discord.py problems with the checking - discord.py

im trying to do a trivial discord bot, but with a "helper" it reveals you letter by letter the answer, each "x" senconds, but the problem is i can't to send the answer till the help is fully displayed
in the image the problem is cleary visible
this is the whole code
await ctx.send(a) #question
respuestas = b #answer
string = respuestas[0]
blanked_string = [x if x.isspace() else "-" for x in string]
nonspace_indexes = [i for i, _ in enumerate(string)]
for i in nonspace_indexes:
blanked_string[i] = string[i]
await ctx.send(''.join(blanked_string))
await asyncio.sleep(2)
def check(msg=discord.Message) -> True:
return msg.content.lower() in respuestas and msg.channel == ctx.message.channel
guess = await bot.wait_for('message', timeout=6, check=check)
return await ctx.send(f"{guess.author.mention} first")
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("time over")
note: im not trying to do a hangman

async def letters(response: str, channel: discord.TextChannel):
blanked_string = [x if x.isspace() else "-" for x in response]
nonspace_indexes = [i for i, _ in enumerate(response)]
for i in nonspace_indexes:
blanked_string[i] = response[i]
await channel.send(''.join(blanked_string))
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def game(ctx: commands.Context):
await ctx.send("Author of Python programming language...")
response = "Guido van Rossum"
letters_func = asyncio.create_task(letters(response, ctx.channel))
player_response = await client.wait_for('message', check=lambda m: m.author == ctx.author and m.channel == ctx.channel, timeout=30)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
await ctx.send("Time's up!")
if player_response.content == response:
await ctx.send("Correct!")
await ctx.send("Incorrect!")
Here is a possible resolution path for your problem. I took advantage of asyncio's presence to do this. You can test it, it works very well.
Be careful to adapt your response time to the length of your answer


Check which reaction a user picked [Discord.py]

This should be fairly simple and I've been trying what I've googled but no luck. All I want to do is send a message regarding which emoji had more reactions. But nothing is being sent out.
async def on_message(message):
if 'aoe2' in message.content and message.channel.id == 1048127088688889866:
BlueEmbed = discord.Embed(title='AOE Lobby',
description='**Lobby Link:** ' + '<' +
str(message.content) + '>',
message = await message.channel.send(embed=BlueEmbed)
await message.add_reaction('❀️')
await message.add_reaction('πŸ’™')
msg = await message.channel.fetch_message(message.id)
highest_reaction = ""
highest_reaction_number = 0
for reaction in msg.reactions:
if reaction.count - 1 > highest_reaction_number:
highest_reaction = reaction.emoji
highest_reaction_count = reaction.count - 1
await message.channel.send(f"{highest_reaction} wins with {highest_reaction_count} votes!")
the issue seems to be the program not waiting to check for votes, but rather executing the code instantly. Ignoring future reactions added. Not sure on a work around at this time. Seems I may need some sort of delay before running the if statement.
Use asyncio.sleep()
async def on_message(message):
if 'aoe2' in message.content and message.channel.id == 1048127088688889866:
BlueEmbed = discord.Embed(title='AOE Lobby',
description='**Lobby Link:** ' + '<' +
str(message.content) + '>',
message = await message.channel.send(embed=BlueEmbed)
await message.add_reaction('❀️')
await message.add_reaction('πŸ’™')
await asyncio.sleep(5) #however long u want in seconds
msg = await message.channel.fetch_message(message.id)
highest_reaction = ""
highest_reaction_number = 0
for reaction in msg.reactions:
if reaction.count - 1 > highest_reaction_number:
highest_reaction = reaction.emoji
highest_reaction_count = reaction.count - 1
await message.channel.send(f"{highest_reaction} wins with {highest_reaction_count} votes!")
or you can have another phrase trigger it
async def on_message(message):
global messageid
if 'aoe2' in message.content and message.channel.id == 1048127088688889866:
BlueEmbed = discord.Embed(title='AOE Lobby',
description='**Lobby Link:** ' + '<' +
str(message.content) + '>',
message = await message.channel.send(embed=BlueEmbed)
await message.add_reaction('❀️')
await message.add_reaction('πŸ’™')
messageid = message.id
if "trigger" in message.content and message.channel.id == 1048127088688889866::
msg = await message.channel.fetch_message(messageid)
highest_reaction = ""
highest_reaction_number = 0
for reaction in msg.reactions:
if reaction.count - 1 > highest_reaction_number:
highest_reaction = reaction.emoji
highest_reaction_count = reaction.count - 1
await message.channel.send(f"{highest_reaction} wins with {highest_reaction_count} votes!")

