I am using the Mailchimp API to add a new member.
I have defined a custom merge field called ADDED which is the date I added this member to the list. I want this field to be required when submitting it via the API. I defined it as DD/MM/YYYY format (see below):
This is what my json string looks like:
{"USERLEVEL":"1", "BATCH":"999000", "ADDED":"21/04/2020"}
As you can see, my format is indeed `dd/mm/yyyy', but when submitting the API request, I get this error message:
**Your merge fields were invalid: Please enter the date**
"title":"Invalid Resource","status":400,
"detail":"Your merge fields were invalid.",
"errors":[{"field":"ADDED","message":"Please enter the date"}]}
Can anyone explain why I am getting this error, when I do seem to have the correctly formatted date in the request?
OK, it seems that the definition of the field as DD/MM/YYYY might only be for reading purposes. but for submitting, it must be done like this:
I'm trying to find a way to get a value for my field which is based on a GlobalOptionSet.
I'm managing to pull back data from my endpoint
https://TEST.test.dynamics.com/api/data/v9.1/projects which is returning my list of projects.
some of the fields on this dataset just show as GUID's which I've managed to expand into and get their values.
However, some of the fields returned are showing just numbers like 866110000 which I believe is an option in a GlobalOptionSet.
I know I can get the GlobalOptionSet definition and match up its value but I'm hoping to be able to get this information in a single query similar to the way I got other fields by expanding.
Does anyone know how to get it to return the selected Value for an option field instead of the ID of the option that was picked?
All you have to do is include the below header to get the needed optionset & lookup display name values. Read more
Prefer: odata.include-annotations="OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue"
Sample request:
GET [Organization URI]/api/data/v9.1/accounts?$select=name,donotpostalmail,accountratingcode,numberofemployees,revenue
&$top=1 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
OData-MaxVersion: 4.0
OData-Version: 4.0
Prefer: odata.include-annotations="OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue"
If its AJAX request using jQuery or XmlHttpRequest, for ex.
req.setRequestHeader("Prefer", "odata.include-annotations=OData.Community.Display.V1.FormattedValue");
I am working on a Jmeter LDAP test plan and the test plan has to populate an attribute on the LDAP that is multi-valued.
When I do an LDAP search sampler, I noted that the value I get back is a string, with the values separated by ", ".
But, if I take the same comma-separated string and try to do an LDAP modify or add, using either an LDAP Request or LDAP Extended Request, I get an error.
So I am wondering if there is a way that the Jmeter LDAP Request or LDAP Extended Request can do that?
EDIT: When I try to use an Extended LDAP Request modification test/add with the attribute of "", I get this error in the Jmeter GUI response:
When attempting to modify entry cn=xxx... to replace the set of values for attribute lastlogindate, value "20181023085627-04, 20181024063205-04" was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: The provided value "20181023085627-04, 20181024063205-04" is not a valid generalized time value because it contains an invalid character '-' at position 14
The strange part is that even though I have Jmeter to log at debug level, I don't see any detail on the error in the Jmeter.log, but/so I am guessing that that error message is coming from the Jmeter client itself. I noticed that the message says:
to replace the set of values
so it seems like it recognizes that I am trying to modify/replace a multi-value, but it doesn't seem to like the syntax of the replacement values string(s).
Does anyone know what the correct format SHOULD be?
I found the answer to my own question, or at least "A" answer: It appears that I can use an Extended LDAP request, and add the same attribute in that request, multiple times. So for example, if I am populating an attribute named "foo" the Extended LDAP request would have the following:
attribute value opcode
foo 12345 add
foo 12346 add
I think I also need to do a replace with no value, to empty the attribute, before all the adds.
I use
POST type
URL http://######/graphql
query: "query: "{'noteTypes': {'name', 'label', 'labelColor', 'groupName', 'groupLabel', 'imageUrl'}}"
But it return
"message": "Must provide query string."
There's a better way to do it using the REST client Insomnia
Docs are here, how to send graphql queries: https://support.insomnia.rest/article/61-graphql
Below are the steps for postman
Step 1.
Run the GraphiQL in Chrome, open the Chrome Dev Console, click the Network tab, and make the query from graphiql, when you make the query, network tab will show the graphql request...
Step 2.
From the graphql request copy the request query, Select the Copy as cURL (cmd)
Step 3.
Open Postman, In the Top-Left click on the Import button, after you click Import you have to click the Paste Raw Text, and paste the copied cURL request as done in step2 after it's done click the Import
Step 4.
Postman is ready to send the Graphql request, Just Click on the Send Button, you will see the Response in the Response Box in body as below
Step 5.
