How to submit a job array in Hoffman2 if I have a limit of 500 jobs? - bash

I need to submit a job array of 100'000 jobs in Hoffman2. I have a limit of 500. Thus starting job 500, I get the following error:
Unable to run job: job rejected: Only 500 jobs are allowed per user (current job count: 500). Job of user "XX" would exceed that limit. Exiting.
Right now the submission Bash code is:
#$ -cwd
#$ -o test.joblog.LOOP.$JOB_ID
#$ -j y
#$ -l h_data=3G,h_rt=02:00:00
#$ -m n
#$ -t 1-100000
echo "STARTING TIME -- $(date) "
echo "$SGE_TASK_ID "
/u/systems/UGE8.6.4/bin/lx-amd64/qsub $SGE_TASK_ID
I tried to modify my code according to some Slurm Documentation but it does not work for Hoffman2 apparently (by adding % I am able to set the number of simultaneous running job).
#$ -cwd
#$ -o test.joblog.LOOP.$JOB_ID
#$ -j y
#$ -l h_data=3G,h_rt=02:00:00
#$ -m n
#$ -t 1-100000%500
echo "STARTING TIME -- $(date) "
echo "$SGE_TASK_ID "
/u/systems/UGE8.6.4/bin/lx-amd64/qsub $SGE_TASK_ID
Do you know how can I modify my submission Bash code in order to always have 500 running job?

Assuming that your job is visible as
in ps -e, you could try something quick and dirty like:
while : ; do
qproc=$(ps -e | grep '/u/systems/UGE8.6.4/bin/lx-amd64/qsub' | wc -l)
if [ "$qproc" -lt $maxproc ] ; then
submission_code #with correct arguments
sleep 10 # or anytime that you feel appropriate
Of course, this shows only the principle; you may need to do some testing whether there are more submission-codes; I also assumed he submissioncode self-backgrounds. And many more. But you'll get the idea.

A possible approach (free of busy waiting and ugliness of that kind) is to track the number of jobs on the client side, cap their total count at 500 and, each time any of them finishes, immediately start a new one to replace it. (This is, however, based on the assumption that the client script outlives the jobs.) Concrete steps:
Make the qsub tool block and (passively) wait for the completion of its remote job. Depending on the particular qsub implementation, it may have a -sync flag or something more complex may be needed.
Keep exactly 500, no more and, if possible, no fewer waiting instances of qsub. This can be automated by using this answer or this answer and setting MAX_PARALLELISM to 500 there. qsub itself would be started from the do_something_and_maybe_fail() function.
Here’s a copy&paste of the Bash outline from the answers linked above, just to make this answer more self-contained. Starting with a trivial and runnable harness / dummy example (with a sleep instead of a qsub -sync):
set -euo pipefail
declare -ir MAX_PARALLELISM=500 # pick a limit
declare -i pid
declare -a pids=()
do_something_and_maybe_fail() {
### qsub -sync "$#" ... ### # add the real thing here
sleep $((RANDOM % 10)) # remove this :-)
return $((RANDOM % 2 * 5)) # remove this :-)
for pname in some_program_{a..j}{00..60}; do # 600 items
if ((${#pids[#]} >= MAX_PARALLELISM)); then
wait -p pid -n \
&& echo "${pids[pid]} succeeded" 1>&2 \
|| echo "${pids[pid]} failed with ${?}" 1>&2
unset 'pids[pid]'
do_something_and_maybe_fail & # forking here
echo "${#pids[#]} running" 1>&2
for pid in "${!pids[#]}"; do
wait -n "$((pid))" \
&& echo "${pids[pid]} succeeded" 1>&2 \
|| echo "${pids[pid]} failed with ${?}" 1>&2
The first loop needs to be adjusted for the specific use case. An example follows, assuming that the right do_something_and_maybe_fail() implementation is in place and that one_command_per_line.txt is a list of arguments for qsub, one invocation per line, with an arbitrary number of lines. (The script could accept a file name as an argument or just read the commands from standard input, whatever works best.) The rest of the script would look exactly like the boilerplate above, keeping the number of parallel qsubs at MAX_PARALLELISM at most.
while read -ra job_args; do
if ((${#pids[#]} >= MAX_PARALLELISM)); then
wait -p pid -n \
&& echo "${pids[pid]} succeeded" 1>&2 \
|| echo "${pids[pid]} failed with ${?}" 1>&2
unset 'pids[pid]'
do_something_and_maybe_fail "${job_args[#]}" & # forking here
echo "${#pids[#]} running" 1>&2
done < /path/to/one_command_per_line.txt


