Is there a publicly available list of known good GS1-128 codes for testing? - barcode

I just finished writing a function to interpret GS1-128 codes (the data, not the barcode/datamatrix image) in (hopefully) any constellation they can come in.
I am now trying to thoroughly test the function.
All manually generated codes I have tried are working fine (first try, obviously), but generating error free GS1-128 codes by hand is a rather slow process and also flawed methodology since my understanding of creating a norm-conform code and my functions logic are obviously the same, but not nessccessarily correct.
I have already inquired at the local GS1 organization whether they have a list of known-good codes for testing they are allowed to hand out. The answer was no.
I have also searched on the internet for either a list or an automated means of generating codes (preferably with varried contents and orders od content) in bulk, neither yielded a helpful result.
I don't really know of any better place to ask this quiestion, so I'm asking this community, since I have the hope that someone might have one either lying around or has means of generating a reasonable (or unreasonable) amount of codes (the data, not the barcode/datamatrix image (although that would work just as well)) without too much effort.
If it's available I'd gladly take a list with decoded contents per code to further automate and scale up the testing, but I'm really not going to turn anything down :P
Hope whoever read this far is having a good day.

I would suggest that you take a look at the unit tests in the GS1 Barcode Syntax Engine, which comprehensively processes GS1 AI syntax messages:
It's a shame that your GS1 Member Organisation were unable to refer you to their own tool.


How do I reverse-engineer the "import file" feature of an abandoned pascal application?

first question I've asked and I'm not sure how to ask it clearly, or if there will be an answer that I want to hear ;)
tl;dr: "I want to import a file into my application at work but I don't know the input format. How can I discover it?"
Forgive any pending wordiness and/or redaction.
In my work I depend on an unsupported (and proprietary) application written in Pascal. I have no experience with pascal (yet...) and naturally have no source code access. It is an excellent (and very secret/NDA sort of deal I think) application that allows us to deal with inventory and financial issues in my employer's organization. It is quite feature-comprehensive, reasonably stable and robust, and kind of foistered (word?) on us by a higher power.
One excellent feature that it has is the ability to load up "schedules" into our corporate system. This feature should be saving us hundreds of hours in data entry.
But it isn't.
The problem is, the schedules we receive are written in a legacy format intended for human eyes. The "new" system can't interpret them.
Our current information (which I have to read and then re-enter into the database by hand) is send in a sort of rich-text flat-file format, which would be easy to parse with the string library of probably any mainstream language.
So I want to write a converter to convert our data into a format that the new software can interpret.
By feeding certain assorted files into the system, I have learned a little bit about what kind of file it expects:
I "import" a zero-byte file. Nothing happens (same as printing a report with no data)
I "import" an XML file that I guess might look like the system expects. It responds with an exception dialog and a stacktrace. Apparently the string <?xml contains illegal characters or something
I "import" a jpeg image -- similar result to #2.
So I think that my target wants a flat-file itself. The file would need to contain a "document number" along with {entries with "incident IDs" and descriptions and numeric values}.
But I don't know this for certain.
Nobody is able to tell me exactly what these files should look like. Someone in the know said that they have seen the feature demonstrated -- somewhere out there is a utility that creates my importable schedules. But for now, the utility is lost and I am on my own.
What methods can I use to figure out the input file format? I know nothing about debugging pascal, but I assume that that is probably my best bet. Or do I have to keep on with brute force until I can afford a million monkey-operated typewriters? Do I have to decompile the target application? I don't know if I can get away with that, let alone read the decompiled source.
My google-fu has failed me.
Has anyone done something like this before or could they point me in the right direction? Are there any guides on this subject?
Thanks in advance.
PS: I am certain that I am not breaking any laws at this point, although I will have to check to find out if decompilation would get me into trouble or not, and that might be outside of my technical competence anyway.
If you have an example file you can try to take a hexdump utility and try to see if there things you can identify. Any additional info that you have (what should in the file) helps with that. Better even, if you know a program that can edit the file, you can use the editor to make minimal changes and then compare the file before and after.
