How to efficiently cover a set of points with circles when you can't access point coordinates? [closed] - algorithm

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Suppose I have a finite set of points distributed in a unit square. I can't access the point coordinates; instead, I can only specify a (point, radius) pair and see how many points fall inside that circle. I want to find a set of circles such that each point is in at least one circle, and no circle contains more than 1000 points. What's an efficient way to do this? E.g. a way that minimizes the expected number of (point, radius) searches?
I tried a recursive approach. E.g. f(point, radius) takes a circle and returns a set of smaller circles that cover it. Then recurse until each circle contains fewer than 1000 points. But there's not a straightforward (to me) way to choose the smaller circles in the recursive step.
Edit: Circles are allowed to overlap with each other / with the outside of the square.

Not having a strict partition ("strict" - where the circles in the solution may not overlap and points must appear in exactly 1 circle) simplifies the problem.
The straight-forward way to subdivide a circle under those circumstances is to form a set of child circles that circumscribe the four quadrants of the parent...
Here's a (cursorily tested) demo using that approach
class Circle {
constructor(x,y,radius) {
Object.assign(this, { x, y, radius })
this.rSquared = radius*radius
contains(point) {
let dx = point.x - this.x
let dy = point.y - this.y
return dx*dx + dy*dy < this.rSquared
draw() {
ctx.arc(this.x, this.y, this.radius, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
subdivide() {
const halfR = this.radius / 2.0
const smallR = this.radius * Math.SQRT2 / 2.0
return [
new Circle(this.x-halfR, this.y-halfR, smallR),
new Circle(this.x-halfR, this.y+halfR, smallR),
new Circle(this.x+halfR, this.y-halfR, smallR),
new Circle(this.x+halfR, this.y+halfR, smallR),
// this class keeps a set of random points and answers countInCircle()
// solutions may only call countInCircle()
class Puzzler {
constructor(count) {
this.points = []
for (let i=0; i<count; i++) {
let point = { x: Math.random()*width, y: Math.random()*height}
// answer how many points fall inside circle
countInCircle(circle) {
return this.points.reduce((total, p) => total += circle.contains(p) ? 1 : 0, 0);
drawSolution(circles) {
// draw the random points => ctx.fillRect(p.x,p.y,2,2))
// draw the circles in the solution
ctx.strokeStyle = 'lightgray'
circles.forEach(circle => circle.draw())
// log some stats - commented a few of these out for snippet brevity
const counts = => this.countInCircle(circle));
console.log('circles:', circles.length)
// console.log('counts:', counts.join(', '))
// console.log('counts above 100:', counts.filter(c => c > 100).length)
const averageCount = counts.reduce((a, b) => a + b) / counts.length
console.log('average count:', averageCount.toFixed(2))
const uncovered = this.points.reduce((total, point) => {
return total + (circles.some(circle => circle.contains(point)) ? 0 : 1)
}, 0)
console.log('uncovered points:', uncovered)
// setup canvas
const canvas = document.getElementById('canvas')
const { width, height } = canvas
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d')
// setup puzzle
const count = 1000
const maxCountPer = 100
const puzzler = new Puzzler(count, maxCountPer)
// begin with an encompasing circle, subdivide and solve recursively
// until all subdivided circles meet the count criterion
let r = width*Math.SQRT2/2
let c = new Circle(width/2.0, width/2.0, r)
let solution = solve(c);
function solve(circle) {
let result = []
let count = puzzler.countInCircle(circle)
if (count > 0 && count <= maxCountPer) {
} else if (count > maxCountPer) {
circle.subdivide().forEach(c => {
return result
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
<h1>Circles Puzzle</h1>
<canvas style="border: 1px solid gray;" id="canvas" height="800" width="800"></canvas>

