I have created the schema for my subgraph inside the .graphql file, here is a sample:
type Post #entity {
id: ID!
title: String! # string
body: String! # string
createdAt: BigInt! # uint256
groupID: BigInt! # uint256
type User #entity {
id: ID!
userId: BigInt!
transactionHash: Bytes
telephoneVerifiedData: String
email: String # string
_userAddress: Bytes
I tried making a schema for the query treating _userAddress field as a plain text (I don't know any other way, can't find anything in the docs):
type _Schema_
name: "getUser"
language: simple
algorithm: rank
include: [
{ entity: "User", fields: [{ name: "userName", name: "_userAddress" }] }
but I get this message when deploying the subgraph:
✖ Failed to deploy to Graph node https://api.thegraph.com/deploy/: deployment failure::subgraph validation error: [schema validation failed: [FulltextIncludedFieldInvalid("_userAddress")]]
I see two issues.
In the fulltext query you specify userName as a field to search but it isn't defined on your User entity. Add userName: String to your User entity and
Second, the type of _userAddress is Bytes. In order for this field to be search it needs to be of type String.
New to GraphQL, Amplify, AppSync, etc, and running into an issue when attempting to subscribe to an onUpdate event.
I added the 'API' library to my Amplify project with authentication through an API key. I can successfully send a mutation (updatePurchaseOrder) request through Postman, and the subscription listener registers an update, but the data returned is null on everything besides the id of the updated record.
screenshot in the AppSync console
The status field is null here, I would expect to see the new updated value. Is that the expected behavior?
The defined type on this:
type PurchaseOrder #model #auth(rules: [ { allow: public } ] ){
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String!
user: String
time: String
file: String!
status: String
Schema mutations and subscriptions created from the initial type definition haven't been changed:
type PurchaseOrder {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String!
user: String
time: String
file: String!
status: String
createdAt: AWSDateTime!
updatedAt: AWSDateTime!
type Mutation {
updatePurchaseOrder(input: UpdatePurchaseOrderInput!, condition: ModelPurchaseOrderConditionInput): PurchaseOrder
input UpdatePurchaseOrderInput {
id: ID!
name: String
description: String
user: String
time: String
file: String
status: String
type Subscription {
onUpdatePurchaseOrder: PurchaseOrder
#aws_subscribe(mutations: ["updatePurchaseOrder"])
I tried logging to console in browser and see the same empty object returned. Figured listening through the AppSyncConsole would be less error prone, but I'm still seeing the same result.
Figured out where I went wrong... I needed to specify the response fields I wanted in the POST query (eg.:
mutation updatePurchaseOrder {
updatePurchaseOrder(input: {status: "Pending", id: "53a98236-7b64-428c-93ea-2fae5228c0ef"}) {
'status' was not in the query response parameters originally. The subscription response will only include fields that are part of the mutation response in the query itself.
I just tried to implement the Relay in Frontend for this graphql tutorial, In that tutorial, they created graphql server to store URL(Link) bookmarks with the User who posted those URLs.
The relationship between the link and the users is:
Link belongs_to :user,
User has_many :links.
And I listed out all the Links with Users in Frontend, at the time I got the below error.
Warning: RelayResponseNormalizer: Invalid record 1. Expected __typename to be consistent, but the record was assigned conflicting types Link and User. The GraphQL server likely violated the globally unique id requirement by returning the same id for different objects
I'm not aware of how much it will impact the application. because I got the expected result from Frontend.
Frontend View of Query.
I read this relay official blog for this kind of error, but there is no example to know how exactly to resolve this. so can someone help to resolve this?
Relay Query
query LinkListQuery {
allLinks {
postedBy {
email: String!
password: String!
input AuthProviderSignupData {
type Link implements Node {
description: String!
id: ID!
postedBy: User
url: String!
votes: [Vote!]!
input LinkFilter {
OR: [LinkFilter!]
descriptionContains: String
urlContains: String
type Mutation {
createLink(description: String!, url: String!): Link!
createUser(name: String!, authProvider: AuthProviderSignupData): User!
createVote(linkId: ID): Vote!
signinUser(credentials: AUTH_PROVIDER_CREDENTIALS): SignInUserPayload
"""An object with an ID."""
interface Node {
"""ID of the object."""
id: ID!
type Query {
allLinks(filter: LinkFilter, first: Int, skip: Int): [Link]!
"""Fetches an object given its ID."""
"""ID of the object."""
id: ID!
): Node
"""Autogenerated return type of SignInUser"""
type SignInUserPayload {
token: String
user: User
type User implements Node {
email: String!
id: ID!
links: [Link!]!
name: String!
votes: [Vote!]!
type Vote {
id: ID!
link: Link!
user: User!
I'm currently working on an Activity Feed built using GraphQL Nexus and Apollo Server (3.9.0). It will receive a flurry of information that will have shared fields that are handled by a shared IActivity interface.
In addition, there will be types that will also share similar fields through other interfaces that are not included in IActivity, say for example IMedia and INews.
We are looking for a way to bring all the fields from IActivity and be able to query IMedia and INews within IActivity. We know that there is a possibility to query the concrete types, but we'd like to avoid it, as we want to extend the backend by adding new types of feeds (That share the same fields of those interfaces) without updating the client (it's a react-native application). We would use concrete types only when rendering custom UI components.
