how to extract a ip address from command result and store result in a variable [duplicate] - bash

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How to grep for contents after pattern?
(8 answers)
Closed last month.
How to extract the IP address of the output of the gcloud command mentioned bellow?
The goal is to extract the IP_ADRESS where TARGET contains targetPools and store it in a variable.
$ gcloud compute forwarding-rules list
NAME: abc
TARGET: us/backendServices/abc
NAME: efg
TARGET: us/targetPools/efg
desired output:
my attempt:
IP=$(gcloud compute forwarding-rules list | grep "IP_ADDRESS")
it doesn't work bc it need to
get the one with TARGET contains targetPools
extract the IP_ADRESS
store in local variable to be used
But not sure how to do this, any hints?

Using awk:
gcloud ... 2>&1 | awk -F: 'BEGIN {RS=""} $10 ~ /targetPools/ {print $6}'

With your given input, you could chain a few commands with pipes. That means there is always one line of text/string in between TARGET and IP_ADDRESS.
gcloud ... 2>&1 | grep -FB2 'TARGET: us/targetPools/efg' | head -n1 | sed 's/^.*: *//'
You could do without the head, something like
gcloud ... 2>&1 | grep -FB2 'TARGET: us/targetPools/efg' | sed 's/^.*: *//;q'
Some code explanation.
2>&1 Is a form of shell redirection, it is there to capturestderr and stdout.
-FB2 is a shorthand for -F -B 2
See grep --help | grep -- -B
See grep --help | grep -- -F
sed 's/^.*: *//'
^ Is what they call an anchor, it means from the start.
.* Means zero or more character/string.
. Will match a single string/character
* Is what they call a quantifier, will match zero or more character string
: Is a literal : in this context
* Will match a space, (zero or more)
// Remove what ever is/was matched by the pattern.
q means quit, without it sed will print/output all the lines that was matched by grep


How to grep only matching string from this result?

I am just simply trying to grab the commit ID, but not quite sure what I'm missing:
➜ ~ curl -s | grep -oE 'microsoft/vscode/commit/(.*?)/hovercard'
The only thing I need back from this is ccbaa2d27e38e5afa3e5c21c1c7bef4657064247.
This works just fine on and in ruby/python. What am I missing?
If supported, you can use grep -oP
echo "microsoft/vscode/commit/ccbaa2d27e38e5afa3e5c21c1c7bef4657064247/hovercard" | grep -oP "microsoft/vscode/commit/\K.*?(?=/hovercard)"
Another option is to use sed with a capture group
echo "microsoft/vscode/commit/ccbaa2d27e38e5afa3e5c21c1c7bef4657064247/hovercard" | sed -E 's/microsoft\/vscode\/commit\/([^\/]+)\/hovercard/\1/'
The point is that grep does not support extracting capturing group submatches. If you install pcregrep you could do that with
curl -s | \
pcregrep -o1 'microsoft/vscode/commit/(.*?)/hovercard' | head -1
The | head -1 part is to fetch the first occurrence only.
I would suggest using awk here:
awk 'match($0,/microsoft\/vscode\/commit\/[^\/]*\/hovercard/){print substr($0,RSTART+24,RLENGTH-34);exit}'
The regex will match a line containing
microsoft\/vscode\/commit\/ - microsoft/vscode/commit/ fixed string
[^\/]* - zero or more chars other than /
\/hovercard - a /hovercard string.
The substr($0,RSTART+24,RLENGTH-34) will print the part of the line starting at the RSTART+24 (24 is the length of microsoft/vscode/commit/) index and the RLENGTH is the length of microsoft/vscode/commit/ + the length of the /hovercard.
The exit command will fetch you the first occurrence. Remove it if you need all occurrences.
You can use sed:
curl -s |
sed -En 's=.*microsoft/vscode/commit/([^/]+)/hovercard.*=\1=p' |
head -n 1
head -n 1 is to print the first match (there are 10)grep -o will print (only) everything that matches, including microsoft/ etc.
Your task can not be achieved with Mac's grep. grep -o prints all matching text (compared to default behaviour of printing matching lines), including microsoft/ etc. A grep which implemented perl regex (like GNU grep on Linux) could make use of look ahead/behind (grep -Po '(?<=microsoft/vscode/commit/)[^/]+(?=/hovercard)'). But it's just not available on Mac's grep.
On MacOS you don't have gnu utilities available by default. You can just pipe your output to a simple awk like this:
curl -s |
grep -oE 'microsoft/vscode/commit/[^/]+/hovercard' |
awk -F/ '{print $(NF-1)}'

