How to get data from Laravel relation - laravel

I have 2 models: publictxt and Pulicetxtrecive
publictxt model:
class Publictxt extends Model
protected $fillable=['sender','reciver','description','useridseen'];
public function Publictxtrecives()
return $this->hasMany(Pulicetxtrecive::class,'publictxt_id', 'id');
Pulicetxtrecive model:
protected $fillable=['publictxt_id','user_id','seen'];
public function publictxts()
return $this->belongsTo(Publictxt::class);
I want to get the values ​​from the Publictxt that are available in the Pulicetxtrecive.
When a record is stored in the Publictxt, users are registered in the Pulicetxtrecive after viewing.
$pulictxtcount=Publictxt::where('reciver',Auth::user()->shift)->orwhere('reciver',1)->with('Publictxtrecives')->whereHas('Publictxtrecives',function($q){$q->where('seen', '=', 0);})->count();
this code doesn't work.

There are some conflicts in your database structure.
You said when a user sees a letter the Publictxtrecives will be created.
That means if a Publictxt has a Publictxtrecives that definitely has been seen .
But there is a seen column in Publictxtrecives table.
You should pick one.
But anyway as this structure:

$pulictxtcount = Publictxt::with([
'Publictxtrecives' => function($query){
$query->where('seen', 0);
->where('reciver', Auth::user()->shift)
->orwhere('reciver', 1)

I solved this problem:
$pulictxtcount = Publictxt::where(function($q){$q->where('reciver',Auth::user()->shift)->orwhere('reciver',1);})->whereDoesntHave('Publictxtrecives', function($q){$q->where('user_id', Auth::user()->id);


Eloquent `with()` with filtering based on relation

I have this tables.
And this model relations, this relations works fine.
class Item extends Model
public function translations()
return $this->hasMany(ItemTranslations::class);
class ItemTranslation extends Model
public function language()
return $this->belongsTo(Language::class);
I need to return a list of items with the translations, but only the translations related to a specific language.
I can't have this query working, im getting all translations of each item, not only the one filtered with this query. The language related to the translation is not needed on the result.
$query = Item::query();
$query->with('translations')->when('language',function($query) use ($ISOlanguage) {
return $query->where('languages.ISO_code', '=', $ISOlanguage);
return $query->paginate();
Any idea who i can have this working? Thanks!
So what you want to do is constraining eager loading
Item::with(["translations" => function ($query) use ($ISOlanguage) {
$query->where('language.ISO_code', $ISOlanguage);
I finally have it working
Item::with(['translations' => function($query) use ($ISOlanguage) {
$query->whereHas('language', function($query) use ($ISOlanguage) {
$query->where('ISO_code', '=', $ISOlanguage);
Thanks #julian-s for your help!

Laravel, sort result on field from relation table?

I have a list with gamers and another table with game stats.
My list code is:
$gamers = Gamer::with(['lastGameStat' => function($query) {
$query->orderBy('total_points', 'DESC');
public function lastGameStat() {
return $this->hasOne(GameStat::class, 'gamer_id', 'id')->orderBy('created_at', 'DESC');
in relation table I have field: total_points and with this code I thought it's possible to sort list of gamers by total_points $query->orderBy('total_points', 'DESC');
It doesn't work, can somebody give me an advice here how can I sort the result on a field from relation table?
I guess you'll need either another relation or custom scopes to fetch various game stats of a gamer.
Second relation
Gamer.php (your model)
class Gamer
public function bestGameStat()
return $this
->orderBy('total_points', 'DESC');
Custom scopes
class Gamer
public function gameStat()
return $this->hasOne(GameStat::class);
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
class GameStat
public function scopeBest(Builder $query)
return $query->orderBy('total_points', 'DESC');
In your controller:
$gamersWithTheirLatestGameStatistic = Gamer::with(['gameStat' => function($query) {
$gamersWithTheirBestGameStatistic = Gamer::with(['gameStat' => function($query) {
Be aware as this is untested code and might not work.

Get values from relationship Laravel

I have a query where I get values from 3 tables, for first 2 I use leftJoin, and is Ok, but for third one I try to get an array of objects, and I am not sure how.
In relationship table a have multiple rows for each ID from People table. HasMany type.
$q = Person::leftJoin('registers', 'people.register_id', '=', '')
->leftJoin('relationships', '', '=', 'relationships.person_id') //if I comment this it works for first 2 tables
return response()->json($q);
public function relationship()
return $this->hasMany(Relationship::class);
public function register()
return $this->belongsTo(Register::class);
public function person()
return $this->belongsTo(Person::class, 'person_id');
public function people(){
return $this->hasOne(Person::class);
UPDATE -> this works,but is kind of ugly, I think that should be a better way in Laravel
$q = Person::leftJoin('registers', 'people.register_id', '=', '')
$q2 = Person::find($id)->relationship;
return response()->json([
'values' => $q,
'relationship' => $q2,
You can just use with like this:
Person::with(['register', 'relationship'])->find($id);

Laravel nested eager loading can't work as expected

This problem has troubled me for days, I cannot solve this problem until now, so I have to ask for help.
Below is the relevant code snippet:
Model Category.php
public function child()
return $this->hasMany('App\Http\Models\Category', 'pid', 'id');
public function logs()
return $this->hasMany('App\Http\Models\Log', 'cate_id');
public function products()
return $this->hasMany('App\Http\Models\Product', 'cate_id');
public function newProduct()
return $this->products()->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
public function latestLog()
return $this->logs()->where([
'product_id' => $this->newProduct()->first()->id,
'status' => 1,
])->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
Controller CategoryController.php
public function getLatestLog()
// Category with id 1 with nested eager loading
$subCategory = Category::find(1)
->with(['child.newProduct', 'child.latestLog'])
// Get latest log for subCategory with id 3
In this case, I want to use nested eager loading to get latest log. But what bothers me is when I add child.checkLatestLog it just outputs empty, but when I delete it, it will output normally.
I think the problem is related to the $this->newProduct()->first()->id variable. Because I tried to manually enter a product ID that exists in the log table, it's worked normal.
It may be my fault, but I don't know where it was wrong. I would like to thank you for asking for help.
A solution for this Question:
public function latestLog()
return $this->hasManyThrough(
)->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');
The problem is $this->newProduct()->first()->id: You can't use eager loading with model-dependent attributes like that.
You'll have to use a JOIN solution.

Get all championships that are teams in Eloquent

I have a tournament, a tournament can have many >
public function championships()
return $this->hasMany(Championship::class);
and a Championship hasOne Category. In Category, I have the isTeam attribute.
Now I need a function that get me all the championships that have the isTeam = 1 in Category table.
public function teamChampionships()
Of course, I have defined : $tournament->championships, $championship->category
In my controller, I get all of them:
$tournament = Tournament::with('championship.category')->find($tournament->id);
Any idea???
$tournament = Tournament::with(['championships' => function ($query) {
$query->whereHas('category', function($subquery) {
$subquery->where('isTeam', '=', 1);
If the above doesn't work, try a different approach. Define isTeam() scope in Category model
public function scopeIsTeam($query) {
return $query->where('isTeam', 1);
Then you can use it like this
$tournament = Tournament::with('championships.categoryIsTeam')
Even better, create another scope in Championship that loads only teams
public function categoryTeam() {
return $this->hasOne(Category::class)->isTeam();
Sorry for too much information. One of those should do the job.