IOW standard tricks of binary file format reverse engineering.
...If you have no existing files whatsoever, then reverse engineering the binary is your only option, and that is not pretty. Decompilation of native binaries is a black art that requires considerable time and skill. Read the various decompilation FAQs on the net.
First and for all, I would try to contact the authors of the program. Source code are options 1,2,3 and you only go with other options if there is really, really, really no hope whatsoever of obtaining source or getting normal support.

Practices for allowing systems to accommodate human error?

Systems have to sometimes accommodate the possibility of real world bad data. Consider that some data originates with paper forms. And forms inherently have a limited means of validating data.
Example 1: On one form users are expected to enter an integer distance (in miles) into a blank. We capture the information as written as a string since we don't always end up getting integer values.
Example 2: On another form we capture a code. That code should map to one of the codes in our system. However, sometimes the code written on the form is incorrect. We capture the code and allow it to exist with an invalid value until some future time of resolution. That is, we temporarily allow bad data since it's important to record the record even if some of it is invalid.
I'm interested in learning more about how systems accommodate bad data, that is, human error. Databases are supposed to be bastions of data integrity, but the real world is messy and people make mistakes. Systems must allow us to reflect those mistakes.
What are some ways systems you've developed accommodate human error? What practices have you used? What lessons have you learned?
Any further reading on the topic? (I had trouble Googling it.)
I agree with you, whatever we do there's no guarantee that we can get rid of bad or incorrect data. Especially, but not only, if it comes to user input. In my experience the same problems exist in complex integration projects, in which you have to integrate and merge (often inconsistent) data retrieved from different systems.
A good strategy is to decouple the input from the operational system itself. First, place user (or external system) provided data in a separate datastore (e.g. different schema). In a second step load this data into your operational datastore, but only if it confirms to strict rules (e.g. use address verification software to verify a given address). This Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) approach is fairly common in Data Warehousing (DWH) solutions, but can be applied programmatically in transactional systems as well (in my experience).
The above approach often leads to asynchronous processes in which the input is subitted first and (maybe) at a later time the external entity (user or system) retrives feedback whether its data was correct or not.
EDIT: For further readings I recommend to have a look at DWH concepts. Alhtough, you may not want to build such a thing, you could partially apply those concepts:,_transform,_load
A government department I worked in does a lot of surveys, most of which are (were) still paper based.
All the results were OCR'd into the system.
As part of the OCR process a digital scan of the forms is kept.
Data is then validated, data that is undecipherable or which fails validation is flagged.
When a human operator reviews the digital data they can modify the data if they are confident that they can correctly interpret what the code could not; they (here's the cool bit) can also bring up the scan of the paper based original, and use that to determine what the user was trying to say.
On a different thread; at some point you want to validate the data coming in against any expected data ranges that you want it to conform to; buy rejecting it at the point of entry you give the user a chance to correct it - the trade off is that every time you reject it you increase the chance of them abandoning the whole process.
At some point in your system you need to specify the rules which will be used for validation. At the end of the day a system is only going to be as smart as those rules. You can develop these yourself into the code (probably the business logic) or you might use a 3rd party component.
having flexible control over the validation is pretty important as they are likely to change overtime.
To be honest with you, one point of migrating from paper-based systems to IT is to remove these errors and make sure all data is always correct. I doubt any correctly planned and developed IT system (especially business financial systems) would allow such errors. Not in the company I am working for anyway...
There are lots of software tools that address the kinds of problems you mention. There are platforms and tools that let you define rules for scrubbing and transforming data and handling validation errors. Those techniques are widely used for Data Integration and Business Intelligence applications. Google for "Data Quality" or "Data Integration".
The easiest thing to do is to (this is not always possible) design the interface where users enter the data to limit as much as possible the amount of text that they need to enter. In my experience this seems to be where a lot of problems come from. One simple example of this is to provide a select, or auto-complete select field
One thing that you could do is do everything possible to determine if the data is correct before going into the db. I try to give the user entering the data as much feedback as possible so they can (ideally) fix some of the issues before the data gets persisted. For example, it is a very quick check to determine if the data being entered is of the correct type.
