app, and I have bought the BLEduino, which is an arduino with BLE technology built-in. The question is, do I need to program something in BLEduino? Can I just turn it on, so it can be discoverable, and then code in Xcode for my app to connect with BLEduino, and etc?
The BLEduino comes pre-loaded with the library firmware (i.e. that processes all BLE communication), and the sketch for the Console module (which interacts with the library). That is, you don't need to program anything into the BLEduino to get started. Thus, yes, plug it in, and it should be discoverable.
You don't need to program anything on the iOS side either to get started. You can use the BLEduino iOS app. The BLEduino platform (firmware library, sketches, iOS app) supports 12 different modules. Simply upload to the BLEduino the corresponding sketch for whichever module you want to use, and it will work with the provided app.
Additionally, the BLEduino app is completely open sourced. I would suggest you play with that before doing one from scratch. That way you can see how to use the BLEduino iOS SDK.
Lastly, if you definitely want to do something completely from scratch (i.e. without the BLEduino iOS SDK), then simply make sure that your CoreBluetooth code complies with the BLEduino BLE Profile, and packet structure.
Alternatively, you can upload your own BLE profile to the BLEduino. In that case, you define your own UUIDs, Characteristics, and packet structure.
There's additional information on the documentation, and forum.

sending data from PIC to laptop via bluetooth

I am working on a school project where I will use a PIC to transmit simple integers via bluetooth to be displayed on my laptop. I am unsure where to start looking when it comes to writing a program that can receive this bluetooth data and convert to a message to be displayed. Can anyone point my in the right direction?
You can use two HC-05 Serial Port Bluetooth Module.
You can find a lot of tutorials like this explaining how to deal with them.

How to programatically create custom input/output devices?

How do i create a custom media input/output device like a speaker or microphone that i can select from a program like Skype. For example i could make a GreyScale webcam that reads the webcam and makes it greyscale or a custom Beep Speaker that takes anything a program sends to the speaker and adds a beep after 3 seconds etc. An example would be this:
I just need help on how to create the actual (virtual?) device, not how to make it greyscale etc. I can figure that out later.
Where do i even begin to search for tutorials/readings on this? As per the tags, i prefer qt/c++ related but it doesn't necessarily have to be that. Just a nudge in the right direction to get me started would be fine.
You need to create a device driver. What that entails depends entirely on the platform and the type of device you want to emulate.
Start with the documentation of your operating system and look up references as if you were developing a new hardware device. But you'll just skip any actual hardware interfaces.
Nevertheless this is likely to require kernel programming, so Qt is likely to be inappropriate.
