Seed generation for each operation - random

I' musing mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed function in order to generate seed. Should I do this before each encryption operation or it might be done one when program starts?

You can use a single DRBG instance for the whole program. It's meant for that. In a high-performance multi-threaded program running on a multicore machine, you might prefer one DRBG instance per thread to reduce inter-thread contention.
Per the documentation, you must call mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed exactly once per context. This function associates the DRBG with an entropy source. The DRBG will query the entropy source function from time to time when it wants more entropy1 (in all cases, at least once when you call the seed function).
You can see how to the entropy and DRBG APIs of Mbed TLS in sample programs such as key_app.c.
1 Depending on the reseed interval and the prediction resistance setting). These are secondary concerns, which matter only to recover if the DRBG state leaks (e.g. through a memory read vulnerability or through side channels).


Performance profiling a KEXT

How to measure performance impact of a kext in OS X in terms of CPU, memory or thread usage during some user defined activities ? Any particular method tool that can be use from user land ? OR any approach/method that can be considered?
You've essentially got 2 options:
Instrumenting your kext with time measurements. Take stamps before and after the operation you're trying to measure using mach_absolute_time(), convert to a human-readable unit using absolutetime_to_nanoseconds() and take the difference, then collect that information somewhere in your kext where it can be extracted from userspace.
Sampling kernel stacks using dtrace (iprofiler -kernelstacks -timeprofiler from the command line, or using
Personally, I've had a lot more success with the former method, although it's definitely more work. Most kext code runs so briefly that a sampling profiler barely catches any instances of it executing, unless you reduce the sampling interval so far that measurements start interfering with the system, or your kext is seriously slow. It's pretty easy to do though, so it's often a valid sanity check.
You can also get your compiler to instrument your code with counters (-fprofile-arcs), which in theory will allow you to combine the sampling statistics with the branch counters to determine the runtime of each branch. Extracting this data is a pain though (my code may help) and again, the statistical noise has made this useless for me in practice.
The explicit method also allows you to measure asynchronous operations, etc., but of course also comes with some intrinsic overhead. Accumulating the data safely is also a little tricky. (I use atomic operations, but you could use spinlocks too. Don't forget to not just measure means but also standard deviation, and minimum/maximum times.) And extracting the data can be a pain because you have to add a userspace interface to your kext for it. But it's definitely worth it!

Are OpenCL workgroups executed simultaneously?

My understanding was, that each workgroup is executed on the GPU and then the next one is executed.
Unfortunately, my observations lead to the conclusion that this is not correct.
In my implementation, all workgroups share a big global memory buffer.
All workgroups perform read and write operations to various positions on this buffer.
If the kernel operate on it directly, no conflicts arise.
If the workgroup loads chunk into local memory, performe some computation and copies the result back, the global memory gets corrupted by other workgroups.
So how can I avoid this behaviour?
Can I somehow tell OpenCL to only execute one workgroup at once or rearrange the execution order, so that I somehow don't get conflicts?
The answer is that it depends. A whole workgroup must be executed concurrently (though not necessarily in parallel) on the device, at least when barriers are present, because the workgroup must be able to synchronize and communicate. There is no rule that says work-groups must be concurrent - but there is no rule that says they cannot. Usually hardware will place a single work-group on a single compute core. Most hardware has multiple cores, which will each get a work-group, and to cover latency a lot of hardware will also place multiple work-groups on a single core if there is capacity available.
You have no way to control the order in which work-groups execute. If you want them to serialize you would be better off launching just one work-group and writing a loop inside to serialize the series of work chunks in that same work-group. This is often a good strategy in general even with multiple work-groups.
If you really only want one work-group at a time, though, you will probably be using only a tiny part of the hardware. Most hardware cannot spread a single work-group across the entire device - so if you're stuck to one core on a 32-core GPU you're not getting much use of the device.
You need to set the global size and dimensions to that of a single work group, and enqueue a new NDRange for each group. Essentially, breaking up the call to your kernel into many smaller calls. Make sure your command queue is not allowing out of order execution, so that the kernel calls are blocking.
This will likely result in poorer performance, but you will get the dedicated global memory access you are looking for.
Yes, the groups can be executed in parallel; this is normally a very good thing. Here is a related question.
The number of workgroups that can be concurrently launched on a ComputeUnit (AMD) or SMX (Nvidia) depends on the availability of GPU hardware resources, important ones being vector-registers and workgroup-level-memory** (called LDS for AMD and shared memory for Nvidia). If you want to launch just one workgroup on the CU/SMX, make sure that the workgroup consumes a bulk of these resources and blocks further workgroups on the same CU/SMX. You would, however, still have other workgroups executing on other CUs/SMXs - a GPU normally has multiple of these.
I am not aware of any API which lets you pin a kernel to a single CU/SMX.
** It also depends on the number of concurrent wavefronts/warps the scheduler can handle.