Manually picking users from reaction roles

I have a command which allows people to react to a message to enter into a "battle". Then with another command, 2 people are chosen. This is my code:
#client.command(aliases=['start', 'g'])
async def startbattle(ctx):
msg = await ctx.send("React to enter battle")
await msg.add_reaction("πŸŽ‰")
await asyncio.sleep(10000000000000000)
message = await ctx.fetch_message(msg.id)
for reaction in message.reactions:
if str(reaction.emoji) == "πŸŽ‰":
users = await reaction.users().flatten()
if len(users) == 1:
return await msg.edit(embed=discord.Embed(title="Nobody has won the giveaway."))
user1 = random.choice(users)
user2 = random.choice(users)
except ValueError:
return await ctx.send("not enough participants")
await ctx.send(f'Battle will be against {user1} and {user2}')
async def pick(ctx):
async for message in ctx.channel.history(limit=100, oldest_first=False):
if message.author.id == client.user.id and message.embeds:
reroll = await ctx.fetch_message(message.id)
users = await reroll.reactions[0].users().flatten()
winner1 = random.choice(users)
winner2 = random.choice(users)
await ctx.send(f"The battle will be against {winner1.mention} and {winner2.mention}")
await ctx.send("No giveaways going on in this channel.")
This is the error which I get while using the "pick" command,
users = await reroll.reactions[0].users().flatten()
IndexError: list index out of range
the error is in the for loop as it gets the msg and the msg doesnt have any reaction so it there is no list so list is out of range to fix this u have to add try and except there so it skips the msg with no reactions.
code :
async def pick(ctx):
async for message in ctx.channel.history(limit=100, oldest_first=False):
if message.author.id == client.user.id and message.embeds:
reroll = await ctx.fetch_message(message.id)
users = await reroll.reactions[0].users().flatten()
winner1 = random.choice(users)
winner2 = random.choice(users)
await ctx.send(f"The battle will be against {winner1.mention} and {winner2.mention}")
return # <--- was the break
await ctx.send("No giveaways going on in this channel.")
and a suggestion dont add break in the if statement as it will continuously check for msg if already it got one

Remove Discord Markdown

How do I remove mark down in discord.py?
I was making an eval command but I realized that sending it with markdown eg. '```py print("example code")```', breaks it.
I want to make it easier for me and the other admin/mod to use it for debugging purposes in my bot.
async def eval(ctx, *, code):
out, err = io.StringIO(), io.StringIO()
sys.stdout = out
sys.stderr = err
await ctx.channel.trigger_typing()
await aexec(code)
results = out.getvalue()
errors = err.getvalue()
await ctx.send(embed = discord.Embed(title = "Eval", description=f"Output Is \n```bash\n{results}```"))
await ctx.send(embed = discord.Embed(title = "Code", description=f"Input Is \n```py\n{code}```"))
the above code is what I've tried so far..
I've been playing with your code for the past hours, I wanted to figured it out :P
This is the only way i could access the code when there was markdown in the command input.
async def eval(ctx, *, code):
raw = f'{ctx.message.content}'[12:-3] # Get rid of markdown + py and last 3 ```
#Might want to add if statements in case the input doesn't include py / something else.
print (raw) # Testing purpose
out, err = io.StringIO(), io.StringIO()
sys.stdout = out
sys.stderr = err
await ctx.channel.trigger_typing()
exec(raw) # no need for await
results = out.getvalue()
errors = err.getvalue()
await ctx.send(embed = discord.Embed(title = "Eval", description=f"Output Is \n```bash\n{results}```"))
await ctx.send(embed = discord.Embed(title = "Code", description=f"Input Is \n```py\n{raw}```"))
await ctx.send(embed = discord.Embed(title = "Errors", description=f"Errors are \n```py\n{errors}```")) #Added this output to see errors

How would i play a song using only the title of the song no url and how would i fix the queue

