How can I verify my google play console account as a developer from Australia - google-play-console

When creating a google play console account it requires verification, the issue is when I attempt to verify myself it requests a U.S. based address.
There doesn't seem to be anyway to signup with a Australian address that I can find, I assume there's a way that I just can't find as I'm more than sure not every Google play developer is U.S. based.


Second-screen app in violation with Google Play Developer Policies

We have received a notice from Google Play that our app will be removed if we do not provide them with login credentials in our app. The problem is that our app is a second-screen game, where the primary screen is a desktop game which provides a four digit code for people to enter in our app and log on to the game. Our app has been in the Play Store for years and is quite popular.
Google Play has given us until Oct 4th to provide them with a code, otherwise our app "may be removed from the Play Store". We have set up a desktop computer running games in loop 24-7 until they have reviewed our app, and we have provided them with a link to a twitch stream where the game runs in loop.
It's now been seven days and we have not heard anything from Google Play. It's very frustrating that there is no personal contact, we only receive auto-generated bot/AI mails about policy violation.
Does anyone know what further action we can take to make sure our app is not removed? We have "contacted support", although contacting support in Google Play means just writing your app name and email address in a form and selecting a radio button of what the problem seems to be (none of them apply exactly). No response for days.
This is the original warning mail from Google Play:
Hi Developers at xxx, After a recent review, we’ve identified that we
need additional information about your app xxx in accordance with our
policies. Please resolve the issue described below by October 04, 2022
to avoid further action against your app. Reasons of violation Issue:
Need login credentials for app review In order for us to review your
app for compliance with Developer Program Policies, we will need you
to provide valid login credentials for your app. If users need
credentials to access your app, please provide all appropriate
credentials via Play Console. If you previously supplied credentials,
please ensure that they have not expired. If your app normally uses
2-Step Verification (e.g. SMS verification), biometrics (e.g. a
fingerprint or face scan) or a location-dependent password (e.g.
geo-gate), please provide valid demo credentials that we can use
in Google Play Console in app content > app access > Add new instructions
in password field write down the 4-digit code.
in Any other instructions Write a detailed step-by-step guide on how to walk through game until the 4-digit code entered, and provide them with a valid digit code (that always works) and write that this is a "Demo Digit code".
Also, provide them with a video just to the point of entering the code and logging in (the shorter the video the better)
And you will have to wait, it takes a lot of time do not worry.

Google Play Rejection when using Sign In With Google OneTapClient - Cannot find a matching credential

My app is designed to exclusively use Sign In With Google. That is, if user can't sign in with their Google Credentials, they can't use the app.
The app has been live for a few months with numerous users using it.
Now publishing an internal track update today I received a rejection.
When inspecting supplied screenshot, I saw that Google reviewer (tester?) got an ApiException with statusCode 16 aka Cannot find a matching credential..
This error only happens if the signing keys are invalid (which is not the case as all my testers and live users are using the app just fine) or if you do not have GMS installed/running on the device (for example Huawei phone or Samsung Remote Test Lab).
When I have previously provided instructions for the testers, I have supplied the words Use Sign In with Google in both username and password assuming they can find an account (in fact the same strategy is working with Apple for the iOS version of the App for the past 1.5 years.). I have now registered a gmail account for them and updated username and password and submitted an appeal.
However, in all Google's materials the use case of exclusively using Sign In With Google is not covered. They talk about MFA, providing persistent non-expiring credentials, etc, but nothing about what to do if user can't use the app without their own sign in.
What is the best way to talk to someone at Google for it?

My Google adsense account is verified, then also i'll need to verify my ID after buying play console developer account?

I have a Google Adsense account, I'm using it to show ads on my websites, also I'm using Admob to show ads on my applications. Everything is working fine as I have successfully verified my ID and Address with PIN and receiving money. And now I want to publish my applications on Google Play Store so I visited website to buy console account, it's written that google may ask to verify my identity and if failed money won't be refunded. My question is that after buying it, will google ask me to verify my identity with my photograph and government ID ?
They usually do not try to verify you, but usually it happened when you want to get payment for IAP (in app purchases) inside your apps.
Then they will ask for government ID (I recommend using passport), and will ask you to add a bank account to receive your money, it will take couple of days then they will verify you.
Do not worry it is normal process, the nonrefundable part is the 24$ you pay to open Google Play Developer account.
They may ask you to verify your phone number (it depends on your country, this is not done in all countries)

Chrome Web Store Review Without Google Plus

I submitted an extension to Chrome Web Store but as a developer, if I reply to a support review my Google Plus account is published.
Is it possible to hide Google Plus account? If not, do you recommend to create another account without breaking Chrome TOS?
You can use another account for that. Google's Publishing tutorial says:
decide which Google Account you want to be your developer account.
This account will own your app (or multiple apps, if you choose) and
will receive any payments you get from Chrome Web Store Payments.
Instead of your personal account, you might want to choose a dedicated

How can I find the Google account connected to an API key?

This is very embarrassing: a few months ago I registered my a credit card to my Google account to enable Google translate in an application I am developing. Since then, Google has been happily billing my card, but I have never received an email invoice and when I now log in with the account I think I used, I see the Translate API disabled in the API Console and I can't find any billing tab.
I've searched my emails and electronic receipts but can't find any confirmations connecting a particular Google account (I have about 10 for different clients and projects). Is there any way of working back from the key and find the corresponding Google account? Any other suggestions? It's kind of bad form to not sending some email to confirm a credit card charge of ~$100 a month...
I ended up tracking down the account. It was a gmail account and all the receipts had been emailed to that account too obviously.
