Check and cast error in Omnet++ TSN. Unable to transmit UDP packets - omnet++

I am trying to send a UDP packet from Omnett ++ TSN Device to a standard Host through a TSN switch that is connected to a Router.
However, I get the following check_and_cast error:-
check_and_cast(): Cannot cast(inet::physicallayer::signal*)app[0]-0 to type 'inet::physicallayer::EthernetSignalBase *' in module (inet::EthernetMac) of router.eth[0].mac
My omnetpp.ini udp app setup is as follows.
extends = omnetpptsnnetworksample
#Source application
*.tsnDevice1.numApps = 1
*[0].typename = "UdpSourceApp"
*[0].source.packetLength = 10B
*[0].source.productionInterval = 1ms
*[0].io.destAddress = "ue[0]"
*[0].io.destPort = 1000
*[0].source.clockModule = "^.^.clock"
#Sink application
*.standardHost[*].numApps = 1
*.standardHost[*].app[*].typename = "UdpSinkApp"
*.standardHost[*].app[*].io.localPort = 1000
Where did I go wrong?

TsnDevice and TsnSwitch have LayeredEthernetInterface by default, but StandardHost has EthernetInterface. The two interfaces are not compatible (not sure if they should be or not). So by setting standardHost's ethernet interface type to LayeredEthernetInterface, it should work:
*.standardHost[*].eth[*].typename = "LayeredEthernetInterface"


How to implement kernel module for ip forwarding

I want to implement my own kernel module to replace the need of IPtables (since I need to free the space IPtables takes)
I was easily able to filter packets with my custom module but am not successful in IP forwarding.
I want the specific forwarding: I want to send a packet from A to C via B. B has my cutom module and the rule that any packet received on port 3050 it forwards to C on port 80.
I did the following:
I hooked a function to the PRE_ROUTING hook of Netfilter. In this hook I check if the packet is from port 3050, if so I save the source IP address and port and change the destination IP to C's IP address and the destination port to 80.
I hooked a function to the POST_ROUTING hook of Netfilter. In this hook I check if the destination address is C's IP address I change the source IP address to B's IP address. I then recalculate the checksum of the IP and TCP headers.
if ((3050 == getDestPort(skb, ipHeader->protocol))) {
realSrcAddr = ipHeader->saddr;
realSrcPort = tcpHeader->dest;
ipHeader->daddr = DEST_ADDR;
tcpHeader->dest = 80;
return NF_ACCEPT;
if (ipHeader->saddr == DEST_ADDR) {
ipHeader->daddr = realSrcAddr;
tcpHeader->dest = realSrcPort;
return NF_ACCEPT;
if ((ipHeader->daddr == DEST_ADDR) || (ipHeader->saddr == DEST_ADDR)) {
printk(KERN_INFO "src switching in fwding...");
ipHeader->saddr = MY_ADDR;
tcpHeader->source = MY_ADDR;
ipHeader->check = 0;
ipHeader->check = compute_checksum((unsigned short*)ipHeader, ipHeader->ihl<<2);
tcpHeader->check = compute_tcp_checksum((unsigned short*)tcpHeader);
I see the packet is sent from B to C but C doesn't respond to it. am I missing a CRC/checksum to update? is there other stuff I need to do to implement ip forwarding? is there a HOW TO guide anywhere?

