Keep honoring javax.validation.constraints.* annotations when switching to jakarta? - spring

We are migrating to spring boot 3 and with that, to jakarta-ee.
I followed , but I am not sure how to proceed with following problem:
is there any way to keep honoring javax.validation.constraints.* annotations while switching to jakarta?
Our usecase:
we have shared Pojo-Libraries that describes objects that are shared between client & servers. For example for common representations between REST interfaces or for event-models sent over Kafka as JSON
the event-models describe some guarantees such as "this field is nullable, this one is non-null", etc. and have e.g. javax.validation.constraints.NotNull annotations
clients typically use these pojos not just for desesializing but might rely on the validation aspects such as reject payload when not adhering to the validations
How would a client that wants to move to jakarta-ee still use javax.validation.constraints.NotNull?

javax will not work with boot 3, just switch to jakarta.validation.constraints.NotNull, the whole point of Spring 6 ( Boot 3 ), Tomcat 10, and Hibernate Validator is to retire javax packages and replace them with jakarta. Newer versions of these libraries are NOT compatible with javax packages.
Even from the link that you shared in your question it says: "if you should always be using jakarta.servlet:jakarta.servlet-api and not javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api.
As well as dependency coordinate changes, Jakarta EE now uses jakarta packages rather than javax. Once you’ve update your dependencies you may find that >>import statements in your project need to be updated<<."
The validation works the same in newer versions of Hibernate Validator, there is no point in trying to stay on the removed version of annotation, which is no longer present or compatible.


Override minimum version in Spring Boot dependency management

We are currently facing a little conundrum with Spring Boot that's actually not a rare situation:
Spring Security OAuth2 Client has a critical vulnerability that our production systems might be vulnerable to; the vulnerability is fixed in the latest patch release of Spring Security. Naturally, we want to update our production systems ASAP, but this means we need to override the Spring Boot (Gradle) dependency management system if we don't want to wait until the next Spring Boot patch release.
I know that this can be done quite easily, in this case e.g. by setting something like this in
The problem with this is that this dependency is now pinned to a specific version; I need to remember to remove this property as soon as a Spring Boot patch release is available. This means extra coordination effort because we need to document this in our backlog, and even with good documentation on our part there is a risk that we forget to do it, which means the dependency will eventually be outdated - which is the exact opposite of what we wanted to achieve in the first place.
What I'd rather do is specify a minimum version of the dependency, that gets ignored if it is older than what the Spring Boot dependency management plugin's default version.
Can this be done? Or is there a better strategy to handle a situation like this?
This is possible using gradle's dynamic versions.
For instance, you can have:
dependencies {
implementation ''
But keep in mind that dynamic versions add nondeterminism to your build and can introduce unexpected behaviour changes to the system.
Using dynamic versions in a build bears the risk of potentially
breaking it. As soon as a new version of the dependency is released
that contains an incompatible API change your source code might stop
Version ranges in gradle

Logging in Spring framework -flow and configuration

When we run a sample main program which reads a applicationContext.xml with a single bean..
how does Spring do the logging..and how can one overwrite the default logging.
I didnt see any log4j.xml in the spring dependencies as well..
This is described in the documentation:
Logging is a very important dependency for Spring because a) it is the only mandatory external dependency, b) everyone likes to see some output from the tools they are using, and c) Spring integrates with lots of other tools all of which have also made a choice of logging dependency. One of the goals of an application developer is often to have unified logging configured in a central place for the whole application, including all external components. This is more difficult than it might have been since there are so many choices of logging framework.
The mandatory logging dependency in Spring is the Jakarta Commons Logging API (JCL). We compile against JCL and we also make JCL Log objects visible for classes that extend the Spring Framework. It's important to users that all versions of Spring use the same logging library: migration is easy because backwards compatibility is preserved even with applications that extend Spring. The way we do this is to make one of the modules in Spring depend explicitly on commons-logging (the canonical implementation of JCL), and then make all the other modules depend on that at compile time. If you are using Maven for example, and wondering where you picked up the dependency on commons-logging, then it is from Spring and specifically from the central module called spring-core.
The nice thing about commons-logging is that you don't need anything else to make your application work. It has a runtime discovery algorithm that looks for other logging frameworks in well known places on the classpath and uses one that it thinks is appropriate (or you can tell it which one if you need to). If nothing else is available you get pretty nice looking logs just from the JDK (java.util.logging or JUL for short). You should find that your Spring application works and logs happily to the console out of the box in most situations, and that's important.
(emphasis mine)
Follow several sections describing how to use various logging frameworks.