I got started in legal systems before the PC era. Litigation support databases routinely have to accommodate factually incorrect, incomplete, and contradictory information. It takes a different way of thinking.
The short version . . .
Instead of recording a single fact, you record multiple assertions about a fact. It boils down to designing a database to store data from assertions like these.
In an interview at 2011-01-03 08:13, Neil Rimes told Officer Cane
that he was at home from 2011-01-02 20:00 until 2011-01-03 08:13.
In an interview at 2011-01-03 08:25, Liza Nevers told Officer Cane
that Neil Rimes came home at 2011-01-02 23:45.
In a deposition at 2011-05-13 10:22, Cody Maxon told attorney Kurt
Schlagel that he saw Neil Rimes at Kroger at 2011-01-03 03:00

How to break someone into testing?

OK. Our product works. Beta testers are actually getting their stuff done. Time for the next iteration. But how to ensure quality? We need a tester!
How do I get someone fresh off the street started in testing? I have no clue on how to do it myself (I'm a developer, not a tester)!
We are a tiny team:
2 architects (as in buildings, not software, they are the domain experts here) figuring out what to build
me building it
and a new guy to do some testing before we push releases out
None of us has a clue on how to do this professionally. So far we have:
a bunch of virtual machines spanning the configurations we would like to test
various versions of windows
german and english, the two languages likely to be in use by our customers
the host software we are writing for (Autodesk Revit Architecture 2010, we are building a plugin for energy calculations)
a text document describing some tests I did (installed release xyz, did this, did that, etc.)
a bug tracking system the tester can add all the bugs he finds
I expect we will need a test script. But how? Who? What? When?
Why are you looking for "someone off the street"? To me, it sounds kind of like asking "I want to hire a new programmer, how do I get someone off the street and get him up to speed programming my software?". Why would you want to do that, over hiring someone who is a programmer already?
In your situation, which is that you don't know much about testing, I'd definitely think about hiring someone with experience in the field.
Specifically, I'd probably look for:
Someone with some experience performing tests under his belt (since you're going to want him actually doing tests).
Someone with some experience writing test plans/etc.
Someone with some experience running a QA team.
The last point is optional, but hopefully your team will be growing as your software grows, so it might make sense to get someone who can grow in the role as well (not to mention having the experience to help you decide when and how to grow the QA team).
Well, are you looking to expand your team with a tester? Have you considered just hiring a test specialist from a consultancy firm?
Before you get somebody to test, make sure you meet the requirements for testing. At a minimum you need:
A specification: Some authoritative source on what the application is supposed to do. This could be an expert that can answer any and all questions on exactly what the app is supposed to do, but the more that is written down and the more formally defined it is the better.
Time: Testing takes time. You can't hand off an application to the tester 30 minutes before it's supposed to go live and expect any worthwhile results. If you're doing waterfall development, testing will require a lot of time at the end. Lots of other development models let testing run in parallel with development, which saves a lot of time, but regardless of the model you use, testing will require more time than not testing.
If you don't have these two things, quality assurance is just a pipe dream.
Now if you do have those met, and you're trying to train somebody to test, here's my crash course on testing.
Fundamentally, testing an application means that you are attempting to ensure two things:
The program does what it is supposed to do.
The program does not do what it is not supposed to do.
That's the core mindset that I use. Building from that I approach things in terms of actions and attempt to verify:
An expected action with expected preconditions produces an expected effect.
An expected action with unexpected preconditions produces no effect or is handled appropriately.
An unexpected action produces no effect or is handled appropriately.
No unexpected effects occur.
Item 1 comes directly from the spec: You make sure that the program does what it is supposed to do.
Items 2 and 3 are where the art of testing comes in. What unexpected actions and preconditions can I perform? I could try to enter the wrong password. I could try to directly type in the URL of a supposedly secured page. I could try to paste odd unicode characters into a text field. I could try to put SQL or javascript code into a text field.
