How to stop cypress from closing browser after each test case (it)? - cypress

I have a cy.js file like this
/// <reference types="cypress" />
context("Dummy test cases", () => {
it("open Google", () => {
it("search a keyword", () => {
As you can see I've 2 test cases. 1 is to open a website and the other is to do other tasks.
But the problem is that after finishing the first 'it' (test case 1), the browser closes and then the next case fails because there is no active browser.
Can you help me how to stop cypress from closing the browser after the execution of each test case?

I found Cypress is quite opinionated about some things, one at the top of the list is "test isolation" which means one test must not influence another test.
Note each it() is a test.
To make your code work, you must turn off test isolation.
If the cypress.config.js file add the option
const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// implement node event listeners here
testIsolation: false,
Same if you are using typescript.

This got added in the new Version Cypress 12.0.0, in their
Changelogs its at the feature section:
Added a new configuration option called testIsolation, which defaults to true.
As #Joylette already said, in your config file just use testIsolation: false to deactivate it. If you ever use an older version use testIsolation: off, they renamed it in the newest version.


Cypress - Unable to run multiple tests

I am very new to cypress automation and have been following though some examples and have ran into an issue that does not appear to be addressed in any video I have seen, where multiple tests in the same 'describe' do not run as expected.
If I create the following code & run it, it all works perfectly:-
describe('My First Test', () => {
it('Open Google', () => {
cy.get('#L2AGLb > .QS5gu').click()
cy.get('.gLFyf').type('Automation Step by Step{Enter}')
I have then attempted to split up the test into individual tests, as follows:-
describe('My First Test', () => {
it('Open Google', () => {
it('Confirm warning', () => {
cy.get('#L2AGLb > .QS5gu').click()
cy.get('.gLFyf').type('Automation Step by Step{Enter}')
it('Confirm warning', () => {
cy.get('.gLFyf').type('Automation Step by Step{Enter}')
The problem now is that after opening Chrome and then going into the next test, which should allow me to type the text, a 'default blank page' is displayed and the tests then fail.
What am I missing here to be able to run these three tests fully?
Code in VS Code
Error after opening Chrome & attempting to type in box
As above really, I was hoping to be able to run all three simple tests together.
EDIT - I rolled back my version of Cypress to 10.10.0 and it works perfectly, so no idea what has changed on the latest version released yesterday.
Try it with Test Isolation turned to false.
Best Practice: Tests should always be able to be run independently from one another and still pass
This was added in Cypress 12.0.0.
But if you want to play without it,
Test Isolation Disabled
beforeEach test
- clears page by visiting about:blank
- clears cookies in all domains
- local storage in all domains
- session storage in all domains
does not alter the current browser context
const { defineConfig } = require('cypress')
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
testIsolation: false,
You should visit your page for every test. You can put the cy.visit in a beforeEach function.

"react-hooks/exhaustive-deps": "warn" for eslint-plugin-react-hooks is too sensitive?

useEffect(() => {
const apiCall = async () => {
try {
let newSearchFormOptions = { ...searchFormOptions };
} catch (e) {
setPageState({ error: e.error });
} finally {
setPageState({ isLoading: false });
}, []);
Before I added eslint to the project, above codes doesn't have eslint issue. After adding eslint rule into project, it shows "React Hook useEffect has a missing dependency: 'searchFormOptions'." However, searchFormOptions is the state and setSearchFormOptions will update it, which make "apiCall" invoked again and again. I know that we can use eslint to disable this warning, but my concern is whether eslint rule is too sensitive while I plan to trigger "apiCall" only one time when component is mounted. Do we need to rely on the eslint rule or we need to double check it by ourselves and then use eslint to disable this warning or do we have any other workaround?
Thanks in advance.
Quote by react team member:
You can put
// eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
before the violating line if there is a good reason. Usually disabling
it is a mistake and will significantly bite you later. (Most cases
where people think it's safe to disable are not safe and lead to stale
Sometimes when I know I want to run what is inside the effect only once during mount, I have disabled it.

Cypress - New test file not showing in cypress UI

Creating a new test file in Cypress folder integration is not showing in the Cypress UI.
In this print-screen I have created a new file called: NewTest.spec.js (in green). It is not showing in Cypress.
It used to work
In case you have a testFiles list defined inside the cypress.json file, Cypress will not include all of spec files found within the integration folder and will instead use that list to populate the suite.
So, check cypress.json and add the new spec file to the appropriate place in the order.
"testFiles": [
In the latest version of Cypress, make sure your file is named [filename].cy.js
This is for cypress 10 and above - You can also specify the spec pattern in cypress.config.js as below, for all of the files to show up.
No need to name the files as [filename].cy.js for these to show up.
const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
module.exports = defineConfig({
e2e: {
specPattern: "cypress/e2e/**/*.*",
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// implement node event listeners here
In cypress.config.ts you need to define your pattern with specPattern:
Like this:
import { defineConfig } from "cypress";
export default defineConfig({
e2e: {
specPattern: 'cypress/integration/*.cy.ts', // write your pattern here
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
// implement node event listeners here

Directory path is incorrect when running from cypress test runner

When I login from normal browser the login is successful with the URL :
But when I run the script from Cypress the directory location is not appended and the new URL after login is formed as :
I have tried setting cypress.json with
"chromeWebSecurity": false,
"modifyObstructiveCode" : false
I have tried on chrome/electron(head and headless).
Below is my code snippet:
describe('My First Test Suite', function() {
it('My First test case', function() {
When I run the script from Cypress the directory location is not appended and the new URL after login is formed as :
It should be redirected as :
Can anyone help me on this?
This sounds like an issue with "Frame Busting". There's a related discussion for Cypress GitHub Issue #992 which may lend some help.
Your application code may contain problematic frame busting code like the following:
if ( !== window.self) { = window.self.location.href;
You can get around this by changing your application code's reference to window.self from the Application Window to the Cypress Test Runner window (
Cypress emits a series of events as it runs in your browser. You can use the emitted window:before:load application event to ensure it's done before you attempt to login.
// cypress/support/index.js
Cypress.on('window:before:load', (win) => {
Object.defineProperty(win, 'self', {
get: () => {

Webstorm Karma test debugging - breakpoint not hit

I have installed the chrome jet brains extension
I have tests like this:
describe('Service tests', function () {
it('should have a Service', inject(function($injector) {
var exist = $injector.has('dataService');
but no luck getting breakpoints to hit any where in the tests. I can get the debugger to break when writing debugger, but an unable to step through.
Do you have karma-coverage set up in your karma config? It uses instrumented code, so debugging is not possible. Related tickets:,
If you are building with Webpack you might need to specify the devtools option in your webpack config property in karma.conf.js like this:
module.exports = (config) => {
webpack: {
devtool: 'inline-source-map'
This solution works for me with Webpack v3.
If by any chance you are using Angular and you have removed all the coverage related stuff from your karma.config file and are still unable to hit the breakpoints, look into the angular.json. It might be having the codeCoverage bit set to true.
"test": {
"options": {
"codeCoverage": false,