OpenCL: work group concept

I don't really understand the purpose of Work-Groups in OpenCL.
I understand that they are a group of Work Items (supposedly, hardware threads), which ones get executed in parallel.
However, why is there this need of coarser subdivision ? Wouldn't it be OK to have only the grid of threads (and, de facto, only one W-G)?
Should a Work-Group exactly map to a physical core ? For example, the TESLA c1060 card is said to have 240 cores. How would the Work-Groups map to this??
Also, as far as I understand, work-items inside a work group can be synchronized thanks to memory fences. Can work-groups synchronize or is that even needed ? Do they talk to each other via shared memory or is this only for work items (not sure on this one)?
Part of the confusion here I think comes down to terminology. What GPU people often call cores, aren't really, and what GPU people often call threads are only in a certain sense.
A core, in GPU marketing terms may refer to something like a CPU core, or it may refer to a single lane of a SIMD unit - in effect a single core x86 CPU would be four cores of this simpler type. This is why GPU core counts can be so high. It isn't really a fair comparison, you have to divide by 16, 32 or a similar number to get a more directly comparable core count.
Each work-item in OpenCL is a thread in terms of its control flow, and its memory model. The hardware may run multiple work-items on a single thread, and you can easily picture this by imagining four OpenCL work-items operating on the separate lanes of an SSE vector. It would simply be compiler trickery that achieves that, and on GPUs it tends to be a mixture of compiler trickery and hardware assistance. OpenCL 2.0 actually exposes this underlying hardware thread concept through sub-groups, so there is another level of hierarchy to deal with.
Each work-group contains a set of work-items that must be able to make progress in the presence of barriers. In practice this means that it is a set, all of whose state is able to exist at the same time, such that when a synchronization primitive is encountered there is little overhead in switching between them and there is a guarantee that the switch is possible.
A work-group must map to a single compute unit, which realistically means an entire work-group fits on a single entity that CPU people would call a core - CUDA would call it a multiprocessor (depending on the generation), AMD a compute unit and others have different names. This locality of execution leads to more efficient synchronization, but it also means that the set of work-items can have access to locally constructed memory units. They are expected to communicate frequently, or barriers wouldn't be used, and to make this communication efficient there may be local caches (similar to a CPU L1) or scratchpad memories (local memory in OpenCL).
As long as barriers are used, work-groups can synchronize internally, between work-items, using local memory, or by using global memory. Work-groups cannot synchronize with each other and the standard makes no guarantees on forward progress of work-groups relative to each other, which makes building portable locking and synchronization primitives effectively impossible.
A lot of this is due to history rather than design. GPU hardware has long been designed to construct vector threads and assign them to execution units in a fashion that optimally processes triangles. OpenCL falls out of generalising that hardware to be useful for other things, but not generalising it so much that it becomes inefficient to implement.
There are already alot of good answers, for further understanding of the terminology of OpenCL this paper ("An Introduction to the OpenCL Programming Model" by Jonathan Tompson and Kristofer Schlachter) actually describes all the concepts very well.
Use of the work-groups allows more optimization for the kernel compilers. This is because data is not transferred between work-groups. Depending on used OpenCL device, there might be caches that can be used for local variables to result faster data accesses. If there is only one work-group, local variables would be just the same as global variables which would lead to slower data accesses.
Also, usually OpenCL devices use Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) extensions to achieve good parallelism. One work group can be run in parallel with SIMD extensions.
Should a Work-Group exactly map to a physical core ?
I think that, only way to find the fastest work-group size, is to try different work-group sizes. It is also possible to query the CL_KERNEL_PREFERRED_WORK_GROUP_SIZE_MULTIPLE from the device with clGetKernelWorkGroupInfo. The fastest size should be multiple of that.
Can work-groups synchronize or is that even needed ?
Work-groups cannot be synchronized. This way there is no data dependencies between them and they can also be run sequentially, if that is considered to be the fastest way to run them. To achieve same result, than synchronization between work-groups, kernel needs to split into multiple kernels. Variables can be transferred between the kernels with buffers.
One benefit of work groups is they enable using shared local memory as a programmer-defined cache. A value read from global memory can be stored in shared work-group local memory and then accessed quickly by any work item in the work group. A good example is the game of life: each cell depends on itself and the 8 around it. If each work item read this information you'd have 9x global memory reads. By using work groups and shared local memory you can approach 1x global memory reads (only approach since there is redundant reads at the edges).