list(song_queue) = []
FFMPEG_OPTIONS = {'before_options': '-reconnect 1 -reconnect_streamed 1 -reconnect_delay_max 5', 'options': '-vn'}
YDL_OPTIONS = {'format': 'bestaudio', 'noplaylist':'True'}
def search(arg):
try: requests.get("".join(arg))
except: arg = " ".join(arg)
else: arg = "".join(arg)
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(YDL_OPTIONS ) as ydl:
info = ydl.extract_info(f"ytsearch:{arg}", download=False)['entries'][0]
return {'source': info['formats'][0]['url'], 'title': info['title']}
def play_next(ctx):
voice = get(client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)
if len(song_queue) > 1:
del song_queue[0]
voice.play(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(song_queue[0][source], **FFMPEG_OPTIONS), after=lambda e: play_next(ctx))
async def play(ctx, *arg):
channel = ctx.message.author.voice.channel
if channel:
voice = get(client.voice_clients, guild=ctx.guild)
song = search(arg)
if voice and voice.is_connected():
await voice.move_to(channel)
voice = await channel.connect()
if not voice.is_playing():
voice.play(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(song[0]['source'], **FFMPEG_OPTIONS), after=lambda e: play_next(ctx))
await ctx.send("Added to queue")
await ctx.send("You're not connected to any channel!")
this code doesn't play the music and the song queue and idk how to fix it to help me please
I need it so that it can play music and preferably not have the queue ANd i need it so that it can
I have code for my music bot that will play the video using the title of the song. It also has a working queue feature. Try copy-pasting this code into your cog, and it should work for you without any issues.
import discord
from discord.ext import commands
import random
import asyncio
import itertools
import sys
import traceback
from async_timeout import timeout
from functools import partial
import youtube_dl
from youtube_dl import YoutubeDL
# Suppress noise about console usage from errors
youtube_dl.utils.bug_reports_message = lambda: ''
ytdlopts = {
'format': 'bestaudio/best',
'outtmpl': 'downloads/%(extractor)s-%(id)s-%(title)s.%(ext)s',
'restrictfilenames': True,
'noplaylist': True,
'nocheckcertificate': True,
'ignoreerrors': False,
'logtostderr': False,
'quiet': True,
'no_warnings': True,
'default_search': 'auto',
'source_address': '' # ipv6 addresses cause issues sometimes
ffmpegopts = {
'before_options': '-nostdin',
'options': '-vn'
ytdl = YoutubeDL(ytdlopts)
class VoiceConnectionError(commands.CommandError):
"""Custom Exception class for connection errors."""
class InvalidVoiceChannel(VoiceConnectionError):
"""Exception for cases of invalid Voice Channels."""
class YTDLSource(discord.PCMVolumeTransformer):
def __init__(self, source, *, data, requester):
self.requester = requester
self.title = data.get('title')
self.web_url = data.get('webpage_url')
self.duration = data.get('duration')
# YTDL info dicts (data) have other useful information you might want
# https://github.com/rg3/youtube-dl/blob/master/README.md
def __getitem__(self, item: str):
"""Allows us to access attributes similar to a dict.
This is only useful when you are NOT downloading.
return self.__getattribute__(item)
async def create_source(cls, ctx, search: str, *, loop, download=False):
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
to_run = partial(ytdl.extract_info, url=search, download=download)
data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, to_run)
if 'entries' in data:
# take first item from a playlist
data = data['entries'][0]
embed = discord.Embed(title="", description=f"Queued [{data['title']}]({data['webpage_url']}) [{ctx.author.mention}]", color=discord.Color.green())
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
if download:
source = ytdl.prepare_filename(data)
return {'webpage_url': data['webpage_url'], 'requester': ctx.author, 'title': data['title']}
return cls(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(source), data=data, requester=ctx.author)
async def regather_stream(cls, data, *, loop):
"""Used for preparing a stream, instead of downloading.
Since Youtube Streaming links expire."""
loop = loop or asyncio.get_event_loop()
requester = data['requester']
to_run = partial(ytdl.extract_info, url=data['webpage_url'], download=False)
data = await loop.run_in_executor(None, to_run)
return cls(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(data['url']), data=data, requester=requester)
class MusicPlayer:
"""A class which is assigned to each guild using the bot for Music.
This class implements a queue and loop, which allows for different guilds to listen to different playlists
When the bot disconnects from the Voice it's instance will be destroyed.
__slots__ = ('bot', '_guild', '_channel', '_cog', 'queue', 'next', 'current', 'np', 'volume')
def __init__(self, ctx):
self.bot = ctx.bot
self._guild = ctx.guild
self._channel = ctx.channel
self._cog = ctx.cog
self.queue = asyncio.Queue()
self.next = asyncio.Event()
self.np = None # Now playing message
self.volume = .5
self.current = None
async def player_loop(self):
"""Our main player loop."""
await self.bot.wait_until_ready()