How can I deduplicate filenames across directories?

I run the following gsutil command:
gsutil ls -d gs://mybucket/v${version}/folder1/*/*.whl |
sort -V |
grep -e "/*.whl"
I get:
Since some files in different folders have the same names, how can I retrieve unique filenames ignoring the path?
I would do it like this:
blabla_your_command | rev | sort -t'/' -u -k1,1 | rev
rev reverses lines. Then I unique sort using / as a separator on the first field. After the line is reversed, the first field will be the filename, so sorting -u on it would return only unique filenames. Then the line needs to be reversed back.
The following command:
cat <<EOF |
rev | sort -t'/' -u -k1,1 | rev
Please check awk option given below, this will print the last occurrence of delimiter '/', it worked for me
gsutil ls gs://mybucket/v1.0.0/folder1/1560930522 | awk -F/ '{print $(NF)}'
print all the file names under '1560930522'
your_command|awk -F/ '!($NF in a){a[$NF]; print}'
4 different ways of saying the same thing
nawk -F'^.+/' '++_[$NF]<NF'
gawk -F'/' '__[$NF]++<!_'
mawk -F/ '_^__[$NF]++'
mawk2 -F/ '!_[$NF]--'
Here's a simple, straightforward solution:
$ your_gsutil_command | xargs -L 1 basename | sort -u
The easiest way to remove paths is with basename. Unfortunately it accepts only a single filename, which must be on the command line (not from stdin), so we need to take the following steps:
Create the list of files.
We do this with your_gsutil_command, but you can use any command that generates a list of files.
Send each one to basename to remove its path.
The xargs command does this for us by reading its stdin and invoking basename repeatedly, passing the data as command-line arguments. But xargs efficiently tries to reduce the number of invocations by passing multiple filenames on each command line, and that breaks basename. We prevent that with -L 1, limiting it to only one line (that is, one filename) at a time.
Remove duplicates.
The sort -u command does this.
Using your example data:
$ gsutil ls -d gs://mybucket/v${version}/folder1/*/*.whl |
xargs -L 1 basename | sort -u
Caveat: Spaces break everything. 😡
So far we've assumed the filenames and folders do not contain spaces. Spaces break basename because needs exactly one filename, and it would interpret spaces as separators between multiple filenames. We can get around this in two ways:
ls -Q: If you're deduplicating local filenames, you can use the (non-gsutil) ls command with the -Q flag to put the filenames in quotes, so basename will interpret spaces as part of the filenames rather than separators.
gsutil: The -Q flag is unfortunately not supported, so we'll need to escape the spaces manually:
$ your_gsutil_command | sed 's/ /\\ /g' | xargs -L 1 basename | sort -u
Here we use the sed command to escape each space by inserting a backslash before it. (That is, we replace with \ . Note that we also need to escape the backslash in the sed command, which is why we use \\ and not just \.)

How to extract codes using the grep command?