How to wait in bash till a shell script is finished?

right now I'm using this script for a program:
export FREESURFER_HOME=$HOME/freesurfer
cd /home/ubuntu/fastsurfer
mkdir -p $fastsurferdir/logs # create log dir for storing nohup output log (optional)
while read p ; do
echo $p
nohup ./ --t1 $datadir/$p/orig.nii \
--parallel --threads 16 --sid $p --sd $fastsurferdir > $fastsurferdir/logs/out-${p}.log &
sleep 3600s
done < /home/ubuntu/moya/data/subjects-list.txt
Instead of using sleep 3600s, as the program needs around an hour, I'd like to use wait until all processes (several PIDS) are finished.
If this is the right way, can you tell me how to do that?
BR Alex
wait will wait for all background processes to finish (see help wait). So all you need is to run wait after creating all of the background processes.
This may be more than what you are asking for but I figured I would provide some methods for controlling the number of threads you want to have running at once. I find that I always want to limit the number for various reasons.
The following will limit concurrent threads to max_threads running at one time. I am also using the main design pattern so we have a main that runs the script with a function run_jobs that handles the calling and waiting. I read all of $p into an array, then traverse that array as we launch threads. It will either launch a thread up to 4 or wait 5 seconds, once there are at least one less than four it will start another thread. When finished it waits for any remaining to be done. If you want something more simplistic I can do that as well.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
export FREESURFER_HOME=$HOME/freesurfer
typeset max_threads=4
typeset subjects_list="/home/ubuntu/moya/data/subjects-list.txt"
typeset subjectsArray
run_jobs() {
local child="$$"
local num_children=0
local i=0
while [[ 1 ]] ; do
num_children=$(ps --no-headers -o pid --ppid=$child | wc -w) ; ((num_children-=1))
echo "Children: $num_children"
if [[ ${num_children} -lt ${max_threads} ]] ;then
if [ $i -lt ${#subjectsArray[#]} ] ;then
./ --t1 $datadir/${subjectsArray[$i]}/orig.nii \
--parallel --threads 16 --sid ${subjectsArray[$i]} --sd $fastsurferdir
sleep 10
main() {
cd /home/ubuntu/fastsurfer
mkdir -p $fastsurferdir/logs # create log dir for storing nohup output log (optional)
mapfile -t subjectsArray < ${subjects_list}
Note: I did not run this code since you have not provided enough information to actually do so.

Why is the second bash script not printing its iteration?

I have two bash scripts:
echo "running"
if [ $doit = true ];then
./ &
echo "done"
for i in {0..50}; do
echo "counting";
sleep 1;
I get this output:
> ./
Why do I only see the first "counting" from and then nothing anymore? (Currently some-long-operation-binary just sleep 5 for this example). I first thought that due to setting in the background, its STDOUT is lost, but why do I see the first output? More importantly: is still running and doing its thing (its iteration)?
For context: is going to poll a service provided by some-long-operation-binary, which is only available after some time the latter has run, and when ready, would write its content to a file.
Apologies if this is just rubbish, it's a bit late...
You should add #!/bin/bash or the like to that uses a Bash-like expansion, to make sure Bash is actually running the script. Otherwise there may be (indeed) only one loop iteration happening.
When you start a background process, it is usually a good practice to kill it and wait for it, no matter which way the script exits.
set -e -o pipefail
declare -i show_counter=1
counter() {
local -i i
for ((i = 0;; ++i)); do
echo "counting $((i))"
sleep 1
echo starting
if ((show_counter)); then
counter &
declare -i counter_pid="${!}"
trap 'kill "${counter_pid}"
wait -n "${counter_pid}" || :
echo terminating' EXIT
sleep 10 # long-running process