while not self.bot.is_closed():
# Wait for the next song. If we timeout cancel the player and disconnect...
async with timeout(300): # 5 minutes...
source = await self.queue.get()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
return self.destroy(self._guild)
if not isinstance(source, YTDLSource):
# Source was probably a stream (not downloaded)
# So we should regather to prevent stream expiration
source = await YTDLSource.regather_stream(source, loop=self.bot.loop)
except Exception as e:
await self._channel.send(f'There was an error processing your song.\n'
source.volume = self.volume
self.current = source
self._guild.voice_client.play(source, after=lambda _: self.bot.loop.call_soon_threadsafe(self.next.set))
embed = discord.Embed(title="Now playing", description=f"[{source.title}]({source.web_url}) [{source.requester.mention}]", color=discord.Color.green())
self.np = await self._channel.send(embed=embed)
await self.next.wait()
# Make sure the FFmpeg process is cleaned up.
self.current = None
def destroy(self, guild):
"""Disconnect and cleanup the player."""
return self.bot.loop.create_task(self._cog.cleanup(guild))
class Music(commands.Cog):
"""Music related commands."""
__slots__ = ('bot', 'players')
def __init__(self, bot):
self.bot = bot
self.players = {}
async def cleanup(self, guild):
await guild.voice_client.disconnect()
except AttributeError:
del self.players[guild.id]
except KeyError:
async def __local_check(self, ctx):
"""A local check which applies to all commands in this cog."""
if not ctx.guild:
raise commands.NoPrivateMessage
return True
async def __error(self, ctx, error):
"""A local error handler for all errors arising from commands in this cog."""
if isinstance(error, commands.NoPrivateMessage):
return await ctx.send('This command can not be used in Private Messages.')
except discord.HTTPException:
elif isinstance(error, InvalidVoiceChannel):
await ctx.send('Error connecting to Voice Channel. '
'Please make sure you are in a valid channel or provide me with one')
print('Ignoring exception in command {}:'.format(ctx.command), file=sys.stderr)
traceback.print_exception(type(error), error, error.__traceback__, file=sys.stderr)
def get_player(self, ctx):
"""Retrieve the guild player, or generate one."""
player = self.players[ctx.guild.id]
except KeyError:
player = MusicPlayer(ctx)
self.players[ctx.guild.id] = player
return player
#commands.command(name='join', aliases=['connect', 'j'], description="connects to voice")
async def connect_(self, ctx, *, channel: discord.VoiceChannel=None):
"""Connect to voice.
channel: discord.VoiceChannel [Optional]
The channel to connect to. If a channel is not specified, an attempt to join the voice channel you are in
will be made.
This command also handles moving the bot to different channels.
if not channel:
channel = ctx.author.voice.channel
except AttributeError:
embed = discord.Embed(title="", description="No channel to join. Please call `,join` from a voice channel.", color=discord.Color.green())
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
raise InvalidVoiceChannel('No channel to join. Please either specify a valid channel or join one.')
vc = ctx.voice_client
if vc:
if vc.channel.id == channel.id:
await vc.move_to(channel)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise VoiceConnectionError(f'Moving to channel: <{channel}> timed out.')
await channel.connect()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
raise VoiceConnectionError(f'Connecting to channel: <{channel}> timed out.')
if (random.randint(0, 1) == 0):
await ctx.message.add_reaction('πŸ‘')
await ctx.send(f'**Joined `{channel}`**')
#commands.command(name='play', aliases=['sing','p'], description="streams music")
async def play_(self, ctx, *, search: str):
"""Request a song and add it to the queue.
This command attempts to join a valid voice channel if the bot is not already in one.
Uses YTDL to automatically search and retrieve a song.
search: str [Required]
The song to search and retrieve using YTDL. This could be a simple search, an ID or URL.
await ctx.trigger_typing()
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc:
await ctx.invoke(self.connect_)
player = self.get_player(ctx)
# If download is False, source will be a dict which will be used later to regather the stream.
# If download is True, source will be a discord.FFmpegPCMAudio with a VolumeTransformer.
source = await YTDLSource.create_source(ctx, search, loop=self.bot.loop, download=False)
await player.queue.put(source)
#commands.command(name='pause', description="pauses music")
async def pause_(self, ctx):
"""Pause the currently playing song."""
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_playing():
embed = discord.Embed(title="", description="I am currently not playing anything", color=discord.Color.green())
return await ctx.send(embed=embed)
elif vc.is_paused():
await ctx.send("Paused ⏸️")
#commands.command(name='resume', description="resumes music")
async def resume_(self, ctx):
"""Resume the currently paused song."""
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
embed = discord.Embed(title="", description="I'm not connected to a voice channel", color=discord.Color.green())
