How to change Discord application name using Python -

I want to change a Discord's application name (NOT username) dynamically through code.
Is there any way to do it? I have scrapped through Documentation and not yet found any.
headers = {"Authorization": "MTA1MTM5OTgyMzk3NjMxNjk1OA.GQ3Imi.ga8ZG0r96u1V8peV9hW2ImZQLE2zrOgDj_xQnQ"}
data2 = {"name": "BabyDoll"}
response2 = requests.patch("", headers=headers, json=data2
It gave Error 401: Unauthorized
Have given ALL permissions, turned on Message Intent etc


Authenticating a Xamarin Android app using Azure Active Directory fails with 401 Unauthorzed

I am trying to Authenticate a Xamarin Android app using Azure Active Directory by following article here:
I have registered a native application with AAD; note that i havent given it any additional permissions beyond creating it.
Then i use the below code to authenticate the APP with AAD
button.Click += async (sender, args) =>
var authContext = new AuthenticationContext(commonAuthority);
if (authContext.TokenCache.Count > 0)
authContext = new AuthenticationContext(authContext.TokenCache.ReadItems().GetEnumerator().Current.Authority);
authResult = await authContext.AcquireTokenAsync(graphResourceUri, clientId, returnUri, new PlatformParameters(this));
doGET("{subscription-id}/resourceGroups/OPSLABRG/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/LABVM?api-version=2015-08-01", authResult.AccessToken);
private string doGET(string URI, String token)
Uri uri = new Uri(String.Format(URI));
// Create the request
var httpWebRequest = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri);
httpWebRequest.Headers.Add(HttpRequestHeader.Authorization, "Bearer " + token);
httpWebRequest.ContentType = "application/json";
httpWebRequest.Method = "GET";
// Get the response
HttpWebResponse httpResponse = null;
httpResponse = (HttpWebResponse)httpWebRequest.GetResponse();
catch (Exception ex)
Toast.MakeText(this, "Error from : " + uri + ": " + ex.Message, ToastLength.Long).Show();
return null;
This seems to be getting a token when using a Work account.
Using a valid hotmail account throws error A Bad Request was received.
However the main problem is when i try to retrieve VM details using REST.
the REST GET method fails with 401 Unauthorized error even when using the Work account.
I am not sure if the code is lacking something or if i need to give some additional permissions for the App. This needs to be able to support authenticating users from other tenants to get VM details.
Any guidance is appreciated.
note that i havent given it any additional permissions beyond creating
This is the problem here.
In order for you to call the Azure Management API, you must first register your application to have permissions to call this API.
You can do that as a part of your app registration like so:
Only at that point, will your app be authorized to call ARM, and your calls should start to work.
According to your description, I checked this issue on my side. As Shawn Tabrizi mentioned that you need to assign the delegated permission for accessing ARM Rest API. Here is my code snippet, you could refer to it:
var context = new AuthenticationContext($"{tenantId}");
result = await context.AcquireTokenAsync(
, clientId, new Uri("{redirectUrl}"), platformParameter);
I would recommend you using Fiddler or Postman to simulate the request against ARM with the access_token to narrow this issue. If any errors, you could check the detailed response for troubleshooting the cause.
Here is my test for retrieving the basic information of my Azure VM:
Additionally, you could leverage for decoding your access_token and check the related properties (e.g. aud, iss, etc.) as follows to narrow this issue.

Get "API key is missing" error when querying account details to Mailchimp API 3.0 using RestSharp

When using RestSharp to query account details in your MailChimp account I get a "401: unauthorized" with "API key is missing", even though it clearly isn't!
We're using the same method to create our RestClient with several different methods, and in all requests it is working flawlessly. However, when we're trying to request the account details, meaning the RestRequest URI is empty, we get this weird error and message.
private static RestClient CreateApi3Client(string apikey)
var client = new RestClient("");
client.Authenticator = new HttpBasicAuthenticator(null, apiKey);
return client;
public void TestCases() {
var client = CreateApi3Client(_account.MailChimpApiKey);
var req1 = new RestRequest($"lists/{_account.MailChimpList}/webhooks", Method.GET);
var res1 = client.Execute(req1); // works perfectly
var req2 = new RestRequest($"automations/{account.MailChimpTriggerEmail}/emails", Method.GET);
var res2 = client.Execute(req2); // no problem
var req3 = new RestRequest(Method.GET);
var res3 = client.Execute(req3); // will give 401, api key missing
var req4 = new RestRequest(string.Empty, Method.GET);
var res4 = client.Execute(req4); // same here, 401
When trying the api call in Postman all is well., GET with basic auth gives me all the account information and when debugging in c# all looks identical.
I'm trying to decide whether to point blame to a bug in either RestSharp or MailChimp API. Has anyone had a similar problem?
After several hours we finally found what was causing this..
When RestSharp is making the request to it's opting to omit the trailing '/'
(even if you specifically add this in the RestRequest, like: new RestRequest("/", Method.GET))
so the request was made to
This caused a serverside redirect to '' (with the trailing '/') and for some reason this redirect scrubbed away the authentication header.
So we tried making a
new RestRequest("/", Method.GET)
with some parameters (req.AddParameter("fields", "email")) to make it not scrub the trailing '/', but this to was failing.
The only way we were able to "fool" RestSharp was to write it a bit less sexy like:
new RestRequest("/?fields=email", Method.GET)

