How do I manually remove a nuget package for .Net MAUI - xamarin

I'm in the process of migration a XamarinForms 5 app to MAUI and the latest error I get is
The Java type `` is generated by more than one managed type
Searching online, so far I think it is because the app is using Android.Support.V4 when it should only be using AndroidX, causing the duplicate to be generated as AndroidX replaces Support.V4.
However I cannot figure out how to remove the Support.v4 package because the only reference to it is an implicit reference by an SDK which I cannot remove ( see screenshot below)
The project file (MAUI) only has these package references
Any help greatly appreciated.

I'll answer my own question as I managed to figure out the issue after a solid several hours long session.
No packages needed to be removed. Somehow I had managed to install a version of
Birdie.Plugin.FirebasePushNotification from 2020 , instead of `Plugin.FirebasePushNotification', the current version.
The solution was to remove that old package and install the correct once which made the error go away.


"The reference component 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' could not be found." for all under References in VS2017

Using VS2017 and .Net 4.7.2, was trying to update the Extent Reports version. Then updated the MongoDB versions etc. Realized that it was the version not supported. So back to the original version of Extent reports (3.x) and MongoDb version 2.11.x. Now suddenly all the references are giving this error message: The reference component 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' could not be found.
Also, at the end getting this error message: This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is ..<folder>\packages\MongoDB.Libmongocrypt.signed.\build\MongoDB.Libmongocrypt.signed.targets.
Btw, There are two projects involved: P1, an automation framework and P2, the test suite. P1 is the issue. P2 is fine, but can not compile since P1 does not compile and creates a dll.. When I updated the version I have been doing for both projects. The versions are compatible.
How to resolve this issue? Also all the references do not have any paths as shown below in pic2.
I have resolved the issues:
Edited the .csproj file, to comment out something that was left over during installing and uninstalling of MongoDB. The error is shown at the bottom of the first screen shot.
Since all or none approach taken in getting up the project references, when one failed all are ignored, hence looked like all references failed. Actually, it's only one reference failed.
However, I'm still stuck with some other issues, for which I'll create another question.

in Xcode12 beta the Swift package manager fails to load dependencies

Recently the SPM has started to give me errors. Was working before.
I'm trying to use the AlamofireImage library but xcode fails to resolve de dependency and doesn't give any good explanation.
Does anybody know why and how to make it work?
this was once happened to me, maybe you can try to go ahead to File > Swift Packages > Update to Latest Package Versions. Let's see if that works
I ran into a similar issue when I was trying to arrange the files inside the project folder, and when I put them back to their old position the problem was resolved and the app run successfully.
I found something that's not ideal, but works for now. In your main xCode project file, go under Project not Target and find Package Dependencies. After finding it, remove the SDK, and then right click on the name of your project and add a package. This time when adding Firebase, use Minor version. It should hopefully resolve and install.

The "User7ZipPath" parameter is not supported

Recently, I have been getting this error a lot and from some research, I got to know that the cause for it is the Xamarin.Build package.
The error text is as follows:
The "User7ZipPath" parameter is not supported by the "XamarinDownloadArchives" task. Verify the parameter exists on the task, and it is a settable public instance property.
I have tried the solution here and here but nothing helped.
My configuration is as follows:
Xamarin version:
Visual Studio 2015
The Error occurs when I update the xamarin build NuGet package, If anyone has a solution to this problem please help me.
At last after all this time I was able to solve this problem.
The problem was with Xamarin.Build.Download package.
Now this package had a problem in version 4.7 where it is unable to find the XamarinDownloadArchives task.
I checked a lot of places and for the answer but nothing seemed to help with this issue after that I removed the bin, obj folders for all my projects.
And Updated my Xamarin.Build.Download package to version 0.4.11 and everything started working.
I hope this helps someone else, In case of any queries related to this issue feel free to comment.
Finally! I've come with a solution. The problem was in the Xamarin.Build.Download package, v0.4.0. It was a annidated dependency (in iOS) of Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps v2.2.1.
Updating Xamarin.Forms.GoogleMaps to v2.3.0 (the most recent version as of today) solves the issue. Make sure to clean the solution after update NuGet dependencies, though.

Xamarin Android Support V4 error

I started a new default working project in xamarin and I added the dll references for Xamarin.Android.Support.V4 and Xamarin.Android.Support.V7.AppCompat and I am getting errors.
Error: package does not exist
Error: package does not exist
What have I done wrong?
You needed to actually install the support library. MonoDroid has .NET bindings for it, but the underlying java can't build without it, of course. Here are instructions for getting the support library and instructions for hooking it up to a MonoDroid project.
See also
This might be related to this or this, which were solutions to common problems in the rev. 22 update.
try calling it with this:
using Android.Support.V4;
I was reading another post in the xamarin forms with the same issue and this worked for me. I spent maybe an hour trying to figure out what to do and the guy I ran into said just to:
clean the solution,
rebuild it,
then it should be fixed.
Assuming the packages are still installed

MvcScaffolding doesn't work with EF4.1-Update

I recently installed the EF4.1-Update. When I made a new MVC3 Project and tried to add the MvcScaffolding using the PackageManagerConsole in VS2010 it wouldn't install it. Has anyone else
seen this? I removed the EF4.1-Update from my machine and MvcScaffolding installs correctly.
You might have to clean out the packages folder in your solution and reinstall the MvcScaffolding. Once you do this everything should sync back up.
Good luck and hope this helps some.
It does work. And it works beautifully
But I had some issues getting it all setup.
What error(s) did you get exactly I had a number of issues, but solved them one by one.
Did you get this sort of thing in PMC when VS started up?
The following error occurred while loading the extended type data file: Microsoft.PowerShell.Core, C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\types.ps1xml(2943) : Error in type "System.Security.AccessControl.ObjectSecurity": Exception: Cannot convert the "Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.SecurityDescriptorCommandsBase" value of type "System.String" to type "System.Type".
If so either update .net Refelector (now costs), or go Tools > Add-In Manager and disable the .NEt Reflector add in ! THEN RESTART VS
Or if you try to scaffold something, do you get e.g.
Invoke-Scaffolder : A parameter cannot be found that matches parameter name -ModelType"
Do you get errors when you try to add a controller to your MVC 3 project?
Are you running on Windows (pre 7) + without powershell 2.0 installed?
Basically don't worry it does work, I think the order or installations matters, just work through it bit by bit, its worth it.
Did you try reinstalling the update after the scaffolding is installed? I already had the scaffolding installed when I installed Update 1, so i did not see a problem.
I've had this problem before when the scaffolding.config file was either not present, or not filled with the Default Scaffolders -- make sure its populated with the default entries for views, controllers, etc. I think there is 9 by default in version 1.0.9.
Old post I know but this is still relevant in project templates and autogenerated projects -- the scaffolding.config needs to have its defaults.
