EC2 Amazon Linux 2 - Disable root user - shell

I have created an EC2 instance with Amazon Linux 2 Image. Access to the instance is only allowed via Session Manager and not via SSH.
I have the following users:
ec2-user (Created by default)
ssm-user (Created by default)
root (Created by default)
myrootec2-user (My custom root user created by me from Terraform and with password assigned)
I have tried to disable the root user because I only want to be able to perform administrator actions with the user myrootec2-user.
To do so, I have carried out the following steps:
sudo vim /etc/passwd
And then, I have changed:
However, depending on the parameter I assign to the sudo command, I can access or not:
sudo su - # Error: This account is currently not available.
sudo -s # OK: Log in to the root user without errors
Why can I log in with the second command? Do you recommend disabling the root user or could I have problems in the future? What alternative would you recommend otherwise, e.g. assigning a password to root?

I have tried to disable the root user because I only want to be able to perform administrator actions with the user myrootec2-user.
You cannot "disable" the root user. You can disable password login and set the root shell to /sbin/nologin, but you'll still need to sudo to run administrative commands.
If you think you can get away without ever running administrative commands, well, that sounds like an interesting challenge. With the right approach to immutable infrastructure you might be able to do it. You would remove all users access to sudo in addition to your stuff, and root would be close to inaccessible at runtime (certain system processes would still use it).
But your system will still need a root user. It's critical to system functionality.


Running docker as non-root user OR running jenkins on tomcat as root user

I am trying to build a docker image using docker-maven plugin, and plan to execute the mvn command using jenkins. I have jenkins.war deployed on a tomcat instance instead of a standalone app, which runs as a non-root user.
The problem is that docker needs to be run as root user, so maven commands need to be run as root user, and hence jenkins/tomcat needs to run as root user which is not a good practice (although my non-root-user is also sudoer so I guess won't matter much).
So bottom line, I see two solutions : Either run docker as non-root user (and need help on how to do that)
Need to run jenkins as root (And not sure how to achieve that as I changed environment variable /config and still its not switching to root).
Any advice on which solution to choose and how to implement it ?
The problem is that docker needs to be run as root user, so maven commands need to be run as root user,
No, a docker run can be done with a -u (--user) parameter in order to use a non-root user inside the container.
Either run docker as non-root user
Your user (on the host) needs to be part of the docker group. Then you can run the docker service with that user.
As commented, this is not very secure.
"Understanding how uid and gid work in Docker containers"
That last links ends with the following findings:
If there’s a known uid that the process inside the container is executing as, it could be as simple as restricting access to the host system so that the uid from the container has limited access.
The better solution is to start containers with a known uid using the--user (you can use a username also, but remember that it’s just a friendlier way of providing a uid from the host’s username system), and then limiting access to the uid on the host that you’ve decided the container will run as.
Because of how uids and usernames (and gids and group names) map from a container to the host, specifying the user that a containerized process runs as can make the process appear to be owned by different users inside vs outside the container.
Regarding that last point, you now have user namespace (userns) remapping (since docker 1.10, but I would advice 17.06, because of issue 33844).
I am also stuck on how to setup a docker build server.
Here's where I see ground truth right now...
Docker commands require root privileges
This is because if can run arbitrary docker commands, you have the same powers as root on the host. (You can build a container runnings as root internally, with a filesystem mount to anywhere on the host, thus allowing any root action.)
The "docker" group is a big lie IMHO. It's effectively the same as making the members root.
The only way I can see to wrap docker with any kind of security for non-root use is to build custom bash scripts to launch very specific docker commands, then to carefully audit the security implications of those commands, then add those scripts to the sudoers file (granting passwordless sudo to non-root users).
In the world where we integrate docker into development pipelines (e.g. putting docker commands in Maven builds or allow developers to make arbitrary changes to build definitions for a docker build server), I have idea how you maintain any security.
From a lot of searching and research debugging this issue in the the last week.
I found to run a maven docker container as non root would be to pass the user flag
eg -u 1000
But for this to work correctly the user needs to be in the /passwd directory of the image
to work around this you can add the host (Jenkins) /etc/passwd directory to the docker image and use a non root user.
From your system commmand arguments on the docker run container add the following to mount the correct volumes to the mvn image to allow the host non root user to get mapped inside the maven container.
-v /share:/share -v /etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro -v /etc/group:/etc/group:ro -v "$HOME/.m2":/var/maven/.m2:z -w /usr/src/mymaven -e MAVEN_CONFIG=/var/maven/.m2 -e MAVEN_OPTS="-Duser.home=/var/maven"
I know this might not be the most informative answer but it should work to run a mvn container as non root specifically to run otj-embedded-pg for integration tests that pass fine locally but fail on a Jenkins server.
As most of the posters on that thread suggest creating a new image there is no need to do that and you can run the latest maven docker image with the commands listed above and it works as it should
Hope this helps somebody that might get stuck on this issue and save them a few hours work.

