how can I get a random text from txt in cypress - random

sorry I am new to cypress
I got a large txt file, it has 5000 lines of txt
all txt is divided by \n
and more...
I stored this txt file in my fixtures
and in my e2e cy, I wrote
it gives me all the txt file but I don't know how to pick a random txt from that file
please help me

You can do it without converting the 5000 lines into properly formatted JSON, by adding some processing after reading the file
.then(list => {
const strings = list.split('\n') // convert to array
.map(line => line.replace('\r', '')) // depending on txt file format,
// may need to remove "\r" character
const randomText = Cypress._.sample(strings)
return randomText
.then(randomText => {

It would be easier to convert the fixture file to JSON and then from there you have three ways to read the file, all of which will be using the lodash _.sample() method to pick at random.
Using require:
const textArrayFromRequire = require('../fixtures/list.json')
it('use require', function() {
const randomTextFromRequire = Cypress._.sample(textArrayFromRequire)
cy.wrap(randomTextFromRequire).should('be.oneOf', textArrayFromRequire)
Using import:
import textArrayFromImport from '../fixtures/list.json'
it('use import', function() {
const randomTextFromImport = Cypress._.sample(textArrayFromImport)
cy.wrap(randomTextFromImport).should('be.oneOf', textArrayFromImport)
Using cy.fixture():
it('use cy.fixture', function() {
cy.fixture('list.json').then(textArrayFromFixture => {
const randomTextFromFixture = Cypress._.sample(textArrayFromFixture)
Here is a working example.


Cypress task with xlsx leads to f.slice when using

I am getting this error when trying to access a cypress task masking the "xlsx": "^0.18.5"
for reading excel files.
From Node.js Internals:
TypeError: f.slice is not a function
at firstbyte (/local0/biologics/gitcheckouts/new-ui-e2e/node_modules/xlsx/xlsx.js:23626:38)
at readSync (/local0/biologics/gitcheckouts/new-ui-e2e/node_modules/xlsx/xlsx.js:23706:14)...
My task looks like this cypress.config.ts
on('task', {
If I add brackets after the read:-> readXlsx: it already fails when starting cypress with the same error message:
Does anybody know what to do? (Cypress version 12.5.0)
Add on:
import * as fs from 'fs';
private validateExcelFile(countedItems: number, correction: number) {
cy.get('#LASTDOWNLOADEDFILE').then((name) => {
const fileName = name as unknown as string;
cy.log(`Validating excel file: ${fileName}`);
const buffer = fs.readFileSync(fileName);
cy.task('readXlsx', { buffer }).then((rows) => {
const rdw = (rows as string).length;
expect(rdw) - correction);
I cannot tell what code, if any, precedes the task. The message seems to indicate a buffer issue, here is my working code you can compare to your own.
Otherwise, suspect the file itself.
import { readFileSync } from "fs";
import { read } from "xlsx/xlsx.mjs";
function read(name) {
const buffer = readFileSync(name);
const workbook = read(buffer);
return workbook
on('task', {
readXlsx: (name) => read(name)

Use Cypress Variable From Command

I have a utility command in cypress:
Cypress.Commands.add('generateDummyText', (length: number, delay?: number) => {
const wordLength = 5;
const lorem = new LoremIpsum({
wordsPerSentence: {
max: wordLength,
min: wordLength,
words: ['word1', 'word2', 'word3', 'word4', 'word5'],
const words = lorem.generateWords(Math.ceil(length / wordLength));
it('test', () => {
// Generate dummy text
// I want to type the "dummyText variable here"
How can this be done? I don't need to use a custom cypress command, but I'd prefer to use one. Looking forward to your reply!
You can access it just by using:
Another option is just to use faker to generate the random words for you.
Add the faker module to you project, then you can just do:
const faker = require("faker");
instead of using a custom command for it
You can get the value either by alias:
cy.get("#dummyText").then(dummyText => {
or directly by the command return value:
cy.generateDummyText(280).then(dummyText => {

