Swagger how implement /api/apiinfo?myvalue - swagger-editor

Swagger how can you implement GET
"/api/apiinfo?"- this path.
If I do as /api/apiinfo?{myvalue} I get this call in curl: "https://example.com/api/apiinfo?myvalue="
I.e. an equal sign is added, because myvalue is interpreted as a key


Open API 2 with Spring Boot does not return HTTP 400 for a param value outside declared enum values

I have REST API for e.g. /v1/vehicles/{color}/{make}/{modelno}
I used OpenAPi 2.0 for this. I made color as enum with 3 values (black, white, gray). Make is also enum with values like (Suzuki, Toyota, Honda) and modelno is regex pattern.
When I call the api with for e.g. /v1/vehicles/abc/suzuki/alto1999, it gives me the expected HTTP400 Bad request. This is the intension.
However I call the api with for e.g. /v1/vehicles/gray/suzuki/blabla or /v1/vehicles/gray/blabla/alto1999, then I get a Error 500. That is if I enter any value for the second or the third path param, the call actually goes to the controller, reaches the service where the Error 500 occurs. It does not get handled like the first param. This is crazy. It should have been handled by Spring.
Can anybody help me understand this please?
Sorry I cannot share code, its on the confidential server.

Slack - How to verify interactivity requests

Setting up my first Slack slash command. I built it out originally using the deprecated verification token but, for posterity, have decided to use signed secrets authentication.
Reading through the signed secrets documentation, I've had no issue validating requests that come in from the initial slash command. However, interaction requests have a completely different body structure and the method for calculating a secret hash do not produce a valid result (because the request body is different).
Here is a snippet from the docs on validating signed secrets.
slack_signing_secret = 'MY_SLACK_SIGNING_SECRET' // Set this as an environment variable
>>> 8f742231b10e8888abcd99yyyzzz85a5
request_body = request.body()
>>> token=xyzz0WbapA4vBCDEFasx0q6G&team_id=T1DC2JH3J&team_domain=testteamnow&channel_id=G8PSS9T3V&channel_name=foobar&user_id=U2CERLKJA&user_name=roadrunner&command=%2Fwebhook-collect&text=&response_url=https%3A%2F%2Fhooks.slack.com%2Fcommands%2FT1DC2JH3J%2F397700885554%2F96rGlfmibIGlgcZRskXaIFfN&trigger_id=398738663015.47445629121.803a0bc887a14d10d2c447fce8b6703c
On invocation of the slash command this works as intended - the request body matches the structure in the example above. When the user interacts with the message, the response body uses the blocks api - which is completely different
If I'm not supposed to use the verification token and the request body from the interactive blocks api does not allow me to compute a valid hash, how am I supposed to validate interaction requests? I must be missing something while combing through the docs.

Jmeter 5.3: Extract run time 'code_challenge' URL parameter value from request URL which is not shown in any response

We have one URL parameter as "code_challenge" which gets generated at run time, this value we need to extract so that from next runs it can be handled. However since this code value is not captured in any previous requests/responses and need to extract at run time, unable to understand how to achieve.
Tried Regular Extractor choosing URL radio button, but it captures the value from recorded script.
Steps followed:
Record script using Blazmeter (Browse URL xx.com>Click Login)
Redirected to URL(s) in which one of the url has "code_Challenge" parameter with run time value)
First URL is: accounts-xx.com/oauth2/oidcdiscovery/.well-known/openid-configuration> The response doesn't have any parameter values
Second URL is:
In above 3rd point url, Code_challenge value is generated at run time when executed steps from browser.
However If replayed the recorded script which would have already generated code value hence other requests would fail. Due to this, need to get the code value fetched.
The code_challenge is generated from WS02 service.
Jmeter version: 5.3
Please suggest, or should we need to use Selenium webdriver integration.
Regular expression which would extract the value from recorded script:
As per Mitigating Authorization Code Interception Attacks article:
code_challenge The client creates and records a secret cryptographically random string (the code_verifier), which is then encoded using URL safe base64 encoding to transform it into the code_challenge.
As per PKCE in WSO2 IS server article:
If a code_challenge method is mention as plain or not mention at all it will take this plain value. Then code_challenge will like:
code_challenge = code_verifier
2. SHA256:
To have the code_challenge as SHA256, we should mention this in request otherwise plain value will be assumed.For SHA256 code challenge will be like
code_challenge = BASE64URL-ENCODE(SHA256(ASCII(code_verifier)))
Here base64url is same as base64encoding(used so that all machine can identify as same value) but trailing “=” will be removed and “+” & “/” are placed by “-” & “_” to avoid unnecessary length in URL.(otherwise ‘+’ becomes ‘%2B’, ‘/’ becomes ‘%2F’ and ‘=’ becomes ‘%3D in URL)
As much as possible, it is better to select the code challenge method as SHA256 then the flow will become more secure and hard to guess(if someone try to brute force it)
So I think you need to add JSR223 PreProcessor and calculate/generate the code_challenge using the algorithm used by your server in Groovy language, store the value into a JMeter Variable and use it in the request.
You can leave the field value empty and then its value gets updated once the request is sent. But you won't see the value in the request.
I had a similar issue, it worked in my case.

Can Jmeter LDAP Request or LDAP Extended Request populate a multi-valued attribute?

I am working on a Jmeter LDAP test plan and the test plan has to populate an attribute on the LDAP that is multi-valued.
When I do an LDAP search sampler, I noted that the value I get back is a string, with the values separated by ", ".
But, if I take the same comma-separated string and try to do an LDAP modify or add, using either an LDAP Request or LDAP Extended Request, I get an error.
So I am wondering if there is a way that the Jmeter LDAP Request or LDAP Extended Request can do that?
EDIT: When I try to use an Extended LDAP Request modification test/add with the attribute of "", I get this error in the Jmeter GUI response:
When attempting to modify entry cn=xxx... to replace the set of values for attribute lastlogindate, value "20181023085627-04, 20181024063205-04" was found to be invalid according to the associated syntax: The provided value "20181023085627-04, 20181024063205-04" is not a valid generalized time value because it contains an invalid character '-' at position 14
The strange part is that even though I have Jmeter to log at debug level, I don't see any detail on the error in the Jmeter.log, but/so I am guessing that that error message is coming from the Jmeter client itself. I noticed that the message says:
to replace the set of values
so it seems like it recognizes that I am trying to modify/replace a multi-value, but it doesn't seem to like the syntax of the replacement values string(s).
Does anyone know what the correct format SHOULD be?
I found the answer to my own question, or at least "A" answer: It appears that I can use an Extended LDAP request, and add the same attribute in that request, multiple times. So for example, if I am populating an attribute named "foo" the Extended LDAP request would have the following:
attribute value opcode
foo 12345 add
foo 12346 add
I think I also need to do a replace with no value, to empty the attribute, before all the adds.

Elliot haughin's twitter library redirecting error

I'm using Elliot Haughin's twitter library to add twitter login functionality for my codeigniter project check the library here
I set the consumer key and secret but when I try to test it; it just stops at 'authenticate' link and doesn't redirect me to anything. I also tried many libraries and I get the same problem.Could you tell me what I did wrong , please ?
edit : I used the console and that's what I get :
The value "device-width;" for key "width" is invalid, and has been ignored. authenticate:8
The value "1.0;" for key "initial-scale" was truncated to its numeric prefix. authenticate:8
The value "1.0;" for key "maximum-scale" was truncated to its numeric prefix. authenticate:8
Error parsing a meta element's content: ';' is not a valid key-value pair separator. Please use ',' instead.