What is entropy starvation

I was lost when reading
"Knowing how Linux behaves during entropy starvation (and being able to find the cause) allows us to efficiently use our server hardware."
in a blog. Then I wikied the meaning of 'entropy' in the context of linux. But still, not clear what "entropy starvation' is and the meaning of the sentence quoted above.
Some applications, notably cryptography, need random data. In cryptography, it is very important that the data be truly random, or at least unpredictable (even in part) to any attacker.
To supply this data, a system keeps a pool of random data, called entropy, that it collects from various sources of randomness on the system: Precise timing of events that might be somewhat random (keys pressed by users, interrupts from external devices), noise on a microphone, or, on some processors, dedicated hardware for generating random values. The incoming somewhat-random data is mixed together to produce better quality entropy.
These sources of randomness can only supply data at certain rates. If a system is used to do a lot of work that needs random data, it can use up more random data than is available. Then software that wants random data has to wait for more to be generated or it has to accept lower-quality data. This is called entropy starvation or entropy depletion.

What is "overhead"?

I am a student in Computer Science and I am hearing the word "overhead" a lot when it comes to programs and sorts. What does this mean exactly?
It's the resources required to set up an operation. It might seem unrelated, but necessary.
It's like when you need to go somewhere, you might need a car. But, it would be a lot of overhead to get a car to drive down the street, so you might want to walk. However, the overhead would be worth it if you were going across the country.
In computer science, sometimes we use cars to go down the street because we don't have a better way, or it's not worth our time to "learn how to walk".
The meaning of the word can differ a lot with context. In general, it's resources (most often memory and CPU time) that are used, which do not contribute directly to the intended result, but are required by the technology or method that is being used. Examples:
Protocol overhead: Ethernet frames, IP packets and TCP segments all have headers, TCP connections require handshake packets. Thus, you cannot use the entire bandwidth the hardware is capable of for your actual data. You can reduce the overhead by using larger packet sizes and UDP has a smaller header and no handshake.
Data structure memory overhead: A linked list requires at least one pointer for each element it contains. If the elements are the same size as a pointer, this means a 50% memory overhead, whereas an array can potentially have 0% overhead.
Method call overhead: A well-designed program is broken down into lots of short methods. But each method call requires setting up a stack frame, copying parameters and a return address. This represents CPU overhead compared to a program that does everything in a single monolithic function. Of course, the added maintainability makes it very much worth it, but in some cases, excessive method calls can have a significant performance impact.
You're tired and cant do any more work. You eat food. The energy spent looking for food, getting it and actually eating it consumes energy and is overhead!
Overhead is something wasted in order to accomplish a task. The goal is to make overhead very very small.
In computer science lets say you want to print a number, thats your task. But storing the number, the setting up the display to print it and calling routines to print it, then accessing the number from variable are all overhead.
Wikipedia has us covered:
In computer science, overhead is
generally considered any combination
of excess or indirect computation
time, memory, bandwidth, or other
resources that are required to attain
a particular goal. It is a special
case of engineering overhead.
Overhead typically reffers to the amount of extra resources (memory, processor, time, etc.) that different programming algorithms take.
For example, the overhead of inserting into a balanced Binary Tree could be much larger than the same insert into a simple Linked List (the insert will take longer, use more processing power to balance the Tree, which results in a longer percieved operation time by the user).
For a programmer overhead refers to those system resources which are consumed by your code when it's running on a giving platform on a given set of input data. Usually the term is used in the context of comparing different implementations or possible implementations.
For example we might say that a particular approach might incur considerable CPU overhead while another might incur more memory overhead and yet another might weighted to network overhead (and entail an external dependency, for example).
Let's give a specific example: Compute the average (arithmetic mean) of a set of numbers.
The obvious approach is to loop over the inputs, keeping a running total and a count. When the last number is encountered (signaled by "end of file" EOF, or some sentinel value, or some GUI buttom, whatever) then we simply divide the total by the number of inputs and we're done.
This approach incurs almost no overhead in terms of CPU, memory or other resources. (It's a trivial task).
Another possible approach is to "slurp" the input into a list. iterate over the list to calculate the sum, then divide that by the number of valid items from the list.
By comparison this approach might incur arbitrary amounts of memory overhead.
