How do I connect redis and redis-insight containers on my network - proxy

I've written a .tf file that spins up a redis and redis-insight container in their private docker network (openstack instance), but when I ngrok to redis-insight I get this error:
Redis-insight in browser
I can't seem to get the environment variables on the redis-insight resource right.
I've tried many combinations of the env vars in the redis-insight resource.
Since I'm using ngrok for tunneling I set the RITRUSTEDORIGINS var to its port (http://localhost:4040) following the example of this page in the redis documentation that uses nginx as a proxy, but to no luck.
What environment variables should I be using on my redis-insight resource?
This is what I have written so far:
terraform {
required_providers {
docker = {
source = "kreuzwerker/docker"
version = "2.23.1"
provider "docker" {}
resource "docker_network" "redis_network" {
name = "redis_network"
resource "docker_image" "redis" {
name = "redis:latest"
keep_locally = false
resource "docker_container" "redis" {
image = docker_image.redis.image_id
name = "redis"
ports {
internal = 6379
external = 6379
network_mode =
resource "docker_image" "redis-insight" {
name = "redislabs/redisinsight:latest"
keep_locally = false
resource "docker_container" "redis-insight" {
image = docker_image.redis-insight.image_id
name = "redis-insight"
ports {
internal = 8001
external = 8001
network_mode =
depends_on = [docker_container.redis]
env = [
# "REDIS_TLS=true",
# "RIPORT=8001",

Whats the hostname and port of RedisInsight you are accessing from your browser? If its not localhost:4040, set that in RITRUSTEDORIGINS.
If it is localhost:4040, set RITRUSTEDORIGINS to http://localhost:4040.
Set the right protocol (http or https), hostname and port. This should match the one you use in browser.


Provisioning Windows VM including File Provisioner for AWS using Terraform results in Timeout

I'm aware that there already exists several posts similar to this one - I've went through them and adapted my Terraform configuration file, but it makes no difference.
Therefore, I'd like to publish my configuration file and my use case: I'd like to provision a (Windows) Virtual Machine on AWS, using Terraform. It works without the File Provisioning part - including them, the provisioning results in a timeout.
This includes adaptations from previous posts:
SSH connection restriction
SSH isnt working in Windows with Terraform provisioner connection type
Usage of a Security group
Terraform File provisioner can't connect ec2 over ssh. timeout - last error: dial tcp i/o timeout
I also get a timeout when using "winrm" instead of "ssh".
I'd be happy if you could provide any hint for following config file:
terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 3.0"
# Configure the AWS Provider
provider "aws" {
access_key = "<my access key>"
secret_key = "<my secret key>"
region = "eu-central-1"
resource "aws_instance" "webserver" {
ami = "ami-07dfec7a6d529b77a"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
security_groups = []
key_name = aws_key_pair.pubkey.key_name
tags = {
"Name" = "WebServer-Win"
resource "null_resource" "deployBundle" {
connection {
type = "ssh"
user = "Administrator"
private_key = "${file("C:/Users/<my user name>/aws_keypair/aws_instance.pem")}"
host = aws_instance.webserver.public_ip
provisioner "file" {
source = "files/test.txt"
destination = "C:/test.txt"
depends_on = [ aws_instance.webserver ]
resource "aws_security_group" "sgwebserver" {
name = "sgwebserver"
description = "Allow ssh inbound traffic"
ingress {
from_port = 0
to_port = 6556
protocol = "tcp"
cidr_blocks = [""]
egress {
from_port = 0
to_port = 0
protocol = "-1"
cidr_blocks = [""]
tags = {
Name = "sgwebserver"
resource "aws_key_pair" "pubkey" {
key_name = "aws-cloud"
public_key = file("key/")
resource "aws_eip" "elasticip" {
instance =
output "eip" {
value = aws_eip.elasticip.public_ip
module "vpc" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/vpc/aws"
name = "my-vpc"
cidr = ""
azs = ["eu-central-1a", "eu-central-1b", "eu-central-1c"]
private_subnets = ["", "", ""]
public_subnets = ["", "", ""]
enable_nat_gateway = true
enable_vpn_gateway = true
tags = {
Terraform = "true"
Environment = "dev"
Thanks a lot in advance!
Windows EC2 instances don't support SSH, they support RDP. You would have to install SSH server software on the instance before you could SSH into it.
I suggest doing something like placing the file in S3, and using a user data script to trigger the Windows EC2 instance to download the file on startup.

