Dynmaic X-Axis based on Selected Slicer Value in power BI - dax

Can the X-Axis range be dynamic based on the selected week slicer?
We would like the range to automatically update to show the current week & the prior 7 weeks based on the selection
the range to automatically update to show the current week & the prior 7 weeks based on the selection


Can we create dynamic infographics with timeline in OBIEE?

Is there any way to make infographic with timeline in OBIEE that shows change of particular indicators for some particular period?
For instance, we have two measure columns : profits end expenses. User wants to see how these two indicators have changed for the last 20 years by regions. The infographic should show these changes with some delay for every year. Does obiee have this kind of feature?
If you just want to "play" the timeline, then pull the time axis into the section and click "Display as Slider".

SSRS Indicator by Date Condition

I'm new to SSRS reporting and having some problems with indicators. I am trying to use an indicator to show how long a reservation has been open based on the number of days between the current date and the RequirementDate (which is a field in the dataset).
What I want logically is this:
If number of days is less than 6 months old, show green
If number of days is between 6 months and 8 months, show yellow
If number of days is greater than 8 months, show red
Also, I'm not sure where I would enter this kind of formula, as I am doing this from the Indicator Properties window.
To set these options go into the indicator properties. The easiest way to do this is to right click on the center of the indicator and click Indicator Properties. Then click on Value and States.
Setting the Green, Yellow, and Red ranges is straight forward for your use case. Just fill in the start and end values with the range of days you want. To set the expression you want for the value click on the fx button next to the value field and use an expression like this one to calculate the days between a date and report runtime.
=DateDiff(DateInterval.Day, Max(Fields!RequirementDate.Value), Now())

using UIDatePicker with only day and month swift

I am making an app, uses UIDatePicker component. Everything works fine with the below code.
myDatePicker.datePickerMode = UIDatePickerMode.Date
My problem is here how to avoid the year column, days and months are the only data that i want to show in the component.
2 November
3 November
This is a bit tricky but if you don't have to deal with date formats and locale it may work for you.
Place the UIDatePicker inside a UIView and align all sides to the containing view's edges. Then change the right side constraint from 0 to -100 (you may have to find a different number depending on the size you want to give it).
In the containing UIView's User Defined Runtime Attributes add a key named clipsToBounds, make it a Boolean and make sure it is checked.
This will hide the edge of the Date Picker that is aligned beyond the UIView's right side.
Make sure you set a minimum and maximum date for January 1st to December 31st of a specific year (so the user doesn't accidentally go outside that year and you don't have to deal with multiple years).

Show only specific days on calendar

I want to know if it's possible to show only specific days in a calendar. I mean, for example, I know that I can create a dialog box with a calendar using:
dialog --title "Test" --calendar "Date:" 0 0
And it shows every day on the specific months and so on.
But I want to know if I can show only the days like 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 in the same dialog box, but I don't know how to do it or if it can be done that way using that dialog option.
dialog does not do what was asked. Source code is provided; you could modify it.
The documentation says
--calendar text height width day month year
A calendar box displays month, day and year in separately adjustable windows. If the values for day, month or year are
missing or negative, the current date's corresponding values are
used. You can increment or decrement any of those using the
left-, up-, right-, and down-arrows. Use vi-style h, j, k and l
for moving around the array of days in a month. Use tab or
backtab to move between windows. If the year is given as zero,
the current date is used as an initial value.
On exit, the date is printed in the form day/month/year. The
format can be overridden using the --date-format option.
--date-format format
If the host provides strftime, this option allows you to specify
the format of the date printed for the --calendar widget. The
time of day (hour, minute, second) are the current local time.
While the --calendar description refers to an array of days, and separately adjustable windows, it does not go into excessive detail to note that the windows for month, day and year are used to update the array, and that the widget shows all of the days for each month.
The --date-format option is used to change the way the result is reported to the shell, and has no effect on the way the month is shown on the screen.

Xcode calculations with multi-component picker

I would like to set up a view controller with a 2-component picker where each side contains the same 7 objects. Each object carries the same value for both components. The user would make a selection from each side, enter a value in a provided text field (and optionally tap a "Calculate" button). A calculation would occur using that value and the values from the two picker component objects that were selected and the results would be displayed in a label.
For example, each picker contains the letters a - g. Each letter carries the value of 1 - 7 respectively, for each side of the picker. The user selects "b" and "d" and enters 10. The calculated result of 10 * 2 / 4 = 5 is displayed.
It sounds simple enough. I've found tutorials for doing calculations using values associated with a 1-component picker as well as working with 2-component pickers, but nothing for doing calculations with 2-component pickers. My experience with Xcode is somewhat short. So, feel free to go into detail.
