Adapt GraphQL-Strapi slug custom resolver for i18n - graphql

I've found a very good tutorial to create a GraphQL custom resolver with Strapi (for slug parameter).
Unfortunately, I can't adapt the code to be compatible with multi languages (i18n). Here is my actual code:
"use strict";
module.exports = {
register({ strapi }) {
const extensionService = strapi.service("plugin::graphql.extension");
extensionService.use(({ strapi }) => ({
typeDefs: `
type Query {
article(slug: String!, locale: I18NLocaleCode): ArticleEntityResponse
resolvers: {
Query: {
article: {
resolve: async (parent, args, context) => {
const { toEntityResponse } = strapi.service(
const data = await["api::article.article"].find({
filters: { slug: args.slug, locale: args.locale },
const response = toEntityResponse(data.results[0]);
console.log("##################", response, "##################");
return response;
When I make a GraphQL request, I am getting an empty response.


Displaying the password on a filtered request

Strapi Version: 4.4.5
Operating System: linux
Database: sqlite
Node Version: 16.17.0
NPM Version:
Yarn Version: 1.22.19
I'm just trying to get all the information from my "Channel" table, namely the product_id and the "users" concerned in the channel. I simply overload my find method like this:
module.exports = createCoreController("", ({ strapi }) => ({
async find(ctx) {
const { user } = ctx.state:
const entity = await strapi.service("").find({
filters: {
users: {
id: {
populate: ["users"]
const sanitizedEntity = await this.sanitizeOutput(entity, ctx);
return this.transformResponse(sanitizedEntity);
And for some reason, I get all the user information and especially the hash of the passwords.
So I try to do a select on my populate like this, but it doesn't work :
module.exports = createCoreController("", ({ strapi }) => ({
async find(ctx) {
const { user } = ctx.state;
const entity = await strapi.service("").find({
filters: {
users: {
id: {
populate: {
users: {
select: ["id"]
const sanitizedEntity = await this.sanitizeOutput(entity, ctx);
return this.transformResponse(sanitizedEntity);
Does anyone have a solution to my problem?
It is not select, you would use fields
Strapi Population
const qs = require('qs');
const query = qs.stringify({
fields: ['title', 'body'],
}, {
encodeValuesOnly: true, // prettify URL
So in your case, fields in combination with populate.
populate: {
users: {
fields: ["id"]

Dynamic routing using graphQL in a Next.js app

I'm building a webpage that consumes the spaceX graphQL api, using apollo as a client. On the landing page I want to display a 'launches' card, that when clicked on, directs to a new page with details about that particular launch, as below:
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, gql } from "#apollo/client"
import Link from 'next/link'
export const getStaticProps = async () => {
const client = new ApolloClient({
uri: '',
cache: new InMemoryCache()
const { data } = await client.query({
query: gql`
query GetLaunches {
launchesPast(limit: 10) {
launch_site {
links {
rocket {
return {
props: {
launches: data.launchesPast
export default function Home({ launches }) {
return (
{ => {
<Link href = {`/items/${}`} key = {}>
I've set up a new page items/[id].js to display information about individual launches, but this is where the confusion is. Using a standard REST api I'd simply use fetch, then append the id to the end of the url to retrieve the desired data. However I'm not sure how to do the equivalent in graphQL, using the getStaticPaths function. Any suggestions?
Here's items/[id]/js, where I'm trying to render the individual launch data:
import { ApolloClient, InMemoryCache, gql } from "#apollo/client"
export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
const client = new ApolloClient({
uri: "",
cache: new InMemoryCache(),
const { data } = await client.query({
query: gql`
query GetLaunches {
launchesPast(limit: 10) {
const paths = => {
return {
params: { id: },
return {
export const getStaticProps = async (context) => {
const id =
// not sure what to do here
const Items = () => {
return (
this is items
export default Items;
for getStaticPaths
export const getStaticPaths = async () => {
const { data } = await client.query({
query: launchesPastQuery, // this will query the id only
return {
paths: => ({
params: { id: },
fallback: false,
CHANGE_THIS is the Query Type that follows data in the JSON response.
for getStaticProps
export const getStaticProps = async ({
}) => {
const { data } = await client.query({
query: GetLaunchPastByID ,
variables: { LaunchID:, idType: "UUID" }, // the idType is optional, and the LaunchID is what you'll use for querying by it*
return {
props: {
launchesPast: data.CHANGE_THIS,
The launchPastQueryByID is like:
const GetLaunchPastByID = gql`
query LaunchPastByID($LaunchID: UUID!) { // UUID is id type
CHANGE_THIS(id: $LaunchID) {
sorry for not giving you the correct queries, is currently down.

How to run a mutation in ApolloServer using the GraphQL Playground?

I'm using node.js, express and apollo-server-express. With the following code:
const express = require('express');
const { ApolloServer, gql } = require('apollo-server-express');
const typeDefs = gql`
type Book { title: String author: String }
type Query { books: [Book] }
type Mutation { change_title(new_title: String): Book }
const books = [
{ title: 'The Awakening', author: 'Kate Chopin', },
{ title: 'City of Glass', author: 'Paul Auster', },
const resolvers = {
Query: { books: () => books, },
Mutation: {
change_title: (parent, args) => {
books[0].title = args.new_title
return books[0]
const server = new ApolloServer({ typeDefs, resolvers, });
const app = express();
server.applyMiddleware({ app });
app.listen({ port: 4000 }, () =>
console.log(`Server ready at http://localhost:4000${server.graphqlPath}`)
When I enter the mutation in the GraphQL Playground, like so:
change_title(new_title: "Something") {
I get the following error: "Cannot query field "change_title" on type "Query"."
My goal is to be able to run mutations. If I should be doing it another way or if there's eror, please let me know. Thanks!
GraphQL playground treats all types as queries unless otherwise specified.
mutation {
change_title(new_title: "Something") {

