Reset password button is disabled after magento upgrade to 2.4.5 - magento

When I click forgot password from home page, I can enter my email for a link to reset password to be sent; however, the submit button (Reset Password) is disabled. I understand that a condition is newly added in the upgraded version. Any help to enable the button is appreciated. Thanks in advance.


How is the EMQ Web Dashboard user/password changed?

I do not see any configuration or documentation on how to change the username/password for the Web Dashboard. Does anyone know how to change this?
Login to the emq broker web dashboard using default username as
admin and password as public The web dashboard is running on the port 18083 by default so your url will be like http://localhost:18083
Click on Users on the bottom left of the web dashboard page.
Click on edit button on the right of the username for which you want
change password for.
A popup will be shown having an option to change
user password. Click on save and the password will be changed.
Hope this helps ! Thanks.

Magento admin Forgot password not triggering email

I am checking "Forgot Password" link in Magento 1.9.1 but when I click on Forgot Password and provide my email id, it is giving message reset link email will be sent to your email id.
But I am not receiving any email for admin forgot password. I am getting password reset link for Customers account.
Can you please help with this?
Nilesh Bhayani
if you install new them platform included your information probably change... I dont know which hosting u hired but all of them similar...
Follow this steps
Hosting's Cpanel > Web Application > My Application
select your apllication (magento , wordpress , joomla etc.) and click edit.
You can see your admin name , password and mail information... you can change it what you want... Control mail section, change mail adress and try again

Unable to sign up at Heroku

I am unable to create an account at for some reason. Note that I do not have an account and am trying to create one.
I am able to click "Sign Up" on the home page, input my email address, receive the validation email, follow the link from validation email to page where input password and then am supposed to click "Save". At this screen, my email address has already been filled out (since I followed the link from the email) so I just pick a password, and put the same password in the "Confirm Password" box.
At this point I would expect the "Save" button to light up (or allow me to click it) but nothing happens when I click it.
I would check the Heroku site for help but am required to log in before getting help.
Using Chrome on Win 7. Using Lastpass for password management.
Heroku requires that the password be typed in rather than automatically added with something like Lastpass. Once the password has been typed in, the "Save" button will light up and allow you to proceed.

Joomla! VirtueMart - Registration form doesn't display USERNAME and PASSWORD fields

I'm using Joomla! 1.5.14 and VirtueMart 1.1.3
I'm using mod_virtuemart's login control in my website. When i run my site and clicked on 'register', it shows a registration form. But i realised that there isn't fields for USERNAME and PASSWORD.
I logged in as administrator, and looked under 'Manage User Fields'.
Username, password, and password2 have TICKS under "required", "published", "Show in registration form" and "Show in account maintenance".
But why is it that when i run my site, the fields are not shown?
In the Joomla portion. Have you gone to Global Configuration -> System -> User Settings and set 'Allow User Registration' to 'Yes'?
This is the only thing I can think of without actually trying to replicate the error.
In Virtuemart under:
Global Tab
User Registration Settings
User Registration Type
Check to make sure it is not set to "No Account Creation"
Hope this helps!

Disable User Auto Timeout - Joomla 1.5

I wanted to disable user auto timeout session for joomla (I am using joomla 1.5), so the user login to my site will stay forever without being kicked out by auto timeout. How to achieve that? Please help.
Thank you.
It's a setting in the login module. If you enable the "Remember Me" option, users will not be logged out unless they click the logout button. You can also modify the form so that the Remember Me option is a hidden field rather than a checkbox to default all users to stay logged in all the time.