consul proxy change health endpoint

I have deployed a consul proxy on a different host than 'localhost' but consul keeps on checking health on
Config of the service and it's sidecar:
service {
name = "counting"
id = "counting-1"
port = 9005
address = ""
connect {
sidecar_service {
proxy {
config {
bind_address = ""
bind_port = 21002
tcp_check_address = ""
local_service_address = "localhost:9005"
check {
id = "counting-check"
http = ""
method = "GET"
interval = "10s"
timeout = "1s"
The proxy was deployed using the following command:
consul connect proxy -sidecar-for counting-1 > counting-proxy.log
Consul UI's health check message:
How do I change the health check to
First, I recommend using the Envoy proxy (consul connect envoy) instead of the built-in proxy (consul connect proxy) since the latter is not recommended for production use.
As far as changing the health check address, you can do that by setting proxy.local_service_address. This address is used when configuring the health check for the local application.
See for a related discussion on this issue.

How to whitelist Atlassian/Bitbucket IPs in AWS EC2 security group?

We want Bitbucket webhooks to trigger our CI tool which runs on an AWS EC2 instance, protected with ingress rules from general access.
Bitbucket provides a page listing their IP addresses at
They also have a machine-consumable version at for Atlassian IPs in general.
I wonder, what is an efficient approach to add and maintain this list in AWS EC2 security groups, e.g. via terraform.
I ended up scraping the machine-consumable json from their page, and let terraform manage the rest. The step of getting the json is left as a manual task.
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "bitbucket-ips-sgr" {
security_group_id = "your-security-group-id"
type = "ingress"
from_port = 443
to_port = 443
protocol = "TCP"
cidr_blocks = local.bitbucket_cidrs_ipv4
ipv6_cidr_blocks = local.bitbucket_cidrs_ipv6
locals {
bitbucket_cidrs_ipv4 = [for item in local.bitbucket_ip_ranges_source.items:
# see
item.cidr if length(regexall(":", item.cidr)) == 0
bitbucket_cidrs_ipv6 = [for item in local.bitbucket_ip_ranges_source.items:
# see
item.cidr if length(regexall(":", item.cidr)) > 0
# the list originates from
bitbucket_ip_ranges_source = jsondecode(
the json output from the above URL
I improved on Richard's answer and wanted to add that TF's http provider can fetch the JSON for you, and, with a slight tweak to the jsondecode() call, that same for loop still plays.
provider "http" {}
data "http" "bitbucket_ips" {
url = ""
request_headers = {
Accept = "application/json"
locals {
bitbucket_ipv4_cidrs = [for c in jsondecode(data.http.bitbucket_ips.body).items : c.cidr if length(regexall(":", c.cidr)) == 0]
bitbucket_ipv6_cidrs = [for c in jsondecode(data.http.bitbucket_ips.body).items : c.cidr if length(regexall(":", c.cidr)) > 0]
output "ipv4_cidrs" {
value = local.bitbucket_ipv4_cidrs
output "ipv6_cidrs" {
value = local.bitbucket_ipv6_cidrs

How can I run a shell script on multiple VMWare vm's created by terraform module?

I am using this module to spin up multiple vm's on my vmware cluster,, and I want to run a shell script on all of the vms after using a null resource. With what i currently have, it complains that the host was not given a string, which makes sense. Here is my null resource:
module "jenkins-linuxvm-centos7" {
source = "Terraform-VMWare-Modules/vm/vsphere"
resource "null_resource" "vm" {
triggers = {
vm_ips = join(",", module.jenkins-linuxvm-centos7.Linux-ip)
# export TF_VAR_root_password=<pass>
connection {
type = "ssh"
host = module.jenkins-linuxvm-centos7.Linux-ip
user = "root"
password = var.vm_root_password
port = "22"
agent = false
provisioner "file" {
source = ""
destination = "/tmp/"
provisioner "remote-exec" {
inline = [
"chmod +x /tmp/",
Do I need to use a dynamic block somehow? Or how can I modify host = module.jenkins-linuxvm-centos7.Linux-ip to include all the hosts I want to run it on?
You have to run it in a For_Each loop... Below is an example code where i am looping against the sql_var map variable. you will have to do it against the output of IPs --> module.jenkins-linuxvm-centos7.Linux-ip... you will be able to reference the IP of each machine as something like each.value i guess. I dont know how your output looks like, so guessing. If you are new to loops, here is one nice tuto.
resource "null_resource" "instance" {
for_each = var.sql_var
provisioner "local-exec" {
command = "echo ${each.key} >> hello.txt"