How to run the same test with multiple logins, URL's, and body elements in

I have a simple test I want to create in cypress that would require a test where using a settings file I would create 1 test that executes for each entry in the settings file. The file would contain user/pwd/url/elementID and be used to login for each user at a custom URL, and validate that a specific elementID is displayed, logout, and do it again - iterating through the settings file until each is tested.
I want to do something like:
forEach(URL,uname,pwd,elementID) do
cy.get(data-cy=elementID).should(be present)
I highly doubt the above code is correct - but hopefully you get the idea. Main goal is to create a simple and quick script that will quickly iterate through an array to smoke test the functionality.
You can still iterate over your test data and create a test case out of each:
].forEach(testData => {
it(`Test ${testData.uname} on ${testData.url}`, () => {
// your test code
Of course the array:
does not need to be there in the same file, you can have it somewhere separate and import it into your spec file.
Caveat: You can only visit URLs from the same origin in one test! This code will only work if all URLs you want to test are from the same origin (i.e. same
Save your data in json format and put them in Cypress folder "fixtures"
(Don't forget the # in front of the element_name id)
Then this is your smoke_test.spec.js
//fetch the parameters from the file and save them as constant "login"
const login_data = require('../fixtures/login_data.json')
//Now you can fetch the parameters using "login_data"
describe('smoke test', () => {
it('loop through login list', () => {
//we call each entry "param" and loop through the lines of the json file
cy.get(login_data).each((param) => {
//The next line is only if you have a login button

Cypress - extract URL info

I have this URL :
and want to store these values :
for use in a later test.
How do I extract these values from the URL? I am using Cypress. Thanks.
Please follow the following steps and that's all there is to it.
You can put this snippet into before() hooks of your spec file and you can access them wherever you want.
cy.location().then(fullUrl => {
let pathName = fullUrl.pathname
let arr = pathName.split('?');
let arrayValues = arr[1].split('&');
In case anyone needs the correct answer, use the cy.location('search') to extract the search part of the location data.
Then for convenience, convert it to a javascript object with key/value pairs for each item.
Finally, store it in a Cypress alias to use later in the test.
.then(search=> {
const searchValues = search.split('?')[1].split('&')
// yields: [
// id=h1c7cafc-5457-4564-af9d-2599c6a37dde,
// hash=7EPbMqFFQu8T5R3AQr1GCw,
// gtmsearchtype=City+Break
// ]
const searchMap = searchValues.reduce((acc,item) => {
const [key,value] = item.split('=')
acc[key] = value.replace('+', ' ')
return acc
}, {})
// yields: {
// id: "h1c7cafc-5457-4564-af9d-2599c6a37dde",
// hash: "7EPbMqFFQu8T5R3AQr1GCw",
// gtmsearchtype: "City Break"
// }
Using #Srinu Kodi's answer I got it working changing ...then(fullUrl => ... to
...then((fullUrl) => ...

Cypress and Excel Test Data

Has anyone used excel to store test data while runing cypress tests? I am trying to make this work, but since I cant access the file system with browserify I cant read excel test data file. Anyone got this working? DO you have any links/code on how to get it working?
I realised that normal excel processing packages wont work with cypress and typescript, since u r using browserfiy. browserify will prevent you from performing file read/write operations.
as a workaround, i only read the excel file prior to browserifying it (in the plugins/index.js), and convert it into a json file and save it in the fixtures folder.
then in the support/index.js in a beforeAll hook i read the json file as a fixture and save it to an aliased variable. Now I can parse data from the aliased variable and use it where required in cypress context throughout the test. this is what worked for me.
Here is an instruction how to use excel as source for cypress tests
First you need to convert your xlsx file to json with Xlsx
import { writeFileSync } from "fs";
import * as XLSX from "xlsx";
try {
const workBook = XLSX.readFile("./testData/testData.xlsx");
const jsonData = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_json(workBook.Sheets.testData);
JSON.stringify(jsonData, null, 4),
} catch (e) {
throw Error(e);
Then import json file and loop over each row and use the data in the way you want. In this example it tries to log in to a system.
import { login } from "../support/pageObjects/";
const testData = require("../fixtures/testData.json");
describe("Dynamically Generated Tests", () => {
testData.forEach((testDataRow: any) => {
const data = {
username: testDataRow.username,
password: testDataRow.password
context(`Generating a test for ${data.username}`, () => {
it("should fail to login for the specified details", () => {
login.errorMsg.contains("Your username is invalid!");