Windows Network Device Driver: Set link UP/DOWN from within the driver

I am writing a network driver for Windows. I want to do something like the pseudocode below:
Init_interface_link_status = disconnected (Equivalent to DOWN in Linux)
Repeat using delayed workitem:
if (condition is true)
interface_link_status = connected (UP)
interface_link_status = disconnected (DOWN)
All this happens inside the driver code.
I am using Windows Driver Samples as reference. I have found something that looks promising:
AdapterGeneral.MediaConnectState = HWGetMediaConnectStatus(Adapter);
I can set this MediaConnectSate to MediaConnectStateDisconnected here and the driver initialises in Disconnected state which is what I want.
But I can't find a way to change this state elsewhere after the driver is initialised.
Found inspiration from a proprietary network driver code.
This function turns interface on/off:
VOID NSUChangeAdapterLinkState(
_In_ PMP_ADAPTER Adapter,
_In_ BOOLEAN TurnInterfaceUP)
Routine Description:
Change Adapter Link's state. This is equivalent to doing ifup/ifdown on Linux.
Adapter - Pointer to our adapter
TurnInterfaceUP - Pass TRUE to turn interface UP, FALSE to turn DOWN
Return Value:
RtlZeroMemory(&LinkState, sizeof(LinkState));
LinkState.Header.Revision = NDIS_LINK_STATE_REVISION_1;
if (TurnInterfaceUP)
LinkState.MediaConnectState = MediaConnectStateConnected;
} else
LinkState.MediaConnectState = MediaConnectStateDisconnected;
LinkState.RcvLinkSpeed = Adapter->ulLinkRecvSpeed;
LinkState.XmitLinkSpeed = Adapter->ulLinkSendSpeed;
LinkState.MediaDuplexState = MediaDuplexStateFull;
RtlZeroMemory(&StatusIndication, sizeof(StatusIndication));
StatusIndication.Header.Revision = NDIS_STATUS_INDICATION_REVISION_1;
StatusIndication.SourceHandle = Adapter->AdapterHandle;
StatusIndication.StatusCode = NDIS_STATUS_LINK_STATE;
StatusIndication.StatusBuffer = &LinkState;
StatusIndication.StatusBufferSize = sizeof(NDIS_LINK_STATE);
NdisMIndicateStatusEx(Adapter->AdapterHandle, &StatusIndication);

Make IPv6 UDP socket on windows to receive from any interface

I want to have an IPv6 UDP socket that can receive broadcast/multicast messages from any local interface using Link-Local addresses.
In Linux it is enough to bind it to in6addr_any, but in Windows you will not receive any multicast until you join a multicast group using setsockopt() + IPV6_JOIN_GROUP. The problem that an interface index must be provided during this option. But this is inconvenient. Is there a way to receive multicast from any interface in Windows?
UPD: I use destination address ff02::1 (All Nodes Address)
For IPv4, the index of the network interface is the IP address; for IPv6 the index of the network interface is returned by the method socket.getaddrinfo.
The code below shows how to listen to multicast on all network interfaces:
from socket import AF_INET6, AF_INET
import socket
import struct
# Bugfix for Python 3.6 for Windows ... missing IPPROTO_IPV6 constant
if not hasattr(socket, 'IPPROTO_IPV6'):
socket.IPPROTO_IPV6 = 41
multicast_address = {
AF_INET: [""],
AF_INET6: ["FF00::FD"]
multicast_port = 5683
addr_info = socket.getaddrinfo('', None) # get all ip
for addr in addr_info:
family = addr[0]
local_address = addr[4][0]
sock = socket.socket(family, socket.SOCK_DGRAM, socket.IPPROTO_UDP)
sock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
sock.bind((local_address, multicast_port))
if family == AF_INET:
for multicast_group in multicast_address[family]:
socket.inet_aton(multicast_group) + socket.inet_aton(local_address)
elif family == AF_INET6:
for multicast_group in multicast_address[family]:
ipv6mr_interface = struct.pack('i', addr[4][3])
ipv6_mreq = socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, multicast_group) + ipv6mr_interface
# _transport, _protocol = await loop.create_datagram_endpoint(
# lambda: protocol_factory(), sock=sock)

wvdial, pppd and default route metric

I have this in wvdial.conf:
[Dialer Defaults]
Init1 = ATZ
Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0
Modem Type = USB Modem
Phone = *99#
New PPD = yes
ISDN = 0
Username = foo
Init1 = ATZ
Password = foo
Modem = /dev/ttyUSB1
Baud = 9600
Stupid Mode = 0
#Init2 = ATQ0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
Init3 = AT+CFUN=1
Init4 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"ip","internet"
Auto Reconnect = on
(PIN disabled)
This is working for 4G USB Dongle Huawei E3131 #
And now I have 2 questions:
1 How to translate this config to /etc/conf.d/net for connect as net.ppp1 (Gentoo) (I would connecting without wvdial)
2 After connecting I get default route with metric 0, How to change metric to say 100? (I'm interested in setting metric for both wvdial & pppd way)

Using a specific network interface for a socket in windows

Is there a reliable way in Windows, apart from changing the routing table, to force a newly created socket to use a specific network interface? I understand that bind() to the interface's IP address does not guarantee this.
(Ok second time lucky..)
FYI there's another question here perform connect() on specific network adapter along the same lines...
According to The Cable Guy
Windows XP and Windows ServerĀ® 2003
use the weak host model for sends and
receives for all IPv4 interfaces and
the strong host model for sends and
receives for all IPv6 interfaces. You
cannot configure this behavior. The
Next Generation TCP/IP stack in
Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008
supports strong host sends and
receives for both IPv4 and IPv6 by
default on all interfaces except the
Teredo tunneling interface for a
Teredo host-specific relay.
So to answer your question (properly, this time) in Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 IP4 no, but for IP6 yes. And for Windows Vista and Windows 2008 yes (except for certain circumstances).
Also from
On Windows, a call to bind() affects
card selection only incoming traffic,
not outgoing traffic. Thus, on a
client running in a multi-homed system
(i.e., more than one interface card),
it's the network stack that selects
the card to use, and it makes its
selection based solely on the
destination IP, which in turn is based
on the routing table. A call to bind()
will not affect the choice of the card
in any way.
It's got something to do with
something called a "Weak End System"
("Weak E/S") model. Vista changed to a
strong E/S model, so the issue might
not arise under Vista. But all prior
versions of Windows used the weak E/S
With a weak E/S model, it's the
routing table that decides which card
is used for outgoing traffic in a
multihomed system.
See if these threads offer some
"Local socket binding on multihomed
host in Windows XP does not work" at
"How to connect a port to a specified
Networkcard?" at
This thread mentions the
CreateIpForwardEntry() function, which
(I think) can be used to create an
entry in the routing table so that all
outgoing IP traffic with a specified
server is routed via a specified
"Working with 2 Ethernet cards" at
"Strange bind behavior on multihomed
system" at
Hope that helps!
I'm not sure why you say bind is not working reliably. Granted I have not done exhaustive testing, but the following solution worked for me (Win10, Visual Studio 2019). I needed to send a broadcast message via a particular NIC, where multiple NICs might be present on a computer. In the snippet below, I want the broadcast message to go out on the NIC with IP of .202.106.
In summary:
create a socket
create a sockaddr_in address with the IP address of the NIC you want to send FROM
bind the socket to that FROM sockaddr_in
create another sockaddr_in with the IP of your broadcast address (
do a sendto, passing the socket created is step 1, and the sockaddr of the broadcast address.
static WSADATA wsaData;
static int ServoSendPort = 8888;
static char ServoSendNetwork[] = "";
static char ServoSendBroadcast[] = "";
... < snip >
if ( WSAStartup(MAKEWORD(2,2), &wsaData) != NO_ERROR )
return false;
// Make a UDP socket
int iOptVal = TRUE;
int iOptLen = sizeof(int);
int RetVal = setsockopt(ServoSendSocket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char*)&iOptVal, iOptLen);
// Bind it to a particular interface
sockaddr_in ServoBindAddr={0};
ServoBindAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
ServoBindAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( ServoSendNetwork ); // target NIC
ServoBindAddr.sin_port = htons( ServoSendPort );
int bindRetVal = bind( ServoSendSocket, (sockaddr*) &ServoBindAddr, sizeof(ServoBindAddr) );
if (bindRetVal == SOCKET_ERROR )
int ErrorCode = WSAGetLastError();
CString errMsg;
errMsg.Format ( _T("rats! bind() didn't work! Error code %d\n"), ErrorCode );
OutputDebugString( errMsg );
// now create the address to send to...
sockaddr_in ServoSendAddr={0};
ServoSendAddr.sin_family = AF_INET;
ServoSendAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( ServoSendBroadcast ); //
ServoSendAddr.sin_port = htons( ServoSendPort );
unsigned char sendBuf[NUM_BYTES_SERVO_SEND];
ServoSocketStatus = sendto(ServoSendSocket, (char*)sendBuf, BufLen, 0, (SOCKADDR *) &ServoSendAddr, sizeof(ServoSendAddr));
if(ServoSocketStatus == SOCKET_ERROR)
ServoUdpSendBytes = WSAGetLastError();
CString message;
message.Format(_T("Error transmitting UDP message to Servo Controller: %d."), ServoSocketStatus);
return false;