Create private network with Terraform with starting script - Google Cloud Platform

starting with Terraform recently with GCP, I would like finish a exercice:
Create a new VPC network with a single subnet.
Create a firewall rule that allows external RDP traffic to the bastion host system.
Deploy two Windows servers that are connected to both the VPC network and the default network.
Create a virtual machine that points to the startup script.
Configure a firewall rule to allow HTTP access to the virtual machine.
Here is my solution:
Create a new VPC network called securenetwork, then create a new VPC subnet inside securenetwork. Once the network and subnet have been configured, configure a firewall rule that allows inbound RDP traffic (TCP port 3389) from the internet to the bastion host.
# Create the securenetwork network
resource "google_compute_network" "securenetwork" {
name = "securenetwork"
auto_create_subnetworks = false
# Create securesubnet-us subnetwork
resource "google_compute_subnetwork" "securesubnet-eu" {
name = "securesubnet-eu"
region = "europe-west1"
network = "${google_compute_network.securenetwork.self_link}"
ip_cidr_range = ""
# Create a firewall rule to allow HTTP, SSH, RDP and ICMP traffic on securenetwork
resource "google_compute_firewall" "securenetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp" {
name = "securenetwork-allow-http-ssh-rdp-icmp"
network = "${google_compute_network.securenetwork.self_link}"
allow {
protocol = "tcp"
ports = ["3389"]
allow {
protocol = "icmp"
# Create the vm-securehost instance
module "vm-securehost" {
source = "./instance/securehost"
instance_name = "vm-securehost"
instance_zone = "europe-west1-d"
instance_subnetwork = "${google_compute_subnetwork.securesubnet-eu.self_link}"
instance_network = "${google_compute_network.securenetwork.self_link}"
# Create the vm-bastionhost instance
module "vm-bastionhost" {
source = "./instance/bastionhost"
instance_name = "vm-bastionhost"
instance_zone = "europe-west1-d"
instance_subnetwork = "${google_compute_subnetwork.securesubnet-eu.self_link}"
instance_network = "${google_compute_network.securenetwork.self_link}"
Deploy Windows instances
a Windows 2016 server instance called vm-securehost with two network interfaces. Configure the first network interface with an internal only connection to the new VPC subnet, and the second network interface with an internal only connection to the default VPC network. This is the secure server.
variable "instance_name" {}
variable "instance_zone" {}
variable "instance_type" {
default = "n1-standard-1"
variable "instance_subnetwork" {}
variable "instance_network" {}
resource "google_compute_instance" "vm_instance" {
name = "${var.instance_name}"
zone = "${var.instance_zone}"
machine_type = "${var.instance_type}"
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "windows-cloud/windows-2016"
network_interface {
subnetwork = "${var.instance_subnetwork}"
access_config {
# Allocate a one-to-one NAT IP to the instance
a second Windows 2016 server instance called vm-bastionhost with two network interfaces. Configure the first network interface to connect to the new VPC subnet with an ephemeral public (external NAT) address, and the second network interface with an internal only connection to the default VPC network. This is the jump box or bastion host.
variable "instance_name" {}
variable "instance_zone" {}
variable "instance_type" {
default = "n1-standard-1"
variable "instance_subnetwork" {}
variable "instance_network" {}
resource "google_compute_address" "default" {
name = "default"
region = "europe-west1"
resource "google_compute_instance" "vm_instance" {
name = "${var.instance_name}"
zone = "${var.instance_zone}"
machine_type = "${var.instance_type}"
boot_disk {
initialize_params {
image = "windows-cloud/windows-2016"
network_interface {
subnetwork = "${var.instance_subnetwork}"
network = "${var.instance_network}"
access_config {
# Allocate a one-to-one NAT IP to the instance
nat_ip = "${google_compute_address.default.address}"
My question:
how to config the Windows compute instance called vm-securehost that does not have a public ip-address?
how to config the Windows compute instance called vm-securehost that run Microsoft IIS web server software on startup?
Thanks for any comment for the solution
To create a vm without any external ip address, omit the ‘access config’ argument in your terraform script, as it’s the one responsible for creation of external ip address.
To run Microsoft IIS web server software on your vm while startup, add the following argument in your vm creation block (exclude quotation marks) -
'metadata_startup_script = import-module servermanager && add-windowsfeature web-server -includeallsubfeature'
Please refer to following links for detailed information on the issue -