Item 4 is the infinite no-man's land of testing, the part that makes complete testing impossible. (2 and 3 are also infinite, but not as depressing to think about.) That doesn't mean you ignore it. You always keep an eye out for anything unusual. Also, sometimes inspiration strikes and you think of a possible way to cause an unexpected effect: "What happens if I log in between 11:59:59PM and 12:00:00AM on the third tuesday of the month? Oh look, it made me an administrator." Technical knowledge and a peek inside the black box help with coming up with scenarios like that.
There is a whole lot more to say about testing, but that's the bare minimum I can think of: The technical requirements and the approach to the problem.
Ideally, you'll need to give the tester:
training to make sure he knows the product to be tested.
documentation on what the expected results are.
test plans - what needs to be tested and how
a test tracking system to track what is being tested, what passed the tests, what needs to be fixed, etc. That system does not have to be too sophisticated, depending on the size of the project, an Excel spreadsheet may suffice.
In their podcast #64, Jeff and Joel discuss (among other things) what skills a good tester should possess. Transcript also available (about halfway down the page)

What helps to you improve your ability to find a bug?

I want to know if there are method to quickly find bugs in the program.
It seems that the more you master the architecture of your software, the more quickly
you can locate the bugs.
How the programmers improve their ability to find a bug?
Logging, and unit tests. The more information you have about what happened, the easier it is to reproduce it. The more modular you can make your code, the easier it is to check that it really is misbehaving where you think it is, and then check that your fix solves the problem.
Divide and conquer. Whenever you are debugging, you should be thinking about cutting down the possible locations of the problem. Every time you run the app, you should be trying to eliminate a possible source and zero in on the actual location. This can be done with logging, with a debugger, assertions, etc.
Here's a prophylactic method after you have found a bug: I find it really helpful to take a minute and think about the bug.
What was the bug exactly in essence.
Why did it occur.
Could you have found it earlier, easier.
Anything else you learned from the bug.
I find taking a minute to think about these things will make it far less likely that you will produce the same bug in the future.
I will assume you mean logic bugs. The best way I have found to capture logic bugs is to implement some sort of testing scheme. Check out jUnit as the standard. Pretty much you define a set of accepted outputs of your methods. Every time you compile your system it checks all of your test cases. If you have introduced new logic that breaks your tests, you will know about it instantly and know exactly what you have to fix.
Test driven design is a pretty big movement in programming right now. You will be hard pressed to find a language that doesn't support some kind of testing. Even JavaScript has a multitude of test suites.
Experience makes you a better debugger. Pay close attention to the bugs that you AND others commonly make. Try to figure out if/how these bugs apply to ALL code that affects you, not the single instance of where the bug was seen.
Raymond Chen is famous for his powers of psychic debugging.
Most of what looks like psychic
debugging is really just knowing what
people tend to get wrong.
That means that you don't necessarily have to be intimately familiar with the architecture / system. You just need enough knowledge to understand the types of bugs that apply and are easy to make.
I personally take the approach of thinking about where the bug may be in the code before actually opening up the code and taking a look. When you first start with this approach, it may not actually work very well, especially if you are pretty unfamiliar with the code base. However, over time someone will be able to tell you the behavior they are experiencing and you'll have a good idea where the problem is located or you may even know what to fix in the code to remedy the problem before even looking at the code.
I was on a project for several years that maintained by a vendor. They were not very good debuggers and most of the time it was up to us to point them to an area of the code that had the problem. What made our problem worse was that we didn't have a nice way to view the source code, so a lot of our "debugging" was just feeling.
Error checking and reporting. The #1 newbie coder debugging mistake is to turn off error reporting, avoid checking for whether what's going on makes sense, etc etc. In general, people feel like if they can't see anything going wrong then nothing is going wrong. Which of course could not be further from the case.
Instead, your code should be chock full of error conditions that will make lots of noise, with detailed reporting, someplace you will see it. (This doesn't mean inside a production web page.) Then, instead of having to trace an error all over the place because it got passed through sixteen layers of execution before it finally got someplace that broke, your errors start happening proximately to the actual issue.