running each element in array in parallel in bash script

Lets say I have a bash script that looks like this:
array=( 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
for each in "${array[#]}"
echo "$each"
command --arg1 $each
If I want to run the everything in the loop in parallel, I could just change command --arg1 $each to command --arg1 $each &.
But now lets say I want to take the results of command --arg1 $each and do something with those results like this:
array=( 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
for each in "${array[#]}"
echo "$each"
lags=($(command --arg1 $each)
for (( i=1; i<=$(( $lngth_lags -1 )); i++))
echo -e "$timestamp\t$result" >> $log_file
echo "result piped"
If I just add a & to the end of command --arg1 $each, everything after command --arg1 $each will run without command --arg1 $each finishing first. How do I prevent that from happening? Also, how do I also limit the amount of threads the loop can occupy?
Essentially, this block should run in parallel for 1,2,3,4,5,6
echo "$each"
lags=($(command --arg1 $each)
for (( i=1; i<=$(( $lngth_lags -1 )); i++))
echo -e "$timestamp\t$result" >> $log_file
echo "result piped"
Here is the original code:
export KAFKA_OPTS=""
array=($(kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server kafka1:9092 --list --command-config /etc/kafka/ --new-consumer))
echo "array length: " $lngth
timestamp=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
log_time=`date +%Y-%m-%d:%H`
echo "log time: " $log_time
echo "log file: " $log_file
echo "timestamp: " $timestamp
get_lags () {
echo "$1"
lags=($(kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server kafka1:9092 --describe --group $1 --command-config /etc/kafka/ --new-consumer))
for (( i=1; i<=$(( $lngth_lags -1 )); i++))
echo -e "$timestamp\t$result" >> $log_file
echo "result piped"
for each in "${array[#]}"
get_lags $each &
------EDIT 2-----------
Trying with answer below:
export KAFKA_OPTS=""
array=($(kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server kafka1:9092 --list --command-config /etc/kafka/ --new-consumer))
echo "array length: " $lngth
timestamp=$(($(date +%s%N)/1000000))
log_time=`date +%Y-%m-%d:%H`
echo "log time: " $log_time
echo "log file: " $log_file
echo "timestamp: " $timestamp
run_for_each() {
local each=$1
echo "Processing: $each" >&2
IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a lags < <(kafka-consumer-groups --bootstrap-server kafka1:9092 --describe --command-config /etc/kafka/ --new-consumer --group "$each" && printf '\0')
for result in "${lags[#]}"; do
printf '%(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)T\t%s\t%s\n' -1 "$each" "$result"
done >>"$log_file"
export -f run_for_each
export log_file # make log_file visible to subprocesses
printf '%s\0' "${array[#]}" |
xargs -P "$max_proc_count" -n 1 -0 bash -c 'run_for_each "$#"'
The convenient thing to do is to push your background code into a separate script -- or an exported function. That way xargs can create a new shell, and access the function from its parent. (Be sure to export any other variables that need to be available in the child as well).
array=( 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
run_for_each() {
local each=$1
echo "Processing: $each" >&2
IFS=$' \t\n' read -r -d '' -a lags < <(yourcommand --arg1 "$each" && printf '\0')
for result in "${lags[#]}"; do
printf '%(%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S)T\t%s\t%s\n' -1 "$each" "$result"
done >>"$log_file"
export -f run_for_each
export log_file # make log_file visible to subprocesses
printf '%s\0' "${array[#]}" |
xargs -P "$max_proc_count" -n 1 -0 bash -c 'run_for_each "$#"'
Some notes:
Using echo -e is bad form. See the APPLICATION USAGE and RATIONALE sections in the POSIX spec for echo, explicitly advising using printf instead (and not defining an -e option, and explicitly defining than echo must not accept any options other than -n).
We're including the each value in the log file so it can be extracted from there later.
You haven't specified whether the output of yourcommand is space-delimited, tab-delimited, line-delimited, or otherwise. I'm thus accepting all these for now; modify the value of IFS passed to the read to taste.
printf '%(...)T' to get a timestamp without external tools such as date requires bash 4.2 or newer. Replace with your own code if you see fit.
read -r -a arrayname < <(...) is much more robust than arrayname=( $(...) ). In particular, it avoids treating emitted values as globs -- replacing *s with a list of files in the current directory, or Foo[Bar] with FooB should any file by that name exist (or, if the failglob or nullglob options are set, triggering a failure or emitting no value at all in that case).
Redirecting stdout to your log_file once for the entire loop is somewhat more efficient than redirecting it every time you want to run printf once. Note that having multiple processes writing to the same file at the same time is only safe if all of them opened it with O_APPEND (which >> will do), and if they're writing in chunks small enough to individually complete as single syscalls (which is probably happening unless the individual lags values are quite large).
A lot of lenghty and theoretical answers here, I'll try to keep it simple - what about using | (pipe) to connect the commands as usual ?;) (And GNU parallel, which excels for these type of tasks).
