Ansible ec2_instance_facts - amazon-ec2

I have a basic Ansible playbook creating an ec2 instance in aws, its working fine, i want to pick the public ip from the created instance to do furthers task on it, i am using the following section:
- name: get-facts
region: eu-west-1
aws_access_key: xxxxxxxxx
aws_secret_key: xxxxxxx
"tag:Name": docker-server
register: ec2
- debug: var=ec2.instances
But i want to get just the ip address, according to the documentation public_ip
is a string, but i cannot call it when i use ec2.instances.public_ip i get error:
what can i do to get the public ip for my created ec2 instance ? thanks.

It is ec2.instances.public_ip_address and public_ip
ec2_instance_facts deprecated, ansible offer to use ec2_instance_info
- name: Print info
debug: var="ec2.instances[0].public_ip_address"
- name: Loop instances
var: item.public_ip_address
with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"

Thank you for your support and clarification, its finally worked like this:
- name: get-facts
region: xxxxx
aws_access_key: xxxxxxxxxxx
aws_secret_key: xxxxxxxxxxx
"tag:Name": docker-server
register: ec2
- debug: var="ec2.instances[0].public_ip_address"


Create ec2 instance within vpc with two nics through ansible

after a day of googling I decided to give up and ask here:
I'm still quite new to ansible and AWS, hence this question might lack background information which I'm happy to provide on request.
What I'm trying to achieve:
Write an Ansible playbook, which creates a new ec2 instance within my vpc.
This instance shall be provided with two new nics, eth0 and eth1. These nics should be associated with each one specific security group.
My playbook so far is built like this:
Create eth0
Create eth1
Create ec2 instance
My problem:
All documentation says I need to provide the eni-id of the interface I'd like to attach to my instance. I can't provide this, since the ids do not exist yet. The only thing I know is the name of the interfaces so I was trying to get the id of the interfaces separately, which also didn't work.
If I try to register the output of the creation of eth{0,1} in ansible, the whole output is stored and breaks the validation later when calling the variables in the section of the instance creation. Same with the extra step after the creation process.
More about the setup:
Running a VPC in AWS, hosts inside VPC are only accessible through VPN.
Running Ansible on macOS:
ansible --version
ansible [core 2.14.1]
config file = None
configured module search path = ['/Users/mg/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
ansible python module location = /usr/local/Cellar/ansible/7.1.0/libexec/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ansible
ansible collection location = /Users/mg/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
python version = 3.11.1 (main, Dec 23 2022, 09:40:27) [Clang 14.0.0 (clang-1400.0.29.202)] (/usr/local/Cellar/ansible/7.1.0/libexec/bin/python3.11)
jinja version = 3.1.2
libyaml = True
- name: Create ec2 instances
hosts: localhost
gather_facts: false
# Block is a Group of Tasks combined together
- name: Get Info Block
- name: Get Running instance Info
register: ec2info
- name: Print info
debug: var="ec2info.instances"
# By specifying always on the tag,
# I let this block to run all the time by module_default
# this is for security to net create ec2 instances accidentally
tags: ['always', 'getinfoonly']
- name: Create ec2 block
- name: Create ec2 network interface eth0_lan
delegate_to: localhost
tags: ec2-create
name: "eth0_lan_{{ vpc_hostname }}"
description: "eth0_lan_{{ vpc_hostname }}"
subnet_id: "{{ vpc_subnetid }}"
state: present
delete_on_termination: true
region: eu-central-1
security_groups: "sg-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
- name: Get id of eth0
delegate_to: localhost
tags: ec2-create
name: "eth0_lan_{{ vpc_hostname }}"
register: eth0
- name: Create ec2 network interface eth1_wan
delegate_to: localhost
tags: ec2-create
name: "eth1_wan_{{ vpc_hostname }}"
description: "eth1_wan_{{ vpc_hostname }}"
subnet_id: "subnet-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX"
state: present
delete_on_termination: true
region: eu-central-1
security_groups: 'sg-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'
- name: Get id of eth1
delegate_to: localhost
tags: ec2-create
name: "eth1_wan_{{ vpc_hostname }}"
register: eth1
- name: Launch ec2 instances
tags: ec2-create
name: "{{ vpc_hostname }}"
region: "eu-central-1"
key_name: "MyKey"
vpc_subnet_id: "{{ vpc_subnetid }}"
instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}"
- device_name: /dev/sda1
volume_size: 30
delete_on_termination: true
- id: "{{ eth0 }}"
- id: "{{ eth1 }}"
detailed_monitoring: true
register: ec2
delegate_to: localhost
# By specifying never on the tag of this block,
# I let this block to run only when explicitely being called
tags: ['never', 'ec2-create']
(If you're wondering about the tag-stuff, this comes from the tutorial I followed initially, credits:
The execution of the ansible playbook breaks with this error:
An exception occurred during task execution. To see the full traceback, use -vvv. The error was: Invalid type for parameter NetworkInterfaces[1].NetworkInterfaceId, value: {'changed': True, 'interface': {'id': 'eni-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'subnet_id': 'subnet-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'vpc_id': 'vpc-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'description': 'somedescription', 'owner_id': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'status': 'available', 'mac_address': 'xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx, 'private_ip_address': '', 'source_dest_check': True, 'groups': {'sg-XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX': 'SGNAME'}, 'private_ip_addresses': [{'private_ip_address': '', 'primary_address': True}], 'name': 'eth1_wan_<fqdn>', 'tags': {'Name': 'eth1_wan_<fqdn>'}}, 'failed': False}, type: <class 'dict'>, valid types: <class 'str'>
So, my colleague and I managed to solve this: Use "{{ }}" instead. However, all instances continue to terminate themselves on creation. In AWS console: Client.InternalError. This is related to kms/ebs encryption which I turned on by default today.
It turned out, that I tried to use an asymmetrical customer-managed-key for default ebs encryption. As soon as I replaced this with a symmetrical one, it worked and the instances would start.

