I can't execut OpenDebugA7 - debugging

Error while executing OpenDebugA7 from cpptools in dap nvim
zsh: no such file or directory ./OpenDebugA7
I'm using termux aarch64 and linux aarch64 release of cpptools
I would know what's the wrong!


is it possible to use podman in macbook pro with M1 pro chip

I want to use podman in macbook pro with M1 pro chip. First I run this command to initial podman:
➜ retire git:(master) podman machine init
Downloading VM image: fedora-coreos-36.20220511.dev.0-qemu.aarch64.qcow2.xz: done
Extracting compressed file
Image resized.
Machine init complete
To start your machine run:
podman machine start
After start the VM, then using this command to pull but encount an error:
➜ retire git:(master) podman pull registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/reddwarf-pro/yapi:0ac4a62af8f232cae90ac955708c23d8386b2033
Error: 1 error occurred:
* error getting credentials - err: exec: "docker-credential-gcloud": executable file not found in $PATH, out: ``
is it possible to use podman in macOS? what should I do to fixed this problem?
Podman has been supported on M1 chips since October: https://podman.io/blogs/2021/10/04/m1macs.html
The error you're getting spells it out for you - "docker-credential-gloud": executable file not found in $PATH
This indicates that you either don't have gcloud and docker-credential-gcloud installed, or there is a problem with your current install.
Try re-installing the Google components if you haven't already.
Also: see existing answer here

Install syndesis on Windows when minishift is installed

I have some problems to install syndesis on Windows.
My configuration is Win10 64bits with minishift installed.
minishift and oc commands works from command line.
I have started the OpenShift server and I can connect it with web browser.
I tried the install mentioned README.md with Cygwin: "bash <(curl -sL https://syndes.is/start) --vm-driver hyperkit" --> nothing happen
Then I tried the syndesis-cli from 2.0.0-20210514 with Cygwin
$ ./syndesis install
/cygdrive/d/users/toto/Downloads/syndesis-cli/commands/util/common_funcs: line 354: /home/toto/.syndesis/bin/platform-detect: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
operator binary not found under /home/toto/.syndesis/bin/syndesis-operator, attempting to download...
Unknown platform [ cygwin ],
unable to download the operator binary, exit
ERROR: Last command exited with 1
How can I install syndesis on Windows?
Thanks !

CPAN "." is not recognized as an internal or external command - Windows 10

Trying to install PAM module on Windows 10 machine. currently not having much luck. not sure why I'm getting this error.
cpan> install Authen::PAM
Running install for module 'Authen::PAM'
Checksum for C:\STRAWB~1\cpan\sources\authors\id\N\NI\NIKIP\Authen-PAM-0.16.tar.gz ok
Configuring N/NI/NIKIP/Authen-PAM-0.16.tar.gz with Makefile.PL
Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
'.' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Error in configuring the Authen::PAM module.
Warning: No success on command[C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL]
C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL -- NOT OK
Stopping: 'install' failed for 'Authen::PAM'.
Failed during this command:
NIKIP/Authen-PAM-0.16.tar.gz : writemakefile NO 'C:\Strawberry\perl\bin\perl.exe Makefile.PL' returned status 512
The module doesn't support Windows.
Specifically, the error results from the module's installer being incompatible with Windows. It tries to executes a Bourne shell command to invoke a Bourne shell script, and there is no such shell on your machine. Even if you could install such a shell, it wouldn't help. The script is very much only intended for unixy systems.[1]
There are ways of creating unixy environments on Windows. Virtual environments such as those created by Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), Cygwin and MSYS may support the module, but the perl from within those environments would have to be used.

Installation V8.js in Windows Subsystem for Linux

I tried to install V8 according to this instruction http://www.php-js.com/documentation/v8
git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git
export PATH=pwd/depot_tools:"$PATH"
fetch v8
And I get this error while running fetch v8:
Error: Command 'download_from_google_storage --no_resume
--platform=linux* --no_auth --bucket chromium-clang-format -s v8/buildtools/linux64/clang-format.sha1' returned non-zero exit status
Failed to fetch file
for v8/buildtools/linux64/clang-format. [Err: panic: failed to execve
"/home/erniesto77/.vpython-root/e63758/bin/python": cannot allocate
What could possibly be causing this? And whether it is possible to install V8 on WSL in General?
I run gclient --help and it gives me warning that gclient not yet support python3, I fix it by change my python command pointing to my python2.
calling fetch v8 works fine then.

Start MongoDB with git bash

kevin#KEVIN-PC MINGW64 /C/MongoDB/bin
$ ls
bsondump.exe* mongodump.exe* mongoperf.exe* mongotop.exe*
libeay32.dll* mongoexport.exe* mongorestore.exe* ssleay32.dll*
mongo.exe* mongofiles.exe* mongos.exe*
mongod.exe* mongoimport.exe* mongos.pdb
mongod.pdb mongooplog.exe* mongostat.exe*
kevin#KEVIN-PC MINGW64 /C/MongoDB/bin
$ mongod.exe
bash: mongod.exe: command not found
I installed the mongoDB with version Windows 64-bit 2008 R2+ on my windows8.1. Could anyone tell me why I got command not found error when start the mongod.exe?
try ./mongod to run the executable to begin the server then open a second window/terminal. navigate to the same location as your server, then run ./mongo. Should be set!
cd to you installation folder C:\Program Files\MongoDB\Server\3.6\bin then start mongodb server ./mongod.