Spring Data JPA like project not dependent on Spring

Does anyone know any Java frameworks that follows the repository approach with automatic implementation of query methods (e.g. findByNameAndLastName(…)) but not tied to Spring, only pure JPA. Such feature also exists in GORM. I would like to see if there is any project that can be used in Guice or pure JavaEE environment without bringing Spring as a dependency.
(Disclaimer: I am the author of Spring Data JPA)
There is the CDI Query Module which is very similar to what Spring Data JPA. There's also a DeltaSpike module.
Note that Spring Data JPA ships with a CDI extension that creates repository proxies as plain CDI beans and does not bootstrap a Spring container. There are APIs that allow the creationg of repository proxies programmatically such as:
EntityManager em = // … obtain EntityManager
JpaRepositoryFactory factory = new JpaRepositoryFactory(em);
UserRepository repository = factory.getRepository(UserRepository.class);
Yes, it still requires Spring libraries to be present on the classpath but it is then using them similar to how you would use Commons Collection or the like. We try not to reinvent the wheel and the Spring libraries we depend on provide a lot of useful code that we do not have to re-code.
So if it's Spring as DI container you're worrying about, feel free to give the CDI extension of Spring Data JPA a choice. If you don't want to use any Spring whatsoever (for whatever reason), have a look at the alternatives.
Based on Oliver's information, followed up as also interested in this topic --
CDI Query joining Deltaspike mail thread:
Deltaspike base link:
Getting started:
Just did their 0.4th release as of 5/31/2013.
However, have not done enough of a review to contrast/compare Deltaspike versus Spring-Data w/ CDI extensions (spring-data being very mature).
Take a look at Tomato on github!
It is a functional replacement for Spring JPA, has zero dependencies, performs better and is far easier to use. It will reduce your data access code by 98% and deliver the results you want right out of the box.
If you want free, fully functional dynamic forms and/or tables for any Tomato entity or hierarchy, that can also be customized easily, try the angular based companion project...
Both are current, maintained projects.
Try it yourself, or contact the author at with questions.

dealing with spring dependencies

I have a bunch of top level packages that are owned by the same team. All top level packages use spring. Then there are some libraries (jars) that are shared functionality and utilities between the top level packages. All pretty standard stuff.
In some cases it makes sense to make use of spring in a library package. Let's say I have a series of Aspects that are shared and I want to use spring's #Aspect/#Before/#After etc. annotations.
The problem is that there are fairly large top-level packages that are written with spring 2.5.6 dependencies, and the newer top-level packages are being created in spring 3. I generally think this is a good thing.
But then there's this little problem that I now have libraries that depend on spring-2.5.6, and those can't be used by spring-3 top level packages because of the mis-matching versions (I'm making the assumption here that sucking in two different spring versions is a very bad idea). It seems that my options are to avoid spring dependencies in libraries, or to accept that my libraries will need to provide multiple versions (1 for each version of spring used at the top package level). Option 1 seems preferable to option 2, but I'm hoping there's some interesting trick that gives me the best of both worlds.
If there was java standards for some of these things (#Inject?) then I could depend on the javax stuff and not on the spring specific stuff. Unfortunately #Inject etc. is only supported for spring 3+ so that fixes my problem at some future point but as long as I have 2.5.6 apps it doesn't help.
I should note that there are some existing libraries that depend on spring-2.5.6 and I view that as a deterrent to upgrading the top level package to spring-3. Because upgrading the top level package means also version bumping N libraries that depend on spring, which is annoying, given that I'm not even aware of the complete set of consumers of these libraries and what they might think of the spring version suddenly being bumped.
I'm wondering if I can create some library, and make a spring dependency with scope of provided. The spring version would be the minimum version that I can pick to get the feature set I want, so ideally I'd use 2.5.6 to make it compatible with a spring 2.5.6 app and a spring-3.0.5 app. Then when a consuming app creates a dependency on my library, it will also create a spring dependency for the real spring version in effect for that application. I'm thinking this should work, so long as the spring version is >= the version I pick for my library (and I happen to know that 2.5.6 is the lowest version in use for all apps).
My other option is to not create a spring dependency at all but DO provide a spring.xml that can be imported in the calling app. This means I can't use annotations or stuff like InitializingBean, but generally spring has provided a way to do things via annotation, or xml, or both, so this should work as well.
As you rightly mentioned, having both 2.5.6 and 3.0 Spring dependencies will create problems. Only one version will be picked up at runtime which means either your top level packaged modules will fail or the other shared utilities will fail (depending on the version of Spring).
A similar issue was discussed in Java Classloader - how to reference different versions of a jar. It is not directly related to Spring but I cannot think of a direct solution to your problem. OSGi is a possible solution but not sure how feasible it is in your environment since it requires change in the container itself.
a) #Aspect #Before #After: These annotations are all in aspectjrt.jar, not Spring itself. They should work with either version
b) #Inject won't work but #Autowired will.

