Elasticsearch aggragation buckets sorting with two fields - sorting

I am working on elasticsearch and I hve an Index with following objects :
merchant_name : text,
price : number,
product_name : text
When I search for some product name, I would like to create aggregation that groupes products by merchant in buckets and sort those buckets by max relevance score, and than if two buckets have same relevance score, look for the one who has the lowest product price.
I have now something Like that to group by merchant max-score, but couldn't add the equivalence case sorting :
"size": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"multi_match": {
"query": "tomato",
"fuzziness": 1,
"prefix_length": 5,
"fields": [
"product_name", "product_name.keyword"
"aggs": {
"groupByMerchant": {
"terms": {
"field": "merchant_name.keyword",
"order": {
"max_score": "desc"
"aggs": {
"max_score": {
"max": {
"script": "_score"


ES: Sort on the result of a Query function

I'm quite new to ES and have been trying many different ways to sort on a subset results from Query/Filter. The aggs always sort on the whole collection instead of the result from the above query. My final goal is to sort on field price from the result of query (which was already sorted by _score and only 5 docs)
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": {
"function_score": {
"functions": [....],
"query": {....}
"score_mode": "sum",
"max_boost": 1.5
"filter": [...]
"size": 5,
"from": 0,
"sort": {
"_score": "desc"
"_source": [
"aggs": {
"i_am_confused": {
"terms": {
"field": "price",
"order": {
"_term": "desc"
I don't want to sort on client (because the subset result would be at least 700 docs).
I appreciate your help.
I've tried a couple of aggs they all don't work as I want, probably I didn't use them right.

ElasticSearch: Is it possible to do a "Weighted Avg Aggregation" weighted by the score?

I'm trying to perform an avg over a price field (price.avg). But I want the best matches of the query to have more impact on the average than the latests, so the avg should be weighted by the calculated score field. This is the aggregation that I'm implementing.
"query": {...},
"size": 100,
"aggs": {
"weighted_avg_price": {
"weighted_avg": {
"value": {
"field": "price.avg"
"weight": {
"script": "_score"
It should give me what I want. But instead I receive a null value:
"hits": {...},
"aggregations": {
"weighted_avg_price": {
"value": null
Is there something that I'm missing? Is this aggregation query feasible? Is there any workaround?
When you debug what's available from within the script
GET prices/_search
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"weighted_avg_price": {
"weighted_avg": {
"value": {
"field": "price"
"weight": {
"script": "Debug.explain(new ArrayList(params.keySet()))"
the following gets spit out
[doc, _source, _doc, _fields]
None of these contain information about the query _score that you're trying to access because aggregations operate in a context separate from the query-level scoring. This means the weight value needs to either
exist in the doc or
exist in the doc + be modifiable or
be a query-time constant (like 42 or 0.1)
A workaround could be to apply a math function to the retrieved price such as
"script": "Math.pow(doc.price.value, 0.5)"
#jzzfs I'm trying with the approach of "avg of the first N results (ordered by _score)", using top hits aggregation:
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"minimum_should_match": 0
"size": 0,
"from": 0,
"sort": [
"_score": {
"order": "desc"
"aggs": {
"top_avg_price": {
"avg": {
"field": "price.max"
"aggs": {
"top_hits": {
"size": 10, // N: Changing the number of results doesn't change the top_avg_price
"_source": {
"includes": [
"explain": "false"
The avg aggregation is being done over the main results, not the top_hits aggregation.
I guess the top_avg_rpice should be a subaggregation of top_hits. But I think that's not possible ATM.

Elasticsearch: Aggregate all unique values of a field and apply a condition or filter by another field

My documents look like this:
"ownID": "Val_123",
"parentID": "Val_456",
"someField": "Val_78",
"otherField": "Val_90",
I am trying to get all (unique, as in one instance) results for a list of ownID values, while filtering by a list of parentID values and vice-versa.
What I did so far is:
Get (separate!) unique values for ownID and parentID in key1 and key2
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"key1": {
"terms": {
"field": "ownID",
"include": {
"partition": 0,
"num_partitions": 10
"size": 100
"key2": {
"terms": {
"field": "parentID",
"include": {
"partition": 0,
"num_partitions": 10
"size": 100
Use filter to get (some) results matching either ownID OR parentID
"size": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"terms": {
"ownID": ["Val_1","Val_2","Val_3"]
"terms": {
"parentID": ["Val_8","Val_9"]
"aggs": {
"my_filter": {
"top_hits": {
"size": 30000,
"_source": {
"include": ["ownID", "parentID","otherField"]
However, I need to get separate results for each filter in the second query, and get:
(1) the parentID of the documents matching some value of ownID
(2) the ownID for the documents matching some value of parentID.
So far I managed to do it using two similar queries (see below for (1)), but I would ideally want to combine them and query only once.
"size": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"should": [
"terms": {
"ownID": [ "Val1", Val_2, Val_3 ]
"aggs": {
"my_filter": {
"top_hits": {
"size": 30000,
"_source": {
"include": "parentID"
I'm using Elasticsearch version 5.2
If I got your question correctly then you need to get all the aggregations count correct irrespective of the filter query but in search hits you want the filtered documents only, so for this elasticsearch has another type of filter : "post filter" : refer to this : https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.5/search-request-post-filter.html
its really simple, it will just filter the results after the aggregations have been computed.

Aggregation with fuzzy filter

Is possible in Elastisearch to have an aggregation which will have a filter/query including fuzzy?
ATM i have documents which contains nested object[]. What I want to achieve:
- select from each document 0..n nested objects which match a filter
- from this array of nested objects take the distinct one
- sort them by _score
- take the top 5 or X
- use the terms for an autocomplete/suggestions (should work more as a "like" and not autocomplete)
Until now I tried different types of aggregations like: significant_terms, top_hits but not in a good combination so I don't get the desired result.
significant_terms doesn't return a value until he figures out when a term is significant (maybe i did not use a good analyzer)
top-hits returns any nested obj from the selected document and also contains duplicates
Here is an example of my query
GET customerinsights/_search
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"nested": {
"path": "CustomerInsightTargets",
"query": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match": {
"CustomerInsightTargets.CustomerInsightValue": {
"query": "2017",
"operator": "AND",
"fuzziness": 2
} ,
"aggs": {
"root": {
"nested": {
"path": "CustomerInsightTargets"
"aggs": {
"top_tags": {
"terms": {
"field": "CustomerInsightTargets.CustomerInsightSource.keyword"
"aggs": {
"top_tag_hits": {
"top_hits": {
"sort": [
"_score": {
"order": "desc"
"size": 5,
"_source": "CustomerInsightTargets"
"size": 0,
"_source": "CustomerInsightTargets"

Compute the "fill rate" of a field in Elasticsearch

I would like to compute the ratio of fields that have a value in my index.
I managed to count how many documents miss the field:
GET profiles/_search
"aggs": {
"profiles_wo_country": {
"missing": {
"field": "country"
"size": 0
I also managed to count how many documents have the filed:
GET profiles/_search
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {"match_all": {}},
"filter": {
"exists": {
"field": "country"
"size": 0
Naturally I can also get the total number of documents in the index. How can I compute the ratio?
An easy way to get the numbers you need out of a query is using the following query
POST profiles/_search?filter_path=hits.total,aggregations.existing.doc_count
"size": 0,
"aggs": {
"existing": {
"filter": {
"exists": {
"field": "tag"
You'll get an response like this one:
"hits": {
"total": 37258601
"aggregations": {
"existing": {
"doc_count": 9287160
And then in your client code, you can simply do
fill_rate = (aggregations.existing.doc_count / hits.total) * 100
And you're good to go.