Assumption: When you pick a point and a radius, you get back a list of points that are in the containing circle. I.e., you know which points are covered by which circles.
If that's correct,then you can map out the approximate relative location of all points, after which answers to this similar question should carry you over the finish line.
To map out the relative location of all points:
Note that you can find the distance between any pair of points by centering your circle on one and using binary search on your radius to find the distance to the other within whatever precision you want to use.
Next choose three arbitrary points that aren't too close together. Pick an arbitrary point. Grow the radius, say to 1/4. Pick an arbitrary point close to that radius (by incrementing radius a bit to get another point, or using binary search on radius). Say the distance between these first two points is d. Pick a third point at distance >= d from the first two points but ideally close to d, again by incrementing the two radii or binary search on the same.
Now you have a roughly equilateral triangle. It isn't important that it's equilateral, but it is important that the points aren't very close, and aren't co-linear.
Next, give these three points coordinates. Say the first point is at (0,0), the second point is at (0, dist to first point). The third point will have two possible locations based on its distance from the first two. Choose the one in the first quadrant (arbitrarily).
All other points can now be positioned relative to this triangle by finding their distance two the points of the triangle.
For purposes of your problem, it doesn't matter that the cloud of points is rotated relative to the input, or that we don't know where the unit square is relative to the points. You have a cloud of points with (approximately) known coordinates, and can proceed accordingly.


How to "move" or "traverse" the hyperbolic tessellation in MagicTile?