return await ctx.send(embed=embed)
elif not vc.is_paused():
await ctx.send("Resuming ⏯️")
#commands.command(name='skip', description="skips to next song in queue")
async def skip_(self, ctx):
"""Skip the song."""
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
embed = discord.Embed(title="", description="I'm not connected to a voice channel", color=discord.Color.green())
return await ctx.send(embed=embed)
if vc.is_paused():
elif not vc.is_playing():
#commands.command(name='remove', aliases=['rm', 'rem'], description="removes specified song from queue")
async def remove_(self, ctx, pos : int=None):
"""Removes specified song from queue"""
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
embed = discord.Embed(title="", description="I'm not connected to a voice channel", color=discord.Color.green())
return await ctx.send(embed=embed)
player = self.get_player(ctx)
if pos == None:
s = player.queue._queue[pos-1]
del player.queue._queue[pos-1]
embed = discord.Embed(title="", description=f"Removed [{s['title']}]({s['webpage_url']}) [{s['requester'].mention}]", color=discord.Color.green())
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
embed = discord.Embed(title="", description=f'Could not find a track for "{pos}"', color=discord.Color.green())
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
#commands.command(name='clear', aliases=['clr', 'cl', 'cr'], description="clears entire queue")
async def clear_(self, ctx):
"""Deletes entire queue of upcoming songs."""
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
embed = discord.Embed(title="", description="I'm not connected to a voice channel", color=discord.Color.green())
return await ctx.send(embed=embed)
player = self.get_player(ctx)
await ctx.send('**Cleared**')
#commands.command(name='queue', aliases=['q', 'playlist', 'que'], description="shows the queue")
async def queue_info(self, ctx):
"""Retrieve a basic queue of upcoming songs."""
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
embed = discord.Embed(title="", description="I'm not connected to a voice channel", color=discord.Color.green())
return await ctx.send(embed=embed)
player = self.get_player(ctx)
if player.queue.empty():
embed = discord.Embed(title="", description="queue is empty", color=discord.Color.green())
return await ctx.send(embed=embed)
seconds = vc.source.duration % (24 * 3600)
hour = seconds // 3600
seconds %= 3600
minutes = seconds // 60
seconds %= 60
if hour > 0:
duration = "%dh %02dm %02ds" % (hour, minutes, seconds)
duration = "%02dm %02ds" % (minutes, seconds)
# Grabs the songs in the queue...
upcoming = list(itertools.islice(player.queue._queue, 0, int(len(player.queue._queue))))
fmt = '\n'.join(f"`{(upcoming.index(_)) + 1}.` [{_['title']}]({_['webpage_url']}) | ` {duration} Requested by: {_['requester']}`\n" for _ in upcoming)
fmt = f"\n__Now Playing__:\n[{vc.source.title}]({vc.source.web_url}) | ` {duration} Requested by: {vc.source.requester}`\n\n__Up Next:__\n" + fmt + f"\n**{len(upcoming)} songs in queue**"
embed = discord.Embed(title=f'Queue for {ctx.guild.name}', description=fmt, color=discord.Color.green())
embed.set_footer(text=f"{ctx.author.display_name}", icon_url=ctx.author.avatar_url)
await ctx.send(embed=embed)
#commands.command(name='leave', aliases=["stop", "dc", "disconnect", "bye"], description="stops music and disconnects from voice")
async def leave_(self, ctx):
"""Stop the currently playing song and destroy the player.
This will destroy the player assigned to your guild, also deleting any queued songs and settings.
vc = ctx.voice_client
if not vc or not vc.is_connected():
embed = discord.Embed(title="", description="I'm not connected to a voice channel", color=discord.Color.green())
return await ctx.send(embed=embed)
if (random.randint(0, 1) == 0):
await ctx.message.add_reaction('πŸ‘‹')
await ctx.send('**Successfully disconnected**')
await self.cleanup(ctx.guild)
def setup(bot):

How to check if a response message is by the author while ignoring other messages not by the author in discord bot

I have this
async def deletechar(ctx):
em = discord.Embed(title = f"Are you sure you want to erase your character?",color = discord.Color.red())
em.add_field(name = "Yes, delete it please",value = "Y")
em.add_field(name = "Nevermind",value = "N")
await ctx.send(embed = em)
response = await client.wait_for_message('message')
if response.content == 'Y' and ctx.author == response.author:
await ctx.send("Successfully Deleted Character")
elif response.content == 'N' and ctx.author == response.author:
await ctx.send("Not Deleted")
this may be poorly written, though it works it's just that if a message is not by the author it'll kick out of the function. I want to await a response by the author within the context while ignoring other messages but not using too much CPU while doing it. Any suggestions?
I don't want it to hang in this function because I want it to be able to process messages from other users while it waits for this one
Using a check
response = await client.wait_for_message('message', check=lambda m: m.author.id == ctx.author.id)