seq 6 | parallel -j4 "command --arg1 {} | command2 > results/{}"
The -j4 will limit number of threads (jobs) as requested. You DON'T want to write to a single file from multiple jobs, output one file per job and join them after the parallel processing is finished.
Using GNU Parallel it looks like this:
array=( 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
parallel -0 --bar --tagstring '{= $_=localtime(time)."\t".$_; =}' \
command --arg1 {} ::: "${array[#]}" > output
GNU Parallel makes sure output from different jobs is not mixed.
If you prefer the output from jobs mixed:
parallel -0 --bar --line-buffer --tagstring '{= $_=localtime(time)."\t".$_; =}' \
command --arg1 {} ::: "${array[#]}" > output-linebuffer
Again GNU Parallel makes sure to only mix with full lines: You will not see half a line from one job and half a line from another job.
It also works if the array is a bit more nasty:
array=( "new
line" 'quotes" '"'" 'echo `do not execute me`')
Or if the command prints long lines half-lines:
command() {
echo Input: "$#"
echo '" '"'"
sleep 1
echo -n 'Half a line '
sleep 1
echo other half
superlong_a=$(perl -e 'print "a"x1000000')
superlong_b=$(perl -e 'print "b"x1000000')
echo -n $superlong_a
sleep 1
echo $superlong_b
export -f command
GNU Parallel strives to be a general solution. This is because I have designed GNU Parallel to care about correctness and try vehemently to deal correctly with corner cases, too, while staying reasonably fast.
GNU Parallel guards against race conditions and does not split words in the output on each their line.
array=( $(seq 30) )
command() {
# If 'a', 'b' and 'c' mix: Very bad
perl -e 'print "a"x3000_000," "'
perl -e 'print "b"x3000_000," "'
perl -e 'print "c"x3000_000," "'
export -f command
parallel -0 --bar --tagstring '{= $_=localtime(time)."\t".$_; =}' \
command --arg1 {} ::: "${array[#]}" > parallel.out
# 'abc' should always stay together
# and there should only be a single line per job
cat parallel.out | tr -s abc
GNU Parallel works fine if the output has a lot of words:
command() {
yes "`seq 1000`" | head -c 10M
export -f command
parallel -0 --bar --tagstring '{= $_=localtime(time)."\t".$_; =}' \
command --arg1 {} ::: "${array[#]}" > parallel.out
GNU Parallel does not eat all your memory - even if the output is bigger than your RAM:
export outputsize
command() {
yes "`perl -e 'print \"c\"x30_000'`" | head -c $outputsize
export -f command
parallel -0 --bar --tagstring '{= $_=localtime(time)."\t".$_; =}' \
command --arg1 {} ::: "${array[#]}" > parallel.out
You know how to execute commands in separate processes. The missing part is how to allow those processes to communicate, as separate processes cannot share variables.
Basically, you must chose whether to communicate using regular files, or inter-process communication/FIFOs (which still boils down to using files).
The general approach :
Decide how you want to present tasks to be executed. You could have them as separate files on the filesystem, as a FIFO special file that can be read from, etc. This could be a simple as writing to a separate file each command to be executed, or writing each command to a FIFO (one command per line).
In the main process, prepare the files describing tasks to perform or launch a separate process in the background that will feed the FIFO.
Then, still in the main process, launch worker processes in the background (with &), as many of them as you want parallel tasks being executed (not one per task to perform). Once they have been launched, use wait to, well, wait until all processes are finished. Separate processes cannot share variables, you will have to write any output that needs to be used later to separate files, or a FIFO, etc. If using a FIFO, remember more than one process can write to a FIFO at the same time, so use some kind of mutex mechanism (I suggest looking into the use of mkdir/rmdir for that purpose).
Each worker process must fetch the next task (from a file/FIFO), execute it, generate the output (to a file/FIFO), loop until there are no new tasks, then exit. If using files, you will need to use a mutex to "reserve" a file, read it, and then delete it to mark it as taken care of. This would not be needed for a FIFO.
Depending on the case, your main process may have to wait until all tasks are finished before handling the output, or in some cases may launch a worker process that will detect and handle output as it appears. This worker process would have to either be stopped by the main process once all tasks have been executed, or figure out for itself when all tasks have been executed and exit (while being waited on by the main process).
This is not detailed code, but I hope it gives you an idea of how to approach problems like this.
(Community Wiki answer with the OP's proposed self-answer from the question -- now edited out):
So here is one way I can think of doing this, not sure if this is the most efficient way and also, I can't control the amount of threads (I think, or processes?) this would use:
array=( 1 2 3 4 5 6 )
lag_func () {
echo "$1"
lags=($(command --arg1 $1)
for (( i=1; i<=$(( $lngth_lags -1 )); i++))
echo -e "$timestamp\t$result" >> $log_file
echo "result piped"
for each in "${array[#]}"
lag_func $each &

