Adding regular expression find option to UITextView - uikit

I'm trying to implement a regular expression search in a UITextView with the UITextView.findInteraction introduced in iOS 16. The documentation shows a UIFindInteraction.optionsMenuProvider property and reads
You use this closure to modify, augement or omit options from the
default set available in UITextSearchOptions.
But it's not clear how to actually modify the UITextSearchOptions, and where these options are even stored. And how would I omit options? How can the UIActions passed as the only argument to UIFindInteraction.optionsMenuProvider be distinguished from one another?


What is the argument type and return type for web elements in qtp?

I keep seeing code like this:
.WebButton("locator1", "locator2", "locator3")
What is the type of arguments in WebButton, WebElement, WebEdit etc ? I tried passing an array to .WebButton. So, qtp told me its not the correct type. Is there an alternate way to pass multiple locators ?
Also, what is the return type of .WebButton, .WebElement etc. ?
The "arguments" which you are talking about are the set of properties which are needed by QTP/UFT to identify that particular object(WebElement, WebEdit etc.) uniquely so that one can perform actions on them.
Also, this is not some sort of a function that is going to return you any value.
If you are not sure about what properties you need to mention in those brackets, an easier way would be to add that object to the Object Repository and drag that object from OR to your script. After that you can perform any action on those objects.
If you do not want to use OR, then you need to make use of, what we call, Descriptive Programming(DP) wherein you have to mention the object property names and their values "explicitly" in the script.
Remember that the sole purpose of mentioning these properties is to help QTP identify the objects in your application so that you can perform actions on them(like click, set etc.)
Here are a few links which can help you:
EDIT 2 - for answering your question in the comment:
.WebButton("Locator1","Locator2","Locator3") means .webButton("property1:=value1","property2:=value2","property3:=value3")
Now, I could have only mentioned property-value pair1(which you are referring to as "Locator1") only If it alone was sufficient for identifying that webbutton. If only 1 property-value pair cannot help UFT in UNIQUELY recognizing the webbutton, then I have to provide another property-value pair until I have provided enough of them so that QTP recognizes that webbutton uniquely. Since, I have provided multiple property-value pairs(or locators), they have to be separated by commas. If there was only one property-value pair, no comma is needed. All this explanation only applies to the case when we are using Descriptive Programming. If we are not using Descriptive programming, then in that case the objects and their properties&values are stored in the Object Repository and you just have to mention their logical names(say Button1 as stored in OR) in the script like:
To understand more, you need to do some more research on "How object Identification works in UFT/QTP"

TeamCity parameter specification referring to another parameter?

I am using the latest version of TeamCity and I am trying to make a parameter specification that refers to parameters.
I tried making a select (combobox), where the options of the checkbox are referring to variables. This should be possible, as there is a "parameter" icon to the right of the box suggesting me that I can use parameters here.
The full setup is shown below.
However, when I want to run the build, the only options are literally %foo% and %bar% as if the parameters have not even been evaluated.
Instead I had expected the options to contain the values of the variables that they are pointing to.
What am I doing wrong here?
Might be a bit late, but this is how I did it:
I have a few parameters for holding passwords, e.g. 'mfgpwd'
And I refer to these in another parameter using the syntax:
(I'm using TeamCity 8.1.5)

Want to record text of textbox in QTP , Object id of this textbox is dynamic

I want to get textbox's object ID which is dynamic
Application is windows application developed in
how to record and get object ID using QTP??
There is no straight answer to your question unless one personally analyzes the scenario, however below are some solutions which may be applicable.
Try to identify any unique property of the object other than one, which qtp recognizes while recording and do descriptive programming. (In your case if object ID is a number then go for some text describing the textbox).
If this is not possible do descriptive programming with regular expression matching all the property value that the object have.
identify unique property of the object, which qtp recognizes while recording and do programming.If not possible do with regular expression matching all the property of the object.
Option 1: Reconfigure your object identification configuration so QTP uses different identification properties (see documentation).
Option 2: Use descriptive programming to address the control using an appropriate (unique) combination of attributes (see documentation).
Use option 1 if the control type always needs nonstandard handling in terms of identification. Use option 2 for exceptions.

What's the difference between "print" and "printo" verbs when starting a process?

I suspect this may apply to multiple programming languages, but in this context I am referring to .NET.
When I use System.Diagnostics.Process.Start, I can include, as an argument, a System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo object. One of the properties of ProcessStartInfo class is Verb (type of string). There is also a string[] property of Verbs which seems to contain the list of permitted values for Verb.
I notice that within the Verbs array there is a value for "Print" and a value for "PrintTo". What's the difference between the two? I tested both and they both seem to cause the file to print to my default printer.
According to this MSDN article, PrintTo is basically present to support drag-and-drop operations for printing (dragging a document over a printer icon, for example). It sounds like it's probably not meant to be used by your code.
The printto verb is normally used when the user drags a file and drops it on a printer shortcut. You need to supply at least two arguments, the first one is the file you want to get printed, the second one is the printer name. Registry entries on my machine use additional arguments but it is quite unclear to me what they may be.

Modifying parameters with code in Microsoft Reporting Services

I made a report with about 30 different rectangles and textboxes that have different visibility expressions depending on the parameters. (It's a student invoice and many different messages have to appear depending on the semester) When I made all the expressions I coded in the parameters in all upper case. Now I have a problem when users enter lowercase letters, the SQL all works fine since it is not case sensitive, but the different rectangles and textboxes don't show. Is there a way in the report code to first capitalize all the parameters before running the SQL? Or do I actually have to go back to every visibility expression and add separate iif's for upper and lower case? (That seems incredibly silly to have to do). I can't change my parameters to numbers because I have been given strict requirements for input. Thanks.
I do not know if this is the most elegant solution, but you could accomplish this by following this procedure for every parameter on the Report Parameters page:
1)Re-name the parameter, leaving its prompt as that of the old parameter.
2)Add a new parameter with the same name as the old parameter.
3)Mark this new parameter as Hidden.
4)Make sure that the new parameter's available values are marked as non-queried(available values will never be actually used.)
5)Mark the Default Values as Non-queried, using the following syntax:
Can't you just UCASE the params (do it in the xml view, it will be quicker and you might even be able to do a regex find/replace)