how to get metadata of aws instance created in ansible?

I'm creating an AWS instance and need to get the hostname, ip address in the same play. How to get the metadata. I tried 'ec2_instance_facts', 'ec2_metadata_facts', these are giving the host ansible playbook is running not the one just created.
I have tried using different modules '
- name: Debug
- debug: var=ansible_ec2_hostname
- debug: var=ansible_ec2_public_ipv4
- debug: var=ansible_ec2_public_hostname
- ec2_instance_facts:
region: "ap-southeast-2"
"tag:Name": A01NANISIM20
register: ec2_metadata
These snippets are not giving the details of the insatnce created, instead they give the details of the instance where playbook is run.
- ec2_instance_facts:
region: "ap-southeast-2"
"tag:Name": A01NANISIM04
register: ec2_metadata
- debug: msg="{{ ec2_metadata.instances }}"
- debug: msg="{{ ec2_metadata.instances[0].public_ip_address }}"
Finally I figured out myself. I didn't realize that ansible is an amalgamation of technologies. Just understood that the output is JSON data and all I need to form is the appropriate tags.
I've been using the ohai_ec2 fact run task based on the region or availability zone as ec2_instance_facts fails for me with a boto3 bug
using let me see which facts I can use
{{ ohai_ec2.region }}
# find the region
- name: get the region and availability zone
msg: "Region is {{ ohai_ec2.region }} and zone is {{ ohai_ec2.availability_zone }}"

ansible dynamic hosts refuse to use custom interpreter

I'm trying to provision new machines on AWS with ec2 module
and to update my hosts file locally so that the next tasks would already use the hosts file.
So, provisioning isn't and issue and even the creation of the local host file:
- name: Provision a set of instances
key_name: AWS
region: eu-west-1
group: default
instance_type: t2.micro
image: ami-6f587e1c # For Ubuntu 14.04 LTS use ami-b9b394ca # For Ubuntu 16.04 LTS use ami-6f587e1c
wait: yes
- device_name: /dev/xvda
volume_type: gp2
volume_size: 50
wait: true
count: 2
vpc_subnet_id: subnet-xxxxxxxx
assign_public_ip: yes
Name: Ansible
register: ec2
- name: Add all instance private IPs to host group
hostname: "{{ item.private_ip }}"
ansible_ssh_user: ubuntu
groups: aws
with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"
- local_action: file path=./hosts state=absent
ignore_errors: yes
- local_action: file path=./hosts state=touch
- local_action: lineinfile line="[all]" insertafter=EOF dest=./hosts
- local_action: lineinfile line="{{ item.private_ip }} ansible_python_interpreter=/usr/bin/python3" insertafter=EOF dest=./hosts
with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"
- name: Wait for SSH to come up
host: "{{ item.private_ip }}"
port: 22
delay: 60
timeout: 600
state: started
with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"
- name: refreshing inventory cache
meta: refresh_inventory
- hosts: all
gather_facts: False
- command: hostname -i
However the next task which is a simple print of hostname -i (just for the test)
fails because it can't find on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Python 2.7 (there is python3)
For that, in my dynamic host file I add the following line:
But it seems that ansible ignore it and goes straight to python 2.7 which is missing.
I've tried to reload the inventory file
meta: refresh_inventory
but that didn't helped either.
What am I doing wrong ?
I'm not sure why the refresh did not work but I suggest setting it in the add_host section, it takes any variable.
- name: Add all instance private IPs to host group
hostname: "{{ item.private_ip }}"
ansible_ssh_user: ubuntu
groups: aws
ansible_python_interpreter: "/usr/bin/python3"
with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"
Also i find it useful to debug with this task
- debug: var=hostvars[inventory_hostname]

