Exceeded reCAPTCHA Quota : create new keys - recaptcha

After a month using google's reCaptcha on my website, i received this message
Thank you for being a reCAPTCHA user. Your site key is currently using
reCAPTCHA over the quota limit of 1 million calls per month. If you do not
migrate to reCAPTCHA Enterprise, within 60 days following this notice, your
site key will not protect your webpage after 1 million calls per month.
It is clear the free version allows up to 1 million calls per month. While my website does much more
What I wanna know : if I create a new Google account and register a new key but for the same domain, will it work after the first one expires ?

No, creating a new Google account and registering a new reCAPTCHA key for the same domain will not work after the first one expires. The quota limit of 1 million calls per month is applied per site key, not per Google account. If you exceed this limit, you will need to upgrade to reCAPTCHA Enterprise or find an alternative solution. Simply creating a new account and registering a new key will not solve the issue and your website will still be unprotected after exceeding the monthly quota limit.


What is the limit for creating Calendar Events from a particular account per day, month and year?

I've tried to integrate google calendar API for Events creating. I would like to know if there is any limitations on the amount of Events that can be created for a day/month/year. If so how do I set to unlimited?
There are a few things you should know. First being that the Google Calendar api is under the same limitations as the Google Calendar website. There for all the limits that would apply to a user creating events in Google calendar will apply to a user using your Application creating events
Avoid Calendar use limits
The second think you need to under stand is quota limits for your project in Google Cloud console
There are two types of quotas project based and user based. Project based quotas limit your full project can make a cross all its users.
Then there is user based quotas which is the limit to the number of requests a single user can make in your project.
If you have a 10k request per minute quota for your project and each user has a 600 request per minute quota.
You can apply to extend the project based quota but not the user based quota.

Default daily quota is set to 0 - how to upgrade it?

We recently added YouTube data api to our project and realized that the account daily api quota is 0. Surprisingly when I created a new project/set of credentials, the quota is set to 10000. Could this be because the first account is older and something changed in the recent years?
To clarify - the project is active, we asked for quota upgrade but got no response and the quota field is uneditable. When contacted google support, they asked to post a question as the support is provided here.
This all is unnecessarily confusing, is there an easy way to reset the quota to default value of 10000???

Youtube V3 API quota usage assist

I am currently working on an application that manipulates enormous streams of videos and I currently implement a "share on youtube" button so a user ( any user of the application that provided my app with an access token for his youtube account ) can share small parts ( lets say 2 to 7 minutes ) videos on their personal accounts.
In my understanding I require an application from youtube along the user's access key to upload anything. The problem is the application "general" quota is 10k units. Each video upload costs 1605 ( calculated ) units. Meaning that my application can upload up to 6 videos per day because it adds up on the general quota. Is there a way for those units to add up on the per-user quota basis?
If I request an increase to my quota ( lets say 1mil / approved ) that means I can upload ~623 videos.. What would happened if 100 users try to upload a video in their personal accounts ( using my application, thus my application key ) as this response is not reassuring but is also 2 years old.
The code is as straight forward as userSpecificConnection.uploadVideo(video) which creates a userConnection to youtube using the user access token and the application key.
This question seems similar to my question but is 3y/o without a clear answer on the problem that I am currently facing
To clear out my questions :
Is there a way to upload videos on the per-user quota?
As the application is just an intermediate for the users to upload videos to their personal accounts I will not be monitoring how many videos each user uploads to their personal accounts ( as they are personal ) BUT if a user uploads 50 the rest of the users will not be able to upload anything?
Is there a way to avoid this? ( blocking a user from uploading due to an other user reaching the limit ). The users are independent and should not limit each other.
I am not avoiding opening a request for increased quota. Just do not want to start a process that may not help me and will only consume someones time to review my application.
Is there a way to upload videos on the per-user quota?
All quotas are against your main quota. So if one user goes crazy and eats all your quota your other users are going to be stuck. Thats how the quota system works unfortunately its project based and not user based.
As the application is just an intermediate for the users to upload videos to their personal accounts I will not be monitoring how many videos each user uploads to their personal accounts ( as they are personal ) BUT if a user uploads 50 the rest of the users will not be able to upload anything?
You will get an error back stating that they have reached their quota limit for the day. You should just display that to them and let them know the quota will reset at midnight west cost USA time.
Is there a way to avoid this? ( blocking a user from uploading due to an other user reaching the limit ). The users are independent and should not limit each other.
Unless you keep track in your application how many uploads the user has made there is no way for you to know they have reached the limit without just trying to do an upload and getting the quota error. Dont worry to much about getting the quota error google doesn't count that errors like that against you just format it nicely for the user.
I am not avoiding opening a request for increased quota. Just do not want to start a process that may not help me and will only consume someones time to review my application.
My rule of thumb is when i have reached 80% usage daily for a quota i normally apply for extension. The youtube api quota can take time to get extended i have heard as long as six weeks.

Google Places API key expires running after once

I just created a project in Google Places API and got a key.I tried one of their sample query in the browser. It worked fine once. But as soon as I run it again, I get below error
"error_message" : "You have exceeded your daily request quota for this API. If you did not set a custom daily request quota, verify your project has an active billing account: http://g.co/dev/maps-no-account",
"html_attributions" : [],
"status" : "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT"
That seems odd. What am I missing?
I had the same issue after I'd used my Places API key for quite a bit, have you been using the key for a while now? Maybe the total number of requests per day are restricted beyond a certain limit. I believe they have weekly quotas as well.
Adding a billing account resolved it.

Youtube API v3 - Can I get 50M quota per user if using Access Token(Oauth2)?

Can I get 50M quota per user if using Access Token(Oauth2) with Youtube Api v3?
Or will it be bound to my Project ApiKey, and therefore I will only get a quota of total 50,000,000 for my application ?
thx! :)
Quota usage for the YouTube API is project based not user account based.
So if I authenticate your application / project and make 10,000,000 requests, then you authenticate application and make 40,000,000 you will have blown the quota out.
There is one quota that is user based Per-user limit 3,000 requests/second/user but this can be gotten around by sending a random quotaUser with all of your request. This tells the API that each request comes from a different user, but I didn't tell you about this.
