I'm looking for an image sharing service - image

To explain it briefly, I'm trying to share the image as a URL.
But I need to update the image and I hope the URL doesn't change every time.
In other words, I am looking for a feature or site that can update images to the same URL.
I would appreciate it if you could let me know if there is a similar or the same service.
The way that comes to mind now is to add an image to the imgur and go out. We are looking for an alternative because the URL is the same, but it is a way to list images rather than just one image.


Docpad design considerations

I'm coming from a php/mysql background. I'm most familiar with the Kohana PHP framework and I'm trying to learn Docpad. I have a loose understand at this point and I've built out my first website and blog. Static content makes a lot of sense to me on Docpad.
I'm working on my photography site where I want to be able to upload new images to a portfolio. The backend needs to handle an uploaded high-resolution image and create several different copies at different resolutions of the image. My biggest question is how do I keep track of the image meta data that I want to display? Do I generate a physical file for each image that has all the particulars I want to track and use those files as my searchable database, much like how blog posts are setup?
Or should I go the route of using something like MongoDB to store image data there where it can be queried and plugged into a layout?
Regarding handling POST or GET data, should I be reading up on the express.js docs? I'm not really sure where to turn for that.
Wordpress uses TimThumb to re-size it's images: How does WordPress.com resize images dynamically?
Then there is this re-sizing library for node: node package for file attachments and image resizing
If you wanted to created like 3 different image sizes and use the backbone collection in DocPad, then you'd add your different re-sized images to those three different collections/folders. For access the images you might just be able to do it via it's file name. So when you copy, re-size and rename the image, in the rename step, concat the image size at the end, like: coolPhoto-med.jpg and then you could just do hard links to get to the image like /spring-collection/med/coolPhoto-med.jpg or you could use query engine to access them.
The file model has a meta attribute: https://github.com/bevry/docpad/blob/master/src/lib/models/file.coffee#L17
I've yet to learn how to use it yet though.
I know we chatted yesterday on #docpad IRC but I just wanted to answer you here too. If you do code something that re-sizes images for DocPad, please do consider putting it up on Github to share with the community.

How to find someone changed their Twitter profile image?

Say, with in my application, I have a list of friends (Twitter IDs) the user follow. I show their name and their image (from Twitter). Every time the user logs into the application, I want to get the recent profile display image from Twitter.
How do I know, someone changed their Twitter profile image?
Currently, I think, I need to get their image (I use Twitter API: GET users/profile_image/:screen_name) and find the modify time and if it is not newer, I assume it is not changed. Is there a better way of doing it? How would you do if you have to built something like this? I hate getting all the image files and checking them one after one. I hope there is a better way to get the images of those who have made a change to their profile recently.
You can try looking at http://api.twitter.com/1/account/verify_credentials.json and see if anything in there tracks profile changes although I doubt it. (Try using: https://dev.twitter.com/console for an easier interface).
If you can't find anything in the API, then there is not way to know that the profile image has changed without checking. In which case, you can store a hash of the old image, and compare the hash of any new images, and see if they match. If they do not, then you know it has changed.
Hope that helps.

Redirect image to thumb if it is hotlinked

A lof of pictures I have on my host are posted full-res on an other forum.
I don't want to spoil the fun completely for the people on the other forum, I'd rather serve a thumbnail. What would be the way to go?
It would only be for the /uploads/ dir. Any ideas?
You can use mod_rewrite and check, whether it's your webpage or other site trying to "view" the image and then use regular expression, check for the image name and add specific thumbnail part of the image.

Dynamically shrink an image with Google Images API, but do not enlarge

Google provides an excellent way to resize images dynamically; simply append =sXX to the image URL. This is perfect if you want to shrink an image, but if the image is smaller than the size specified, it enlarges it, giving it a pixelated effect.
Is there an easy way to say "don't enlarge, only shrink" when using serving URLs with a specified size?
This functionality is now a feature request at GAE. Vote it up if you'd like to see it!
As stated in my comments above, this isn't possible.
Although I have no use of the image framework I can see how your request would be useful. May I suggest posting a Feature Request on the Google App Engines Issues BB?
After posting the request, update your StackOverflow question with a link to your Feature Request so that other users can +1 the request.
Here's the link to the GAE Issues Page. Although this is not a bug, you will need to click the New Issue button to request a feature.
What you could do is store the size of the image in the datastore so when you need the image to be a certain size, you can check in the datastore to see what size it is and add the =sXX accordingly.

Wordpress: Add / relate an image to a page

I’m looking for an easy and simple way to attach an image to a page. Right now I’m using Custom Fields where I insert the image path and then I have some PHP code in my page.php where it finds and displays the image but the people I’m creating the site for are having a seemingly hard time figure out how to do it right. So, I was wondering if there were any plugin available where you simply could select a image (possible from the media library) as the default page image and then be able to call something like get_page_image or some like that on the page?
Hope I’ve explained everything alright otherwise, please let me know.
- Mestika
This is what "Post Thumbnails" are used for. See http://codex.wordpress.org/Post_Thumbnails