It seems that the more you master the
architecture of your software ,the
more quickly you can locate the bugs.
After understanding the architecture, one's ability to find bugs in the application increases with their ability to identify and write extensive tests.
Know your tools.
Make sure that you know how to use conditional breakpoints and watches in your debugger.
Use static analysis tools as well - they can point out the more obvious issues.
Sleep and rest.
Use programming methods that produce fewer bugs in the first place.
If to implement a single stand-alone functional requirement it takes N separate point-edits to source code, the number of bugs put into the code is roughly proportional to N, so find programming methods that minimize N. Ways to do this: DRY (don't repeat yourself), code generation, and DSL (domain-specific-language).
Where bugs are likely, have unit tests.
Obviously.IMHO, the best unit tests are monte-carlo.
Make intermediate results visible.
For example, compilers have intermediate representations, in the form of 4-tuples. If there is a bug, the intermediate code can be examined. That tells if the bug is in the first or second half of the compiler.
P.S. Most programmers are not aware that they have a choice of how much data structure to use. The less data structure you use, the less are the chances for bugs (and performance issues) caused by it.
I find tracepoints to be an invaluable debugging tool. They are a bit like logging, except you create them during a debugging session to solve a particular issue, like breakpoints.
Printing the stacktrace in a tracepoint can be especially useful. For example, you can print the hash code and stacktrace in the constructor of an object, and then later on when the object is used again you can search for its hashcode to see which client code created it. Same for seeing who disposed it or called a certain method etc.
They are also great for debugging issues related to window focus changes etc, where the debugger would interfere if you drop in break mode.
Static code tools like FindBugs
Assertions, assertions, and assertions.
Some areas of our code has 4 or 5 assertions for each line of real code. When we get a bug report the first thing that happens is that the customer data is processed in our debug build 99 times out a hundred an assert will fire near the cause of the bug.
Additionally our debug build perform redundant calculations to ensure that an optimized algorithm is returning the correct result, and also debug functions are used to examine the sanity of data structures.
The hardest thing new developers have to contend with is getting their code to survive the assertions of the code gthey are calling.
Additionally we do not allow any code to be putback to toplevel that causes any integration or unit test to fail.
Stepping through the code, examining flow/state where unexpected behavior is occurring. (Then develop a test for it, of course).
Writing Debug.Write(message) in your code and using DebugView is another option. And then run your application find out what is going on.
"Architecture" in software means something like:
Several components
The components interact across clearly-defined interfaces
Each component has a well-defined responsibility
The responsibility of one component is unlike the responsibilities of other components
So, as you said, the better the architecture the easier it is to find bugs.
First: knowing the bug, you can decide which functionality is broken, and therefore know which component implements that functionality. For example, if the bug is that something isn't being logged properly, therefore this bug should be in one of 3 places:
In the component that's responsible for logging (your logging library)
Or, above that in the application code which is using this library
Or, below that in the system code which this library is using
Second: examine the data transfered across the interfaces between components. To continue the previous example above:
Set a debugger breakpoint on the application code which invokes the logger API, to verify whether the logger API is being used correctly (e.g. whether it's being invoked at all, whether parameters are as-expected, etc.).
Doing this tells you whether the bug is in the component above this interface, or in the component that's below this interface.
Repeat (perhaps using binary search if the call stack is very deep) until you've found which component is at fault.
When you come to the point that you think there must be a bug in the OS, check your assertions -- and put them into the code with "assert" statements.
Conversely, as you are writing the code, think of the range of valid inputs for your algorithms and put in assertions to make sure you have what you think you have. Same goes for output: Check that you produced what you think you produced.
E.g. if you expect a non-empty list:
l = getList(input)
assert l, "List was empty for input: %s" % str(input)
I'm part of the QA team # work, and knowing anything about the product and how it is developed, helps a lot in finding bugs, also when I make new QA tools I pass it to our dev team to test it, finding bugs in your own code is just plain hard!
