How to pass stderr to a command stream, then back to the terminal? - bash

I'm using bash, but perhaps most shells behave similarly in this regard. If not, then my question pertains to bash.
There's a regularly used command that always issues a spurious error message (to stderr), but MAY sometimes issue error messages that are important. I figured I could pipe stderr to grep, then use -v option to filter the offending line that's otherwise noise. Whatever passes through the filter on stderr should go right back to the original destination (presumably the user's terminal). How do I do this?
(Getting the source and editing it to make a custom version that doesn't spit out that error is obviously possible but out of the question for practical reasons.)

Output grep output to stderr.
thecommand 2> >(grep -v 'something' >&2)


Shell IO redirection order, pipe version

I have seen this question:
Shell redirection i/o order.
But I have another question. If this line fails to redirect stderr to file:
ls -xy 2>&1 1>file
Then why this line can redirect stderr to grep?
ls -xy 2>&1 | grep ls
I want to know how it is actually being run underneath.
It is said that 2>&1 redirects stderr to a copy of stdout. What does "a copy of stdout" mean? What is actually being copied?
The terminal registers itself (through the OS) for sending and receiving through the standard streams of the processes it creates, right? Does the other redirections go through the OS as well (I don't think so, as the terminal can handle this itself)?
The pipe redirection (connecting standard output of one command to the stdin of the next) happens before the redirection performed by the command.
That means by the time 2>&1 happens, the stdout of ls is already setup to connect to stdin of grep.
See the man page of bash:
The standard output of command is connected via a pipe to
thestandard input of command2. This connection is performed before
anyredirections specified by the command (see REDIRECTION below). If
|&is used, command's standard error, in addition to its
standardoutput, is connected to command2's standard input through the
pipe;it is shorthand for 2>&1 |. This implicit redirection of
thestandard error to the standard output is performed after
anyredirections specified by the command.
(emphasis mine).
Whereas in the former case (ls -xy 2>&1 1>file), nothing like that happens i.e. when 2>&1 is performed the stdout of ls is still connected to the terminal (and hasn't yet been redirected to the file).
That answers my first question. What about the others?
Well, your second question has already been answered in the comments. (What is being duplicated is a file descriptor).
As to your last question(s),
The terminal registers itself (through the OS) for sending and receiving through the standard streams of the processes it creates, right? Does the other redirections go through the OS as well (I don't think so, as the terminal can handle this itself)?
it is the shell which attaches the standard streams of the processes it creates (pipes first, then <>’s, as you have just learned). In the default case, it attaches them to its own streams, which might be attached to a tty, with which you can interact in a number of ways, usually a terminal emulation window, or a serial console, whatever. Terminal is a very ambiguous word.

windows cmd: why does the order in which you specify output redirection matter?

if you do
ipconfig.exe 1> output.log 2>&1
this will direct all output(both stdout and stderr) to "output.log".
However, if you do (changing the order in which you specify desired redirections)
ipconfig.exe 2>&1 1> output.log
this will not achieve the intended effect of printing both output streams to "output.log" because "stderr" in this case will be printed to the console.
I suspect this has to do with the way "cmd" parses commands that gives different meanings depending on the order in which you specify redirects.
If so, what are the semantic rules and where are they documented?
I reckon this is something worth finding out as it could waste people hours by making them scratching their head trying to figure out why their redirection is not working.
The redirections are simply parsed left to right. Initially stdout and stderr are pointing to the console, so when you redirect stderr to where stdout is currently pointing in the second example, you are directing stderr to the console. You then subsequently redirect stdout to a file.
The explanations and examples here are quite good for further reference.

Does stdout get stored somewhere in the filesystem or in memory? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Send output of last command to a file automatically in bash?
(3 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
I know I can save the result of a command to a variable using last_output=$(my_cmd) but what I'd really want is for $last_output to get updated every time I run a command. Is there a variable, zsh module, or plugin that I could install?
I guess my question is does stdout get permanently written somewhere (at least before the next command)? That way I could manipulate the results of the previous command without having to re-run it. This would be really useful for commands that take a long time to run
If you run the following:
exec > >(tee save.txt)
# ... stuff here...
exec >/dev/tty
...then your stdout for everything run between the two commands will go both to stdout, and to save.txt.
You could, of course, write a shell function which does this for you:
with_saved_output() {
"$#" \
2> >(tee "$HOME/.last-command.err >&2) \
| tee "$HOME/.last-command.out"
...and then use it at will:
with_saved_output some-command-here
...and zsh almost certainly will provide a mechanism to wrap interactively-entered commands. (In bash, which I can speak to more directly, you could do the same thing with a DEBUG trap).
However, even though you can, you shouldn't do this: When you split stdout and stderr into two streams, information about the exact ordering of writes is lost, even if those streams are recombined later.
Thus, the output
O: this is written to stdout first
E: this is written to stderr second
could become:
E: this is written to stderr second
O: this is written to stdout first
when these streams are individually passed through tee subprocesses to have copies written to disk. There are also buffering concerns created, and differences in behavior caused by software which checks whether it's outputting to a TTY and changes its behavior (for instance, software which turns color-coded output on when writing directly to console, and off when writing to a file or pipeline).
stdout is just a file handle that by default is connected to the console, but could be redirected.
yourcommand > save.txt
If you want to display the output to the console and save it to a file at the same time yout could pipe the output to tee, a command that writes everything it receives on stdin to stdout and to a file of your choice:
yourcommand | tee save.txt

