Cypress wait for delay in text change assertion? - cypress

So Im curious if there is a good solution for this. I have a text field I am asserting on that it changes to a specific text after updating a form in a modal.
The problem is the text takes a good 2 to 3 seconds to change and the field is there beforehand so the assertion fails before it changes.
By default does Cypress "wait" when looking for text changes/assertions on text fields? (IE: <element>.should('contain.text', 'Assertion text here!')
or if it sees ANYTHING will it just do the assertion right away?
Im looking for a "smart" way to wait essentially instead of just cy.wait(x)

From the banner at the top of the documentation on cy.should():
Assertions are automatically retried until they pass or time out.
By default, Cypress commands have a 4 second timeout. If your update consistently happens in under 3 seconds, you probably won't have to modify that value. But, if you needed to, you could modify that timeout value directly in the test.
// below changes the timeout to 10s (10000ms)
// timeout is passed from cy.get to cy.should
cy.get('foo', { timeout: 10000 }).should('have.text', 'bar');


SAP Script Recording and Playback - Cumulative data

If I am using the Script Recording and Playback feature on same transaction for instance ME25, multiple times, I am getting cumulative data as part of multiple scripts rather than incremental data.
Explanation :
If I open ME25 details and enter "100-310" as Material and "Ball Bearing" as Short Text and stop the recording, I get the following script, which is expected behavior.
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/ctxtEBAN-MATNR[3,0]").text = "100-310"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/txtEBAN-TXZ01[4,0]").text = "Ball Bearing"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/txtEBAN-TXZ01[4,0]").caretPosition = 12
After this, I restart the recording and type Qty Requested as "100" and delivery date as "21.04.2021" and stop the recording. I get the following script:
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/ctxtEBAN-MATNR[3,0]").text = "100-310"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/txtEBAN-TXZ01[4,0]").text = "Ball Bearing"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/txtEBAN-MENGE[5,0]").text = "100"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/ctxtRM06B-EEIND[8,0]").text = "21.04.2021"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/tblSAPMM06BTC_0106/ctxtEBAN-EKGRP[9,0]").caretPosition = 0
Instead of getting the incremental part that I typed for the second recording instance, I am getting complete script. Is there a way to achieve incremental scripts?
I can reproduce in my SAP GUI 7.60 (whatever screen it is; whatever kind of field it is, I can reproduce even with very simple fields like in a Selection Screen).
It seems that it happens all the time, even if you write your own recorder (a VBS script which mainly uses session.record = True + event handlers). It's due to the fact that SAP GUI sends all the screen events (i.e. the user actions) since the screen was entered, when the user presses a button, a function key, closes a window, or stops the SAP GUI Recorder.
If you write your own recorder, I guess you can save the screen contents when you start the recorder, and when the "change" events occur you may ignore those ones where the new field value has not changed since the recorder started. But that's a lot of work.
I think that it's far more easy to append manually the last lines of the last script to the initial script.

Firing Alerts for an activity which is supposed to happen during a particular time interval(using Prometheus Metrics and AlertManager)