Alright I think I've mostly figured out how the MagicTile works, the source code at least (not really the Math as much yet). It all begins with the build and render calls in the MainForm.cs. It generates a tessellation like this:
First, it "generates" the tessellation. Since MagicTile is a Rubic's cube-like game, I guess it just statically computes all of the tiles up front. It does this by starting with a central tile, and reflecting its polygon (and the polygon's segments and points) using some sort of math which I've read about several times but I couldn't explain. Then it appears they allow rotations of the tessellation, where they call code like this in the "renderer":
Polygon p = sticker.Poly.Clone();
p.Transform( m_mouseMotion.Isometry );
Color color = GetStickerColor( sticker );
GLUtils.DrawConcavePolygon( p, color, GrabModelTransform() );
They track the mouse position, like if you are dragging, and somehow that is used to create an "isometry" to augment / transform the overall tessellation. So then we transform the polygon using that isometry. _It appears they only do the central tile and 1 or 2 levels after that, but I can't quite tell, I haven't gotten the app to run and debug yet (it's also in C# and that's a new language for me, coming from TypeScript). The Transform function digs down like this (here it is in TypeScript, as I've been converting it):
TransformIsometry(isometry: Isometry) {
for (let s of this.Segments) {
this.Center = isometry.Apply(this.Center)
That goes into the transform for the segments here:
/// <summary>
/// Apply a transform to us.
/// </summary>
TransformInternal<T extends ITransform>(transform: T) {
// Arcs can go to lines, and lines to arcs.
// Rotations may reverse arc directions as well.
// Arc centers can't be transformed directly.
// NOTE: We must calc this before altering the endpoints.
let mid: Vector3D = this.Midpoint
if (UtilsInfinity.IsInfiniteVector3D(mid)) {
mid = this.P2.MultiplyWithNumber(UtilsInfinity.FiniteScale)
mid = UtilsInfinity.IsInfiniteVector3D(this.P1)
? this.P2.MultiplyWithNumber(UtilsInfinity.FiniteScale)
: this.P1.MultiplyWithNumber(UtilsInfinity.FiniteScale)
this.P1 = transform.ApplyVector3D(this.P1)
this.P2 = transform.ApplyVector3D(this.P2)
mid = transform.ApplyVector3D(mid)
// Can we make a circle out of the transformed points?
let temp: Circle = new Circle()
if (
!UtilsInfinity.IsInfiniteVector3D(this.P1) &&
!UtilsInfinity.IsInfiniteVector3D(this.P2) &&
!UtilsInfinity.IsInfiniteVector3D(mid) &&
temp.From3Points(this.P1, mid, this.P2)
) {
this.Type = SegmentType.Arc
this.Center = temp.Center
// Work out the orientation of the arc.
let t1: Vector3D = this.P1.Subtract(this.Center)
let t2: Vector3D = mid.Subtract(this.Center)
let t3: Vector3D = this.P2.Subtract(this.Center)
let a1: number = Euclidean2D.AngleToCounterClock(t2, t1)
let a2: number = Euclidean2D.AngleToCounterClock(t3, t1)
this.Clockwise = a2 > a1
} else {
// The circle construction fails if the points
// are colinear (if the arc has been transformed into a line).
this.Type = SegmentType.Line
// XXX - need to do something about this.
// Turn into 2 segments?
// if( UtilsInfinity.IsInfiniteVector3D( mid ) )
// Actually the check should just be whether mid is between p1 and p2.
So as far as I can tell, this will adjust the segments based on the mouse position, somehow. Mouse position isometry updating code is here.
So it appears they don't have the functionality to "move" the tiling, like if you were walking on it, like in HyperRogue.
So after having studied this code for a few days, I am not sure how to move or walk along the tiles, moving the outer tiles toward the center, like you're a giant walking on Earth.
First small question, can you do this with MagicTile? Can you somehow update the tessellation to move a different tile to the center? (And have a function which I could plug a tween/animation into so it animates there). Or do I need to write some custom new code? If so, what do I need to do roughly speaking, maybe some pseudocode?
What I imagine is, user clicks on the outer part of the tessellation. We convert that click data to the tile index in the tessellation, then basically want to do tiling.moveToCenter(tile), but frame-by-frame-animation, so not quite sure how that would work. But that moveToCenter, what would that do in terms of the MagicTile rendering/tile-generating code?
As I described in the beginning, it first generates the full tessellation, then only updates 1-3 layers of the tiles for their puzzles. So it's like I need to first shift the frame of reference, and recompute all the potential visible tiles, somehow not recreating the ones that were already created. I don't quite see how that would work, do you? Once the tiles are recomputed, then I just re-render and it should show the updated center.
Is it a simple matter of calling some code like this again, for each tile, where the isometry is somehow updated with a border-ish position on the tessellation?
Polygon p = sticker.Poly.Clone();
p.Transform( m_mouseMotion.Isometry );
Or must I do something else? I can't quite see the full picture yet.
Or is that what these 3 functions are doing! TypeScript port of the C# MagicTile:
// Move from a point p1 -> p2 along a geodesic.
// Also somewhat from Don.
Geodesic(g: Geometry, p1: Complex, p2: Complex) {
let t: Mobius = Mobius.construct()
t.Isometry(g, 0, p1.Negate())
let p2t: Complex = t.ApplyComplex(p2)
let m2: Mobius = Mobius.construct()
let m1: Mobius = Mobius.construct()
m1.Isometry(g, 0, p1.Negate())
m2.Isometry(g, 0, p2t)
let m3: Mobius = m1.Inverse()
Hyperbolic(g: Geometry, fixedPlus: Complex, scale: number) {
// To the origin.
let m1: Mobius = Mobius.construct()
m1.Isometry(g, 0, fixedPlus.Negate())
// Scale.
let m2: Mobius = Mobius.construct()
m2.A = new Complex(scale, 0)
m2.C = new Complex(0, 0)
m2.B = new Complex(0, 0)
m2.D = new Complex(1, 0)
// Back.
// Mobius m3 = m1.Inverse(); // Doesn't work well if fixedPlus is on disk boundary.
let m3: Mobius = Mobius.construct()
m3.Isometry(g, 0, fixedPlus)
// Compose them (multiply in reverse order).
// Allow a hyperbolic transformation using an absolute offset.
// offset is specified in the respective geometry.
g: Geometry,
fixedPlus: Complex,
point: Complex,
offset: number,
) {
// To the origin.
let m: Mobius = Mobius.construct()
m.Isometry(g, 0, fixedPlus.Negate())
let eRadius: number = m.ApplyComplex(point).Magnitude
let scale: number = 1
switch (g) {
case Geometry.Spherical:
let sRadius: number = Spherical2D.e2sNorm(eRadius)
sRadius = sRadius + offset
scale = Spherical2D.s2eNorm(sRadius) / eRadius
case Geometry.Euclidean:
scale = (eRadius + offset) / eRadius
case Geometry.Hyperbolic:
let hRadius: number = DonHatch.e2hNorm(eRadius)
hRadius = hRadius + offset
scale = DonHatch.h2eNorm(hRadius) / eRadius
this.Hyperbolic(g, fixedPlus, scale)

