I am trying to get marker color according to the color in the column of my dataframe gdf1 but i keep getting an error - geopandas

def marker_color(feature):
return feature['Colors']
gdf1.explore(marker_type='marker',popup='Name', marker_kwds={'icon':folium.map.Icon(color=marker_color)})
Output from the code :
Error : Object of type function is not JSON serializable

You can define the color in the style_kwds parameter of the geopandas.GeoDataFrame.explore method:
style_function=lambda x: {
"html": f"""<span class="fa fa-map-marker"


Alter the text displayed for a token in ace-editor

I have this example where I am locating a matching string via regex and changing the styles using highlight rules.
this.$rules = {
start: [{
token: 'variableRef',
regex: /\$variable\..+\$/
and alter the color using a css class:
.ace_variableRef {
color: red;
But what I would really like to do is change the text that is being displayed from $variable.1.name$ to the "resolved value". I have access to:
var variables = {
1: 'timeout'
so I can use the reference path to get the value, but is it even possible to do this with ace-editor?
Ideally I would display the string in the user friendly way, but keep the original reference value handy (in metadata or something) since that is what is actually stored in the db.
You can accomplish this by defining a custom onMatch for your rule, like so
this.$rules = {
start: [{
onMatch: function(value, state, stack) {
var values = this.splitRegex.exec(value);
return [{
type: 'variableRef',
value: variables[values[1]]
regex: /\$variable\.(\d+).+\$/
but the actual text will remain unaltered (thus causing oddities with text selection/cursor), so you'll need to pad/clip the resulting value for it to match length of values[0]

Custom column filter on a formatted column

I need help using a custom column filter for handling JS objects.
I have a slickgrid table where the values in one column are JS object:
{ id: "1234", text: "Batman"},
{ id: "2345", text: "Robin"}
I use a custom formatter to smash the object into a string:
// convert [{id:string, text:string}...] to string
const optionFormatter: Formatter = (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext: any) =>
value ? value.map(o => o.text).join(', ') : '';
Which displays in slickgrid as
Batman, Robin
my slickgrid options use gridmenu and enables column filtering:
this.gridOptions = {
enableGridMenu: true,
enableFiltering: true,
enableAutoResize: true,
enableColumnReorder: true
My columnDef enables filtering for this column:
id: 'owners',
name: 'Owners',
field: 'owners',
sortable: false,
formatter: optionFormatter,
filterable: true
Everything works if the value in the cell is a string, but the filter doesn't work if the cell is an object. I assume the filter is searching the pre-formatted value.
Is there a way to provide the column with a custom filter function that knows how to search the JS object for the query string? For example if I could just search the JSON.stringify(value), that would be good enough.
Alternatively, this answer describes how I could use the formatter to store the formatted text as a different string property in dataContext. If I do that, how do I specify which property to filter, seeing as it is a different property than the column field?
I found a workaround.
preprocess my data, calling JSON.stringify on all values that are objects:
flattenFeature(f: Feature): any{
var res = {};
for (var prop in f) {
res[prop] = (typeof f[prop] === 'object') ? JSON.stringify(f[prop]) : f[prop];
return res;
Then in my formatter, I parse the json, before formatting:
// convert [{id:string, text:string}...] to string
const optionFormatter: Formatter = (row, cell, value, columnDef, dataContext) =>
value ? JSON.parse(value).map(o => o.text).join(', ') : '';
This allows the standard string filter to search the stringify'd JSON

Cannot find attachSchema property on Mongo.Collection with angular2-meteor

Here is my problem :
I want to use the power of simple-schema to be able to check my inserts against the following schema :
let UprocSchema = new SimpleSchema({
"name": { type : String, label: "Nom Uproc" },
"label": { type : String, label: "Libellé Uproc" },
"status": { type : String, label: "Status UPR" }
For some reason I ignore, even if the SimpleSchema seems to be well instanciated, I cannot use the attachSchema property on Mongo.Collection.
Here is my code :
let repo_collection = new Mongo.Collection('repository');
export const Repository = new MongoObservable.Collection<Uproc>('repo_collection');
repo_collection.attachSchema( UprocSchema );
Here is my error messages :
Property 'attachSchema' does not exist on type 'Collection<{}>'.
TypeError: repo_collection.attachSchema is not a function
attachSchema is part of [collection2][1] package.
Documentation states:
Create one or more SimpleSchema instances and then use them to
validate objects. By adding the aldeed:collection2 package to your
app, you can attach them to collections to get automatic validation of
your insert and update operations.

Chart.js Pie Chart

I got this error : "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot assign to read only property 'color' of [..."
I got the ajax data set but when I want to draw Pie it gives mentioned error, interesting part is that when I remove the color it also gives same error with 'color' keyword again. I can draw pie with static values, when use ajax get this problem.
According to their sample page
Keys for data elements are not supposed to be wrapped in in single quotes.
You should return JSON data like this:
var data = [
value: 8.9,
label: "Jurasic Park"
value: 8.1,
color: "#46BFBD",
label: "Saving Private Ryan"

dataSource.data() doesn't return the datas

I'm currently testing kendoUI and developping a little webapp.
For some reason I need to pass my dataSource.datas from a view to another. In order to do this I use sessionStorage and when I try to put my dataSource.data() in sessionStorage, the return is empty.
See here when I put a log to test if my dataSource.data() is correctly inserted/returned
However, when I put a log to test ma dataSource I can clearly see that _data is not empty as it is showed in the follow picture :
Did someone know the origin of my problem ?
here is the code that shows how I add my dataSource to sessionStorage :
var qui = (e.view.params.qui) ? e.view.params.qui : "";
var quoi = (e.view.params.quoi) ? e.view.params.quoi : "";
dataSourceFournisseurs = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport : {
read : {
schema : {
data : "data",
model : {
DISTANCE: function() {
var lat = this.get("LATITUDE");
var lng = this.get("LONGITUDE");
var distance = APP.distanceBetweenCoords(lat, lng);
return "à " + distance + "km";
sort : {
field : "LIBELLE",
dir : "asc"
filter: [
{ field: "LIBELLE", operator: "contains", value: qui },
{ field: "NAFLIBELLE", operator: "contains", value: quoi }
session.setValueObject("liste", dataSourceFournisseurs.data());
And here is how I retrieve it :
var datas = session.getValueObject("liste");
PS :
setValueObject and getValueObject are two methods I wrote in order to Stringify the datas I set and Parse the retrieved datas (there are fully functionnal I use them for over a year)
the two console.log are those that represent the picture above (picture 1 with second log and picture 2 with first log)
Try using dataSourceFournisseurs.view(). This should give you the all of the data. Using data is meant for initial configuration, and is not meant to be used as a method for retrieving data.
Bonne chance!