Some people say programmers are tainted, so we cannot see bugs in their own product; we are not talking about code here, we are beyond that, usability and functionality itself.
Meanwhile unit testing seams to be a nice solution to find bugs in your own code, its totally pointless if you're wrong even before writing the unit test, how are you going to find the bugs then? you don't!, let your co-worker find them, hire a QA guy.
Scientific debugging is what I always used, and it greatly helps.
Basically, if you can replicate a bug, you can track its origin. You should then experiment some tests, observe the results, and infer hypotheses on why the bug happens.
Writing about all your hypotheses, attempts, expected results and observed results can help you track down the bugs, particularly if they're nasty.
There are automated tools that can help you with that process, particularly git-bisect (and similar bisection tools on other revision systems) to quickly find which change introduced the bug, unit testing to reproduce a bug and prevent regressions in your code (can be used in combination with bisect), and delta debugging to find the culprit in your code (similar to git-bisect but whereas git-bisect works on the code history, delta debugging works on the code directly).
But whatever the tools you are using, the most important benefit is in the scientific methodology, as this is the formalization of what most experienced debuggers do.

What can you do to a legacy codebase that will have the greatest impact on improving the quality?

As you work in a legacy codebase what will have the greatest impact over time that will improve the quality of the codebase?
Remove unused code
Remove duplicated code
Add unit tests to improve test coverage where coverage is low
Create consistent formatting across files
Update 3rd party software
Reduce warnings generated by static analysis tools (i.e.Findbugs)
The codebase has been written by many developers with varying levels of expertise over many years, with a lot of areas untested and some untestable without spending a significant time on writing tests.
Read Michael Feather's book "Working effectively with Legacy Code"
This is a GREAT book.
If you don't like that answer, then the best advice I can give would be:
First, stop making new legacy code[1]
[1]: Legacy code = code without unit tests and therefore an unknown
Changing legacy code without an automated test suite in place is dangerous and irresponsible. Without good unit test coverage, you can't possibly know what affect those changes will have. Feathers recommends a "stranglehold" approach where you isolate areas of code you need to change, write some basic tests to verify basic assumptions, make small changes backed by unit tests, and work out from there.
NOTE: I'm not saying you need to stop everything and spend weeks writing tests for everything. Quite the contrary, just test around the areas you need to test and work out from there.
Jimmy Bogard and Ray Houston did an interesting screen cast on a subject very similar to this:
I work with a legacy 1M LOC application written and modified by about 50 programmers.
* Remove unused code
Almost useless... just ignore it. You wont get a big Return On Investment (ROI) from that one.
* Remove duplicated code
Actually, when I fix something I always search for duplicate. If I found some I put a generic function or comment all code occurrence for duplication (sometime, the effort for putting a generic function doesn't worth it). The main idea, is that I hate doing the same action more than once. Another reason is because there's always someone (could be me) that forget to check for other occurrence...
* Add unit tests to improve test coverage where coverage is low
Automated unit tests is wonderful... but if you have a big backlog, the task itself is hard to promote unless you have stability issue. Go with the part you are working on and hope that in a few year you have decent coverage.
* Create consistent formatting across files
IMO the difference in formatting is part of the legacy. It give you an hint about who or when the code was written. This can gave you some clue about how to behave in that part of the code. Doing the job of reformatting, isn't fun and it doesn't give any value for your customer.
* Update 3rd party software
Do it only if there's new really nice feature's or the version you have is not supported by the new operating system.
* Reduce warnings generated by static analysis tools
It can worth it. Sometime warning can hide a potential bug.
I'd say 'remove duplicated code' pretty much means you have to pull code out and abstract it so it can be used in multiple places - this, in theory, makes bugs easier to fix because you only have to fix one piece of code, as opposed to many pieces of code, to fix a bug in it.
Add unit tests to improve test coverage. Having good test coverage will allow you to refactor and improve functionality without fear.
There is a good book on this written by the author of CPPUnit, Working Effectively with Legacy Code.