Quadtree Nearest Neighbour Algorithm

I have implemented a quadtree structure for n points as well as a method for returning an array of points within a given rectangle. I can't seem to find an algorithm to efficiently find the point that is closest to another given point. Am I missing something obvious? I assume a recursive solution is the correct approach?
Am working in Objective C but pseudo code would be fine. Additionally I am actually storing lat, long data and the distance between points is along a great circle.
This is my tree insert and subdivide code
- (BOOL)insert:(id<PASQuadTreeDataPoint>)dataPoint {
BOOL pointAdded = false;
// If the point lies within the region
if(CGRectContainsPoint(self.region, dataPoint.point)) {
// If there are less than 4 points then add this point
if(self.dataPoints.count < kMaxPointsPerNode) {
[self.dataPoints addObject:dataPoint];
pointAdded = true;
else {
// Subdivide into 4 quadrants if not already subdivided
if(northEast == nil) [self subdivide];
// Attempt to add the point to one of the 4 subdivided quadrants
if([northEast insert:dataPoint]) return true;
if([southEast insert:dataPoint]) return true;
if([southWest insert:dataPoint]) return true;
if([northWest insert:dataPoint]) return true;
return pointAdded;
- (void)subdivide {
// Compute the half width and the origin
CGFloat width = self.region.size.width * 0.5f;
CGFloat height = self.region.size.height * 0.5f;
CGFloat x = self.region.origin.x;
CGFloat y = self.region.origin.y;
// Create a new child quadtree with the region divided into quarters
self.northEast = [PASQuadTree quadTreeWithRegion:CGRectMake(x + width, y, width, height)];
self.southEast = [PASQuadTree quadTreeWithRegion:CGRectMake(x + width, y + height, width, height)];
self.southWest = [PASQuadTree quadTreeWithRegion:CGRectMake(x, y + height, width, height)];
self.northWest = [PASQuadTree quadTreeWithRegion:CGRectMake(x, y, width, height)];
Have written this code to find the smallest node (leaf) that would contain the point:
-(PASQuadTree *)nodeThatWouldContainPoint:(CGPoint)point {
PASQuadTree *node = nil;
// If the point is within the region
if (CGRectContainsPoint(self.region, point)) {
// Set the node to this node
node = self;
// If the node has children
if (self.northEast != nil) {
// Recursively check each child to see if it would contain the point
PASQuadTree *childNode = [self.northEast nodeThatWouldContainPoint:point];
if (!childNode) childNode = [self.southEast nodeThatWouldContainPoint:point];
if (!childNode) childNode = [self.southWest nodeThatWouldContainPoint:point];
if (!childNode) childNode = [self.northWest nodeThatWouldContainPoint:point];
if (childNode) node = childNode;
return node;
Closer but no cigar!
Find the smallest square with your search point at the center and exactly one other point inside that rectangle (you need to do logn number of searches).
Let x be the distance to the other point.
Then find all the points within a square whose side is 2x and centered around your first point. For each point within this square, calculate the distance from search point and find the closest.
UPDATE: How to find one square centered around search point that contains exactly one other point?
Find a random point. Let the distance to that random point be x. Find all points within square of size x centered around search point. If there are non zero number of points within this square, then select a point at random and repeat. If there are no points, increase search square size to (2-0.5)*x (in next step (2-0.25)*x and so on.

Algorithm for shape calculation (Ellipse)

I have n circles that must be perfectly surrounding an ellipse as shown in the picture here :
In this picture I need to find out the position of each circle around the ellipse, and also be able to calculate the ellipse that will fit perfectly inside those surrounding circles.
The information i know is the radius of each circles (all same), and the number of circles.
Hopefully this time the post is clear.
Thanks for your help.
Please let me know if you need more explanation.
OK as i understand you know common radius of circles R0 and their number N and want to know inside ellipse parameters and positions of everything.
If we convert ellipse to circle then we get this:
const int N=12; // number of satelite circles
const double R=10.0; // radius of satelite circles
struct _circle { double x,y,r; } circle[N]; // satelite circles
int i;
double x,y,r,l,a,da;
x=0.0; // start pos of first satelite circle
l=r+r; // distance ang angle between satelite circle centers
for (i=0;i<N;i++)
circle[i].x=x; x+=l*cos(a);
circle[i].y=y; y+=l*sin(a);
circle[i].r=r; a+=da;
// inside circle params
_circle c;
[Edit 1]
For ellipse its a whole new challenge (took me two hours to find all quirks out)
const int N=20; // number of satelite circles
const double R=10.0; // satelite circles radius
const double E= 0.7; // ellipse distortion ry=rx*E
struct _circle { double x,y,r; _circle() { x=0; y=0; r=0.0; } } circle[N];
struct _ellipse { double x,y,rx,ry; _ellipse() { x=0; y=0; rx=0.0; ry=0.0; } } ellipse;
int i,j,k;
double l,a,da,m,dm,x,y,q,r0;
l=double(N)*R; // circle cener lines polygon length
ellipse.x =0.0; // set ellipse parameters
ellipse.y =0.0;
r0=divide(l,M_PI*sqrt(0.5*(1.0+(E*E))))-R;// aprox radius to match ellipse length for start
l=R+R; l*=l;
m=1.0; dm=1.0; x=0.0;
for (k=0;k<5;k++) // aproximate ellipse size to the right size
dm=fabs(0.1*dm); // each k-iteration layer is 10x times more accurate
if (x>l) dm=-dm;
for (;;)
ellipse.rx=r0 *m;
for (a=0.0,i=0;i<N;i++) // set circle parameters
da=divide(360*deg,N); a+=da;
for (j=0;j<5;j++) // aproximate next position to match 2R distance from current position
da=fabs(0.1*da); // each j-iteration layer is 10x times more accurate
x=ellipse.x+(ellipse.rx*cos(a))+(R*cos(q))-circle[i].x; x*=x;
y=ellipse.y+(ellipse.ry*sin(a))+(R*sin(q))-circle[i].y; y*=y; x+=y;
if (x>l) for (;;) // if too far dec angle
x=ellipse.x+(ellipse.rx*cos(a))+(R*cos(q))-circle[i].x; x*=x;
y=ellipse.y+(ellipse.ry*sin(a))+(R*sin(q))-circle[i].y; y*=y; x+=y;
if (x<=l) break;
else if (x<l) for (;;) // if too short inc angle
x=ellipse.x+(ellipse.rx*cos(a))+(R*cos(q))-circle[i].x; x*=x;
y=ellipse.y+(ellipse.ry*sin(a))+(R*sin(q))-circle[i].y; y*=y; x+=y;
if (x>=l) break;
else break;
// check if last circle is joined as it should be
x=circle[N-1].x-circle[0].x; x*=x;
y=circle[N-1].y-circle[0].y; y*=y; x+=y;
if (dm>0.0) { if (x>=l) break; }
else { if (x<=l) break; }
Well I know its a little messy code so here is some info:
first it try to set as close ellipse rx,ry axises as possible
ellipse length should be about N*R*2 which is polygon length of lines between circle centers
try to compose circles so they are touching each other and the ellipse
I use iteration of ellipse angle for that. Problem is that circles do not touch the ellipse in their position angle thats why there is q variable ... to compensate around ellipse normal. Look for yellowish-golden lines in image
after placing circles check if the last one is touching the first
if not interpolate the size of ellipse actually it scales the rx,ry by m variable up or down
you can adjust accuracy
by change of the j,k fors and/or change of dm,da scaling factors
input parameter E should be at least 0.5 and max 1.0
if not then there is high probability of misplacing circles because on very eccentric ellipses is not possible to fit circles (if N is too low). Ideal setting is 0.7<=E<=1.0 closser to 1 the safer the algorithm is
atanxy(dx,dy) is the same as `atan(dy/dx)
but it handles all 4 quadrants like atan2(dy,dx) by sign analysis of dx,dy
Hope it helps

How to smooth the blocks of a 3D voxel world?

