Get current data of the Plot not the whole. Plotly JS - plotly.js

Good day! For some reason I want to get the current range of data not the whole data of the plot. Is that possible?
I tried using this but I'm getting the whole data not the current data that shows in the screen.


D3 JS Exported Maps Image Quality Issue

We are using d3.js to create the maps in our application via reading .csv file that has latitude and longitude to plot the location but sue to huge data (~200k latitudes and longitudes in the .csv file) the maps creation is taking around 1 minute.
To avoid this much of delay we are exporting the maps into an image using SaveSvgAsPng.js library and once the image is created we are displaying the image on the app instead of creating the map every time the user logs into to the application (below is the code snippet from saveSvgAspng.js library)
Now with this approach we are seeing each time the image is exporting differently and there is drop in the image quality of the map (attached the image)
Raising this here to get some help in fixing this issue or if someone has faced this before as this is being the show stopper for our application. Happy to add more details if these are not sufficient.

Keeping a cell with the Specific Data at Last

I’m trying to Sort The Data. Which is working Perfectly fine .
And If I need some Specific Data to be on top I give it as
sorter.add(0,SortOrder.ASCENDING,"to be top Data");
in Aspose API Java.
But What Can I do For the Data to be always on the Bottom of the Sorting Range I have to Sort.
For Eg: I have a cell Value with Total as its data. I want this row to always come at the bottom
Attaching a Sample Screen Short and a File…

Using ONS maps with D3

I'm sorry this is probably a very basic issue, but I just can't seem to figure it out.
I wanted to map some data using D3.js and the map shape I wanted to use is provided by the UK's Office for National Statistics. I managed to get their geojson data to display, but as soon as I try to do anything with scaling, transforms, topojson, I've been a complete failure.
I've been through many, many, different approaches and I think it's something about the map data that is causing the issue. If I open the shape files in Mapshaper it looks perfect. If I export as geo or topojson and re-import, it looks perfect. If I try to run geo2svg on the geojson export it produces a lot of data, but nothing visible. If I try to import the original shape file into it produces a flat line. And if I put the topojson into the D3 v4 bounding example I end up with a load of random triangles.
So, can someone show me how do you get ONS mapping data such as to display in a d3 example such as
The data that you have linked to is projected. Mapshaper supports projected data, but using d3.geoProjection with projected data will result in no data being displayed in most situations. You need to ensure your data is in lat long pairs for proper display with a d3.geoProjection.
Luckily, in Mapshaper you can reproject your data. Copy all the files of the shapefile into mapshaper, and in the console change the projection to wgs84 (unprojecting your data):
proj wgs84
This data is now easily displayed and manipulated using a d3.geoProjection. Here is an example using the data that you referenced. Also a screenshot:
Lastly: It is possible to display projected data as well, but this is much less common.

multiple x values spotfire

I am currently trying to adapt an excel dashboard I created a few years back into spotfire. The data previously fit onto one page, but this year the number of metrics has doubled and I thought it would be a good opportunity to try spotfire.
The current dashboard has a number of scatter plot charts showing the values from a range of cells (rank 1-5). Overlaid is another scatter plot that shows the groups results.
I have found it easy enough to run the scatter plot in Excel based on a range of data, but as of right now I am stumped on how to choose a range of values for my spotfire scatters.
Here is an example (in excel) of what I am trying to accomplish. The data example is how my data is currently setup.
Would you have any tips on how I may be able to produce a similar chart in Spotfire?
You can create a Document.Properties with all the values you want. Then create a slider in a text area with this document properties. You will be able to select a range of values with this slider.
To use your range in a scatter plot, on the axis you want, right click and custom expression then write something like $(my_docproperty).
Hope it will a solution to your problem !

How to add a tooltip that shows a bar chart onto a d3.js map

I have a map of the US with markers for stores in each state and currently when you hover over each marker, the name and address of that store shows up. I used a json file (us.json) to get the states coordinates and boundaries. The second json file (newstorelocations.json) contains information about each store and it's location which I used to display the markers. I used a tooltip for this.
What I currently have is at:
I have a third json file (newstorespend.json) that contains products and amount spent for each store. The variable StoreDescription exists in both the second and third json file. Any clue how can I make a simple vertical bar chart displaying amount and product for each store location when you hover over each marker? I am totally new to d3.js so I am guessing I would have to write a separate function creating the chart in a separate file, and then pass it into that variable d in the mouseover function but that's purely a guess. I did make a bar chart out of the data from the third file but how do I make individual bar charts for each store and show it when the mouse hovers over the corresponding store marker.
I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance!
There's basically no difference between adding a chart to a tooltip vs doing it normally, you'll just need to grab the data and filter it so that it only applies to the data point that you're hovering over and then create/update the chart based on that data at the correct DOM element.
I've forked your gist and done just that. I just used the data that you had for Anchorage in your newstorespend.json file in your gist. Hover over the data point for the store in Anchorage to see what shows up.
You can take a look at
The onHover and offHover functions do all the work that you're probably interested in.
Note: this is only one way to do it, and possibly not even the best.