In a particular bad implementation we might perform the sum operation using recursion but without tail-elimination. Now, in addition to the memory overhead for our list we're also introducing stack overhead (which is a different sort of memory and is often a more limited resource than other forms of memory).
Yet another (arguably more absurd) approach would be to post all of the inputs to some SQL table in an RDBMS. Then simply calling the SQL SUM function on that column of that table. This shifts our local memory overhead to some other server, and incurs network overhead and external dependencies on our execution. (Note that the remote server may or may not have any particular memory overhead associated with this task --- it might shove all the values immediately out to storage, for example).
Hypothetically we might consider an implementation over some sort of cluster (possibly to make the averaging of trillions of values feasible). In this case any necessary encoding and distribution of the values (mapping them out to the nodes) and the collection/collation of the results (reduction) would count as overhead.
We can also talk about the overhead incurred by factors beyond the programmer's own code. For example compilation of some code for 32 or 64 bit processors might entail greater overhead than one would see for an old 8-bit or 16-bit architecture. This might involve larger memory overhead (alignment issues) or CPU overhead (where the CPU is forced to adjust bit ordering or used non-aligned instructions, etc) or both.
Note that the disk space taken up by your code and it's libraries, etc. is not usually referred to as "overhead" but rather is called "footprint." Also the base memory your program consumes (without regard to any data set that it's processing) is called its "footprint" as well.
Overhead is simply the more time consumption in program execution. Example ; when we call a function and its control is passed where it is defined and then its body is executed, this means that we make our CPU to run through a long process( first passing the control to other place in memory and then executing there and then passing the control back to the former position) , consequently it takes alot performance time, hence Overhead. Our goals are to reduce this overhead by using the inline during function definition and calling time, which copies the content of the function at the function call hence we dont pass the control to some other location, but continue our program in a line, hence inline.
You could use a dictionary. The definition is the same. But to save you time, Overhead is work required to do the productive work. For instance, an algorithm runs and does useful work, but requires memory to do its work. This memory allocation takes time, and is not directly related to the work being done, therefore is overhead.
You can check Wikipedia. But mainly when more actions or resources are used. Like if you are familiar with .NET there you can have value types and reference types. Reference types have memory overhead as they require more memory than value types.
A concrete example of overhead is the difference between a "local" procedure call and a "remote" procedure call.
For example, with classic RPC (and many other remote frameworks, like EJB), a function or method call looks the same to a coder whether its a local, in memory call, or a distributed, network call.
For example:
service.function(param1, param2);
Is that a normal method, or a remote method? From what you see here you can't tell.
But you can imagine that the difference in execution times between the two calls are dramatic.
So, while the core implementation will "cost the same", the "overhead" involved is quite different.
Think about the overhead as the time required to manage the threads and coordinate among them. It is a burden if the thread does not have enough task to do. In such a case the overhead cost over come the saved time through using threading and the code takes more time than the sequential one.
To answer you, I would give you an analogy of cooking Rice, for example.
Ideally when we want to cook, we want everything to be available, we want pots to be already clean, rice available in enough quantities. If this is true, then we take less time to cook our rice( less overheads).
On the other hand, let's say you don't have clean water available immediately, you don't have rice, therefore you need to go buy it from the shops first and you need to also get clean water from the tap outside your house. These extra tasks are not standard or let me say to cook rice you don't necessarily have to spend so much time gathering your ingredients. Ideally, your ingredients must be present at the time of wanting to cook your rice.
So the cost of time spent in going to buy your rice from the shops and water from the tap are overheads to cooking rice. They are costs that we can avoid or minimize, as compared to the standard way of cooking rice( everything is around you, you don't have to waste time gathering your ingredients).
The time wasted in collecting ingredients is what we call the Overheads.
In Computer Science, for example in multithreading, communication overheads amongst threads happens when threads have to take turns giving each other access to a certain resource or they are passing information or data to each other. Overheads happen due to context switching.Even though this is crucial to them but it's the wastage of time (CPU cycles) as compared to the traditional way of single threaded programming where there is never a time wastage in communication. A single threaded program does the work straight away.
its anything other than the data itself, ie tcp flags, headers, crc, fcs etc..