Running Subscriptions on GraphiQL using express-graphql, graphql, graphql-subscriptions and graphql-subscriptions-ws

I'm fairly new to GraphQL and currently familiarizing myself by making a quiz application using React on the front-end.
At the moment, I'm busy with my back-end. After successfully setting up queries and mutations, I am finding it difficult to get subscriptions working. When using GraphiQL, I am getting null as an output instead of "Your subscription data will appear here..."
Queries and the mutation for adding the quiz works.
The entry point of my server, app.js:
const express = require("express");
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const { graphqlHTTP } = require("express-graphql");
const schema = require("./graphql/schema");
const cors = require("cors");
const port = 4000;
const { createServer } = require("http");
const { SubscriptionServer } = require("subscriptions-transport-ws");
const { execute, subscribe } = require("graphql");
const subscriptionsEndpoint = `ws://localhost:${port}/subscriptions`;
const app = express();
mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost/quizify", {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useCreateIndex: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
useFindAndModify: false
mongoose.connection.once("open", () => console.log("connected to database"));
app.use("/graphql", graphqlHTTP({
graphiql: true,
const webServer = createServer(app);
webServer.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`GraphQL is now running on http://localhost:${port}`);
//Set up the WebSocket for handling GraphQL subscriptions.
new SubscriptionServer({
}, {
server: webServer,
path: '/subscriptions',
Below is from the schema definitions, schema.js:
const { graphqlHTTP } = require("express-graphql");
const graphql = require("graphql");
const { PubSub } = require("graphql-subscriptions");
const pubsub = new PubSub();
//Import of Mongoose Schemas:
const Quiz = require("../models/quiz");
const {
} = graphql;
const QuizType = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "Quiz",
fields: () => ({
id: { type: GraphQLID },
title: { type: GraphQLString },
questions: {
type: new GraphQLList(QuestionType),
resolve(parent, args) {
return Question.find({ quizId: });
creator: {
type: UserType,
resolve(parent, args) {
return User.findById(parent.creatorId);
const NEW_QUIZ_ADDED = "new_quiz_added";
const Subscription = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "Subscription",
fields: {
quizAdded: {
type: QuizType,
subscribe: () => {
const Mutation = new GraphQLObjectType({
name: "Mutation",
fields: {
createQuiz: {
type: QuizType,
args: {
title: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLString) },
creatorId: { type: new GraphQLNonNull(GraphQLID) }
resolve(parent, args) {
const newQuiz = new Quiz({ //Quiz imported from Mongoose schema.
title: args.title,
creatorId: args.creatorId,
pubsub.publish(NEW_QUIZ_ADDED, { quizAdded }); //NEW_QUIZ_ADDED - a constant defined above for easier referencing.
module.exports = new GraphQLSchema({
query: RootQuery,
mutation: Mutation,
subscription: Subscription,
I've looked around, however I'm not finding an method that works for this kind of site. I know it might sound like a simple problem. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Apollo react: combining rest and graphql with link-state

I am trying to use REST endpoints to post data and GraphQL for query and fetch along with apollo-link-state. My rest endpoint is getting hit and application is getting created. But when I try to run the query to write to cache it's not hitting the graphql endpoint. and I keep getting the following error:
Unhandled Rejection (Error): Can't find field findApplicationByUuid({"uuid":"912dc46d-2ef8-4a77-91bc-fec421f5e4bc"}) on object (ROOT_QUERY) {
"application": {
"type": "id",
"id": "$ROOT_QUERY.application",
"generated": true
Here are my GQL query
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
const START_APP = gql`
mutation startApp($type: String!) {
application: startApp( input: { applicationType: $type})
#rest(type: "Application", path: "v1/member/application/create", method: "POST") {
uuid: applicationUuid
const GET_APP = gql`
query getAppByUuid($uuid: String!) {
application: findApplicationByUuid(uuid: $uuid) {
export {
Here is my resolver:
import { START_APP, GET_APP } from './application'
import client from '../apolloClient';
const startApp = async (_, { type }, { cache }) => {
variables: { type },
mutation: START_APP,
}).then(({ data: { application } }) => {
const { uuid } = application;
const { data } = cache.readQuery({
query: GET_APP,
variables: { uuid },
query: GET_APP,
const resolvers = {
Mutation: {
Here are my links:
import { resolvers, defaults } from './resolvers';
const cache = new InMemoryCache();
const errorLink = onError(({ graphQLErrors, networkError }) => {
if (graphQLErrors){ message, locations, path }) =>
console.log(`[GQL Error]: Msg: ${message}, Loc: ${locations}, Path: ${path}`));
if (networkError) console.log(`[Network error]: ${networkError}`);
const stateLink = withClientState({
const restLink = new RestLink({
uri: 'http://localhost:7010/api/',
credentials: 'include',
const batchHttpLink = new BatchHttpLink({
uri: 'http://localhost:7010/api/graphql',
credentials: 'include',
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
uri: 'http://loaclhost:7010/api/graphql',
credentials: 'include',
const link = ApolloLink.from([
my client
const client = new ApolloClient({
My react component:
// Remote Mutation
const START_APP = gql`
mutation startApp($type: String!) {
startApp(type: $type) #client {
const StartApp = ({ match }) => {
const { type } = match.params;
return (
<Mutation mutation={START_APP} variables={{ type }}>
{startApp => (<button onClick={startApp}>click me</button>)}
When I hit the button it calls create endpoint and creates the app and returns the uuid. But the following I want to happen is hit the graphql endpoint and query for the application using the uuid returned from the rest request, and write that data to the cache/state.
