How can I change the location Go downloads dependencies to? [duplicate] - go

I have been informed to use go get <github-URL> to download a go program.
The command exists with no output and exit code 0.
On my system both $GOPATH and $GOROOT are unset.
Where did go store my downloaded program?

It stores in GOPATH. If you don't set it explicitly, it has default values (depending on your system).
Module dependencies are automatically downloaded to the pkg/mod subdirectory of the directory indicated by the GOPATH environment variable

This go language issue says that if the GOPATH environment variable is unset, then by default:
$HOME/go is used on *NIX
%USERPROFILE%\go is used on Windows


Where does go download my dependencies if I do not specify GOPATH?

new go learner so this might be a trivial question. If I understand the documentation correctly, go had been using GOPATH in the beginning and every dependency and source code need to be in this GOPATH but after 1.1.1 GO switched gear to use Go Modules which is like other languages doing.
Now if I do not specify GOPATH at all in my bashrc/bash_profile or anywhere, I can now do go init mymod and write some code and simply run go build and it will download whatever depdendency package I am using without any problem. I have tried setting GOPATH and when GOPATH is set, the packages are downloaded to my GOPATH as expected, but without GOPATH, this still works. But I am not sure where the dependencies are downloaded.
Could you please explain to me what is happening here? Where the dependency pacakge are downloaded in this case?
Quoting from Command go: GOPATH environment variable:
If the environment variable is unset, GOPATH defaults to a subdirectory named "go" in the user's home directory ($HOME/go on Unix, %USERPROFILE%\go on Windows), unless that directory holds a Go distribution. Run "go env GOPATH" to see the current GOPATH.

"go get" command not generating the bin folder when it is run in a shell script

I have installed go package. When I go to the instance(VM) and run the command
go get from a terminal/cmd it is downloading both "src" & "bin" folder under user home directory. But when I run the same command by setting GOPATH in a shell script, it is only downloading the "src" folder but not generating "bin" folder.
Am I missing anything?
Use go install command (Compile and install packages and dependencies).
That command download src to $GOPATH and build it to $GOBIN.
GOBIN may not be set at the moment.
You can check by go env GOBIN. if its empty so you must set with export GOBIN=$(go env GOPATH)/bin
Also, for calling binary files from your terminal, you need to use go install command. This will create related bin file under GOBIN path.
There's a lot going on here.
The first point of your confusion is that go get does not download neither "src" nor "bin": Go packages are always contain only source code, and they typically does not contain the "src" directory in their file and directory hierarchies.
Instead, these directories are artefacts of the the Go toolchain.
The second point of confusion is that since Go 1.8, the Go toolchain uses a fallback value for the GOPATH environment variable if that is not set, and on Unix-like systems it defaults to the directory named "go" under the "home" directory of the user executing the go command.
If this directory is missing, the toolchain will create it.
Hence my stab at your problem is that you have some sort of permissions problem: when GOPATH is unset, "$HOME/go" is used — with whatever value $HOME expands to for the current user; when you set GOPATH by hand, something prevents creation of the "bin" directory under $GOPATH.
There's another possibility: you also set the GOBIN environment variable, which, when set, overrides the usual location used to install binaries built by go install (and go get).
You might study the output of go help environment to read more on the subject.
In either case, the most sensible path forward is to run go install with the -x command-line option and see where the command tries to put the generated executable image, and why this fails (if at all).
You might study the output of go help install and go help build to read more on the subject.
You might also consider forcing usage of Go modules for your particular case:
running GO111MODULES=on go get would work like five times faster for your use case.
Be sure to study the output of go help modules and go help mod-get first.
bin folder or src folders are not automatically created for you by the go get command. Here are the standard steps creating a new project in go assuming this the first time you are creating a project in go:
Under your workspace directory, create a project directory, say "project1" bin, src directories.
export GOPATH=~/workspace/project1/
export GOBIN=~/workspace/project1/bin
Now if you need just the source code, do a go get
or if you need a binary do a go install
The binary will be stored under ~/workspace/project1/bin and source code under ~/workspace/project1/
Same steps would apply either if your creating your project through a make file or terminal

About warning popup after gopls installation in vscode

I installed gopls using command set GO111MODULE=on and to use gopls.
After that, I restarted the program and whenever I write and save the source code, a warning window appears like the picture below.
I'm not sure what this warning means.
I am working on GOPATH and have all the packages I need.
But I don't know why i need a module here.
As mentioned in "GOPATH in the VS Code Go extension"
Out of the box, the extension uses the value of the environment variable GOPATH. From Go 1.8 onwards, if no such environment variable is set, then the default GOPATH as deciphered from the command go env is used.
Check if you have set go.gopath or go.inferGopath.
Check what the returned value of go env GOPATH is.
More generally, it is a good idea to initialize a module at the root of your project (wherever your project is, GOPATH or not)
cd /path/to/my/project
go mod init myproject
Some issues mentioned that same error message
You are neither in a module nor in your GOPATH.
Please see for information on how to set up your Go project.
Issue 36120 for instance said:
I believe this is because my GOPATH is a colon-separated string:
But... that was fixed in CL 211304 and commit 74e303f in gopls v0.3.2.

Where does `go get` store what it downloads?

I have been informed to use go get <github-URL> to download a go program.
The command exists with no output and exit code 0.
On my system both $GOPATH and $GOROOT are unset.
Where did go store my downloaded program?
It stores in GOPATH. If you don't set it explicitly, it has default values (depending on your system).
Module dependencies are automatically downloaded to the pkg/mod subdirectory of the directory indicated by the GOPATH environment variable
This go language issue says that if the GOPATH environment variable is unset, then by default:
$HOME/go is used on *NIX
%USERPROFILE%\go is used on Windows

How to set GOPATH on MAC after installing go1.4.1.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.pkg

I have run go1.4.1.darwin-amd64-osx10.8.pkg to install go on my MAC. It install go in /usr/local/go/bin/go.
Can you tell me what should my GOPATH set to? I tried '/usr/local/go' and '/usr/local/go/bin/go'. But both does not seem to be the right path.
Thank you.
GOPATH is an environmental variable used to define the location of your workplace directory. It's used by the Go tools for various reasons.
For example:
go get -u
will download the source code and place it at
Compile that source code and
place the binary at $GOPATH/bin
Place symbol and package information at $GOPATH/pkg/architecture/
The path is also used in other tools:
go build
go install in the above commands is resolved automatically to $GOPATH/src/ and thus you can run these commands without actually being in your workplace (the point of $GOPATH)
The $GOPATH location for your workplace directory can be put anywhere on your machine, but it must minimally have 3 folders (because go get and other tools need these folders).
This environmental variable can be set like any other environmental variable. If you're using go from the, you can set it by opening the file:
vi ~/.bashrc
and then setting it
export GOPATH=~/goworkplace
~/goworkplace is a location to the workplace directory with those 3 folders. It can be anywhere on your system, such as, ~/Development/goworkplace, ~/Desktop/goworkplace, as long as it has those 3 folders
For information, take a look at this:
Try this
First you can check the golang is install or not. Run go env
After that you can show the list of go env variables..
then you check where you can install the go
after that set $GOPATH
like:- export GOPATH=/var/projects/go
and also set $GOBIN
like:- export =$GOPATH/bin
