Create Query 'has one' relationship in reverse direction GORM - go

I am currently trying to create a new record using GORM and these two models has a one to one relationship with each other. Model1 has 'has one' relationship with Model2. I was thinking if it is possible to create query Model2 instead of Model1 in this case. Here is an example from the docs:
So in the docs context, is it possible to create query from the CreditCard struct as I want to persist the 'has one' relationship.

I managed to solve it! You can simply just include the foreign key in the struct model when creating it. For example:
Number: "41111111111111"
UserID: <include the id here> // make sure the credit card gorm model has UserID foreign key specified


Retrieve values from related table foreign key using Eloquent

Sorry if the question isn't clear.. I'm not super fluent in databases.
I have three tables:
companies equipment parts
----------- ----------- -----------
id id id
name company_id equipment_id
Using Eloquent, how do I get a Collection of all the parts that belong to the company with id=1
I know you setup relationships in the model. So now I can get all a company's equipment ($myCompany->equipment), and all equipment's parts ($myEquipment->parts), but I'm not sure how to easily get values in the reverse direction two tables away.
Laravel has such a beautiful documentation and API for this very thing. Take a look at the hasManyThrough relationship.
So in your Company model add this:
* Get all of the parts for the company.
public function parts()
return $this->hasManyThrough('App\Part', 'App\Equipment');

Laravel/Eloquent get all appointments from a polymorphic "member_id" through a appointment_members table

I have an appointments table and an appointment_members table and my users need to be able to get a collection of appointments by searching with a "member_id", which could be a Person, Incident or CustomerID. The appointment_members table has member_id and appointment_id columns, so the member_type (also a column) is irrelevant. This all set up by a previous dev and what is missing are the relationships on the Eloquent models. I'm just creating a simple GET route that needs to return any/all appointments by that member_id. Each row has one appointment, so if I were to pass in a member_id that returned 10 results, some could have appts and others not, but at the end of the day I just need a collection of appts that are related to that member_id. Here's a screenshot of the appointment_members table:
If I create a simple hasOne relationship to appointments on appointment_members:
public function appointments()
return $this->HasOne(Appointment::class, 'id', 'appointment_id');
I can get a collection of appointment_members with it's respective appointment, but not sure how I boil it down to just getting the appointments. One workaround I have is to use that HasOne and then pluck/filter the appointments:
$appointmentMembers = AppointmentMembers::where('member_id', $request->input('memberId'))->get();
$appointments = $appointmentMembers->pluck('appointments')->filter();
Curious if anyone might see a better way to go about this. Thanks!
I'm possibly not understanding, but I would probably take the simplest approach here if the member type is not important.
The table is already set up to handle either a belongsToMany or a morphMany, so create the relationship on the Member class (or if you don't have a parent member class, stick it on each of the types Person, Incident, etc. You can also do this via poly, of course, but this is a simple example to get what you need):
public function appointments()
return $this->belongsToMany(Appointment::class)->withPivot('member_type');
And then just query on the member object you need appointments for (having poly would make this one step):
$allAppointmentsForID = $member->appointments();
$appointments = $allAppointmentsForID->wherePivot('member_type', $whateverClassThisIS);
The above takes member_type into account. If this doesn't matter, you can just use the top line.
Your original db is setup to handle polymorphic relations, so if you wanted more than the appointment you can set it up this way as well. For now, you'll need to add the TYPE to the query to cover the different classes.
If the member type is important, polymorphic might be something like this on the Member class:
public function appointments()
return $this->morphMany(Appointment::class, 'memberableOrmember_typeOrWhatever');
Then you can query on the member object with just one line
$appointments = $member->appointments();

Laravel how many relationship can be chained

I have a database composed by users, users_child, child.
I create a ONE to MANY relationship between Users and users_child, then i create a relationship between users_child and child. Now the below code work:
$test = users::find(1)->users_child
$test1= users_child::find(1)->child
Now i want to know if is possible to create a single row that link the three table like this:
$test = users::find(1)->users_child->child
I create the relationship in the model but in the db i don't create Foreign Key, it's a problem? on the model i specify the field for link table.
You can chain relationships like this:
$user = Users::with("users_child.child")->where("id",1)->first();
Each point will mean a relation stored in the first.
Out of users users_child will be taken and out of users_child child will be taken. (Relations)
foreach($user->users_child as $user_child) {
will get you the data you need.

Laravel Eloquent: Nested relationship and save data

I have three models.
I want to add a child to person model but i have access to EMPLOYEE_ID. I tried to code but it doesn't work.
But both doesn't work. I don't know if this can be accomplished by just one line of code.
Try this way, When you are calling person() it will return the relation instead of the object itself.

Mapping relationships to generic models in Datamapper for Codeigniter

I have a number of different models in a system backed by the Datamapper library for Codeigniter such as Posts and Pages and am interested in adding Likes and Comments to the system. The way I see it, Likes and Comments can apply to any sort of model that extends Datamapper. How would I go about defining such a relationship (keep Likes for any sort of model in the same table, as well as Comments)?
I tend to create separate tables for likes and comments. I usually create this sort of schema:
id // autoincrement
obj // the related model (the name of the model that is being liked)
obj_id // the foreign key
user_id // the user id that liked the model object
created // timestamp
updated // timestamp
Then the comments table:
id // autoincrement
obj // the related model (same as above)
obj_id // the foreign key
message // the comment itself
user_id // the user id that commented on the model object
created // timestamp
updated // timestamp