How to change Web Api Core unauthorized behavior

The default ASP.NET Web Api Core behaviour for unauthorized request is to send 401/403 error with empty content. I'd like to change it by specifying some kind of Json response specifying the error.
But I struggle to find a right place where I can introduce these changes. Official documentation is of no help (read it all). I had a guess that may be I could catch UnathorizedException in my exception filter / middleware but it didn't work out (I guess it gets handled at authorization level or even not thrown at all).
So my question is how can I customize response behavior in case of unauthorized request.
With .Net Core 3 (or may be earlier as well) you can write a middleware to check if the context.Response has a status of 40x and then return a custom object. Below is roughly how I did it:
if (context.Response.StatusCode == (int)HttpStatusCode.Unauthorized)
var result = new MyStandardApiResponseDto
Error = new MyErrorDto
Title = "Unauthorized",
Messages = new List<string> { "You are not authorized to access the resource. Please login again." },
Result = null
await context.Response.WriteAsync(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(result));

GoogleDrive file multipart type upload in xamarin

My Xamarin forms application uploads a zip file to google drive using rest apis.But the name is always displaying as "untitled".So I tried using multipart content,but got the parse error with "code": 400,
var jsonstring = "{ \"name\": \"\” }";
var multicontent = new MultipartContent();
var strcontent = new StringContent(jsonstring);
var backupContent = “byte array content of my file”;
HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer”, “my token value");
HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Length", backupContent.ContentLength.ToString());
HttpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.TryAddWithoutValidation("Content-Type", "multipart/related");
var res = await HttpClient.PostAsync( "", multicontent);
var stringContent = await res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Based on the Google Drive documentation, The error 400: Bad Request that you got is a user error. This error is caused by:
required field or parameter has not been provided
the combination of provided fields is invalid
the value supplied in the parameter is invalid
Another caused of this error is when trying to add a duplicate parent to a Drive item. It can also be thrown when trying to add a parent that would create a cycle in the directory graph.
For more information, check this link to know the different upload options that you can do in Google Drive API. You can also check this ZIP Extractor if it can help you.

Error updating/posting to Twitter

I tried with this code to post on the wall (Twitter) of a user
if (credentials.ConsumerKey == null || credentials.ConsumerSecret == null)
credentials.ConsumerKey = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerKey"];
credentials.ConsumerSecret = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["twitterConsumerSecret"];
auth = new MvcAuthorizer
Credentials = credentials
if (!auth.IsAuthorized)
Uri specialUri = new Uri(Request.Url.ToString());
return auth.BeginAuthorization(specialUri);
twitterCtx = new TwitterContext(auth);
Probleme : the first test goes well, I posted on the wall the second test shows this error:
Error while querying Twitter.
someone can help me to solve this problem
LINQ to Twitter throws a TwitterQueryException when detecting an error from Twitter. You can look at the Response property of the TwitterQueryException instance to see the message that Twitter is sending back. Another way to get a complete view of the query and Twitter's response is to use Fiddler2 to view the HTTP traffic and see what Twitter's response is.
In your case, I'm looking at the fact that you said the first post worked, but the second one doesn't. This might be caused by posting a duplicate message, which Twitter doesn't allow. If you look at any of the LINQ to Twitter demos that post a message, you'll notice that they contain a DateTime, which practically guarantees that the text of each message will be different. So, In your case, you could try this:
twitterCtx.UpdateStatus("Welcome - " + DateTime.Now.ToString());
You're welcome to provide more info by posting the contents of the Response property from the TwitterQueryException. Also, for more info, I've begun a FAQ at