I have a file with below input lines.
John|1|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/123.NNN and customer 113
TOM|2|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/123.NNN and customer 114
PETER|3|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/456.1 and customer 115
I need to extract only the above highlighted text using the grep command.
I tried the below command and didn't get the proper result. Getting the extra 2 unwanted characters in the output. Please suggest if there is any other way to achieve this through grep command.
find ./ -type f -name <FileName> -exec cut -f 4 -d'|' {} + |
grep -o 'Category is not found for local configuration/code/...\\....' |
grep -o '...\\....' | sort | uniq
Current Output:
456.1 a
Expected output:
You can use another grep regular expression.
find ./ -type f -name f -exec cut -f 4 -d'|' {} + |
grep -o 'Category is not found for local configuration/code/...\.[^ ]*' |
grep -o '...\..*' | sort | uniq
. matches any character, [^ ]* matches any sequence of characters until the first space
Your regex specifies a fixed character width for strings of variable width. Based on your examples, something like
would seem like a better regex. However, we could probably also simplify this by merging the cut and multiple grep commands into a single Awk script.
find etc etc -exec awk -F '|' '
$4 ~ /Category is not found for local configuration\/code\/[0-9]{3}\.[0-9A-Z]/ {
split($4, a, /\/code\/);
split(a[2], b); print b[1] }' {} + |
sort -u
The two split operations are just a cheap way to pick out the text between /code/ and the next whitespace character; we have already established by way of the regex match that the string after /code/ matches the pattern we're after.
Notice also how sort has a -u option which allows you to replace (trivial cases of) uniq.
The regex variant supported by Awk is slightly different than that supported by POSIX grep; so the backslashed \+ in grep's BRE dialect is plain + in the dialect called ERE which is [more or less] supported by Awk - and grep -E. If you have grep -P you can use a third variant which has a convenient feature;
find etc etc -exec grep -oP '^([^|]*[|]){3}[^|]*Category is not found for local configuration/code/\K[0-9]{3}\.[0-9A-Z]+' {} + |
sort -u
The \K says "match up through here, but forget everything before this" and so only prints the part after this token.
With sed:
sed -E -n 's#.*code/(.*)\s+and.*#\1#p' file.txt | uniq
I'd use the -P option:
grep -oP '/code/\K\S+' file | sort -u
You want to extract the non-whitespace characters following /code/
An awk using match():
$ awk 'match($0,/[0-9]+\.[A-Z0-9]+/)&&++a[(b=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH))]==1{print b}' file
Pretty printed for slightly better readability:
$ awk '
match($0,/[0-9]+\.[A-Z0-9]+/) && ++a[(b=substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH))]==1 {
print b
}' file
It's not possible just using grep. You should use AWK instead:
awk '{split($7, ar, "/"); print ar[3]}' FILE
The split function splits on a string, here $7, the 7th field, placing the result in an array ar, and using the string / as delimiter.
Then prints the 3rd field of the array.
I am assuming that all of your input looks like the samples you have given us, i.e.:
aaa|b|c|ddd is not found for local configuration/code/111.nnn and customer nnn
Where aaa and ddd will not contain whitespace.
I also assume you really do have a file FILE containing those lines. It's a bit unclear.
▶ cat FILE
John|1|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/123.NNN and customer 113
TOM|2|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/123.NNN and customer 114
PETER|3|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/456.1 and customer 115
▶ awk '{split($7, ar, "/"); print ar[3]}' FILE
Single sed can do the filtering.
(The pattern can be further generalized as suggested by others if that is an option. But be careful to not to over simplify so that it can match with unexpected inputs)
sed -nE 's#(\S+\s+){6}configuration/code/(\S+)\s.*#\2#p' input.txt
To replace your exact command,
find ./ -type f -name <Filename> -exec cat {} \; | sed -nE 's#(\S+\s+){6}configuration/code/(\S+)\s.*#\2#p' | sort | uniq
Simple substitutions on individual lines is the job sed is best suited for. This will work using any sed in any shell on any UNIX box:
$ cat file
John|1|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/123.NNN and customer 113
TOM|2|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/123.NNN and customer 114
PETER|3|R|Category is not found for local configuration/code/456.1 and customer 115
$ sed -n 's:.*Category is not found for local configuration/code/\([^ ]*\).*:\1:p' file | sort -u