Spring3, JAXB2, Java6, NamespacePrefixMapper questions

I built a simple Spring3, Hibernate3/(JPA2), RESTful service, hosted on Tomcat6, that uses JAXB2 to marshal the results. (It uses annotated pojos.) I needed to use specific namespace prefixes, so I wrote a custom com.sun.xml.bind.marshaller.NamespacePrefixMapper. I included the JAXB2 RI jars with my application and everything worked fine.
Then someone said that's great, we need to host it under WebLogic 11g (10.3.3) too. No problem, I created the special weblogic deployment descriptors to prefer the application jars, renamed my persistence.xml, and wrapped the WAR in an EAR with the JPA2 jars. It worked great, almost.
Unfortunately, our WebLogic server runs a custom security realm that also uses JAXB and causes conflicts with my application. So I dropped the JAXB jars from the app and it runs fine in WebLogic. Of course it no longer runs under Tomcat unless I add the JAXB jars to Tomcat. I'd like to avoid that.
So my questions... I've read quite a few posts on stackoverflow that contain a lot of opinions/disagreements regarding the use of the sun "internal" JAXB2 implementation vs. packaging the RI with your app. Is there not yet a clean solution to this problem? Does my stack support another way to custom map my namespace prefixes without including the JAXB2 RI? Can I safely use the Java6 "internal" JAXB NamespacePrefixMapper, or will that come and go with various Java releases? Does Spring3 offer another solution? What's the true story on the Java6 JAXB2 implementation? Is it only there for Sun's (Oracle's) internal use?
As mentioned in the comments, I'll summarise what is mentioned in
Note: I haven't tried this myself, so it may not work.
Essentially, you configure the JAXB marshaller to use an XMLStreamWriter when marshalling, and you configure that to map prefixes, e.g.
XMLStreamWriter xmlStreamWriter = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter(writer);
xmlStreamWriter.setPrefix("func", "");
JAXBContext context = JAXBContext.newInstance(object.getClass());
Marshaller marshaller = context.createMarshaller();
marshaller.marshal(object, xmlStreamWriter);
The idea is that if JAXB hasn't been given a prefix mapper, then it'll leave it up to the XMLStreamWriter to handle the prefixes, and by doing the above, you're telling it how to do it.
Again: I'm just repeating the content from the website that's blocked from your network, so I take no credit for it being right, and no blame for it being wrong.
The EclipseLink JAXB (MOXy) will use the namespace prefixes as declared in the #XmlSchema annotation.
For more information see:
How to customize namespace prefixes on Jersey(JAX-WS)
Define Spring JAXB namespaces without using NamespacePrefixMapper