Redirection standard error & ouput streams is postponed

I need to redirect output & error streams from one Windows process (GNU make.exe executing armcc toolchain) to some filter written on perl. The command I am running is:
Make Release 2>&1 | c:\cygwin\bin\perl ../tools/
The compilation process throws out some prints which should be put then to STDOUT after some modifications. But I encountered a problem: all prints generated by the make are actually postponed till end of the make's process and only then are shown to a user. So, my questions are:
Why has it happen? I have tried to change the second process (perl.exe) priority from "Normal" to "Above normal" but it didn't help...
How to overcome this problem?
I think that one of possible workarounds may be to send only STDERR prints to the perl (that is what I actually need), not STDOUT+STDERR. But I don't know how to do it in Windows.
The Microsoft explanation concerning pipe operator usage says:
The pipe operator (|) takes the output (by default, STDOUT) of one
command and directs it into the input (by default, STDIN) of another
But how to change this default STDOUT piping is not explained. Is it possible at all?

Can colorized output be captured via shell redirect? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to trick an application into thinking its stdout is a terminal, not a pipe
(9 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
Various bash commands I use -- fancy diffs, build scripts, etc, produce lots of color output.
When I redirect this output to a file, and then cat or less the file later, the colorization is gone -- presumably b/c the act of redirecting the output stripped out the color codes that tell the terminal to change colors.
Is there a way to capture colorized output, including the colorization?
One way to capture colorized output is with the script command. Running script will start a bash session where all of the raw output is captured to a file (named typescript by default).
Redirecting doesn't strip colors, but many commands will detect when they are sending output to a terminal, and will not produce colors by default if not. For example, on Linux ls --color=auto (which is aliased to plain ls in a lot of places) will not produce color codes if outputting to a pipe or file, but ls --color will. Many other tools have similar override flags to get them to save colorized output to a file, but it's all specific to the individual tool.
Even once you have the color codes in a file, to see them you need to use a tool that leaves them intact. less has a -r flag to show file data in "raw" mode; this displays color codes. edit: Slightly newer versions also have a -R flag which is specifically aware of color codes and displays them properly, with better support for things like line wrapping/trimming than raw mode because less can tell which things are control codes and which are actually characters going to the screen.
Inspired by the other answers, I started using script. I had to use -c to get it working though. All other answers, including tee, different script examples did not work for me.
Ubuntu 16.04
running behavior tests with behave and starting shell command during the test with python's subprocess.check_call()
script --flush --quiet --return /tmp/ansible-output.txt --command "my-ansible-command"
Explanation for the switches:
--flush was needed, because otherwise the output is not well live-observable, coming in big chunks
--quiet supresses the own output of the script tool
-c, --command directly provides the command to execute, piping from my command to script did not work for me (no colors)
--return to make script propagate the exit code of my command so I know if my command has failed
I found that using script to preserve colors when piping to less doesn't really work (less is all messed up and on exit, bash is all messed up) because less is interactive. script seems to really mess up input coming from stdin even after exiting.
So instead of running:
script -q /dev/null cargo build | less -R
I redirect /dev/null to it before piping to less:
script -q /dev/null cargo build < /dev/null | less -R
So now script doesn't mess with stdin and gets me exactly what I want. It's the equivalent of command | less but it preserves colors while also continuing to read new content appended to the file (other methods I tried wouldn't do that).
some programs remove colorization when they realize the output is not a TTY (i.e. when you redirect them into another program). You can tell some of those to use color forcefully, and tell the pager to turn on colorization, for example use less -R
This question over on superuser helped me when my other answer (involving tee) didn't work. It involves using unbuffer to make the command think it's running from a shell.
I installed it using sudo apt install expect tcl rather than sudo apt-get install expect-dev.
I needed to use this method when redirecting the output of apt, ironically.
I use tee: pipe the command's output to teefilename and it'll keep the colour. And if you don't want to see the output on the screen (which is what tee is for: showing and redirecting output at the same time) then just send the output of tee to /dev/null:
command| teefilename> /dev/null