To see how the query is being sent click on the Body tab next to Headers, you will get know how to provide the fields from postman in JSON format.
e.g: edges {\n node {\n id\n jobId\n }\n, If you want to view another field then you need to add it in with the suffix \n
like if need name then : edges {\n node {\n id\n jobId\n name\n }\n
\n here just means to represent a new line. Instead, you can make it simpler by providing a clear and illustrative JSON like below
Note: The body type must be raw with application/json content-type. So, the query must be a valid JSON with quotes ".."
"query":"{viewer {user {edges {node {id jobId name }}}}}"
you can directly start from step 5 if you know how to send the query in body and other things too that needs to be required while making a request from postman
With simplified JSON
You don't need INSOMNIA in case the GraphQL server responds to Content-type: application/graphql or postman.setEnvironmentVariable,
Just do it:
In Headers tab:
Content-Type: application/graphql
In Body tab, "raw" selected, put your query
Adding this for anyone searching on the topic ... you can utilize and test GraphQL calls far better and more easily with Insomnia:
It's been fantastic for GraphQL development.
There's a simple way to do it. Use a pre-request script to stringify the payload (source).
Step 1.
In the body of the request put a placeholder for the payload.
Step 2.
Create the payload in the pre-request script and store it in an environment variable.
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("query", JSON.stringify(
search(query: "test", type: ISSUE, first: 10) {
edges {
node {
... on Issue {
repository {
That's it.
UPDATE 8-2019 - I know this is old, but regarding POSTMAN, if you haven't figured it out already, they do have a graphql (beta) option for posting body. There is no need to add any additional headers.
It's not practical use POSTMAN, because the are working yet in a easy way to add headers, that take longtime, and i think POSTMAN is not made for work naturally with graphql,
you can follow the progress about that here:
I recommend to use another packages plugin like:
the best (like postman , but profile and sync price 5$ monthly):
for graphiql (no add headers possibility) you need to set three things (it's not easy to type):
Content-Type: application/json
Choose Ray < optiongroup
Choose JSON (application/json) < selectbox
Compose javascript object with "query" and the "value" of your graph query. Like all objects in js it'sneeded the propery and the value , in this case "quote" is the property, the value must be with double quotes. Inside the value (graphl string) you dont compose js objects, so you dont need use doble quotes, it's just a string.
{"query":"{ allQuotes { text } }" }
the problem is you need type all in a single line, no like grapIql... there is a post requirement in postman github so is easy work with graphql:
Postman just released inbuilt GraphQL support in version 7.2.
This version supports
Sending GraphQL queries in request body as POST requests
Support for GraphQL variables
Creating APIs in Postman with GraphQL schema type
Query autocompletion integrated with user defined GraphQL schemas
Please give it a try and give us your feedback on the tracking thread on our community forum
I faced the same problem when I try to used graphQl query using POSTMAN,
In POSTMAN send data from the raw tab with json type.
Query Command:
Mutations Command:
{ "query": "mutation {createMutations(reviewer:36, comments:\"hello\",data_id: 1659, approved: true ){id}}" }
#commnent: String Type
#data_id:Int Type
#approved:Boolean Type
If you're using Visual Studio, I have written a plugin to convert GraphQL to Restful body
Postman has recently launched its out of box support for GraphQL: https://blog.getpostman.com/2019/06/18/postman-v7-2-supports-graphql/
Below is the screenshot of testing GraphQL locally:
Note: Running GraphQL locally using spring-boot https://www.baeldung.com/spring-graphql
Deriving from Estevão Lucas' answer.
You can also use header Content-type: application/json on postman
And define the body with:
"query": "{ your_query }"
This is easily constructed on the client side to form a request payload.
Checkout https://github.com/hasura/graphqurl - curl for GraphQL:
CLI for making GraphQL queries with autocomplete
Run GraphiQL locally against any endpoint (with custom headers)
Use as a library with nodejs or from the browser
Supports subscriptions
I am one of the authors.
gq https://gentle-anchorage-72051.herokuapp.com/v1alpha1/graphql -i
IF we can pass header type, Then add the header Content-type: application/graphql
Below link can be used as reference:
link description here
By adding header we can run graphql query in the postman
Content-type: application/graphql
I can successfully pass parameters through Jmeter as long as I embed them in the path like so:
But when I try to add them using the GUI, it doesn't work:
I have tried combinations of encode/unecode, as well as adding "?" to the path, but the result is the same - the server replies that the required parameter is missing. Any ideas?
This is a post request so pass this name value into Body data (click on body data tab) in json format
"Taskid": "9000"
"Taskid": 9000
if the type of 9000 is string then choose 1st option other wise 2nd, better to try with both options to check which one is working
Other approach:
try to change the method to get with same parameters as passed in snapshot2 (attached by you) but it might be possible this request does not supports get method then in that situation you have to post it only by passing in the Path field (as shown by you in snapshot 1) or in body data tab