How can I use grep as cat

I am creating a script that parses some files and greps out the necessary information.
I have set up many different variables in arrays that search for different aspects in the files.
e.g. dates, locations, types.
However I wanted to make each of these variables optional which is where I run into an issue.
the syntax of the command would have been simple
grep ${dates} filename | grep ${locations} | grep ${types}
However, due to variables being optional, the above won't work if a variable is unset.
I was trying to find a way to get grep to find anything (i.e. like egrep .* filename)
that way I could set the variables to the proper regex and have the command still run.
unfortunately, when I set the variable to equal '' it freezes, when I set it to '.' it just greps everything from every file in the current directory and when I leave the variable blank it takes the filename as the variable and waits for a filename.
is there anyway that I can set a variable so that grep $variable file outputs the same as cat would?
Many thanks in advance!
To get grep to act like cat use an empty string as a search pattern, i.e. grep "". Therefore to make some of those variables optional, but not have piped greps fail, just quote the variables:
grep "${dates}" filename | grep "${locations}" | grep "${types}"
Demonstration. Search {250,255,260...280} for the digits 5, 2, and 7:
x=5 y=2 z=7 ; seq 250 5 280 | grep "$x" | grep "$y" | grep "$z"
Now unset two of the variables, and it still works:
unset x y ; seq 250 5 280 | grep "$x" | grep "$y" | grep "$z"
If there aren't any $dates in filename then there is nothing to feed the rest of the pipeline.
I think the best way to do it is to grep for each string separately.
If you get a match, then grep for the next string.
Can you post the source file and a target output. From your question it sounds like you just need to use grep -E in conjunction with the | pipe delimiter.
grep -E "${dates}|${locations}|${types}" fileName
The above line should automatically get you every occurrence of the any of the patterns. This is not even a regex yet.

grepping string from long text

The command below in OSX checks whether an account is disabled (or not).
I'd like to grep the string "isDisabled=X" to create a report of disabled users, but am not sure how to do this since the output is on three lines, and I'm interested in the first 12 characters of line three:
bash-3.2# pwpolicy -u jdoe -getpolicy
Getting policy for jdoe /LDAPv3/
isDisabled=0 isAdminUser=1 newPasswordRequired=0 usingHistory=0 canModifyPasswordforSelf=1 usingExpirationDate=0 usingHardExpirationDate=0 requiresAlpha=0 requiresNumeric=0 expirationDateGMT=12/31/69 hardExpireDateGMT=12/31/69 maxMinutesUntilChangePassword=0 maxMinutesUntilDisabled=0 maxMinutesOfNonUse=0 maxFailedLoginAttempts=0 minChars=0 maxChars=0 passwordCannotBeName=0 validAfter=01/01/70 requiresMixedCase=0 requiresSymbol=0 notGuessablePattern=0 isSessionKeyAgent=0 isComputerAccount=0 adminClass=0 adminNoChangePasswords=0 adminNoSetPolicies=0 adminNoCreate=0 adminNoDelete=0 adminNoClearState=0 adminNoPromoteAdmins=0
Your ideas/suggestions are most appreciated! Ultimately this will be part of a Bash script. Thanks.
This is how you would use grep to match "isDisabled=X":
grep -o "isDisabled=."
grep: invoke the grep command
-o: Use the --only-matching option for grep (From grep manual: "Print only the matched (non-empty) parts of a matching line, with each such part on a separate output line."
"isDisabled=.": This is the search pattern you give to grep. The . is part of the regular expression, it means "match any character except for newline".
This is how you would use it as part of your script:
pwpolicy -u jdoe -getpolicy | grep -oE "isDisabled=."
This is how you can save the result to a variable:
status=$(pwpolicy -u jdoe -getpolicy | grep -oE "isDisabled=.")
If your command was run some time prior, and the results from the command was saved to a file called "results.txt", you use it as input to grep as follows:
grep -o "isDisabled=." results.txt
You can use sed as
cat results.txt | sed -n 's/.*isDisabled=\(.\).*/\1/p'
This will print the value of isDisbaled.