Using Laravel Artisan and file permissions

I'm new to Laravel and I find this framework awesome.
Artisan is also great but a have a little problem using it.
Let's say that I create a new Controller with Artisan like this
php artisan make:controller Test
There will be a new file in app/Http/Controllers named Test and the permission on this file will be root:root
When I want to edit this file with my editor over ftp I can't because I'm not logged as root.
Is there any ways to tell Artisan to create files with www-data group for example (without doing an chown command) ?
Since you have root shell access, the following command will execute another one using the www-data user-
sudo -u www-data php artisan make:controller Test
Replace www-data with whatever the username your web server operates under, or the username you login to the FTP service with.
When you do this, the controller will be owned by www-data, which is what you want.
Note: do not ever run commands copy-pasted from the internet without knowing exactly what they do, especially in a root shell.
In this case, the -u parameter tells sudo to execute the command as a specific user, not as the root user.
From the manpage:
-u user, --user=user
Run the command as a user other than the default target user (usually root ). The user may be
either a user name or a numeric user ID (UID) prefixed with the ‘#’ character (e.g. #0 for UID
0). When running commands as a UID, many shells require that the ‘#’ be escaped with a backslash
(‘\’). Some security policies may restrict UIDs to those listed in the password database. The
sudoers policy allows UIDs that are not in the password database as long as the targetpw option
is not set. Other security policies may not support this.
I know this is a really old post but I'd also really advise anyone agains editing your Laravel files over FTP. I used to do this in my pre-Laravel days and it NEVER ended well.
Editing over FTP can have all kinds of problems- dropping connection mid-edit being the least of them. Security and live development errors being a much larger concern.
Develop on your local or dev environment, commit/push to git, then either pipeline to your server or handle your FTP uploads and cleanup after the fact. Pipelines are your best bet if your host will allow them. We use Atlassian BitBucket for ours but the set-up and deployment should be relatively similar for most hosts. Check with your host for documentation on their pipeline set-up:
There's also some tutorials online for pipelining straight to FTP (if on a shared host, say):
It is because you ran a command from root user, try to run the command from the user which you using for edit the project via ftp.

How can stop Homebrew installing Postgres as root?

I have a Postgres permissions problem, every time i brew install postgres it does so as root user resulting in permissions denial on initdb, createdb and or anything else i try.
I sudo chown the ownership of /usr/local/var/postgres and it seems to change and allow me manual entry into the directory from cmd line, which then only consists of a server.log file listing the error:
postgres cannot access the server configuration file "/usr/local/var/postgres/postgresql.conf": No such file or directory
I then go to initdb and it returns:
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "jamesbkemp".
This user must also own the server process.
The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_GB.UTF-8".
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".
Data page checksums are disabled.
initdb: directory "/usr/local/var/postgres" exists but is not empty
If you want to create a new database system, either remove or empty
the directory "/usr/local/var/postgres" or run initdb
with an argument other than "/usr/local/var/postgres"
I then go back to look at /usr/local/var/postgresand the owner has changed back to root. I really am at a loss after many hours on this as to what's going on. Any ideas folks?
Postgresql install as non root is a pain if not impossible, because it was not designed this way: it is a multi-user service.
The same thing here: apache2 as non-root - you would have to build the server yourself changing the configuration a lot.
Let me add that for an experienced datacenter operator this is a strange idea, like driving a race car in your appartment.

ftpd can't change root directory when connecting as a non-root user

I have an embedded system running linux and I have busybox installed for running different services. One of the services is ftpd, which I start like this from the etc/init.d/rcS file:
tcpsvd 21 ftpd -w -v /mnt/flash&
I have two users in the system, root and a regular user. Root user can easily connect to the FTP server, but when I try to login with the regular user's credentials, I get this error:
ftpd[678]: can't change root directory to '/mnt/flash': Operation not permitted
Now, I thought that it must be a directory permission problem, and I started with changing permissions on the /mnt/flash directory first, but after this didn't work, I ended up having all my files in file-system including / to be owned by this regular user and have drwxrwxrwt permissions (just to find the cause of the problem). But I still get this error.
I have also tried to start ftpd with different root folders, including /.
I also couldn't find any config files for the ftpd in my file-system, maybe I need to create one manually? If so, which one and how to tell ftpd to allow user logins?
I'd really appreciate any help. Thanks.
Well, after trying some random things, I discovered that user login works fine if there is no directory changing involved at all:
tcpsvd 21 ftpd -w -v &
I suspect that chroot is called otherwise and the user does not have a right to do that.

Laravel Homestead: Nginx failing to start on Vagrant. Need root password to access Nginx logs

Using Laravel Homestead to work with Laravel 4. After running vagrant up this morning, I was unable to access I pinged it with no problem so I investigated my virtualbox and discovered that Nginx wasn't starting. I then attempted to view logs and I am denied permission from the /var/log/nginx directory which is owned by www-data adm.
My question then, what is the su or sudo password which would allow me to access that directory? The documentation is surprisingly void of any information as well as the Git repository. Thank you.
i had similar issue with laravel/homestead vagrant virtual machine and nginx not restarting. the error after running nginx -t was :
nginx: [crit] pread() "/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/sites-available" failed (21: Is a directory)
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed
solution was to delete the symbolic link sites_available:
rm -Rf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/sites-available
than it worked:
service nginx restart
elevate to root by typing sudo -s
A quick way to jump to a root account shell is to run the "sudo bash" command. That way, if you don't have to have to type "sudo" in front of each command. Since this VM is for development purposes I don't see it as a danger, but in real production Ubuntu runs with the root account locked down so you always go in and should stay in with user level privileges until you need to execute a higher level command. You "can" enable the root account and set a password, but jumping to it with sudo is the better method.
You can just look at the log using the root account password. So: sudo nano and then just enter your root user's password. A root is able to do anything on the system, so that always is a solution for this kind of problems.
If you forgot the root password, just search google to recover it.
