Uploading the gradle artifact to Nexus 3.41 using azure DevOps - gradle

i am Using cURL upload extension to upload the artifact to Nexus repository.
I am getting the below error
Upload artifact to nexus extension is not supporting to Nexus 3.41 server

According to the screenshot, it seems task was complete. The warning: Not all files were uploaded.
You could try to create a new repo and use the specific file to upload with a new service connection. Make sure the "Remote Directory" is available.


Uploading artifacts using Gradle to JFrog Artifactory

After building the Gradle project there is a .jar file is created in build\libs and I want to use it as a JFrog Artifactory and trying to upload to libs-release-local, it looks like this
here I can see three files blog-service-v1.jar, blog-service-v1.module, blog-service-v1.pom.
I can manually upload the .jar file and overwrite it from my local to jfrog artifact using
jfrog rt u blog-service-v1.jar
But where would I get the other two files?
Is it created automatically in jfrog artifact or I have to manually upload it, If I have to manually upload it then where would I get these files?
After some changes in build.gradle (click here for more) gradle uploads it to artifactory. All you need to do is run this(gradle artifactoryPublish) from your command line.

Uploading files from srver to artifactory

I have a local server with some files and each time i run automation these files get updated, i would like to copy these file to a repository in artifactory. The files i have is a zip file
I found ways like CI jenkins integration and a maven artifactory plugin, but i would want something in batch script which i could call in my code.
i'm looking for something like scp <"server_file_path"> <"Location_in the _artifactory"> . I cannot be using the artifactory windows client in my machine. so i need to upload to the artifactory web view path.
You can simply :
use the REST Api
Upload manually
This thread seems to be related :
How to upload an artifact to Artifactory / consume it in a build system (Gradle Maven Ant) where the artifact does not have an extension

Using gradle and the jfrog artifactory plugin how can I upload a generic artifact to a generic repository

I have a special build script that outputs an Alpine APK that I need to upload to a generic Artifactory repository. How do I mark the apk output as an artifact that needs to be picked up and published?
If you're using CloudRepo repository, you could just POST with a curl. You might be able to do this with Artifactory.

How to connect remote repository in JFrog Artifactory to repo.manento.com?

Is possible to add repo.magento.com as a remote repository to Jfrog Artifactory?
I added repo.magento.com as remote php repo but when I try to require a module like "magento/product-community-edition" in the Artifactory logs I see the error
Error occurred while parsing the response of a remote composer package JSON query on 'https://repo.magento.com/p/magento.json': Expected a file but found a folder, at: php-magento:.composer/p/magento.json
This occurs because repo.magento.com doesn't use lazy url but explicit all packages in https://repo.magento.com/packages.json.
There is any way to customize Artifactory packages.json to prevent lazy url?
I asked to jFrog support and they answer me
Currently Artifactory does not support repo.magento.com.
I created and issue on JFrog Jira https://www.jfrog.com/jira/browse/RTFACT-18169

Trouble publishing rpm artifact to yum snapshot repo using Gradle

I've been trying to publish a rpm file (built using Gradle-custom plugin) to a yum snapshot repo using Gradle (nexus-yum plugin installed on repo). However, the upload fails and I get an error 400. I further understand that this is because my build script is attempting to upload my rpm artifact to a release repo instead of the snapshot repo. It would be great if anyone could share thoughts as to where I could be going wrong ?
Are you specifying the snapshots area of your repo?
The answer to : using gradle to deploy features.xml to nexus? explains how to update your maven settings.xml to exclude locations from a public repo and upload archives to releases area (same applies for snapshot)
Of course if you are publishing to a snapshot dir you must have a -SNAPSHOT extension.