How to stop old instance from ELB in ansible?

I have playbook which creates and add instance to Load balancer, what is the way I can remove/stop old instance already assigned to ELB, I want to make sure that we stop the old instance first and then new 1s are added or vice verse.
I am using AWS ELB and EC2 instance
I hope that might help you. Once you have the instance id then you can do whatever you want, I am just removing it from the ELB but you can use the ec2 module to remove it.
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: no
- name: Get the facts about the ELB
names: rbgeek-dev-web-elb
region: "eu-west-1"
register: elb_facts
- name: Instance(s) ID that are currently register to the ELB
msg: "{{ elb_facts.elbs.0.instances }}"
- name: Tag the Old instances as zombie
resource: "{{ item }}"
region: "eu-west-1"
state: present
Instance_Status: "zombie"
with_items: "{{ elb_facts.elbs.0.instances }}"
- name: Refresh the cache
shell: ./inventory/ --refresh-cache
changed_when: no
- name: Refresh inventory
meta: refresh_inventory
# must check this step with ec2_remote_facts_module.html ##
- hosts: tag_Instance_Status_zombie
gather_facts: no
- name: Get the facts about the zombie instances
- name: remove instance by instance id
state: absent
region: "eu-west-1"
instance_ids: "{{ ansible_ec2_instance_id }}"
wait: true
delegate_to: localhost

Ansible - How to loop and get attributes of new EC2 instances

I'm creating a set of new EC2 instances using this play
- hosts: localhost
connection: local
gather_facts: False
- name: Provision a set of instances
assign_public_ip: yes
aws_access_key: XXXXXXXXXX
aws_secret_key: XXXXXXXXXX
group_id: XXXXXXXXXX
instance_type: t2.micro
image: ami-32a85152
vpc_subnet_id: XXXXXXXXXX
user_data: "{{ lookup('file', '/SOME_PATH/cloud-config.yaml') }}"
wait: true
exact_count: 1
Name: Demo
Name: Demo
register: ec2
- name: Add new CoreOS machines to coreos-launched group
add_host: hostname="{{ item.public_ip }}" groups=coreos-launched
with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"
- name: Wait for SSH to come up
wait_for: host="{{ item.public_dns_name }}" port=22 delay=60 timeout=320
with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"
Now, I need to create an SSL/TLS certificate for every of those new machines. To do so, I require their private IP. Yet, I don't know how to access the "{{ ec2.instances }}" I registered in the previous play.
I tried something, in the same playbook, to do something like this
- hosts: coreos-launched
gather_facts: False
- name: Find the current machine IP addresse
command: echo "{{ item.private_ip }}" > /tmp/private_ip
with_items: "{{ ec2.instances }}"
sudo: yes
But without any success. Is there a way to use the "{{ ec2.instances }}" items inside a same playbook but in a different play?
-- EDIT --
Following Theo advices, I manage to get the instances attributes using
- name: Gather current facts
action: ec2_facts
register: ec2_facts
- name: Use the current facts
command: echo "{{ ec2_facts.ansible_facts.ansible_ec2_local_ipv4 }}"
with_items: "{{ ec2_facts }}"
The best way to learn about a return structure (short of the documentation) is to wrap it in a debug task.
- name: Debug ec2 variable
debug: var=ec2.instances
From there, follow the structure to get the variable you seek.
Also (following the idempotence model), you can use the ec2_remote_facts module to get the facts from the instances and call them in future plays/tasks as well.
See Variables -- Ansible Documentation for more info about calling registered variables.