In my (Minecraft-like) 3D voxel world, I want to smooth the shapes for more natural visuals. Let's look at this example in 2D first.
Left is how the world looks without any smoothing. The terrain data is binary and each voxel is rendered as a unit size cube.
In the center you can see a naive circular smoothing. It only takes the four directly adjacent blocks into account. It is still not very natural looking. Moreover, I'd like to have flat 45-degree slopes emerge.
On the right you can see a smoothing algorithm I came up with. It takes the eight direct and diagonal neighbors into account in order to come up with the shape of a block. I have the C++ code online. Here is the code that comes up with the control points that the bezier curve is drawn along.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
using namespace glm;
list<list<dvec2>> Points::find(ivec2 block)
// Control points
list<list<ivec2>> lines;
list<ivec2> *line = nullptr;
// Fetch blocks, neighbours start top left and count
// around the center block clock wise
int center = m_blocks->get(block);
int neighs[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
auto coord = blockFromIndex(i);
neighs[i] = m_blocks->get(block + coord);
// Iterate over neighbour blocks
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
int current = neighs[i];
int next = neighs[(i + 1) % 8];
bool is_side = (((i + 1) % 2) == 0);
bool is_corner = (((i + 1) % 2) == 1);
if (line) {
// Border between air and ground needs a line
if (current != center) {
// Sides are cool, but corners get skipped when they don't
// stop a line
if (is_side || next == center)
} else if (center || is_side || next == center) {
// Stop line since we found an end of the border. Always
// stop for ground blocks here, since they connect over
// corners so there must be open docking sites
line = nullptr;
} else {
// Start a new line for the border between air and ground that
// just appeared. However, corners get skipped if they don't
// end a line.
if (current != center) {
line = &lines.back();
// Merge last line with first if touching. Only close around a differing corner for air
// blocks.
if (neighs[7] != center && (neighs[0] != center || (!center && neighs[1] != center))) {
// Skip first corner if enclosed
if (neighs[0] != center && neighs[1] != center)
if (lines.size() == 1) {
// Close circle
auto first_point = lines.front().front();
} else {
// Insert last line into first one
lines.front().insert(lines.front().begin(), line->begin(), line->end());
// Discard lines with too few points
auto i = lines.begin();
while (i != lines.end()) {
if (i->size() < 2)
// Convert to concrete points for output
list<list<dvec2>> points;
for (auto &line : lines) {
for (auto &neighbour : line)
return points;
glm::ivec2 Points::blockFromIndex(int i)
// Returns first positive representant, we need this so that the
// conditions below "wrap around"
auto modulo = [](int i, int n) { return (i % n + n) % n; };
ivec2 block(0, 0);
// For two indices, zero is right so skip
if (modulo(i - 1, 4))
// The others are either 1 or -1
block.x = modulo(i - 1, 8) / 4 ? -1 : 1;
// Other axis is same sequence but shifted
if (modulo(i - 3, 4))
block.y = modulo(i - 3, 8) / 4 ? -1 : 1;
return block;
dvec2 Points::pointTowards(ivec2 neighbour)
dvec2 point;
point.x = static_cast<double>(neighbour.x);
point.y = static_cast<double>(neighbour.y);
// Convert from neighbour space into
// drawing space of the block
point *= 0.5;
point += dvec2(.5);
return point;
However, this is still in 2D. How to translate this algorithm into three dimensions?
You should probably have a look at the marching cubes algorithm and work from there. You can easily control the smoothness of the resulting blob:
Imagine that each voxel defines a field, with a high density at it's center, slowly fading to nothing as you move away from the center. For example, you could use a function that is 1 inside a voxel and goes to 0 two voxels away. No matter what exact function you choose, make sure that it's only non-zero inside a limited (preferrably small) area.
For each point, sum the densities of all fields.
Use the marching cubes algorithm on the sum of those fields
Use a high resolution mesh for the algorithm
In order to change the look/smoothness you change the density function and the threshold of the marching cubes algorithm. A possible extension to marching cubes to create smoother meshes is the following idea: Imagine that you encounter two points on an edge of a cube, where one point lies inside your volume (above a threshold) and the other outside (under the threshold). In this case many marching cubes algorithms place the boundary exactly at the middle of the edge. One can calculate the exact boundary point - this gets rid of aliasing.
Also I would recommend that you run a mesh simplification algorithm after that. Using marching cubes results in meshes with many unnecessary triangles.
As an alternative to my answer above: You could also use NURBS or any algorithm for subdivision surfaces. Especially the subdivision surfaces algorithms are spezialized to smooth meshes. Depending on the algorithm and it's configuration you will get smoother versions of your original mesh with
the same volume
the same surface
the same silhouette
and so on.
Use 3D implementations for Biezer curves known as Biezer surfaces or use the B-Spline Surface algorithms explained:

Circle Separation Distance - Nearest Neighbor Problem

I have a set of circles with given locations and radii on a two dimensional plane. I want to determine for every circle if it is intersecting with any other circle and the distance that is needed to separate the two. Under my current implementation, I just go through all the possible combinations of circles and then do the calculations. Unfortunately, this algorithm is O(n^2), which is slow.
The circles will generally be clustered in groups, and they will have similar (but different) radii. The approximate maximum for the number of circles is around 200. The algorithm does not have to be exact, but it should be close.
Here is a (slow) implementation I currently have in JavaScript:
// Makes a new circle
var circle = function(x,y,radius) {
return {
// These points are not representative of the true data set. I just made them up.
var points = [
var k = 0,
len = points.length;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
for (var j = k; j < len; j++) {
if (i !== j) {
var c1 = points[i],
c2 = points[j],
radiiSum = c1.radius+c2.radius,
deltaX = Math.abs(c1.x-c2.x);
if (deltaX < radiiSum) {
var deltaY = Math.abs(c1.y-c2.y);
if (deltaY < radiiSum) {
var distance = Math.sqrt(deltaX*deltaX+deltaY*deltaY);
if (distance < radiiSum) {
var separation = radiiSum - distance;
Also, I would appreciate it if you explained a good algorithm (KD Tree?) in plain English :-/
For starters, your algorithm above will be greatly sped-up if you just skipped the SQRT call. That's the most well known simple optimization for comparing distances. You can also precompute the "squared radius" distance so you don't redundantly recompute it.
Also, there looks to be lots of other little bugs in some of your algorithms. Here's my take on how to fix it below.
Also, if you want to get rid of the O(N-Squared) algorithm, you can look at using a kd-tree. There's an upfront cost of building the KD-Tree but with the benefit of searching for nearest neighbors as much faster.
function Distance_Squared(c1, c2) {
var deltaX = (c1.x - c2.x);
var deltaY = (c1.y - c2.y);
return (deltaX * deltaX + deltaY * deltaY);
// returns false if it's possible that the circles intersect. Returns true if the bounding box test proves there is no chance for intersection
function TrivialRejectIntersection(c1, c2) {
return ((c1.left >= c2.right) || (c2.right <= c1.left) || ( >= c2.bottom) || (c2.bottom <=;
var circle = function(x,y,radius) {
return {
// some helper properties
radius_squared : (radius*radius), // precompute the "squared distance"
left : (x-radius),
right: (x+radius),
top : (y - radius),
bottom : (y+radius)
// These points are not representative of the true data set. I just made them up.
var points = [
var k = 0;
var len = points.length;
var c1, c2;
var distance_squared;
var deltaX, deltaY;
var min_distance;
var seperation;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
for (var j = (i+1); j < len; j++) {
c1 = points[i];
c2 = points[j];
// try for trivial rejections first. Jury is still out if this will help
if (TrivialRejectIntesection(c1, c2)) {
//distance_squared is the actual distance between c1 and c2 'squared'
distance_squared = Distance_Squared(c1, c2);
// min_distance_squared is how much "squared distance" is required for these two circles to not intersect
min_distance_squared = (c1.radius_squared + c2.radius_squared + (c1.radius*c2.radius*2)); // D**2 == deltaX*deltaX + deltaY*deltaY + 2*deltaX*deltaY
// and so it follows
if (distance_squared < min_distance_squared) {
// intersection detected
// now subtract actual distance from "min distance"
seperation = c1.radius + c2.radius - Math.sqrt(distance_squared);
Console.log(c1, c2, seperation);
This article has been dormant for a long time, but I've run into and solved this problem reasonably well, so will post so that others don't have to do the same head scratching.
You can treat the nearest circle neighbor problem as a 3d point nearest neighbor search in a kd-tree or octree. Define the distance between two circles A and B as
D(A,B) = sqrt( (xA - xB)^2 + (yA - yB)^2 ) - rA - rB
This is a negative quantity iff the circles overlap. For this discussion I'll assume an octree, but a kd-tree with k=3 is similar.
Store a triple (x,y,r) in the octree for each circle.
To find the nearest neighbor to a target circle T, use the standard algorithm:
def search(node, T, nst)
if node is a leaf
update nst with node's (x,y,r) nearest to T
for each cuboid C subdividing node (there are 8 of them)
if C contains any point nearer to T than nst
search(C, T, nst)
Here nst is a reference to the nearest circle to T found so far. Initially it's null.
The slightly tricky part is determining if C contains any point nearer to T than nst. For this it is sufficent to consider the unique point (x,y,r) within C that is Euclidean nearest to T in x and y and has the maximum value of the r range contained in the cuboid. In other words, the cuboid represents a set of circles with centers ranging over a rectangular area in x and y and with a range of radii. The point you want to check is the one representing the circle with center closest to T and with largest radius.
Note the radius of T plays no part in the algorithm at all. You're only concered with how far inside any other circle the center of T lies. (I wish this had been as obvious at the start as it seems now...)