I am fairly new to Prometheus alertmanager and had a doubt regarding firing alerts only during a particular period
I have a microservice which receives a file and does some processing on it, which is only invoked when it gets a message through a Kafka queue. The aforementioned is supposed to come every day between 5 am and 6 am(UTC time). The microservice has a metric which is incremented by 1 every time it receives a file. I want to raise an alert if it does not receive a file in the interval. I have created a query like this :
expr : sum(increase(metric_name[1m]) and on() hour(vector(time()))==5) < 1
for: 1h
My questions:-
1) Is it correct or is there a better way to do it
2) In case of no update, will it return 0 or "datapoints not found"
3) Is increase the correct function as it tends to give results in decimals due to extrapolation, but I understand if increase is 0, it will show 0
I can't really play around with scrape_intervals, which is set at 30s.
I have not run this expression but I expect it will cause an alert to fire at 06:00 only and then go off at 06:01. It is the only time the expression would hold true for one hour.
Answering your questions
It is correct if what you want is a single fire of alert (sending a mail by example) but then no longer firing. Even with that, the schedule is a bit tight and may get hurt by alertmanager delay causing the alert to be lost.
In case of no increase, you will get the expression will evaluate to 0. It will be empty when there is an update
Increase is the right function. It even takes into account reset of the counter.
Answering if there is a better way to do it.
Regarding your expression, you can have the same result, without for clause, with:
expr: increase(metric_name[1h])==0 and on() hour()==6 and on() minute()<1
It reads a : starting at 6am and for 1 minutes, if there was no increase of metric over the lasthour.
Alerting longer
If you want the alert to last longer (say for the day and you silence it when it is solved), you can use sub-queries;
expr: increase((metric and on() hour()==5)[18h:])==0 and on() hour()>5
It reads as : starting at 6am (hour()>5), compute the increase over 5-6am for the next 18 hours. If you like having a pending, you can drop the trailing on() hour()>5 and use a for: 1h clause.
If you want to alert until a file is submitted and thus detect a resolution, simply transform the expression to evaluate the increase until now:
expr: increase((metric and on() hour()>5)[18h:])==0 and on() hour()>5

How to wait for user response for a limited time else proceed with script in shell

I am trying to set up a shell script where some default arguments are pre-assigned and the user is prompted to press any key to change those default options. If no response is provided, the script should proceed with the default arguments in say 'x' seconds.
I have seen some responses using seconds in a while loop but i am guessing there could be something easier than that.
I want some like:
1) Show default arguments to user
2) Ask for any response if they want to change it. If no response is received in the desired time frame, proceed with default arguments
Need help with step (2)

Codeception Acceptance Test: How to test AJAX request?

Well I was using codeception to test on an ajax page, in which I click the button and some kind of text is shown after an AJAX request is performed.
$I->click('Get my ID');
$I->see('Your user id is 1', '.divbox');
As you see, the test is supposed to work in a way that 'Your user id is {$id}' is returned(in this case the id is 1), and updates a div box with the text. However, it doesnt work at all, instead the test says the div box is blank. What did I do wrong? How can I use codeception to test an AJAX request?
You can also use this:
$I->waitForText('Something that appears a bit later', 20, '#my_element');
20 = timeout (in seconds), give it some sane value.
It's a bit more flexible instead of hammering down things like $I->wait(X);, because they are usually a lot faster than waiting for them in seconds. So, for example, if you've got many elements that you need to "wait" for, let's say 15-20, then your test will spend 15-20 seconds "waiting" while actual operations finish in maybe 1-2s total. Across many tests this can increase build times significantly, which is... not good :)
Are you sure your request has finished by the time you check the div? Try adding a little wait after sending the request:
$I->click('Get my ID');
$I->wait(1); //add this
$I->see('Your user id is 1', '.divbox');

Visual Basic: How to use timer properly

I'm trying to write a simple program that could perform some tasks at specified time.
Here's what I have:
If (TimeOfDay = "06:12:50") Then
End If
If (TimeOfDay = "06:13:58") Then
End If
This code is placed inside Timer1_Tick, I set time interval - 1000 and it works OK, I get TimeOfDay value in MsgBox when current time is equal to my specified time.
But what should I do to make it work dynamically? For example: I want to type TIME value via TextBox and pass it to Timer1_Tick I need to do it as many times as I want so everytime current time matches with my specified hour,minute,second it would work, but I don't know where I have to put my code, because if I place code in while loop and in Time_Ticker1 it runs while loop every second and UI crashes immediately.
Thank you in advance for your help!
Have you considered setting a Windows Scheduled event of MSG to yourself using the AT command line? The operating system timer/scheduler, dialog, storage and queue are already there and the MSG can optionally be dismissed if there is no one to receive it within a set amount of time. Example to send the time at 06:12:15 run the following into a command shell.
AT 06:12:15 msg %USERNAME% It is 06:12:15 am