Here's an example:
interface IActivity {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
interface IMedia implements IActivity {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
url: String
type: String
interface INews implements IActivity {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
date: DateTime
author: String
content: String
type Video implements IActivity & IMedia {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
url: String
type: String
format: String
codec: String
type Image implements IActivity & IMedia {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
url: String
type: String
compressed: Boolean
codec: String
extension: String
type Audio implements IActivity & IMedia {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
url: String
type: String
bitrate: Boolean
type Post implements INews & IActivity {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
date: DateTime
author: String
content: String
comments: [Comment]
type Comment {
author: String
message: String
type FlashNews implements INews & IActivity {
id: ID!
name: String!
description: String
date: DateTime
author: String
content: String
rating: Int
type Query {
activityFeed(): [IActivity]
This is the query
query getFeed() {
activityFeed {
... on IMedia {
... on INews {
This queries all the fields from IActivity but none of IMedia nor INews. There are no GraphQL errors (and we lint them through graphql-codegen and the Nexus builder.)
Our belief was that having IActivity also share the same as other interfaces, we could query IActivity and then specify the other interface (e.g: IMedia) as we do with concrete types.
In hindsight, what we're trying to do is somehow a union type of interfaces (which I know it's not possible)...
Is there a workaround or a solution for what we're trying to accomplish?
We found out that this exact example IS valid, and the problem is within how GraphQL Nexus is configured.
Here's a code sandbox and its Git Repo using plain Apollo Server.
Edit 2:
Try the following query:
query getFeed {
activityFeed {
... on IMedia {
... on INews {
... on Video {
We have found the problem. It's been Apollo Client (front-end) which was not properly parsing the heuristic fragment matcher.
More information on how we solved the issue can be found here:
We generated something like this:
schema: "./appsync/appSync.gql"
# documents: "./appsync/**/*.gql"
- 'fragment-matcher'
apolloClientVersion: 3
Then the interfaces were working properly!
I'm trying to spin up Dgraph, but appears as though to add a node to an array of nodes using the GraphQL api requires an unnecessary amount of work if I understand it correctly:
I have the following simplified schema:
type User #secret(field: "password") {
account: String! #id
email: String! #search(by: [hash])
extension: String! #search(by: [hash])
phone: String! #search(by: [hash])
hasCreated: [Transaction]! #hasInverse(field: from)
hasReceived: [Transaction]! #hasInverse(field: to)
type Transaction {
id: ID!
type: TransactionType! #search(by:[terms])
amount: Float!
assetCode: String! #search(by:[terms])
to: User!
from: User!
initiatedAt: DateTime! #search(by:[hash])
completedAt: DateTime #search(by:[hash])
status: Status!
To me, it appears as though to add a node to the User's hasCreated or hasReceived fields would require me to pull the entire array, append a new Transaction to the array and then use an updateUser mutation to complete the update. But the updateUser mutation would require me to get all the Transactions and all Users attached to these transactions and so on.
Example trying to retrieve an entire user object:
query {
hasCreated {
to {
hasReceived {
to {
Is there another way to append to arrays or update objects using the GraphQL api without having to retrieve whole objects?
I am getting the following error when running relay-compiler in my project
$ get-graphql-schema http://localhost/api/office > schema.graphql
$ relay-compiler --src ./src/client --schema schema.graphql
Watchman: Watchman was not found in PATH. See https://facebook.github.io/watchman/docs/install.html for installation instructions
HINT: pass --watch to keep watching for changes.
Writing js
Expected undefined to be a GraphQL leaf type.
error Command failed with exit code 100.
Any suggestions on how to go about debugging this, the only recent change in my project (famous last words) was upgrading to relay 1.5. I suspect it is something in the graphql schema that needs to change to fit within the new relay-compiler, but I am not seeing it.
The schema.graphql is below:
schema {
query: RootQuery
mutation: RootMutation
type Delete {
n: String
nModified: String
ok: String
type Room {
_uuid: String
roomName: String
serviceName: String
roomURL: String
roomID: String
phoneNumber1: String
phoneNumber2: String
participantCode: String
moderatorCode: String
video: String
otherLink1: String
otherLink2: String
color: String
# Mutation interface
type RootMutation {
# Name of the room owner
ownerName: String
# Email of the room owner
ownerEmail: String!
# Name of the room
roomName: String!
# Service name
serviceName: String!
roomURL: String!
# ID to meeting room
roomID: String
# Phone number 1
phoneNumber1: String!
# Phone number 2
phoneNumber2: String
# Participant code
participantCode: String!
# Moderator code
moderatorCode: String!
# Video
video: String
# Color
color: String
): Room
# Email of the room owner
ownerEmail: String!
# Name of the room
roomName: String!
): Delete
type RootQuery {
meetingsUser(ownerEmail: String!, _uuid: String, refetch: Boolean): [User]
type User {
_id: String
ownerEmail: String
ownerName: String
# Provides a list of all rooms owned by the user
rooms: Room
This is because you are missing global id field on your type.
I had the same issue, but adding
type MyType = {
id: ID
solved the problem.
See also https://github.com/facebook/relay/issues/1880#issuecomment-307705428