How to run a fixed number of processes in a loop?

I have a script like this:
for i=1 to 200000
create input file
run ./java
I need to run a number (8 or 16) of processes (java) at the same time and I don't know how. I know that wait could help but it should be running 8 processes all the time and not wait for the first 8 to finish before starting the other 8.
bash 4.3 added a useful new flag to the wait command, -n, which causes wait to block until any single background job, not just the members of a given subset (or all), to complete.
cores=8 # or 16, or whatever
for ((i=1; i <= 200000; i++))
# create input file and run java in the background.
./java &
# Check how many background jobs there are, and if it
# is equal to the number of cores, wait for anyone to
# finish before continuing.
background=( $(jobs -p) )
if (( ${#background[#]} == cores )); then
wait -n
There is a small race condition: if you are at maximum load but a job completes after you run jobs -p, you'll still block until another job
completes. There's not much you can do about this, but it shouldn't present too much trouble in practice.
Prior to bash 4.3, you would need to poll the set of background jobs periodically to see when the pool dropped below your threshold.
while :; do
background=( $(jobs -p))
if (( ${#background[#]} < cores )); then
sleep 1
Use GNU Parallel like this, simplified to 20 jobs rather than 200,000 and the first job is echo rather than "create file" and the second job is sleep rather than "java".
seq 1 20 | parallel -j 8 -k 'echo {}; sleep 2'
The -j 8 says how many jobs to run at once. The -k says to keep the output in order.
Here is a little animation of the output so you can see the timing/sequence:
With a non-ancient version of GNU utilities or on *BSD/OSX, use xargs with the -P option to run processes in parallel.
seq 200000 | xargs -P 8 -n 1 mytask
where mytask is an auxiliary script, with the sequence number (the input line) available as the argument$1`:
echo "Task number $1"
create input file
run ./java
You can put everything in one script if you want:
seq 200000 | xargs -P 8 -n 1 sh -c '
echo "Task number $1"
create input file
run ./java
' mytask
If your system doesn't have seq, you can use the bash snippet
for ((i=1; i<=200000; i++)); do echo "$i"; done
or other shell tools such as
awk '{for (i=1; i<=200000; i++) print i}' </dev/null
</dev/zero tr '\0' '\n' | head -n 200000 | nl
Set up 8 subprocesses that read from a common stream; each subprocess reads one line of input and starts a new job whenever its current job completes.
forker () {
while read; do
# create input file
cores=8 # or 16, or whatever
for ((i=1; i<=200000; i++)); do
echo $i
done | while :; do
for ((j=0; j< cores; j++)); do
forker &
wait # Waiting for the $core forkers to complete

Process Scheduling

Let's say, I have 10 scripts that I want to run regularly as cron jobs. However, I don't want all of them to run at the same time. I want only 2 of them running simultaneously.
One solution that I'm thinking of is create two script, put 5 statements on each of them, and them as separate entries in the crontab. However the solution seem very adhoc.
Is there existing unix tool to perform the task I mentioned above?
The jobs builtin can tell you how many child processes are running. Some simple shell scripting can accomplish this task:
while [ $(jobs | wc -l) -ge $MAX_JOBS ]
# at least $MAX_JOBS are still running.
sleep 1
"$#" &
launch_when_not_busy bash --args
launch_when_not_busy bash
launch_when_not_busy bash
NOTE: As pointed out by mobrule, my original answer will not work because the wait builtin with no arguments waits for ALL children to finish. Hence the following 'parallelexec' script, which avoids polling at the cost of more child processes:
if [[ "$#" -le 1 ]]; then
while [[ "$#" -gt 1 ]]; do
echo "$2"
set -- "$1" "${#:3}"
} | {
d=$(mktemp -d /tmp/fifo.XXXXXXXX)
mkfifo "$d"/fifo
exec 3<>"$d"/fifo
rm -rf "$d"
while [[ "$I" -lt "$N" ]] && read C; do
($C; echo >&3) &
let I++
while read C; do
read -u 3
($C; echo >&3) &
The first argument is the number of parallel jobs. If there are more, each one is run as a job, otherwise all commands to run are read from stdin line by line.
I use a named pipe (which is sent to oblivion as soon as the shell opens it) as a synchronization method. Since only single bytes are written there are no race condition issues that could complicate things.
GNU Parallel is designed for this kind of tasks:
sem -j2 do_stuff
sem -j2 do_other_stuff
sem -j2 do_third_stuff
do_third_stuff will only be run when either do_stuff or do_other_stuff has finished.
Watch the intro videos to learn more:
