How to extract a value by searching for two words in different lines and getting the value of second one - bash

How to search for a word, once it's found, in the next line save a specific value in a variable.
The json bellow is only a small part of the file.
Due to this specific file json structure be inconsistent and subject to change overtime, it need to by done via search like grep sed awk.
however the paramenters bellow will be always the same.
search for the word next
get the next line bellow it
extract everything after the word page_token not the boundary "
store in a variable to be used
"link": [
"relation": "search",
"url": "aaa/ww/rrrrrrrrr/aaaaaaaaa/ffffffff/ccccccc/dddd/?token=gggggggg3444"
"relation": "next",
"url": "aaa/ww/rrrrrrrrr/aaaaaaaaa/ffffffff/ccccccc/dddd/?&_page_token=121_%_#212absa23bababa121212121212121"
so the desired output in this case is:
my attempt:
PAGE_TOKEN=$(cat test.txt| grep "next" | sed 's/^.*: *//;q')
no lucky..

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -En '/next/{n;s/.*(page_token=)([^"]*).*/\U\1\E"\2"/p}' file
This is essentially a filtering operation, hence the use of the -n option.
Find a line containing next, fetch the next line, format as required and print the result.

Presuming your input is valid json, one option is to use:
cat test.json
"relation": "search",
"url": "aaa/ww/rrrrrrrrr/aaaaaaaaa/ffffffff/ccccccc/dddd/?token=gggggggg3444"
"relation": "next",
"url": "aaa/ww/rrrrrrrrr/aaaaaaaaa/ffffffff/ccccccc/dddd/?&_page_token=121_%_#212absa23bababa121212121212121"
PAGE_TOKEN=$(cat test.json | jq -r '.[] | select(.relation=="next") | .url | gsub(".*=";"")')
echo "$PAGE_TOKEN"


jq bash issue with filtering with CONTAINS

I have an issue where I am trying to filter records with a CONTAINS, but it won't accept a variable that has spaces in it. I am including the JSON and the calls. I explain what works and the last one that does not work. I have looked High and Low but I can't make it work. I have seen and tried many (hundreds of ways taking into account the double quotes, escaped, not escaped, with, without, but no luck) can someone take a look and point me to something that might help.
JSON used to test
_metadatadashjson='{ "meta": { "provisionedExternalId": "" }, "dashboard": { "liveNow": false, "panels": [ { "collapsed": false, "title": "Gyrex Thread Count Gauges", "type": "row", "targets": [ { "expr": "jvm_threads_current{instance=\"\",job=\"prometheus_gyrex\"}", "refId": "B" } ] }, { "datasource": "Prometheus_16_Docker", "targets": [ { "exemplar": true, "expr": "jvm_threads_current{instance=\"\",job=\"prometheus_gyrex\"}" } ], "title": ".16 : 3279", "type": "gauge" }, { "description": "", "targets": [ { "expr": "jvm_threads_current{instance=\"\",job=\"prometheus_gyrex\"}", "refId": "B" } ], "title": ".16 : 3288", "type": "graph" }, { "description": "", "targets": [ { "expr": "jvm_threads_current{instance=\"\",job=\"prometheus_gyrex\"}", "refId": "C" } ], "title": ".16 : 3288", "type": "graph" } ], "version": 55 }}'
Set the string to search for in key "expr"
This works returns one record
echo "${_metadatadashjson}" | jq -r --arg EXPRSTRSEARCH "$exprStrSearch" '.dashboard.panels[] | select(.targets[].expr | contains($EXPRSTRSEARCH)) | .targets[].expr'
This works no problem returns two records.
echo "${_metadatadashjson}" | jq -r --arg EXPRSTRSEARCH "$exprStrSearch" '.dashboard.panels[] | select(.targets[].expr | contains("", "")) | .targets[].expr'
Change the value to include a space and another string
Does not work.
echo "${_metadatadashjson}" | jq -r --arg EXPRSTRSEARCH "$exprStrSearch" '.dashboard.panels[] | select(.targets[].expr | contains($EXPRSTRSEARCH)) | .targets[].expr'
None of your data contains "".
You could pass multiple strings to contains(), using a bash array:
strings=("" "")
echo "${_metadatadashjson}" |
jq -r --args '.dashboard.panels[] | select(.targets[].expr | contains($ARGS.positional[])) | .targets[].expr' "${strings[#]}"
But contains will evaluate to true for each match. Ie. if one expr contained both strings, it would be selected (and printed) twice.
With test, that won't happen. Here's how you can add the |s between multiple strings, and pass them in a single jq variable (as well as escape all the dots):
strings=("" "")
echo "${_metadatadashjson}" |
jq -r --arg str "${strings[*]//./\\.}" '.dashboard.panels[] | select(.targets[].expr | test($str)) | .targets[].expr'
Both examples print this:
Update: I forgot to escape the dots for test. I edited the test example so that all the dots get escaped (with a single backslash). It's regex, so (unescaped) dots will match any character. The contains example matches the strings literally (not regex).
The problem is that the string with the space in it does not in fact occur in the given JSON. It's not too clear what you are trying to do but please note that contains is not symmetric:
"a" | contains("a b")
evaluates to false.
If you intended to write a boolean search criterion, you could use a boolean expression, or use jq's regular expression machinery, e.g.
or probably even better:

fetch the number of record from a JSON file using shell

I have a test.txt file in this format
"user": "sthapa",
"ticket": "LIN-5867_3",
"start_date": "2018-03-16",
"end_date": "2018-03-16",
"demo_nos": [692],
"service_names": [
I need to look for a tag called demo_nos and provide the count of it.
For example in the above file "demo_nos": [692] which means only one demo nos...similarly if it had "demo_nos": [692,300] then the count would be 2
so what shell script can i write to fetch and print the count?
The output should say the demo nos = 1 or 2 depending on the values inside the tag [].
i.e I have a variable in my shell script called market_nos which should give me it's count
The gold standard for manipulating JSON data from the command line is jq:
$ jq '.demo_nos | length' test.txt
.demo_nos returns the value associated with the demo_nos key in the object, and that array is piped to the length function which does the obvious.
I'm assuming you have python and the file is JSON :)
$ cat some.json
"user": "sthapa",
"ticket": "LIN-5867_3",
"start_date": "2018-03-16",
"end_date": "2018-03-16",
"demo_nos": [692],
"service_names": [
$ python -c 'import sys,json; print(len(json.load(sys.stdin)["demo_nos"]))' < some.json
Not the most elegant solution but this should do it
cat test.txt | grep -o -P 'demo_nos.{0,200}' | cut -d'[' -f2 | cut -d']' -f1 | awk -F',' '{ print NF }'
Please note that this is a quick and dirty solution treating input as raw text, and not taking into account JSON structure. In exceptional cases were "demo_nos" string would also appear elsewhere in the file, the output from the command above might be incorrect.

Generate json file with formatting

I have a curl command which generates json output. I want to add a few characters in generated file to be able to process it further.
curl -sN --negotiate -u foo:bar "http://hostname/db/tbl_name/" >> db.json
This runs under a for loop which runs it for a db and tbl_name combination. Hence it ends up generating a number of json outputs(one for each table) concatenated together without any delimiter.
Output looks like :
Desired output is to start and end the output with []. Also I want to include "," between the end and beginning where column list starts.
So for ex: if the curl command runs against 3 tables as shown above, then the three generated jsons should be created like :
Number 1,2,3 ...etc corresponds to different tables in curl command running in for loop against a particular db whose json should be created in one file but with desired format.
instead of what I'm currently getting :
In the output pasted above, JSON 1 is :
JSON 2 is :
JSON 3 is :
I hope the requirement is clear, thanks in advance, looking to achieve this via bash.
Use jq -s.
--slurp/-s: Instead of running the filter for each JSON object in the input, read the entire input stream into a large array
and run the filter just once.
Here's an example:
$ cat file.json
{ "key": "value1" }
{ "key": "value2" }
{ "key":
"value3"}{"key": "value4"}
$ jq -s < file.json
"key": "value1"
"key": "value2"
"key": "value3"
"key": "value4"
I'm not sure if I got it correctly, but I think you are looking for something like
echo "[$(cat *.json | paste -sd ',')]" > result.json
This works by creating a string that starts with [ and ends with ], and in the middle, there are the contents of the json files concatenated (cat) and separated by commas (with the help of paste). That string is echoed and written to a new file.
Presuming input in valid JSONL format (one JSON document per line of input), you can embed a Python script inside your bash script:
import json, sys
json.dump([json.loads(line.strip()) for line in sys.stdin], sys.stdout, indent=4)
slurpjson() { python -c "$slurpjson_py" "$#"; }
If called as:
slurpjson <<EOF
{ "first": "document", "starting": "here" }
{ "second": "document", "ending": "here" }
...output is correctly:
"starting": "here",
"first": "document"
"second": "document",
"ending": "here"
I managed to achieve this by running curl command and adding a "," with every line break using
sed 's/$/,/'
And then remove the last "," and added first and end [] using :
for i in *; do cat $i | sed '$ s/.$//' | awk '{print "["$0"]"}' > $json_dir/$i; done

Text replace in a file, on 5h line, from position 18 to position 145

I have this text file:
"name": "",
"auth": true,
"username": "rtorrent",
"password": "d5275b68305438499f9660b38980d6cef7ea97001efe873328de1d76838bc5bd15c99df8b432ba6fdcacbff82e3f3c4829d34589cf43236468d0d0b0a3500c1e"
Now, I want to be able to replace the d5275b68305438499f9660b38980d6cef7ea97001efe873328de1d76838bc5bd15c99df8b432ba6fdcacbff82e3f3c4829d34589cf43236468d0d0b0a3500c1e using sed for example. (The string has always the exact same length, but the values can be different)
I've tried this using sed:
sed -i 5s/./new-string/18 file.json
That basically replaces text, on the 5th line, starting with position 18. I want to be able to replace the text, exactly starting with position 18 and up to position 154, strictly what's inside the "". The command above will cut the ", at the end of the file and if it's run multiple times, the string becomes every time longer and longer.
Any help is really appreciated.
You can use for example awk for it:
$ awk -v var="new_string" 'NR==5{print substr($0,1,17) var substr($0,146);next}1' file
"name": "",
"auth": true,
"username": "rtorrent",
"password": "new_string"
but there are better tools for changing a value in a JSON, jq for example:
$ jq '.password="new_string"' file
"name": "",
"auth": true,
"username": "rtorrent",
"password": "new_string"
Edit: When passing a shell variable $var to awk and jq:
$ var="new_string"
$ awk -v var="$var" 'NR==5{print substr($0,1,17) var substr($0,146);next}1' file
$ jq --arg var "$var" '.password=$var'
Edit2: There is always sed:
$ sed -i "5s/\"[^\"]*\"/\"$var\"/2" file

Bash/*NIX: split a file into multiple files on a substring

Variants of this question have been asked and answered before, but I find that my sed/grep/awk skills are far too rudimentary to work from those to a custom solution since I hardly ever work in shell scripts.
I have a rather large (100K+ lines) text file in which each line defines a GeoJSON object, each such object including a property called "county" (there are, all told, 100 different counties). Here's a snippet:
{"type": "Feature", "properties": {"county":"ALAMANCE", "vBLA": 0, "vWHI": 4, "vDEM": 0, "vREP": 2, "vUNA": 2, "vTOT": 4}, "geometry": {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-79.537429,35.843303],[-79.542428,35.843303],[-79.542428,35.848302],[-79.537429,35.848302],[-79.537429,35.843303]]]}},
{"type": "Feature", "properties": {"county":"NEW HANOVER", "vBLA": 0, "vWHI": 0, "vDEM": 0, "vREP": 0, "vUNA": 0, "vTOT": 0}, "geometry": {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-79.532429,35.843303],[-79.537428,35.843303],[-79.537428,35.848302],[-79.532429,35.848302],[-79.532429,35.843303]]]}},
{"type": "Feature", "properties": {"county":"ALAMANCE", "vBLA": 0, "vWHI": 0, "vDEM": 0, "vREP": 0, "vUNA": 0, "vTOT": 0}, "geometry": {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-79.527429,35.843303],[-79.532428,35.843303],[-79.532428,35.848302],[-79.527429,35.848302],[-79.527429,35.843303]]]}},
I need to split this into 100 separate files, each containing one county's GeoJSONs, and each named xxxx_bins_2016.json (where xxxx is the county's name). I'd also like the final character (comma) at the end of each such file to go away.
I'm doing this in Mac OSX, if that matters. I hope to learn a lot by studying any solutions you could suggest, so if you feel like taking the time to explain the 'why' as well as the 'what' that would be fantastic. Thanks!
EDITED to make clear that there are different county names, some of them two-word names.
jq can kind of do this; it can group the input and output one line of text per group. The shell then takes care of writing each line to an appropriately named file. jq itself doesn't really have the ability to open files for writing that would allow you to do this in a single process.
jq -Rn -c '[inputs[:-1]|fromjson] | group_by(.properties.county)[]' tmp.json |
while IFS= read -r line; do
county=$(jq -r '.[0].properties.county' <<< $line)
jq -r '.[]' <<< "$line" > "$county.txt"
[inputs[:-1]|fromjson] reads each line of your file as a string, strips the trailing comma, then parses the line as JSON and wraps the lines into a single array. The resulting array is sorted and grouped by county name, then written to standard output, one group per line.
The shell loop reads each line, extracts the county name from the first element of the group with a call to jq, then uses jq again to write each element of the group to the appropriate file, again one element per line.
(A quick look at doesn't appear to show any requests yet for an output function that would let you open and write to a file from inside a jq filter. I'm thinking of something like
jq -Rn '... | group_by(.properties.county) | output("\(.properties.county).txt")' tmp.json
without the need for the shell loop.)
If using string parsing rather than proper JSON parsing to extract the county name is acceptable - brittle in general, but would work in this simple case - consider Sam Tolton's GNU awk answer, which has the potential to be by far the simplest and fastest solution.
To complement chepner's excellent answer with a variation that focuses on performance:
jq -Rrn '[inputs[:-1]|fromjson] | .properties.county + "|" + (.|tostring)' file |
awk -F'|' '{ print $2 > ($1 "_bins_2016.json") }'
Shell loops are avoided altogether, which should speed up the operation.
The general idea is:
Use jq to trim the trailing , from each input line, interpret the trimmed string as JSON, extract the county name, then output the trimmed JSON strings prepended with the county name and a distinct separator, |.
Use an awk command to split each line into the prepended county name and the trimmed JSON string, which allows awk to easily construct the output filename and write the JSON string to it.
Note: The awk command keeps all output files open until the script has finished, which means that, in your case, 100 output files will be open simultaneously - a number that shouldn't be a problem, however.
In cases where it is a problem, you can use the following variation, in which jq first sorts the lines by county name, which then allows awk to immediately close the previous output field whenever the next county is reached in the input:
jq -Rrn '
[inputs[:-1]|fromjson] | sort_by(.properties.county)[] |
.properties.county + "|" + (.|tostring)
' file |
awk -F'|' '
prevCounty != $1 { if (outFile) close(outFile); outFile = $1 "_bins_2016.json" }
{ print $2 > outFile; prevCounty = $1 }
A simpler version of chepner's answer:
while IFS= read -r line
countyName=$(jq --raw-output '.properties.county' <<<"${line: : -1}")
jq <<< "${line: : -1}" >> "$countyName"_bins_2016.json
The idea is to filter the county name using a jq filter after stripping the , from each line of your input file. Then the line is passed to jq as plain stream to produce a JSON file in prettified format.
If you are from a relatively older version of bash (< 4.0) use "${line%?}" over "${line: : -1}"
For example with the change above, one of your county becomes,
cat ALAMANCE_bins_2016.json
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"county": "ALAMANCE",
"vBLA": 0,
"vWHI": 0,
"vDEM": 0,
"vREP": 0,
"vUNA": 0,
"vTOT": 0
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
Note: The current solution could be performance intensive as reading file line by line is an expensive operation, and equally invoking jq for each of the lines.
This will do what you want minus getting rid of the last comma:-
gawk 'match($0, /"county":"([^"]+)/, array){ print >array[1]"_bins_2016.json" }' INPUT_FILE
This will output files in the current path with a filename in the format COUNTRY NAME_bins_2016.json.
The script goes line by line and uses a regex to match the exact term "country":" followed by 1 or more characters that aren't a ". It captures the characters within the quotes and then uses it as part of the filename to append the current line to.
To remove the trailing comma from all .json files in the current path you could use:-
sed -i '$ s/,$//' *.json
If you were certain that the last char was always a comma, a faster solution would be to use truncate:-
truncate -s-1 *.json
Last part taken from this answer:
Here is a quickie script that will do the job. It has the virtue of working on most systems without having to install any other tools.
counties=( $( sed 's/^.*"county":"//;s/".*$//' counties.txt ) )
unset IFS
for county in "${!counties[#]}"
echo "'$filename'"
grep "\"$county\"" counties.txt > "$filename"
The setting of IFS to \n allows the array elements to contain spaces. The sed command strips off all the text up to the start of the county name and all the text after it. The for loop is the form that allows iterating over the array. Finally, the grep command needs to have double quotes around the search string so that counties that are substrings of other counties don't accidentally get put into the wrong file.
See this section of the GNU BASH Reference Manual for more info.
