Odata filter for child - oracle

I have to read invoice line items.
To Read all invoices
• projection/v1/InvoiceHandling.svc
This would list all the invoices in all company registered in cloud(Only Header Info)
To Read exact invoice
• projection/v1/InvoiceHandling.svc/SuppInvoiceSet?$filter=Company eq '10' and InvoiceId eq 202646
This would list InvoiceId-202646(Only Header Info)
To Read Item Lines
This would list item lines (Need to pass Company Id and InvoiceId)
What I need to do is filter Item line based on some condition.Eg: List all Item Lines that Line Part Description "Delivery" .
I have tried expand option before applying filter in child. But it didn't work.


How do I create a filter using just one field where the drop down list shows grouped items from the field in Amazon Quicksight?

I need to make regional groups from a 'Company' field in Quicksight. How do you create a filter that will show grouped companies? For example Region 1, Region 2, Region 3, etc. Each of these groups when chosen in the filter will need to show a specific list of companies from the one field 'Company' based on the Region chosen.
I've tried creating separate parameters (Region 1, Region 2, etc.) with the appropriate companies under each one but I could not figure out how to use those in a filter. In short I need to group companies together so the groups can be chosen from a dropdown filter.
I was able to find the answer to my question from another site. I wanted to share.
I had to use the locate function to create my groups in a calculated field.
Syntax for Calculated field:
locate(expression, substring, start)
Looked something like this:
locate('Hotel by Marriott',{Hotel Name}) > 0,
locate('Homewood Suites Hotel A, Homewood Suites Hotel B ',{Hotel Name}) > 0,
'Homewood Suites',
locate('Home 2 Suites Hotel A,Home2 Suites Hotel B',{Hotel Name}) > 0,
'Home2 Suites',
'Other Brands'
Expression is the actual Name in the specific field called Hotel Name list all values for that group in single quotes separated by commas.
Substring is the Field reference (Hotel Name)
Start is the Group Name ('Marriott') you want to refer to it by.
Then create a parameter as String with Multiple Values. Save and create a control with Multiple Static values which is your list of Group Names as written in the calculated field.

Business Central Linked Fields

I am trying to create a "Received" bool field on both the Purchase Lines and the Sales Lines, so that when an item is marked as True on the Purchase Line, the linked Sales Line is also marked as True. So far I have managed to create a field on the Purchase Line to store the id of the associated Sales Line, but I am having a little trouble figuring out the Trigger for when the Purchase Line field is changed and how to use the Sales Line id field to update the specific Sales Line that matches the id.
field(csg_PoliReceived; Rec.csg_PoliReceived)
Caption = 'Purchase Order Line Received';
ApplicationArea = All;
trigger OnValidate()
// if true
// update Sales Line to true
// if false
// update Sales Line to false
I have this snippet in a pageextension that extends the Purchase Lines page, so I am not exactly sure how to query for the Sales Line with the matching Id and how to update that record. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks!
The modification should be done in the OnValidate trigger of the field on the tableextension you created for Purchase Line.
I am going to assume that you have a field called Sales Line Id which would contain the SystemId of the Sales Line if the Purchase Line is linked to one.
trigger OnValidate()
SalesLine: Record "Sales Line";
if not IsNullGuid("Sales Line Id") then begin
SalesLine.GetBySystemId("Sales Line Id");
SalesLine.Validate("Purchase Order Line Received", Received);
This code will update Purchase Order Line Received on the Sales Line whenever Received is updated on the Purchase Line.
One thing you might want to consider in your design is that a Purchase Line and a Sales Line can be linked in several ways e.g. through reservation or drop shipment.

PowerApps: Filter a Lookup Field Based on a Previous Field

I have two lists w/ the following details:
List 1: JobType1; Column: Title
List 2: JobType2; Columns: Title, JobType1 (lookup of Title column of List 1)
On List 3 (Request), I am trying to use PowerApps and I have two fields that are lookups of the two lists:
JobType1 - lookup field that uses the Title column of List 1
JobType2 - lookup field that uses the Title column of List 2
I am trying to filter JobType2 field in the form to display all values on the Title column on List 2 that matches the value of the JobType1 field in the form w/ the JobType1 column on List 2.
I tried using this formula but it does not work. Please help me.
Filter(Choices(IntMktg.Job_x0020_Type_x0020_2), Value in Filter('JobType1', IntMktg.Job_x0020_Type_x0020_1 = DataCardValueClient.Text).Title)
Combo box control doesn't display the result. It seems a bug. I tried it out with the 3 lists and created a form on JobRequest. Here is my formula and it works if you use a dropdown. while waiting for Combo box to be fixed, you can use dropdown instead of Combo box.
Filter(Choices(JobRequest.JobType2), Id in Filter([#JobType2], JobType1.Value = DataCardValue2.Selected.Value).ID)

Significance of Group keywords in Apache pig word count program

i am a beginner to pig and i have started with the word count program.
In the following word count program, i see group keyword being used in 3rd and 4th lines. Is the usage of the keyword 'group' same or different at both the places as i am a bit confused as the group in the 4th line of the program is throwing error when given in Caps?
lines = LOAD '/user/root/pig/pig_demo.txt' AS (line:chararray);
words = FOREACH lines GENERATE FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(line)) as word;
grouped = GROUP words BY word;
wordcount = FOREACH grouped GENERATE group, COUNT(words);
DUMP wordcount;
They both are different.The former i.e. "GROUP" is an operator where as the latter i.e. "group" is a keyword referring to the GROUP Key.
Below is the explanation from here.
The GROUP operator groups together tuples that have the same group key (key field). The key field will be a tuple if the group key has more than one field, otherwise it will be the same type as that of the group key. The result of a GROUP operation is a relation that includes one tuple per group. This tuple contains two fields:
The first field is named "group" (do not confuse this with the GROUP operator) and is the same type as the group key.
The second field takes the name of the original relation and is type bag.
The names of both fields are generated by the system as shown in the example below.
Note that the GROUP (and thus COGROUP) and JOIN operators perform similar functions. GROUP creates a nested set of output tuples while JOIN creates a flat set of output tuples.

Change Group Labels in AdvancedDataGrid

I'm trying to use an AdvancedDataGrid to display some grouped data. Normally flex displays this in a "tree view" with a folder icon represent the group. I need to group the data based on an integer ID field in my object, but I'd like the label for the folder icon to display the groupName field in my object.
Here's a little example:
{groupName: group1, ID: 1234}
{groupName: group2, ID: 5678}
<mx:Grouping label="Group"> <--- The label of the whole column
<mx:GroupingField name="ID">
Resulting output:
=== Group ===
+ 1234
- child
- child
+ 5678
But I'd really like to output:
=== Group ===
+ group1
- child
- child
+ group2
If anyone has any tips I'd appreciate it.
-- Dan
Have a look at GroupingField#groupingFunction. From the adobe docs:
A function that determines the label for this group. By default, the group displays the text for the field in the data that matches the filed specified by the name property. However, sometimes you want to group the items based on more than one field in the data, or group based on something that is not a simple String field. In such a case, you specify a callback function by using the groupingFunction property.
private function myGroupingFunction(value:Object, field:GroupingField):String
