async Dynamic partial view using action - ajax

System.Web.HttpException: 'Error executing child request for handler 'System.Web.Mvc.HttpHandlerUtil+ServerExecuteHttpHandlerAsyncWrapper'.'
InvalidOperationException: HttpServerUtility.Execute blocked while waiting for an asynchronous operation to complete.
my partail view codemy render controller methode
My get method that is async to call api
i tried to access render partial view but fails i want dynamic async partial view using #html.Action or any other


Open component view from code behind

I am using mvc 6 and I would like to "open" component view by using some button onClick.
I can display it by using
<div id="DialogDiv">
but I would like to do it so that some button onclick method would call that invoke method and give that div as a reference. Is that possible?
I assume that you want to render component by using ajax request. Since MVC6-beta7 you can do this by utilising View Component Action Result:
The idea for your scenario will be to use JavaScript and call action in controller which will return ViewComponentResult and then render result of that action into your page. You can do this by using jQuery, so it will look like:

Play Framework 2.x : Ajax request to controller without page refresh

I have a controller LessonController with an action save(). My route for this action is POST /save String). The code is very simple for this action.
public static Result save(String name){
Lesson lesson = new Lesson();
return ok(lesson.getLessonId().toString());
Here is my ajax call from the view{
success : function(id){
This code does create a lesson but it refreshes the page and does not execute the success block from ajax request. I guess it is because I am returning a Result type back. I tried changing the return type to String but it gave me a compilation error.
So the question is, How can I call an action in a controller with ajax without the page refresh behaviour?
If you get a page refresh from that then it is for some other reason. Like for example triggering the ajax call with a submit button and not consuming the button event so that it leads to a form submit POST or GET
Please check you AJAX call event, may but you are triggering the AJAX call using submit button or may be you are submitting any form in the web page with the same event.

Why is PartialView not called when being called from another ActionResult method?

Im using MVC4.
I have a [HttpPost] controller method that returns an ActionResult.
In this function, when I catch an exception, my plan is to call a [ChildActionOnly] ActionResult method which returns PartialView("ExceptionMessage", exceptionObject).
ExceptionMessage.cshtml basically renders a markup with the full Exception object.
Now for some reason, when this PartialView is invoked, the breakpoint within the .cshtml is not being hit.
Why does this not work?
It was a user error on my part.
The view is called when the controller method returns, and thus gets a chance to render the cshtml.

Ajax.ActionLink and jquery execution in PartialView after Ajax request

I load some PartialView in page as response to Ajax form post. This partial contains two Ajax.ActionLink by self. After response load ActionLinks doesn't work properly - it send request to server but doesn't updates UpdateTarget with returned content.
Seems like jquery-ui provided widgets (like draggable) can't bind to elements in way like this (code placed in partial view):
$(function(){ $('#target').draggable();});
I would appreciate for any solutions.
PS> ActionLinks starts work after target id correction, but jquery ui steel don't work
seems #target is not avilable when your code is binding the handler..
try using live(), or delegate(), or .on()
Solved by add named function in PartialView and call it in OnSuccess for Ajax.BeginForm. As I discover document.ready fires for ajax-loaded content before page is really updated.

Call an Action from an MVC View

I'm trying to figure out how to call an action from an MVC view, not call a view URL.
I have an Action Method for signing off in the Account Controller:
public ActionResult SignOff()
return View("SignOff");
And I'd like to call it from a cshtml page, like this:
The list is part of a drop down menu.
ActionLink doesn't work because I don't have an Account/SignOff page. The above code returns the following: "Error executing child request for handler 'System.Web.Mvc.HttpHandlerUtil+ServerExecuteHttpHandlerAsyncWrapper'." ActionLink just tells me the resource doesn't exist.
Is there anyway to do this? I just want users to be able to select a "Logout" item from a menu and then have the application call the SignOff method. Do I need to use Ajax? Javascript? I'm still experimenting. Thank yoU!
EDIT: Ok, it was the that was keeping me from calling this directly. I got rid of the acceptverbs attribute and now I can call the method directly.
You can just redirect to the Login page or to any other public page (home page).
return RedirectToAction("Login");
