Are there any ongoing changes in Mailchimp API? - mailchimp

So I am working on Mailchimp API & I've two separate accounts for testing the API out. A request to get members works as expected in one account (dc - us6), but the same request throws an internal server error on another account (dc - us21).
Now, this issue can be resolved by removing the parameter which is being passed with no value(since_last_changed), but I was wondering if Mailchimp changes the API frequently in the background or if this is just a once-in-a-while case.
Here is the request I'm using through postman -
I tried using postman, and below are both accounts' results.


Trying to get downloadable url of the SharePoint file of the attachments shared in the teams/channel chat

We are trying to access the SharePoint url of the attachments shared in the teams/channel chat and for the teams meeting recording.
We have used Oauth2 to retrieve the auth token and using Microsoft graph api to get the downloadable/public url for the same
making a GET request with token in the request header still returns 401 Unauthorised error
Although we are able to get the downloadable url if we use site-id , list-id and item-id in the GET request{site-id}/lists/{list-id}/items/{item}/driveitem
But these are not available when our message extension app is invoked from a message
Posting the Answer for better knowledge
Copying from #Saonti comments
Using Graph API explorer are you able to get the drive item with this API… ? Or you are getting error?

Network Error only occurs when user is on AT&T 5Ge network AND user is logged in

I have built a mobile app using React Native.
This app connects with a REST API I built using the Laravel framework.
This API is hosted on a VPS and served over HTTPS.
The mobile app works as intended where I expect it to, with the exception of the following use case:
A user has an iPhone 8+. This user’s carrier is AT&T. The 5Ge, to be specific.
This user can download the app and install it no problem.
When they open the app, the app connects to the API, and gets the data to display on the home screen.
The user can login, using their credentials, which are sent to the API, and the API returns an access token on a valid login.
Every subsequent request, is sent with an Authorization header: Bearer [token]
These requests specifically, never reach the server. All authenticated routes for the API are unreachable for this user.
Users on other networks, like Verizon and TMobile, do not have this issue.
The mobile app uses Axios library for sending HTTP requests.
A timeout of 25000 (maximum that can be sent on the iOS?) is passed as an option to the authenticated action. The action fails for this user.
The error is caught and then sent to a public route on the API, without an Authorization header in the request.
This request reaches the server and adds the error message from the request from the mobile app, to the error log on my server.
When I inspect the error that was thrown by the authenticated action failure, it reads “Network error” with a code of 0.
If the timeout is set lower, at 15000, the error thrown by the failed authenticated action is a timeout error, exceeded 15000.
I have contacted AT&T today, and they said we should contact Apple.
After they patched us through to Apple, Apple said issue sounds like it is a cell tower issue, and offered to run diagnostics on the phone.
My question is: Why are the requests that contain an Authorization header Bearer token not able to reach my server when the user is on the AT&T network. Is the bearer token making the request bulky and slowing down the request to where our towers aren’t able to send it?
Or does AT&T have some kind of middleware that would trash the request for some reason?
Could the Authorization header cause AT&T to handle the request differently and send it some other way and in this way could DNS errors cause the request to fail in this way.
Please help, I hope I have explained it well enough.
Edit: Laravel Passport generates access_token for the authenticated API that is 1000+ characters in length. It looks like I can reduce that by about half. I am going to try that next.
I'm finding this is resolved now.
I did two things. I reset my Laravel Passport keys with a specified --length of 1024.
This resulted in my access tokens being around 557 characters long instead of 1000+
I also made some DNS changes in my subdomain. A scan I did showed a nameserver parent mismatch error between the subdomain and parent domain. I made the changes and got those warnings to go away.
These are the things I did. My two app users who are with the AT&T network carrier tested the app tonight after I did these changes.
They logged in. Opened the timeclock. Clocked in. And that request made it to my server like it was supposed to, with the new shorter access token.
I don't know which one of those two things fixed this issue. But I would probably guess it was the DNS problems that I resolved. I still find it odd that the issue only occured on the AT&T network when with an Authorization token in the header of the request.

No response from AcquireTokenAsync with "user_impersonation" token

I've got a site based Web App which authenticates users via AAD login. A successful login will redirect the user back to the app with the access token (this part is all done using adal_angular.js/adal.js)
The token is then passed to a site based api which gets a new token on behalf of the user to call a downstream api as per this example ( So far so good.
The downstream api, repeats this process to get another token to call another api further downstream. Here is where the problem is.
When calling AcquireTokenAsync() here, I get no response from the call whatsoever.
*Edit: No response means that I get no response from Azure AAD, using Fiddler to trace the HTTP traffic, I'm not seeing any URLs being hit as part of the AcquireTokenAsync call *
I noticed that the token I'm using at this point is now a "user_impersonation" token, where as the token received by the site based api is not. Is this significant?
Should this architecture be supported?
Ok, the problem here was my own use of async methods in my webapi. If you are calling async methods in your webapi, you need to mark your own web api methods as async. If ASP.Net doesn't know that you want to call async methods in your controller, it can cause deadlocks. (A good explanation here:
You should never use .Result on your async methods in a web api.

Outlook API: getting access-token from front-end, how can i use it in web API backend to get Outlook messages

Im writing a application for outlook, front-end Angular, backend Web API.
I'm successfully getting access-token using adal in front-end, sessionStorage is:
Now i'm sending access-token to backend, and i want to get messages from outlook API, but how can i do it.
Searched for outlook REST api, and tested using POSTMAN, but not working.(401 error)
Authorization: Bearer access-token
Accept: application/json
Any suggestions on how to do this?
Thanks in advance.
It looks like you are trying to complete the on-behalf-of flow.
This is where a front-end API gets an access token to a middle tier service, which subsequently gets an access token to a back-end API. Let's assume that the token from the front-end to the middle tier has user context. You are able to get a token from the middle tier, to the back-end using the same user context, by requesting a new access token using the original access token.
Here are more details on the flow: Find the section titled Delegated User Identity with OAuth 2.0 On-Behalf-Of Draft Specification
Here is a code sample integrating this flow:
Just to note, in this specific case, that the 401 error implies that you do not have the correct permissions for calling and accessing the API you want. Can you make sure you have selected the right permissions for the resource you want to access, for the client that you are accessing it with?
I hope this is what you are looking for!

The API returned an error: Error: No access or refresh token is set

I was able to successfully log in using Google Classroom and pull the course data during the trial. This was on my local machine. Now I have moved to my test server. I can still log in via google but can no longer pull the course data. I have already updated my client_secret file (updated the appropriate endpoints) but i get the following error after calling
Error: No access or refresh token is set.
Would appreciate anyone's help. I do have Google Classroom API as one of my APIs. Not sure if it's because i'm now on a domain instead of my localhost.
Sadly, I was doing a 2 part registration. The first past, I was setting the token. When the page was submitted again with new details from the user, when I was making the call to google, I hadn't set the token.
