Redirecting read requests traffic to AWS Aurora RDS read replica - spring

My project is using hibernate. I have created a read replica using the AWS console for Aurora RDS to balance the load. When I make read requests I don't see the requests going to my read replica.
Does Aurora RDS handles the read requests by it's own? or I need to implement this in my application to redirect the read requests traffic to the read replica.
I checked multiple articles and I didn't find any information on built in functionality to redirect read requests.
Article 1: This article suggests to use Spring cloud dependency and annotate the transactions with readOnly=true
#Transactional(readOnly = true)
Article 2: This article suggests to use the Route 53 and use the weighted class
I will have only one writer instance and one read replica. Need some help on choosing which method is a better option.
If there is a built in functionality in Aurora RDS how do I use.
Is there any other alternative apart from the above two?


Spring Boot Microservices load balancing vs cloud load balancing

I am new to Microservices. (Learning phase). I have a question. We deploy microservices at cloud. (e.g. AWS). Cloud already provide load balancing and logs. And We also implement Load Balancing(Ribbon) and logs(Rabbit MQ and Zipkin) in Spring Boot.
What is the difference in these two implementation? Do we need both?
Can some answer these questions.
Thanks in advance.
Ribbon is a client side load balancer which means there is no any other hop in between your client and service. Basically you keep and maintain a list of service on your client.
In AWS load balancer case you need to make another hop in between the client and server.
Both have advanges and disadvantages. Former has the advantage of not having any dependency to any specific external solution. Basically with ribbon and service discovery like eureka you can deploy your product to any cloud provider or on-premise setup without additional effort. Latter has advantage of not needing an extra component of service discovery or keeping the cache of service list on client. But it has that additional hop which might be an issue if you are trying to run an very high-load system.
Although I don't have much experience with AWS CloudWatch what I know is it helps you to collect logs to a central place from different AWS components. And that is what you are trying to do with your solution.

How can Spring JPA use two different database connections for read and write operations?

we use in our backend AWS Aurora which has two instances, one for read+write-access and one only for read access.
In our backend we use Spring data JPA to manage our Entities in the database. Would it now be possible, that spring will use the read node for selecting data and the read/write node only for write operations?
How could we configure that? Therefore the read instance has another hostname this instance do nothing.

Using Spring Cloud Function with Spring Cloud AWS

I've been looking into Spring-Cloud-Function and Spring-Cloud-AWS recently and all of the capabilities that the Spring modules provide, however, one thing I'm not too clear on is really whether the two properly go together.
I can see Spring Cloud function and maybe S3 being used together but there is no support for AWS' serverless DB, DynamoDB.
Would it be good or bad practice to use Spring Cloud Function (AWS Lambda) with RDS? Is the fact that DynamoDB is a non-blocking DBS a better fit for Lambda's and their billing structure?
I have created a sample Spring Cloud Function for AWS Lambda on my github. It uses AWS Java SDK to request for S3 objects. I have also written another sample with integration with AWS SQS.
So, I think it will be easy to integrate with DynamoDB as there is also Java sdk available for DynamoDb (although I have not personally used it before)
IMHO, I think because AWS Lambda charges by execution time, and initiating the connection to the RDS might also take up some time (same for shutting down).
Besides that, for scaling purposes, if your Lambda function was triggered in high frequency within a short period. Each of the lambda function will try to establish sql connection to the RDS and might eventually cause an overhead to the RDS.
What I did for my project is that I exposed an API endpoint on the web application and direct the traffic from lambda to the endpoint. Since SQL connection can be reused within the web app, I guess it is more efficient.
Ps. I have yet to use DynamoDB. So I cant comment much on that.
I would say Spring Cloud Function with the Spring eco system behind is a good basis for accessing DynamoDB from a Lambda function.
There is a community-supported Spring Data module for DynamoDB.
You might have a look at my article, where I'm using Spring Cloud Function with Spring Data DynamoDB.

spring security redis token store in clustered redis

I am trying to deploy a spring-security server, with Redis as token store.
In order to have some redundancy in Redis, we want to deploy it as a cluster.
The problem is Jedis, which is used by spring security as underlying library, doesn't support pipelining in cluster mode, but spring security uses pipelining.
My question is how can I solve this situation. More precisely:
1- Should I use another mode of deployment form Redis? What actually works.
2- Can I somehow force spring security to use reddison for connecting to Resid?
Please adivse.
If you want redundancy, use replication (master/slave) not cluster.
If you have more data than RAM on a machine, use cluster.
If you have more data than RAM on a machine and want redundancy, use cluster with replication.
Jedis supports replication with sentinel, so give that a go unless you have a lot of data. Some more info on usage here:

communication between spring instances behind a load balancer

I have a few instances of Spring apps running behind a load balancer. I am using EHCache as a caching system on each of these instances.
Let's say I receive a request that is refreshing a part of the cache on one instance. I need a way to tell the other instances to refresh their cache (or to replicate it).
I'm more interested in a solution based on Spring and not just cache replication and that's because there are other scenarios similar with this one that require the same solution.
How can I achieve this?
There is no simple Spring solution for this. Depends on the requirements. You can use any kind of PubSub like a JMS topic to notify your nodes. This way the problem can be that you cannot guarantee consistency. The other nodes can still read the old data for a while. In my current project we use Redis. We configured it as cache with Spring Data Redis and theres no need to notify the other nodes since the cache is shared. In non cache scenarios we also use redis as a PubSub service.