Adding tests to legacy code is certianly more challenging than creating them from scratch. The most useful concept I've taken away from the book is the notion of "seams", which Feathers defines as
"a place where you can alter behavior in your program without editing in that place."
Sometimes its worth refactoring to create seams that will make future testing easier (or possible in the first place.) The google testing blog has several interesting posts on the subject, mostly revolving around the process of Dependency Injection.
I can relate to this question as I currently have in my lap one of 'those' old school codebase. Its not really legacy but its certainly not followed the trend of the years.
I'll tell you the things I would love to fix in it as they bug me every day:
Document the input and output variables
Refactor the variable names so they actually mean something other and some hungarian notation prefix followed by an acronym of three letters with some obscure meaning. CammelCase is the way to go.
I'm scared to death of changing any code as it will affect hundreds of clients that use the software and someone WILL notice even the most obscure side effect. Any repeatable regression tests would be a blessing since there are zero now.
The rest is really peanuts. These are the main problems with a legacy codebase, they really eat up tons of time.
I'd say it largely depends on what you want to do with the legacy code...
If it will indefinitely remain in maintenance mode and it's working fine, doing nothing at all is your best bet. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it."
If it's not working fine, removing the unused code and refactoring the duplicate code will make debugging a lot easier. However, I would only make these changes on the erring code.
If you plan on version 2.0, add unit tests and clean up the code you will bring forward
Good documentation. As someone who has to maintain and extend legacy code, that is the number one problem. It's difficult, if not downright dangerous to change code you don't understand. Even if you're lucky enough to be handed documented code, how sure are you that the documentation is right? That it covers all of the implicit knowledge of the original author? That it speaks to all of the "tricks" and edge cases?
Good documentation is what allows those other than the original author to understand, fix, and extend even bad code. I'll take hacked yet well-documented code that I can understand over perfect yet inscrutable code any day of the week.
The single biggest thing that I've done to the legacy code that I have to work with is to build a real API around it. It's a 1970's style COBOL API that I've built a .NET object model around, so that all the unsafe code is in one place, all of the translation between the API's native data types and .NET data types is in one place, the primary methods return and accept DataSets, and so on.
This was immensely difficult to do right, and there are still some defects in it that I know about. It's not terrifically efficient either, with all the marshalling that goes on. But on the other hand, I can build a DataGridView that round-trips data to a 15-year-old application which persists its data in Btrieve (!) in about half an hour, and it works. When customers come to me with projects, my estimates are in days and weeks rather than months and years.
As a parallel to what Josh Segall said, I would say comment the hell out of it. I've worked on several very large legacy systems that got dumped in my lap, and I found the biggest problem was keeping track of what I already learned about a particular section of code. Once I started placing notes as I go, including "To Do" notes, I stopped re-figuring out what I already figured out. Then I could focus on how those code segments flow and interact.
I would say just leave it alone for the most part. If it's not broken then don't fix it. If it is broken then go ahead and fix and improve the portion of the code that is broken and its immediately surrounding code. You can use the pain of the bug or sorely missing feature to justify the effort and expense of improving that part.
I would not recommend any wholesale kind of rewrite, refactor, reformat, or putting in of unit tests that is not guided by actual business or end-user need.
If you do get the opportunity to fix something, then do it right (the chance of doing it right the first time might have already passed, but since you are touching that part again might as well do it right time around) and this includes all the items you mentioned.
So in summary, there's no single or just a few things that you should do. You should do it all but in small portions and in an opportunistic manner.
Late to the party, but the following may be worth doing where a function/method is used or referenced often:
Local variables often tend to be poorly named in legacy code (often owing to their scope expanding when a method is modified, and not being updated to reflect this). Renaming these in line with their actual purpose can help clarify legacy code.
Even just laying out the method slightly differently can work wonders - for instance, putting all the clauses of an if on one line.
There might be stale/confusing code comments there already. Remove them if they're not needed, or amend them if you absolutely have to. (Of course, I'm not advocating removal of useful comments, just those that are a hindrance.)
These might not have the massive headline impact you're looking for, but they are low risk, particularly if the code can't be unit tested.
